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Presentation and Analysis of Data

Table 1

Did you experience depression? (Yes/No) If yes, how do you overcome depression?

Student 1 Yes, because I have lot of problems. The truth is I already tried to commit suicide but I

always change my mind because of course there is someone I will miss. I always think of

something that makes me happy just to forget my problems.

Student 2 Yes, I usually distract myself from the sadness I feel, though it does not work because it is

still there just buried in fake emotions.

Student 3 Yes, but to overcome it, I am trying to become positive and I keep on pretending that I am

Student 4 Yes, by writing stories and talking to my friends. Social media also helps me overcome it.
Student 5 No
Student 6 Yes sometimes, especially if there is so many performance tasks (PT’s)
Student 7 No
Student 8 Yes
Student 9 Yes, I overcome depression because of God and my inspiration. They made me realize

that suicide does not stop the pain, suicide is passing the pain to your left love ones.
Student 10 Yes, by sleeping.
Student 11 No
Student 12 Yes, there is an instance wherein I’ve been depress but I immediately came up with a

solution, I just look forward for good things that may happen to me and I did control my


Student 13 Yes, I talk to my friends and the people who is close to me. I also did not forgot to pray.

Student 14 No
Student 15 Yes, every people experience this. I overcome this problem through my friends and

through socializing to others and to God.

Student 16 Yes Yes, I overcome this challenge through focusing and giving attention on positive

Student 17 Yes by listening to music

Student 18 Yes, aside from being a strong person I turned the negative thoughts to a positive one by

this way there is a reason to continue living and of course I ask for God guidance.

Student 19 Yes, I cannot say that I already overcome my anxiety or depression because up until now I

feel like I am not ready to move on yet.

Student 20 Yes, by forgiving, forget all the pain and all the person who hurted you. In my experience, I

think people lived like two (2) lives – “pretending” and “reality”. No one really knows me

inside. I have everyone to chat but no one to talk to. I have been invited to may events but

still feel lonely. I have so many friends but still feels like no one knows me. I was going

through pain but I never showed it. I had masked my sadness with what looked like the

ideal life (happy life). My life is full yet I feel empty within. I was happy on the outside, but

struggling in sadness and anxiety inside. Commonly people think depression is simply

“sadness”, think depression is crying. People think depression is being quiet but no. Cause

depression is when we smile but want to cry. It is when we talk but we want to be silent. It

is when we pretend to be happy but we are not.

Table 1.1 Did you experience depression? (Yes/No) If yes, how do you overcome depression?

Analysis: Most of the interviewed students answered that they experienced depression.

This concludes that experiencing depression have a different reasons. And some of

them answered that they overcome depression.

Table 2

Did you ever think of ending your life? (Yes/No) Possible reason why you want to end

your life? What encourages you to continue living?

Student 1 Yes, because of the problems that comes into my mind. I just give my attentions to

other staff just to forget my problems and also for me to become happy.
Student 2 No, I have no reason to end my precious life.
Student 3 Yes, because of so many problems like family problems and too much school works.

The fact that I want to be successful in life someday and all of these are just

Student 4 Yes, depression and loneliness, family problems and in school, peer pressure and

Student 5 No, my family and my self-encourage me to live because we believe that life is a gift

from God and we need also to encourage others to live.

Student 6 No, because only God can end our life. My family, friends and special someone to

encourage me to live.
Student 7 Problems and pressure. I encourage living by God.
Student 8 Yes I almost did those times for I thought it is the only way to escape from my

problems. My family were the one who inspires me to live in this cruel world, also all

the delicious and inestimable things on earth. And because I do believe that we only

live once and life is too short so; no matter how hard the problem is there still ways to

solve problems.
Student 9 Yes, to stop myself from worrying and experiencing pain every day. To live with my

special someone is happy every day, she makes me feel worth living and loving for,

she knows my worth. I want to be with her and fulfill our dreams together, she is my

Student 10 No, because God is the only one can end of life. My family and friends who

encourages me to continue living.

Student 11 No, my family and friends are the one who encourage me to continue living. The

word of God also encourage me to do it also because I believe that life is important

and ending your life is a sin.

Student 12 No, because there are many things that we should do in the world. Think first of the

good things before we do something. There are also many people who support me.
Student 13 Yes, problems are so tiring that I could not take it anymore. Sometime I think that no

one loves me and understand me.

Student 14 No, because the love from the people that surrounds me.
Student 15 Yes, when I am always scolded by my mother. And when I got a solution to my

Student 16 No, my family and friends encourages me to continue my life.
Student 17 Yes, because I am tired of everything but I encourage to live because of my family

and my love ones. It is so unfair to leave them without knowing the reason why I end

my life.
Student 18 Yes, that was the time that I cannot think of reasons to stay, already tired of feeling

so unimportant, tired of being useless, tired of always looking for their attentions and

also tired of always not being love back but still I am here trying to be happy and still

looking for reasons the reasons to be happy.

Student 19 No, even though I felt so depress I do not want my family and friends to suffer

because I killed myself for unknown reason they deserve to be happy with me.
Student 20 Yes, family problem, love, overthinking and feeling alone. My friends are the people

who encourage me to continue living.

