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no age gender occupation have you met people who had suicide thought

1 22 f student yes, I do. Even I tried it once

2 18 m student yes
3 19 m student yes
4 21 f student yes, many times
5 23 f engineer yes
6 18 m student yes
7 25 m Employed yes seen

8 22 f trainer yes seen

9 23 m employed yes
10 24 f Parent yes
which motivated to overcome suicidal thoughts? why did you attempted/ tried suicide.the reason for it?
my option was counselling and my friends helped
me a lot to come out of it love failure

my grades in 10th std was very less compared to my

parents friends
friends too much stress
still fighting with it love and affection was lacking in her life
Friends work stress
Councellor Stress
Brother Financial problem

mother and brother loss of father

friends Job problem
friends Torture by husband
methods/ fear

sleeping pills

hanging out
sleeping pills
Over use of dru

hanging out
sleeping pills
is suicide right?

its wrong

depends on the situation but its wrong completely

depends wetaher u will be able to over come the failure or not
not really
It is totally wrong as there are different way to over come failure rather than commiting suicide

its wrong no one in this world should try suicide as one of the option
yes it is wrong
yes it is right
reason for increasing rate?

right sources not available to over come

people are not able share openly to others

lack sources available
parents should not underestimate depresion
there are not many good people around to speak
families memebers are not open to each other
lack sources available

proper councellor not avilable

lack sources available
people just underestimate stress and depression in our society

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