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Pertemuan 1
Longman TOEFL Strategies
Question types to Answer

Pada pertemuan pertama menjelaskan question types dan strategies menjawab soal Listening.

1. Question types

Question types (tipe pertanyaan) adalah salah satu teori penting selain stategi menjawab secara cepat dan tepat
pada soal Listening.

Question types and example Usual form of answer choice

Meaning questions: Complete sentences:
"What does the man mean?" (A) He prefers coffee to tea.
(B) He'd like some lemon in his tea.
Questions about inferences: Complete sentences:
"What does the woman imply about the article?" (A) She will probably read it today.
(B) She wasn't able to find it in the library.
Questions about suggestions: Incomplete sentences beginning with simple forms of
"What does the woman suggest John do?" verbs or -ing forms:
(A) Call his cousin.
(B) Take his cousin home.
"What does the man suggest?" (A) Taking a bus to campus.
(B) Walking to class.
Questions about future actions: Incomplete sentences beginning with simple forms of
"What will the speakers probably do next?" verbs:
(A) Park their car.
(B) Get some gasoline.
Topic questions: Noun phrases:
"What are the speakers discussing?" (A) The man's new schedule.
(B) A homework assignment.
Questions about opinions: Complete sentences or adjective phrases:
"What was their opinion of the play?" (A) They didn't enjoy it very much.
(B) They liked it more than they thought they would.
"How does the man feel about the announcement he (A) Angry.
heard?" (B) Enthusiastic.
Questions about assumptions: Complete sentences often containing the auxiliary verb
"What had the man assumed about Kathy?" would or had:
(A) She had already finished the paper.
(B) She wouldn't finish the research on time.
Questions about questions: Incomplete sentences beginning with the word if or
"What does the woman ask about Professor Tolbert?" one of the wh- words or noun phrases:
(A) If she is still in her office.
(B) Where her office is.

"What does the man ask about the (A) Its location.
department store?" (B) Its hours of operation.
Questions about time: Prepositional phrases of time:
"When will the man play the piano?" (A) At noon.
(B) Before the ceremony.
Questions about reasons: Complete sentences or incomplete sentences
"Why did Jerry miss the party?" beginning with infinitives (to + simple form):
(A) He didn't receive an invitation.
(B) He had other plans for the evening.
"Why did Linda talk to Professor Delgado?" (A) To ask him about a grade.
(B) To explain why she missed class.
Questions about activities: Incomplete sentences beginning with -ing
"What are they probably doing?" verbs:
(A) Buying groceries.
(B) Cooking breakfast.

2. Strategies

Strategi sering digunakan sebagai acuan pertama dalam menjawab soal listening, ini di jelaskan juga pada buku
Longman TOEFL. Strategi ini memiliki 3 skill.

1. Skill 1: Focus on the second line (Fokus pada baris ke dua).

2. Skill 2: Choose answer with synonym (Pilihlah jawaban dengan synonym).
3. Skill 3: Avoid similiar sound (Hindari Bunyi Kata yang Mirip).

Skill 1: Focus on the second line

Dalam listening part A kamu akan mendengar sebuah percakapan pendek antar dua orang; percakapan ini diikuti
satu pertanyaan. Perlu diketahui bahwa jawaban jenis pertanyaan ini paling sering (tapi tidak selamanya!) ditemukan
di baris ke dua dari percakapan.

On th recording, you hear:
Di rekaman, kamu mendengar:

(man) Billy really made a big mistake this time.

(woman) Yes, he forgot to turn in his research paper.
(narrator) What does the woman say about Billy?

In your test book, you read:

Di buku tes kamu, kamu membaca:

(A) It was the first time he made a mistake.

(B) He forgot to write his paper.
(C) He turned in the paper in the wrong place.
(D) He didn’t remember to submit his assignment.

Pilihan jawaban (D) memilki makna yang sama dengan baris ke dua dari percakapan di atas. Maka jawaban yang
paling tepat adalah (D).

Strategi yang perlu diketahui dalam Listening Part A (Skill 1):

Baris ke dua dari percakapan kemungkinan berisi jawaban dari soal.2. Menyimak dan memahami baris pertama
pada percakapan merupakan hal yang baik, tapi jika tidak dapat memahami, jangan khawatir karena baris pertama
kemungkinan tidak mengandung jawaban dari soal.3. Bersiaplah untuk fokus pada baris ke dua dari percakapan
karena kemungkinan di situlah jawaban dari soal. Teruslah mengingat isi dari makna baris ke dua sambil
mencocokkan pilihan jawaban yang tersedia.

