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FK Tony, in an interview we did in the new Money Masters I showed you the results in
advance technique that’s worked really well for me and some clients. Why do you think
from your perspective of human understanding and psychology that the “Results in
Advance System” works so well and what would you do to make it even more effective?

TR Well that’s a great question. I don’t know how you can make it more effective except to
maximize it but just in case people don’t remember what that technique is in essence and
it’s your technique so you’ve got to stomp on me if I mess it up, but it’s really about
giving people the best of what you have and being completely genuine and help them out.

You know, if you create a situation where you’re constantly adding value to somebody’s
life there is, you know, a natural process that happens in human psychology that we just
do naturally where it makes us start to say, ‘Gosh, you know, I want to do business with
this person. You know? I think the way you described it is if you do some really good
stuff with them they are going to start to ask you to sell them stuff and I found that to be
absolutely true if you provide real value.

I mean it comes down to one thing in all of this. Your product, your service, whatever it
is that you’re going to be marketing on the internet or if you’ve got, you know, you’re
using this more for a normal business that you have and you’re using the internet as one
of those tools of marketing it still come down to having something that’s good enough,
that’s strong enough, that’s valuable enough that people really feel that you’ve – they
become a raving fan and the fastest way to create a raving fan is to really add value to
their life.

But the psychological principle behind it and I know you know this, Frank, this, you
know, it’s called Fixed Action Patterning. I don’t know if you know the term but that’s
really what it is and there are a whole series of social psychologists that have pointed out
how this works. Probably the most famous and the one I would recommend anyone
who’s listening to go read is a guy I met about eighteen years ago and he’s just an
absolute genius. He’s name is Dr. Robert Cialdini and Cialdini, it’s C-I-A-L-D-I-N-I if
anyone wants to look him up. He wrote these books on influence but they all came from
him looking and seeing what are the tools that make us go into this Fixed Action
Patterning. All animals have it and, you know, the one perfect example would be if you
look at turkeys is an example he gave me when we first met.

He said, ‘Tony, think about it this way. A turkey is one of the most mothering animals on
the planet believe it or not. It will do anything. It will die for it’s young as many animals
will but it’s really, really extreme and in the wild, you know, when a pole cat is anywhere
nearby, a pole cat is its arch enemy and it will attack and do anything to kill a pole cat to
fight it off and save it’s babies.

But here’s what he did. They did this interesting study. He found out what triggered the,
you know, the mother turkey to want to take care of it’s young. He wanted to know is

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there some fixed action. Is there something that actually fires off that pattern that makes
that turkey instinctively have to take care of its young? And what they found, the animal
experts, was that the little cheap cheap sound that a turkey makes when a mother turkey
hears that she goes into this total mothering mode and she gives up everything for her
children but if a baby turkey doesn’t make that cheap cheap sound for any purpose it will
be ignored or she’ll even kill it. I mean this is the trigger.

What’s even more bizarre is if you drag a stuffed pole cat, a dead pole cat, towards a
turkey and the turkey will attack it and rip it to shreds but if you take a stuffed pole cat
and you put a little tape recorder in it with a ‘cheap, cheap’ sound it will start mothering
that dead stuffed pole cat.

And you go ‘Great! That’s my lesson. That’s why they call them turkeys.’ No, it’s just
that all creatures have certain patterns that are built in to us, and the number one pattern is

Reciprocation simply says, ‘If I do for you there’s some part of you that if I do it
sincerely, if I add real value to you, you need to do something back.’ It’s the golden rule
but, you know, when you study social psychologists, back in the 1960’s was a guy named
Alvin Gouldner and he was just a brilliant, brilliant guy and he even showed that this
need to reciprocate is an obligation.

Sometimes if people will do something for you and you’re in a position where you don’t
want them to do it like ‘Hey, let me do that for you’ and you’re like ‘No, no, no, that’s
okay’. Why do we say ‘that’s okay’? Why do we not want them to do things for us at
times? Because we know that with them giving something to us, there’s some sort of
obligation to give back. It’s built in.