Table 2.2 Did you ever think of ending your life? (Yes/No) Possible reason why you want to end your

life? What encourages you to continue living?

Analysis: Some of the respondents answered yes, they think of ending their life but

some of them answered no. They think to end their life because some of them are lack

of attention, love and time. But most of them answered no because they think that if

they end their life their family and friends will suffer.

Table 3

Is social media helps you to overcome stress? Or social media stresses you more?

(Why/ Why not?)

Student 1 Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Student 2 The thoughts of dying make me want to live more.
Student 3 It actually helps me in some ways because of the entertaining videos and memes that

make me forget my problems for a while.

Student 4 When they keep saying that they are alright but inside they feel lonely. You’ll see the

depression through they are life styles and expressions but it’s usually very hard to

Student 5 Social media for me, helps me to forget the stress that came and stress that will

Student 6 Social media stresses me more because of many problems here in our society.
Student 7 Social media stresses me more because of some toxic post that I read on face book.
Student 8 Yes social media do really help, it enables me to connect with my friends and relatives

also through the funny memes and videos.

Student 9 No, because expressing myself in social media is useless, I needed someone to put

and say my wants in life. Having a person who always listen to you is worth living for.
Student 10 Yes, because it is stress reliever.
Student 11 Social media helps me to overcome stress because it helps me forget some of

problems in a short period of time.

Student 12 Yes sometimes social media helps me to overcome the stress but at the same time it

is stressful.
Student 13 I can express my emotions through social media. By using of social media I can

contact my friends that giving me advice.

Student 14 Social media helps me to overcome stress because when I feel stress through social

media I can interact with other people through chatting.

Student 15 Media at the same time has an effect. Stress is the example.
Student 16 I think social media stresses me more because people now a day that uses social

media are being judgmental. They are just making me feel unimportant and worthless.
Student 17 Sometimes, stresses me but for me social media helps to overcome stress cause of

my friends in face book. They are comforting me and they are helping me to choose

the right decision in life. It helps us to tell our true feelings or social media can express

our thru feelings.

Student 18 Both, sometimes it lessen my stress because there are some memes that makes me

laugh and sometimes it stresses me more because there are times when I see or read

some negative post it affects me too.

Student 19 Yes social media stresses me more because people on social media do not care

about other people feelings that is why people on social media tends to have more

conflict than in personal.

Student 20 It stresses me more because of those not so funny posts that I saw on social media.
Table 3.3 Is social media helps you to overcome stress? Or social media stresses you more? (Why/ Why


Analysis: Majority of the respondents answered that social media helps them to

overcome their stress. Because it helps them to forget the problems in short period of


Table 4

How can you say that someone is depress?

Sometimes you may notice it through his/her post on social media. And

Student 1 also when attitude change.

Student 2 In some ways, yes, because of hilarious memes on face book or twitter.
Student 3 If he/she is already faking everything – trying to be happy even if he/she

is not.
Student 4 When they keep saying that they are alright but inside they feel lonely.

You will see the depression through they’re life styles and expressions

but usually it is very hard to recognize.

Student 5 For me as my opinion. A person is depressing when they look pale and

they look like weak, I see it physically. A person is depress emotionally,

when they have family problem, financial problem or love problem.

They are lonely and they feel like nobody loves them and no one cares

about them.
Student 6 If they are always alone and sad.
Student 7 NONE
Student 8 A depressed person seems to be outlasted in the society, he/she lives

his/her own world, does not respond well i.n social, interaction. Full of

negative insights in life and totally sad

Student 9 For me I can say that a person is depressed when he/she is not with

he/her usual self and doesn’t want to be with others.

Student 10 When it is very down.
Student 11 If he/she is always alone and their attitudes change.
Student 12 When the emotions combined until they can’t control it and he/she can’t

sleep well and he/she doesn’t know what they will do.
Student 13 I can say that a person is depress if he/she can’t eat well and he/she is

lack of energy to came to school and he/she want to be alone.

Student 14 When he/she is always alone. He/she can’t interact with others. Always

cry without reason and some suicidal thought says.

Student 15 If a person is not eating, he/she doesn’t want to socialize with others.

Student 16 People is depress if they are thinking of ending their life and thinks

Student 17 When he/she is always sad and alone
Student 18 If that person change his/her behavior to you and to other people in

short he/she change a lot.

Student 19 The person is not on her usual self.
Student 20 No one can really determine the people who is depress because only

doctors can tell that.

Table 4.4 How can you say that someone is depress?

Analysis: The respondents answered that they can say if the person is depress if they

are sad, alone and they change their attitude or behavior.

Table 5

Why does despite of social media some still thinks of ending one’s life?

Student 1 I don’t know.

