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A comparison of mesh smoothing methods

Article · January 2003

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2 authors:

Alexander Belyaev Yutaka Ohtake

Heriot-Watt University The University of Tokyo


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A Comparison of Mesh Smoothing Methods

Alexander Belyaev  Yutaka Ohtake

Computer Graphics Group, Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, 66123 Saarbrücken, Germany
Phone: [+49](681)9325-408 Fax: [+49](681)9325-499

Abstract tering on mesh normals and updating mesh vertex positions

We consider several conventional mesh smoothing ap- according to the modified normals.
proaches such as the Laplacian and bilaplacian smoothing Since mesh smoothing is one of the most important mesh
methods, mean curvature flow (implicit implementation), processing operations, many interesting mesh smoothing
and the Taubin j scheme and give a quantitative eval- techniques were invented. However, in this paper, we com-
uation of them. To compare two close meshes having the pare our iterative mean filtering scheme with the four basic
same connectivity we consider vertex-based and normal- methods because, in our opinion, they provide a user with
based L2 error metrics. We also give a visual comparison the best combinations of simplicity, efficiency, and speed
of the methods. and, as a consequence, are widely used in various geomet-
We also compare the above mesh smoothing schemes ric modeling applications. So for our comparison we have
chosen the following methods: Laplacian smoothing, the
Taubin j smoothing scheme [12], the bilaplacian flow [6],
with our method which is based on a linear diffusion of
mesh normals. The method demonstrates the best perfor-
mance in denoising meshes with sharp features and high and the mean curvature flow [3]. We consider three varia-
resistance to oversmoothing. tions of the Taubin method: with equal weights [12], inverse
distance weights [12], and cotangent weights [3]. For each
Keywords: triangle mesh, mesh smoothing, error metrics test, we choose the weights producing the best result.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we
Conference topic: shape recovery
introduce our iterative mean filter smoothing a mesh via
weighted averaging the mesh normals. Vertex-based and
1 Introduction
normal-based L2 error metrics are described in Section 3.
Computer graphics objects reconstructed from real- We compare the considered smoothing methods in Sec-
world data usually contain undesirable noise. An important tion 4 and conclude in Section 5.
problem consists of developing robust methods for remov-
ing noise with minimal damage caused to geometric fea- 2 Iterative Mean Filtering on Mesh Normals
tures of the object.
In this paper, we deal with computer graphics object The mesh smoothing method described in this section
represented by dense triangle meshes and give a quantita- explores a general “processing mesh normals” scheme de-
tive evaluation of such conventional mesh smoothing proce- veloped in [1, 8, 9] (see also [4, 5, 13, 11] for similar ideas).
dures as the Laplacian filtering [12, 6], bilaplacian smooth- One iteration of the scheme consists of the following three
ing flow [6], the mean curvature flow [3], and the Taubin steps:
j approach. We consider two L2 error metrics measuring 1. given a triangle mesh, consider the triangle normals as
deviations of the vertices and normals of two close meshes
a vector-valued image defined over the mesh;
and use the metrics to compare the smoothing methods. Our
normal-based L2 error metric mimics L2 norm for function
2. adapt image processing tools for denoising the mesh
gradients. Thus the sum of the error metrics imitates H 1 normals and produce smoothed normals;
norm used widely in the theory of partial differential equa- 3. reconstruct a smoothed mesh from the smoothed nor-
tions. mals.
We also introduce an iterative mesh smoothing proce-
Below we consider simple mean filtering on mesh nor-
dure each iteration of which consists of two steps: mean fil-
mals. More sophisticated filtering schemes are studied in
 On a leave from University of Aizu, Japan. [9, 14].