What kind of person is the kind of person who, you know, you do things for, you do
things for, and they don’t do anything back? I mean our culture teaches you that’s a taker,
that’s someone who doesn’t care, that’s somebody you don’t want to be associated with.

So it’s culturally conditioned in us that we need to do this but what this guy, Dr.
Gouldner did is he found it’s in every single culture and he said, that really it’s our
evolution as human beings. What’s made us human, what made us survive was we
learned how to share our food. We learned how to share to survive which not all animals
do. It’s a unique quality that happens within human beings.

So when you go and you do something and if you do something that’s truly valuable and
you do it more than once especially this obligation builds. You want to do something for
that person.

There was a study done where a professor back in the 1970s took holiday cards and he
sent them to all these people he didn’t know and 38% of the people sent him a holiday
card back and never even asked who he was. It’s just – you know, it might be a little
different today with the internet and the way people respond but we have this built in and
so there’s a scientific reason but the real reason to do it more than anything else is, look,
the way you build trust if you meet somebody they can get a queue off of you. They can
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look in your eyes. They can feel who you are. They can get a sense of what your intent is
and so most people have a large BS meter and it’s pretty hard to get through it but when
you’re on the internet there is no way to do that except add value.

If you can add enough value to that person they start to say, ‘God, your stuff really
works. Wow! You really are looking out for my best interest’ then all of a sudden that
trust starts to build and when that trust happens and the value is added there’s both the
sense of obligation and there’s the sense of trust that pretty soon they start saying ‘Well,
let me get something from you. Tell me what it is you want.’

I mean, tell me if that’s not your experience. Does that make sense in your world, Frank?

FK It absolutely does. I did not know the thing about the turkeys. I am really glad that I am
asking you these questions instead of you asking me because my answer would have been
like one minute and I would have been like, you know ‘Well just be really nice to people
and then they’ll be nice back to you’ but it’s interesting and useful, I think, to know the
deeper psychological roots behind the patterns of behavior that make this kind of stuff so

TR Yes, but as you said, it all comes down to common sense. Do unto others as you want to
be done unto. But if you give first, people tend to give back. It’s that simple. And the
secret here is to give genuinely and to give something of significant value and I think
that’s one of the things, Frank, you’ve consistently done. You’ve – you know, all of you
guys that have been smart at this have come up with this concept of moving the free line
where you take some of your best stuff and you make it free and you make it available
and it gives people both the gift and the value but I think it also taps into another one of
those four strategies that all these social psychologists know and that is you become an

You know, people respond psychologically different to an authority then anybody else.
There’s all kinds of studies where a person is in a uniform and they tell someone to do
something and they get 500% more responsiveness then somebody who just walks up and
tells them to do something.

There were studies that were done way back in the 70s, you probably remember, where
they do the electric shock and you know a person of authority said, ‘Keep shocking them.
keep shocking them’ and 72% of the people kept shocking them even when the person
was screaming.

You can be an authority because you’re a person that they see your stuff really works.

And there’s another principle, we like to do business with people we like. In your case,
Frank, I think that’s one of your big successes. I mean you’re a very likable guy, you’re
playful, you’re fun, you don’t take yourself too seriously and people want to do business
with somebody like that. So by you adding value and by you doing it the way you do it,
where your personality is involved and by you providing value to people of something
that really works you get reciprocation, you get the liking principle, you get authority all

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being triggered simultaneously and it starts to make it pretty irresistible and so I think it’s
one of the reasons this stuff really works.

FK I think you’re right. I concur, Dr. Robbins, with your diagnosis of the situation.

I’ve got another question. This one is kind of out there and I’ve kind of developed this
new philosophy really and it goes a little bit like this. I think that the real key to lasting
success is to create not just customers but what I call ‘fans with money’ and I think the
way that you do that really aside from doing the obvious – which is to over deliver on
your promises and always do the right thing – is to no matter what situation you’re in
leave your customer or prospect in a happier state then they were prior to coming into
contact with you.