Student 2 If he/she is very happy.
Student 3 Because sometimes social media isn’t helping at all. There are posts

and tweets that pushes you do such thing as ending your life.
Student 4 Some reasons of depression came from social media.
Student 5 One of the biggest problem when we talk about social media is cyber

bullying. Cyber bullying is the biggest problem of millennial. It can also

cause of depression and committing suicide. They can’t overcome the

Student 6 NONE
Student 7 NONE
Student 8 Because sometimes people do not need social attention regarding their
problems instead they seek to have personal resolutions on their

challenges. And sometimes there are people who are intrapersonal

they want their problems close in a box.

Student 9 Because expressing yourself in social media is not enough, in social

media you can’t get any feedbacks or comment that could help you

instead social media can be the one to trigger you to commit suicide.
Student 10 NONE
Student 11 Because some people do not seek help for their problems ant think that

there is no solution in their problems.

Student 12 Sometimes because social media also provides stress to people. For

example, cyber bullying is one of the reasons for a person suffering

from depression or reaching the point of wanting to end their life

Student 13 I think as I said in the first question they may think that no one loves

them or understands them.

Student 14 Not all social media can get all the answers it would be better if there

are guidance of their parents when they feel stress/depress.

Student 15 Because of the absence of a super problem or absolutely no solution.

There is no parental support or friend right because of great hunger or

Student 16 Because sometimes social media is one of the cause of depression.
Student 17 Because social does not really help.
Student 18 NONE
Student 19 NONE
Student 20 Social media have a lot of posts about suicide that can trigger the

suicidal people to commit or continue to end their own life.

Table 5.5 Why does despite of social media some still thinks of ending one’s life?

Analysis: Some of the interviewed students and NONE and some of them answered

that despite of social media some still thinks to end their life because sometimes people

does not need social attention thay need a true love. A love from family and true friends.

Table 6

How can you survive if you are sad/depress?

Student 1 I will just give my attention on things that will make me happy just to forget my

Student 2 Because social media is not a therapist, when you are depressed you should go

to a therapist.
Student 3 NONE
Student 4 Try talking to someone who can understand your struggle.
Student 5 We can survive it with the help of our love ones like friends and family. We need

to overcome it and we need to know what will happen to us. Always remember

it is about hoping not self- killing.

Student 6 Talk with someone who can help your sadness become joy.
Student 7 Just share your feelings with your family and friends.
Student 8 Through listening to music and talking with my special friends converting my

attention to other things.

Student 9 Stay happy think of the bright side of life, love yourself more.
Student 10 Going to the mall and have fun.
Student 11 I just pray and share my problems to my family and to my best friends for me to

overcome my sadness. I also seeks some solution in my sadness.

Student 12 Sometimes i just smile say that in the song you laugh your problem. Music also

serves as my stress reliever. Sometimes I talk to my friends for fun, saying that

"let your smile change the world, not the world change your smile".
Student 13 I just work with activities or things that I can enjoy such as eating, playing

outdoor or indoor recreational activities or reading books

Student 14 Eat foods, talk with friends and just watch entertainment movies.
Student 15 I make a way like food, plead with others or with parents, with friends and ask

for intensive advice.

Student 16 Listening to the advice of other people.
Student 17 Music
Student 18 I can survive because I know God is always with me

Student 19 Listen to what other people tells. Do not be close minded.
Student 20 Be with friends.
Table 6.6 How can you survive if you are sad/depress?

Analysis: The respondent students have different answer, they answer that they survive

if they are depress or sad by talking to someone that they can understand them, share

their feelings to their family or friends having a bonding time with family and friends.

Table 7

What program can you suggest in order to lessen the suicidal cases here in


Student 1 Seminar
Student 2 Lessen the school works of students. School is usually the main

reason why teenagers are depressed. Conducting a seminar for both

students and teachers could help lessen the suicidal cases in

Student 3 Lessen the school works have a seminar to parents/teachers about

their responsibility in guiding millennial because we are usually the

one who experiences a lot of depression.

Student 4 Making programs that can possibly help lessen depression and also

be the friend of those who are experiencing friends.

Student 5 Some program I can suggest is seminar about depression and

Student 6 I suggest that we must have a seminar about this case.
Student 7 Seminar about this case.
Student 8 Seminars/open forum about overcoming depression or suicidal

Student 9 There’s no such program that can help lessen the suicidal cases, the

people especially the youth should have strong mind and body to

overcome depression. We people should have to courage to fight

and win against depression, because depression kills and we have to

stop it by ourselves in the end it is up to us if we will commit suicide

or not.
Student 10 Seminar about this case.
Student 11 Seminars that will focus on overcoming depression/problems in life.
Student 12 Organization and they will conduct some seminar program aiming to

solve the problem. But there is still a strong support for everyone.
Student 13 Youth organization such as bastion organization. It will bridge the

way for young people to open their minds to end their life.
Student 14 Clubs/ organizations.
Student 15 Organization or seminar.
Student 16 NONE
Student 17 Seminar
Student 18 Less the paper works.
Student 19 Talk to the people who are depress
Student 20 Seminar
Table 7.7 What program can you suggest in order to lessen the suicidal cases here in


Analysis: Most of the respondents answered that they prefer a program like seminar

and organizations that will discuss about depression. They also prefer to lessen the

school works in order for them to lessen their stress.


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