In order to fit the mesh to the set of modified normals we 3 Vertex-based and Normal-Based L2 Error
use a method developed in [9]. Metrics
Consider an oriented triangle mesh. Let T be a mesh
( )
triangle, n T be the unit normal of T , and A T be the ( ) In order to give a qualitative comparison of the described
( )
area of T . Denote by N T the set of all mesh triangles
mesh smoothing schemes we introduce two error metrics.
The first metric resembles an L2 version of the Metro mean
that have a common edge or vertex with T . One iteration
distance [2] while the second one measures deviations be-
of the iterative mesh mean filtering scheme consists of the
tween the corresponding normals of two given surfaces. As
following two successive steps.
demonstrated in Fig. 1, minimizing deviations between the
corresponding normals of two meshes / surfaces improves
Step 1: Averaging Normals. For each mesh triangle T ,
( )
let us compute the triangle normal n T and apply the fol-
drastically an approximation quality.
lowing weighted averaging procedure to the field of nor-
mals: X
mT ( )= ASnS: ( )( ) (1)
S 2N (T )
Figure 1. A urve approximated by two polygonal
Then we normalize the field of averaged normals m T : ( ) lines. Left: tting the vertex positions only does not

mT ( ) mT ( ): assure a good approximation. Right: tting the ver-

tex positions and normals simultaneously improves
km T( )k the approximation drasti ally.
Thus every mesh triangle T is equipped with the modified
(averaged) unit normal m T . ( ) Consider a reference mesh M (we assume that M is
dense enough) and a mesh M0 obtained from M by adding
Step 2: Fitting Mesh to Modified Normals. We modify noise and applying several iterations of a smoothing pro-
the mesh vertex positions in order to fit the mesh to the set cess. Consider a vertex P 0 of the smoothed mesh M0 .
( )
of modified normals fm T g. Let us set dist( )
P 0 ; M equal to the distance between P 0
Let us introduce an error function measuring how good and a triangle of the reference mesh M which is closest to
a modified mesh fits the field of modified normals fm T g. ( ) P 0 . Our L2 vertex-based mesh-to-mesh error metric is then
For each mesh vertex P , let us define given by
E t (P ) = A(T ) n(T ) ( )
2 s
mT ;
= 3A(1M )
(2) X
Ev A(P ) dist(P ; M)2 0 0
where the sum is taken over all triangles adjacent to P . Now
P 0 2M0

a new position for P is found by minimizing E t P : ( )

( )
where A P 0 is the sum of areas of all triangles of M0 inci-
Pnew = argmin E t (P ) (3) ( )
dent with P 0 and A M 0 is the total area of M0 .
P Our L2 normal-based mesh-to-mesh error metric mea-
We use a simple conjugate gradient method [10] to ap- suring deviations between the corresponding normals of
( )
proach a minimum of E t P . Since two meshes M and M0 is defined in a similar way. Con-
2 sider a triangle T 0 of the mesh M0 and let us find a triangle
A(T ) n(T ) m(T ) = 2A(T )(1 n  m); ( ) ( )
T of M closest to T 0 . Let n T and n T 0 be the orienta-
tion unit normals of T and T 0 , respectively. The metric is
deriving the gradient rP E t (P ) is reduced to computing defined by
the gradient of the area A(T ) and its projection onto the
plane orthogonal to m. A formula for the area gradient can s
be found in [3] (see also [7] for a simple derivation of the
En =
1 X
A(T )jn(T ) ( )
n T 0 j2 ;
A(M ) T
formula). 0
0 2M0

Mesh smoothing. Now the complete smoothing proce- ( )

where A T 0 denotes the area of T 0 .
dure consists of applying Step 1 Step 2 a sufficient Note that En is scale-independent.
number of times. It turns out that the mesh evolution pro- The error metric En is sensitive to mesh degradation at
( + )
cess Step 1 Step 2 n converges quickly as n ! 1 sharp features and highly curved regions. Fig. 2 illustrates
and in practice 30-50 iterations are enough to achieve a this property of En and gives a visual comparison of En
steady-state. with Ev .

We start out comparison by testing the smoothing meth-
ods on a simple geometric object, a sphere, see Fig. 3.

Figure 3. Left: a polygonal sphere. Right: a sphere

is partially orrupted by random noise.