So even if they go to your website just to watch a video or read a blog post or even if
they are logging into a members area or opening up a newsletter in addition to
delivering the result they are expecting, I think it’s incredibly powerful and important
for lasting prosperity really to deliver happiness basically to them. I am interested to
know your thoughts on that because I don’t know if you intentionally do it, I would
venture to say that you do, but I think you do that with all of your products and with
your seminars especially.

TR Well there’s no question that – you know, I don’t – I didn’t set out to do it as a business
principle I just set out to do it because again just like you describe it in the last principle,
it’s what I am about. I love to see people be lit up. I mean, you know it’s interesting when
you think about what do people really want and people will tell you all kinds of things.
‘You know, I want to make a billion dollars.’ ‘I want to put my kids through school.’ ‘I
want to have more free time.’ ‘I want to…’ whatever everybody’s got their separate goals
and dreams they’ve have but underneath that are some needs and I had an experience I
remember, gosh, I don’t know three or four years ago where I had the privilege of
meeting the Dalai Lama who’s a really pretty cool guy. I mean he’s nothing like what
people think he is. He’s funny as hell. He doesn’t take anything too seriously. He has
tremendous caring and he’s one of the few figures that can bring people of different
religions together and get them to work together because very often people have their
own belief systems and they polarize each other.

So he invited me to come to San Francisco one time for this private little meeting that he
was having with – and I don’t know, it was probably 35, maybe 25, yes probably about
30 I guess, people that were there and they were – it was the weekend that was both
Easter, it was obviously Mohammad’s birthday and it was the Jewish holiday all put
together obviously in the same weekend and he brought in all these Jewish leaders from
around the world, all these Christian leaders from around the world, all these Muslim
leaders from around the world and I had the privilege – he had been to my house so we’d
spent some cool time together and I got to just sit like in the corner. I wasn’t a leader of
any of these religions and just watch and see what was going on. So, I was just taking it

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And what was so cool was in the very beginning everybody was cordial but as time on
people got more intense, you know, they – there were a couple of the African leaders that
were Christian leaders and they got really intense about, you know, some of the Muslims
and the Muslims were getting intense and then the Jews got upset and it got to a point
where, you know, no one is going to hit anybody, you know, they’re at a peace
conference but they’re really being aggravated with each other and the Dalai Lama is just
sitting there and he’s got a big smile on his face which is just such a cool thing.

The guy, you know – the reason I thought of this is he’s just a happy guy at his base and
he raises his hand like a child in a school room and no one notices him at first. I mean, I
noticed him because I am not caught up – you know, they’re all sitting at this giant long
kind of rounded table that goes on both sides and I am sitting on the corner.

So I am just watching him and gradually people start to see him and it gets kind of quite
and he just keeps with this big smile on his face with his hand up and he didn’t say a
damn word. All he did was smile. All he did was be in this happy place and gradually
they calmed down and one of them then said, ‘Your Holiness what did you want to say?’
and he had a little laugh in his voice because it was humorous the way he did it. He didn’t
like try and demand something from people. He was just in a playful place.

And he said, ‘we’ve all proven that we are able to lead millions of people to our way of
life, our philosophy, our tradition, our religion’ and he said, ‘and so clearly our religions,
every one here has added enormous value to millions and millions and billions of people
around the world.’ He said, ‘The question that I would have is I look around this room
right now and I wonder what people really want, the people we represent.’ He said, ‘You
know, what does the man in Afghanistan with his herd really want that’s the same as the
guy who’s the financial trader in New York that’s the same as the person who is in
London who’s trying to figure out how to work in the steel mill?’ He said, ‘I just wonder
isn’t it all that they really want is to be happy?’ And there was this like deep silence. You
know everybody just shut up.

He said, ‘Ultimately isn’t that what everybody wants?’ He said, ‘If we could create that,
if we could just work towards more of that happiness’ he said, ‘then I think we could
answer a question that people have asked me many times.’ He said, ‘You know, people
ask me at varying times, you know, what is it that makes someone, you know, makes
somebody drop a bomb and kill, you know, strangers’ and he said, ‘all religions have
done this. No one can point a finger. All religions have killed men, women, and children.
What would make someone do that?’ and he said, ‘I say to them it’s not religion. It’s
unhappiness’ he said, ‘Because a happy person doesn’t want to kill a stranger. A happy
person isn’t looking to hurt someone. A happy person is in a very, very different place.’