Skill 2: Pilihlah jawaban dengan synonym

Seringkali jawaban yang benar pada Listening Part A merupakan jawaban yang berisikan sinonim (persamaan kata
yang mempunyai cara pengucapan berbeda) dengan kata-kata kunci dari percakapan.


On the recording, you hear:

(woman) Why is Barbara feeling so happy?

(man) she just started working in a real estate agency.
(narratator) What does the man say about Barbara?

In your test book, you read:

(A) She always liked her work in real estate.

(B) She began a new job.
(C) She just bought some real estae.
(D) She bought a real estate agency.

Dalam percakpan: kata kunci started sinonim dengan began, dan kata kuci working bersinonim dengan job. Jadi,
pilihan paling tepat yaitu jawaban (B).

Strategi menghadapi Listening Part A (skill 2):

1. Ketika sedang mendengar baris ke dua dari percakapan, fokuslah pada kata-kata kunci pada baris tersebut.
2. Jika melihat ada bentuk sinonim di pilihann dari kata kunci baris ke dua, kemunkinan besar itulah jawabannya.

Skill 3: Hindari Bunyi Kata yang Mirip

Seringkali jawaban yang salah dalam Listening Part A merupakan kata-kata yang bunyi pengucapannya mirip tapi
tentu saja maknanya berbeda. Anda harus betul-betul menghindari jawaban seperti ini.


On the recording, you hear:

Man Why couldn’t Mark come with us?

(Woman) He was searching for a new apartment.
(narrator) What does the woman say about Mark?

In your test book, you read:

(A) He was in the department office.

(B) He was looking for a place to live
(C) He was working on his research paper.
(D) He had an appointment at church.

Kata kunci pada baris ke dua adalah searching dan apartment. Pada jawaban (C) dan (D), kata research dan church
berbunyi mirip dengan kata search, jadi ke dua jawaban ini salah. Pada jawaban (A) dan (D), kata department dan
appointment berbunyi mirip dengan kata apartment, jadi jawaban ini salah. Olehnya, jawaban paling tepat yaitu (B).

Strategi menghadapi Listening Part A (skill 3):

1. Identifikasi kata-kata kunci pada baris ke dua percakapan.

2. Identifikasi kata-kata kunci di jawaban yang cara pengucapannya mirip dan jangan pilih jawaban-jawaban


Focus: Using the context of dialogs to identify the defmitions of words with multiple meanings.

Directions: Listen to the dialogs. One word from the dialog is given, along with two possible definitions of the word.
Choose the definition of the word as it is used in the dialog and mark the appropriate answer, (A) or (B). The first one
is done as an example.(3,2)

1. cold 6. coat
__ (A)minor illness __ (A) layer
__ (B) chilly weather __ (B) warm clothing
2. kind , 7. field
__ (A) type __ (A) outside the classroom
__ (B) considerate __ B) area of study
3. light 8. playing
__ (A) not heavy __ (A) taking part in a game
__(B) not dark __ (B) appearing
4. wing 9. party
__ (A) part of an airplane __ (A) celebration
__ (B) part of a building __(B) group
5. tables 10. period
__ (A) charts __ (A) punctuation mark
__ (B) furniture __ (B) class time

Focus: Using the context of dialogs to identify homonyms.

Directions: Listen to the dialogs. Decide which of the pair of homonyms appears in the dialogs and mark the
appropriate answer, (A) or (B). The first one is done as an example. (3,1)

1. __ (A) presence 7. __ (A) board

__ (B) presents __ (B) bored
2. __ (A) overdue 8. __ (A) brakes
__ (B) overdo __ (B) breaks
3. __ (A) pain 9. __ (A) sail
__ (B) pane __ (B) sale
4. __ (A) where 10. __ (A) site
__ (B) wear __ (B) sight
5. __ (A) fmed 11. __ (A) rose
__ (B) fmd __(B) rows
6. __ (A) right 12. __ (A) aloud
__(B) write __ (B) allowed

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