For the sphere, we use the Taubin j scheme with equal
According to Fig. 4, the mean curvature flow demon-
Figure 2. Top left: A mesh with sharp features. Top strates the best performance since a closed surface evolved
right: the same mesh after adding noise and smooth- by the mean curvature flow often converges to a sphere.
ing (the Taubin j method with equal weights was
used). Bottom left: the smoothed mesh is olored a - 0.14

ording to Ev -distan e from the original mesh (dark- 0.12

grey orresponds to regions with small error and light- 0.1

grey indi ates large-error regions). Bottom right: the
smoothed mesh is olored a ording to En -distan e

from the original mesh, noti e how well it penalizes 0.06

the error at the sharp features of the original mesh. 0.04


4 Comparison Results 100 200 300 400

In this section we compare the Laplacian, bilaplacian,
mean curvature flows, the Taubin smoothing approach, and
our iterative mean filtering scheme using the introduced er-
ror metrics Ev and En .
Comparing the meshes M and M0 we do not optimize

their orientations and centroid positions. According to our 0.04

experiments, when mesh smoothing is applied, the mesh ro-
tation and centroid shifting effects are negligible to compare 0.02

with shape deformations caused by smoothing.

Let a mesh Mt be obtained from a reference (ideal)
mesh M by adding noise and applying t iterations of a
100 200 300 400

smoothing process. We plot and analyze the graphs of Figure 4. Graphs of Ev (top) and En (bottom) for
( ) ( )
Ev M; Mt and En M; Mt as functions of the iteration smoothing the noisy sphere from right image of Fig. 3.
number t. We use the following marks to plot the graphs Ev
and En for the considered mesh smoothing methods: Note that each smoothing method considered in the pa-
per has its own speed which in its turn depends on the step-
Æ Laplacian smoothing flow; size parameter of the method. To achieve a fair comparison
 of the methods we use the following strategy. Given a refer-
ence mesh M and a mesh obtained from M by adding noise
implicit mean curvature flow;
2 Taubin j method; and applying several smoothing iterations, for each method
we define the optimal number of iterations  is defined by
 bilaplacian smoothing flow;
+ mean filtering on mesh normals.  = 12 argmin
t t

Ev (M; Mt ) + argmin En (M; Mt ) ; (6)

where Mt is the noisy mesh smoothed by t iterations of better job in noise removing while preserving salient shape
the method. We use  as the x-axis unit (its own for each features. In addition, the Taubin method does not require
considered smoothing method) to measure the number of a user to choose a time step-size parameter. Mean filtering
iterations. on mesh normals is the slowest method. However, accord-
For the next tests we use the geometric models shown in ing to our experiments, it outperforms the other considered
the left images of Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. methods in denoising shapes with sharp features.
An interesting direction for future research consists of
developing error metrics corresponding to human visual
perception of 3D shapes. An automatic selection of an opti-
mal stopping time for a mesh smoothing process constitutes
another promising theme for future work.
Acknowledgments. We are grateful to Hiromasa Suzuki for
Figure 5. Left: a omplex geometri model having drawing our attention to the problem of a quantitative comparison
sharp edges and represented by an uneven mesh. of mesh smoothing methods.
Middle: the wireframe image of the model. Right:
random noise is added. References
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laplacian smoothing flow are slower, they do a substantially









1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 7. Graphs of Ev (left) and En (right) for smoothing the model shown in the bottom left image of Fig. 5.

( Æ) () (2 ) 4
( ) ( )+

Figure 8. Top: optimal number of iterations  (its own for ea h method) is used for (Æ) Lapla ian smoothing ow,
4 +
() mean urvature ow, (2) Taubin s heme with inverse distan e weights, ( ) bilapla ian ow, ( ) our method.
Bottom:  iterations are sele ted for ea h method.

(Æ) () (2) ( ) 4 +

( )

Figure 9. Top: optimal number of iterations  is hosen for (Æ) Lapla ian smoothing ow, () mean urvature ow,
4 + 5
(2) Taubin s heme with otangent weights, ( ) bilapla ian ow, ( ) our method. Bottom:  iterations are applied.

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