And he said, ‘if there’s one goal that we might have in life’ he said, ‘it might be to make
sure that somehow together we create more happiness’ and he said, ‘right now you aren’t
very happy and so that’s why I am smiling because I just think that we could be more
happy together.’ And he just did it in this like simple way and it was like the room just
shut up and then people started just smiling. I mean, you just saw grins all over the place
and then people started talking and the whole conversation shifted.
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And I can give you a good example of this in business too. You know, Tony Hsieh is a
friend of mine. He’s the CEO of Zappos, and Zappos is a company that originally started
out online and started out with the idea of shoes and they came up with this concept of
just completely over-delivering and what they were going to do is you could order as
many shoes as you want and you could send them – all of them back if you wanted to. It
didn’t matter. You could send as many shoes back and they were going to pay for the

Now, you know, fortunately they had the kind of capital to be able to make that kind of
offer but it sounded insane but ironically what happens they find is that 80% plus of the
people order these shoes because they have no fear of loss and they’ll – some people will
send them all back but the majority when they get these shoes on and most of their
customers are women they love them and their whole goal at Zappos is happiness. That is
their entire focus. If you talk to Tony, he said, ‘Our brand is happiness’ and what that did
is it allowed them to expand from shoes.

He was telling me about, I don’t know, six, eight months ago we were having lunch
together and he was saying he was in Santa Monica and while he was there in Santa
Monica he was staying at some hotel and he was with some friends, a bunch of his
friends and one person was an employee of theirs and at the end of the night, I don’t
know how late it was, one, two o’clock in the morning they had been partying a bit and
they all wanted pizza and nothing was open. There was no pizza place open. So – and
they didn’t know where to go and they said, ‘There’s got to be some pizza place’.

So one of them says, ‘Well you know I have this great relationship at Zappos’ not
knowing Tony is the CEO of Zappos and he said, ‘You know, I call this person all the
time to talk about anything and they can help me with just about anything. So I am going
to call him and ask him if he can help me find the right pizza place.’ Now these people
are based in Vegas and he’s in Santa Monica.

So he wanted to see what would happen and sure enough the guy calls up and the person
on the other end, they put him on speaker and the person on the other end says, ‘Well, we
kind of sell shoes but, you know, I want to help in any way I can. If you really just want a
pizza parlor hang on a second’ and the person got on and started Googling around and
found a pizza parlor that was like 15, 20 minutes away asked the person what kind of
pizza he wanted, ordered the pizza for him and this is a true story and said, ‘The pizza
will be delivered, if you have a credit card you can just give it to them when they come.’

And that mentality that he’s taught his people, these customer service people he has, he
has a culture there. I went and spent, oh my God, probably three, four hours just touring
the place and meeting people but their goal is to make the customer happy any way they
possibly can.

Now everybody knows the truth that there are some customers you can’t make happy and
sometimes you’ve got to fire a customer. Some customers are out to just destroy things so
I don’t have that delusion and neither does he but the majority of people if you can go
above and beyond and make them happy they’ll go crazy and my brand has come

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because when somebody comes to an event of mine – I mean, think about it. Most people
would never sit for a three hour movie that someone spent $200 million dollars on and I
ask them to come for a weekend and many of them think, ‘Oh my God! I couldn’t sit for
two hours.’

I remember when Anthony Hopkins came, you know, Sir Anthony Hopkins the actor. He
came to one of my Unleash the Power events and he’s sitting in this room, you know,
with 7,000 people and, you know, he’s hiding out and he’s got his hat on and he told his
wife, ‘There’s no way I can sit more than two hours. That’s just it and I don’t care what
people say about this guy’ and you know the guy – and I am translating five languages in
the room. I’ve got to keep everybody engaged for 50 hours, five-zero, over the course of
four days and most people never sit at all and what happens is when you meet people’s
needs and happiness is one of those, when you really meet people’s needs time
disappears, they disappear and all of a sudden I’ve got five languages being translated or
four in some cases, I’ve got Anthony Hopkins in the front row who won’t leave the room
for 40 hours, 50 hours, right? And then I’ve got a soccer mom who’s from Germany
who’s getting it translated in her ears.

