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10/4/21, 9:48 PM Causative Forms: Revisión del intento

Área personal Mis cursos II9-2021-T-3-G1 Module 4 Causative Forms

Comenzado el Tuesday, 28 de September de 2021, 13:45

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en Monday, 4 de October de 2021, 21:47
Tiempo 6 días 8 horas
Puntos 7,33/15,00
Calificación 4,89 de 10,00 (49%)

10/4/21, 9:48 PM Causative Forms: Revisión del intento


Have / Get something done



In English, “to have or get something done” is used as another form of the passive.  It is used when the
subject of the sentence does not do the action.  It is typically used for services you pay or ask other people
to do for you, like getting your house cleaned, nails done or car serviced.  Consider this pair of sentences
- John painted his house..
- John had / got his house painted.
In the first sentence, John painted his house himself.  He bought the paint and paintbrushes and actively
put the paint on his walls.  In the second sentence, he paid someone else to do the action for him.
We can use to have or get something done interchangeably most of the time, but get is generally
considered more informal.

STRUCTURE (using "to have the house painted")

  Tense Have
Object Past participle

Present simple has / have the house painted

Past simple had the house painted

Present perfect has / have had the house painted

Future simple will have the house painted

Present progressive is / are having the house painted

Past progressive was / were having the house painted

Modal modal + have the house painted

 To be going to is / are going to have the house painted

10/4/21, 9:48 PM Causative Forms: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 1
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 3,33 sobre 10,00

Choose the correct word from the box to go in the text and put it in the correct form in the sentences, along with
the object in brackets.

cut dry clean service take  paint deliver tailor manicure make

1. Because his suit was not machine washable, he always had it dry cleaned  (it).

2. Whenever it rains, we have a pizza delivered  (a pizza) so that we don't have to leave our house.

3. We have lost our keys so tomorrow we  [will have another set made] (another

4. Because she is a model, she had her photo taken  [will have another set made] (her photo)
hundreds of times so far this year.

5. If I can offer you some advice, you  [should have your hair cut] (hair) the day
before an important event, because you need time to get used to your new hairstyle.

6. She has her nails manicured  (her nails) once a week.

7. The landlord always have the walls painted  [has the walls painted] (the walls) before a new tenant moves

8. Because he has an unusual body type, he always have his clothes tailored  [has his clothes tailored] (his

9. To keep your car running smoothly, you should  [have it serviced] (it) once a year.


Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

10/4/21, 9:48 PM Causative Forms: Revisión del intento

Pregunta 2
Parcialmente correcta

Puntúa 4,00 sobre 5,00

Put the sentences in the correct order.


1. had / last year / renovated/ I / house / my

I had my house renovated last year  .

2. my hearing / I / checked / had / last month

I had my hearing checked last month  [ I had my hearing checked last month] .

3. a new garage / built / we / had

We had a new garage built  .

4. cleaned / the carpets / we / have / are going to

We are going to have the carpets cleaned  .

5. the silver / polished / will have / I / next month

I will have the silver polished next month  .

Respuesta parcialmente correcta.

Actividad previa
◄ The Passive [Personal / Impersonal]

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Reflexive Pronouns ►

10/4/21, 9:48 PM Causative Forms: Revisión del intento

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809-738-4852 - ext. 273/317


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