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MINDSET with Stereotype Breakers

Hey friend,
I'm so proud of you for recognising that fixed mindset when it comes
to certain aspects of your life and for being proactive about changing
it to a growth mindset. Use these affirmations whenever you notice
that fixed mindset self-talk and self-doubt. It will take some time to
make this a habit, but try to aim for that.

If you’re new to affirmations, it might feel strange at first, it did for me!
But I want you to take this seriously and give it your all.

Repeat them out loud a few times, say them in your head or write
them down - do you, but make sure that you truly take in the meaning
of those words and feel them. Believe them. And if you feel like mix
and matching any of these, adding your own, tweaking the word
choice or transforming them in any other way - please do your thing!

© Stereotype Breakers LLC Affirmations for Cultivating a Growth Mindset Page 1
MINDSET with Stereotype Breakers

Daily Affirmations:
I'm not afraid to feel like a newbie, it's part of the learning process
I am brave because I try
I strive for progress, not perfection
I have an endless capacity to learn and improve, I simply need to put in
the time and effort
My abilities expand as I invest more time into them
I'm on a unique journey and everything is a learning
Mistakes help me learn and develop my skills
I’m growing every day and I’m grateful for it
I can do hard things
When I practice, I see great results
I’m excited about the learnings today will bring
I'm ready to try out different approaches to a problem
I'm investing time and effort into my skills so that I can grow
I don't give up easily when faced with obstacles or hard work
I am a problem solver
I’m ready and excited to take on the challenges of today
Today is going to bring me new discoveries and opportunities for
I’m on a wonderful trajectory towards success and I define what
success means to me

© Stereotype Breakers LLC Affirmations for Cultivating a Growth Mindset Page 1
MINDSET with Stereotype Breakers

Daily Affirmations:
Everyone is a beginner at something, I'm not afraid of being a newbie
I'm not afraid to fail, failure is learning
If one way doesn't work, there's always another way
I embrace new challenges
I'm learning and growing on my own timeline
I love the process of learning
I'm inspired by the success of others
My current abilities don't define my potential
I can do anything if I put in the effort
I'm not afraid to ask for help, asking for help is not a weakness, being
able to do that is a strength
I believe in myself
I am enough
I'm constantly learning and growing
I learn from obstacles and challenges quicker and more effectively
Failure is always a step forward, I grow from failure
If I don't understand something immediately, I stick with it and find an
explanation that makes sense
I love getting feedback because it helps me grow
And remember, we are all on a journey through life and are
growing on our own timelines.

x Team Stereotype Breakers

© Stereotype Breakers LLC Affirmations for Cultivating a Growth Mindset Page 1

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