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Brief Interpretations of the Wheel of the Year Tarot


Ancestor: Beginning. Start of a new cycle or journey. The inner teacher.

Star: A guiding light. Help from above. Meditation.

Chariot: Getting your act together. Will and focus.

Justice: Karmic balance. You reap what you sow.

Balance: Tests and trials to bring about a new equilibrium.

Lovers: Choice. A relationship.

Green Woman: Growth. Creativity. Fertility.

Green Man: A guardian power of the land.

Blasted Oak: A shock, disruption. Clear out the old and move on.

Strength: Recognise your power. Get wise.

The Wheel: All things must pass.

The Tower: Stillness. Seeing from a different perspective.

The Guardian : A challenge, test or riddle.

The Raven: Transformation. Loss. Deeper understanding.

The Hermit: A spiritual withdrawal. Finding inner authority.

Judgement: The Call. Assessment. End of a cycle.

Moon: Subconscious power. Illusion. Dreams. Visions.

Sun: Individual conscious mind. Fertility. Strength. Power to grow.

Seer: Wisdom. Divination. Subconscious knowledge.

Shaman: Awareness. Beginning. Bringing through spirit power. Action.

World Tree: Wholeness. Beginning and Ending. Branches of possibilities.

Fool: Potential. See things anew. All is possible. A new journey.

Animal Helpers

Red squirrel: A playful, active energy.

Fox: Focused energy. Crafty. Able.

Hare: Creative, magical skills.

Dragon: Great power to command. Authority.

Swallow: A playful, joyful time.

Hawk: Clarity. Perception. Stay alert.

White Deer: A balance of heart and mind. Soul quest. Mythic journey.

Eagle: Purpose. Honour. Integrity. Clear perception.

Kingfisher: Fun. Beauty. Art. Dance.

Salmon: Quest. Movement.

Seal: Reflecting. Psychic vision. Mythic story.

Stag: A good friend. Wise counsellor. Mature.

Badger: Quiet enjoyment. Pleasure in the moment.

Wolf: Loyalty. Security.

Bear: Protection and nourishment. Stability.

Horse: Strength. Stamina. Power and support.


Wands Arrows Cups Stones

Aces Beginning Inspiration Love Manifestation

2 Opportunity Ponder Attraction Life force

3 Ecstasy Sadness Joy Gateway

4 Celebration Rest Containment Safety

5 Urgency Distraction Release Shelter

6 Harvest Moving on Reunion Harmony

7 Clearance Anxiety Letting go Healing

8 Hearth Struggle Rebirth Skill

9 Challenge Creativity Blessing Tradition

10 Delegate Teaching Happiness Home

Reading the Cards

First form a clear question in your head, or better still, write it down. Shuffle the cards
well while focusing on your question. Then for a quick simple reading, draw one card at
random. For more detailed readings and spreads, please see the website:


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