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Mobile phase : acetone R, glacial acetic acid R, toluene R, ray-florets with a three-lobed, whitish or reddish ligule and
methylene chloride R (10:10:30:50 V/V/V/V). tubular disk-florets with a radial, five-lobed, yellowish or
Application : 10 μL as bands. light brownish corolla. The pubescent green, partly brown
or violet stems are longitudinally furrowed, up to 3 mm
Development : over a path of 15 cm.
thick with a light-coloured medulla.
Drying : in air. B. Microscopic examination (2.8.23). The powder is green
Detection A : spray with acetic anhydride - sulfuric acid or greyish-green. Examine under a microscope using
solution R and examine in daylight. chloral hydrate solution R. The powder shows the following
Results A : the chromatogram obtained with the test diagnostic characters (Figure 1382.-1) : fragments of the
solution shows a blue zone due to artabsin shortly above a stem epidermis (surface view [K]), with cells having a
red zone due to methyl red in the chromatogram obtained smooth cuticle and anomocytic stomata (2.8.3) ; fragments
with the reference solution. of leaf and bract epidermises (surface view [B]), with
Detection B : examine in daylight while heating at cells having wavy and irregularly thickened walls, a finely
100-105 °C for 5 min. striated cuticle and anomocytic stomata (2.8.3) ; very rare
glandular trichomes with a short stalk and a head formed of
Results B : the chromatogram obtained with the reference 2 rows of 3-5 cells enclosed in a bladder-like membrane [H] ;
solution shows in the middle third a red zone due to methyl uniseriate, whole or fragmented covering trichomes [A]
red and below it a light pink zone due to resorcinol. The consisting of 4-6 small, more or less isodiametric cells at the
chromatogram obtained with the test solution shows an base and a thick-walled, often somewhat tortuous terminal
intense red or brownish-red zone due to absinthin with a cell, about 400 μm to greater than 1000 μm long ; fragments
similar RF value to that of the zone due to resorcinol in the of the ligulate corolla with papillary epidermal cells [D] ;
chromatogram obtained with the reference solution. Other fragments of the corolla tubes, with sinuous epidermal
zones are visible, but less intense than that due to absinthin. cells, covered by a thin striated cuticle (surface view [F]);
TESTS small-celled parenchyma from the corolla tubes containing
cluster crystals of calcium oxalate [E] ; groups of lignified
Foreign matter (2.8.2) : maximum 5 per cent of stems with a and pitted cells from the bracts [G] ; spherical pollen grains,
diameter greater than 4 mm and maximum 2 per cent of other about 30 μm in diameter, with 3 germinal pores and a spiny
foreign matter. exine [C] ; groups of sclerenchymatous fibres and small
Bitterness value (2.8.15) : minimum 10 000. vessels with spiral or annular thickening, from the stem [J].
Loss on drying (2.2.32) : maximum 10.0 per cent, determined
on 1.000 g of the powdered herbal drug (355) (2.9.12) by
drying in an oven at 105 °C for 2 h.
Total ash (2.4.16) : maximum 12.0 per cent.
Ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid (2.8.1): maximum 1.0 per
Essential oil (2.8.12). Use 50.0 g of the cut drug, a 1000 mL
round-bottomed flask and 500 mL of water R as the distillation
liquid. Add 0.5 mL of xylene R in the graduated tube. Distil at
a rate of 2-3 mL/min for not less than 3 h.


Millefolii herba
Whole or cut, dried flowering tops of Achillea millefolium L.
Content :
– essential oil : minimum 2 mL/kg (dried drug) ;
– proazulenes, expressed as chamazulene (C14H16 ; Mr 184.3) :
minimum 0.02 per cent (dried drug).
IDENTIFICATION Figure 1382.-1. – Illustration for identification test B of
A. The leaves are green or greyish-green, faintly pubescent on powdered herbal drug of yarrow
the upper surface and more pubescent on the lower surface, C. To 2.0 g of the powdered herbal drug (710) (2.9.12)
2-3 pinnately divided with linear lobes and a finely pointed add 25 mL of ethyl acetate R, shake for 5 min and filter.
whitish tip. The capitula are arranged in a corymb at the Evaporate to dryness on a water-bath and dissolve the
end of the stem. Each capitulum, 3-5 mm in diameter, residue in 0.5 mL of toluene R (solution A). To 0.1 mL of
consists of the receptacle, usually 4-5 ligulate ray-florets and this solution add 2.5 mL of dimethylaminobenzaldehyde
3-20 tubular disk-florets. The involucre consists of 3 rows of solution R8 and heat on a water-bath for 2 min. Allow
imbricate lanceolate, pubescent green bracts arranged with to cool. Add 5 mL of light petroleum R and shake the
a brownish or whitish, membranous margin. The receptacle mixture vigorously. The aqueous layer shows a blue or
is slightly convex and, in the axillae of paleae, bears ligulate greenish-blue colour.

1674 See the information section on general monographs (cover pages)

EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 10.0 Zanthoxylum bungeanum pericarp

D. Thin-layer chromatography (2.2.27). 01/2017:2656

Test solution. Use solution A prepared in identification
test C.
Reference solution. Dissolve 10 mg of cineole R and 10 mg
of guaiazulene R in 20 mL of toluene R.
Plate : TLC silica gel plate R. ZANTHOXYLUM BUNGEANUM
Mobile phase : ethyl acetate R, toluene R (5:95 V/V). PERICARP
Application : 20 μL as bands.
Development : over a path of 10 cm. Zanthoxyli bungeani pericarpium
Drying : in air.
Detection : treat with anisaldehyde solution R, heat at DEFINITION
100-105 °C for 5-10 min and examine in daylight. Dried pericarp of the ripe fruit, with seeds removed, of
Results : the chromatogram obtained with the reference Zanthoxylum bungeanum Maxim.
solution shows in the upper part a red zone (guaiazulene) Content : minimum 15 mL/kg of essential oil (anhydrous
and in the middle part a blue or greyish-blue zone (cineole). drug).
The chromatogram obtained with the test solution shows a
violet zone a little above the zone due to guaiazulene in the
chromatogram obtained with the reference solution ; below IDENTIFICATION
this zone a reddish-violet zone ; below which, 1-2 not clearly
separated greyish-violet or greyish zones (which changes to A. Single, dehiscent spherical capsules, split along the ventral
greenish-grey after a few hours) and a reddish-violet zone a suture, 4-5 mm in diameter ; the outer surface is dark
little above the zone due to cineole in the chromatogram red or brownish-red, with numerous convex, translucent
obtained with the reference solution. Furthermore, other verrucose oil dots ; the inner surface is light yellow and
faint zones may be present. smooth ; the endocarp is mostly separated from the
mesocarp at the base and is rolled up.
TESTS B. Microscopic examination (2.8.23). The powder is
Foreign matter (2.8.2) : maximum 5 per cent of stems with a reddish-brown. Examine under a microscope using chloral
diameter greater than 3 mm and maximum 2 per cent of other hydrate solution R. The powder shows the following
foreign matter. diagnostic characters : fragments of the epicarp, covered by
a striated cuticle, consisting of polygonal cells, with rigid
Loss on drying (2.2.32) : maximum 12.0 per cent, determined walls and anomocytic stomata (2.8.3) with 5-7 subsidiary
on 0.500 g of the powdered herbal drug (355) (2.9.12) by cells, some cells of the epicarp contain orange-yellow
drying in an oven at 105 °C for 2 h. granular contents ; fragments of the mesocarp consisting
Total ash (2.4.16) : maximum 10.0 per cent. of parenchymatous cells some of which contain cluster
crystals of calcium oxalate, elongated cells of the oil
Ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid (2.8.1): maximum 2.5 per glands containing droplets of essential oil, vascular
cent. bundles with spiral vessels accompanied by fibres with
regularly thickened, pitted walls and pointed ends,
ASSAY sometimes bifurcated, prisms of calcium oxalate, especially
Essential oil (2.8.12). Use 20.0 g of cut herbal drug, a 1000 mL in the area of the vascular bundles ; fragments of the
round-bottomed flask and 500 mL of a mixture of 1 volume of endocarp consisting of several layers of narrow, elongated,
water R and 9 volumes of ethylene glycol R as the distillation thick-walled, pitted cells in a parquetry arrangement, with
liquid. Add 0.50 mL of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene R in the the arrangements in the different layers oriented crosswise
graduated tube. Distil at a rate of 3-4 mL/min for 4 h. to each other.
Stop cooling at the end of distillation and continue distilling C. Thin-layer chromatography (2.2.27).
until the blue, steam-volatile components have reached the
lower end of the cooler. Immediately start cooling again, to Test solution. To 0.5 g of the powdered herbal drug (355)
avoid warming the separation space. Stop the distillation after (2.9.12) add 5 mL of methanol R. Sonicate for 10 min.
10 min. Centrifuge or filter. Use the supernatant or filtrate.
Proazulenes. To ensure that as little water as possible is Reference solution. Dissolve 1 mg of chlorogenic acid R and
transferred, transfer the blue mixture of essential oil and 1 mg of emodin R in 1 mL of methanol R.
1,2,4-trimethylbenzene obtained in the assay of essential oil
Plate : TLC silica gel plate R (2-10 μm).
into a 50 mL volumetric flask with the aid of small portions
of xylene R, rinsing the graduated tube of the apparatus Mobile phase : water R, methanol R, ethyl acetate R
with xylene R, and dilute to 50.0 mL with the same solvent. (10:20:80 V/V/V).
Measure the absorbance (2.2.25) at 608 nm using xylene R
as the compensation liquid. Application : 5 μL as bands of 8 mm.
Calculate the percentage content of proazulenes, expressed as Development : over a path of 6 cm.
chamazulene, using the following expression :
Drying : in air.
A ´ 2.1 Detection : examine in ultraviolet light at 366 nm.
Results : see below the sequence of zones present in the
i.e. taking the specific absorbance of chamazulene to be 23.8. chromatograms obtained with the reference solution and
A = absorbance at 608 nm ; the test solution. Furthermore, other faint fluorescent
m zones may be present in the chromatogram obtained with
= mass of the herbal drug to be examined, in grams. the test solution.

General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts 1675

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