If you meet people’s needs you make them happy. If one of those is actual physical
happiness that’s great but sometimes what they need is significance. They need to feel
special. Sometimes what they need to feel is certainty that they are going to get what they
really deserve. Sometimes they need to feel loved. Sometimes they just need to feel like
this is going to be exciting, it’s going to be different, it’s going to provide variety for my
life. It’s going to stimulate me even. Some people want growth. Some people want a
sense that their life means something, that they are contributing something.

You’ve really got to meet people’s needs but if there’s a universal, fundamental word
that’s close to that it certainly would be happiness. So, I couldn’t agree with you more. I
am passionate about this. I want to knock people’s socks off. That’s how I’ve done what I
am doing for 30 years. That’s why you’re succeeding as well.

So if people raise the standard from just meeting the customer’s needs at a product level
to making sure that they are happier they are going to associate that to you and then
they’re going to want more happiness and so they are going to want to do more business
with you. I mean that’s the most basic neurological reason for this. It’s all about
anchoring. So, that’s the essence. That will be my response. My response is of course,

FK Alright, well we’re in agreement on that one as we are with so many things.

Now I’ve got another one for you and this is almost more mechanical really and this
just bugs me but in a good way and it’s a problem I want to fix. So here’s the deal.
I’ve worked for the past ten years – can you believe that? Ten years! I guess to you
it doesn’t really seem that long because you’ve been at this since, well, forever but
ten years to me is a long time, you know. And I’ve worked with people and they are
often new to internet marketing, my customers personally, and one of the biggest
challenges they have is they get information overload and then they get kind of

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paralyzed because they don’t know what to do or where to begin because there’s so
much information. And I personally try to chunk everything down but what
happens is people like everyone else they get really excited and they get everything,
you know how it is like you get into something and you go to Barnes and Noble and
you come home with 300 books on it or whatever.

So customers in the internet marketing and the how to make money field are no
different from anyone else, right, when we get passionate about something we go for

What advice would you give to these folks or what would you do if you – this is actually
a better way to ask it. What would you do if you were them? So, if you were new how
would you over come that information overload? How would you get started?

TR Well, I am kind of crazy, but I think I am not unique in that anybody who succeeds
develops, you know, three things. I think the first thing you have to develop if you’re
going to absorb something of value out of it is you’ve got to decide what it is you’re
going to use it for, you know, when I dealt with kids in school I would say to them, you
know, you can gather all this information but if you don’t relate how you’re going to use
this or what the outcome is, if you’re not remembering most of this – I remember when I
was in, you know, algebra and geometry, trigonometry, I mean I studied those courses. I
was a good student in other areas but I hated them because I kept saying ‘Where the hell
am I ever going to use this?’ I am still asking that question, you know. Now if I had been
an engineer maybe it would be a different thing.

So I think the first thing you’ve got to do is focus on what is it you want from this
material. Anything, if I pick up a book, if I pick up anything I always say ‘What do I
want out of this?’ and I’ll start to look over the book, I’ll look at the table of contents, if
it’s audio stuff I’ll look at the overview what the person is doing, I’ll scan it all and try
and get the big picture, the map and just say ‘What do I want from this?’

So if a person is listening right now and they own a business they could say, ‘Okay, well
I want to extract from this just a few fundamental ideas that I can use that would increase
my marketing response, my customer response on a significant level or that will connect
me with my customers and deepen those relationships. Get an insight to what it is.

If you’re a person that you’re already in internet marketing then you’ve got to have a
different mindset. You’ve got to say, ‘Look, I know so much in this area I need to read
this for two reasons or listen to this for two reasons.’ A: I need to absorb this because
there’s lots of stuff I know I am not doing and one of the things I’ve learned in my life,
Frank, is repetition is the mother of skill. I mean, I don’t know anybody that’s a master of
anything that hasn’t done it a million times.

I mean, you know, martial arts I took on to become a black belt, to get my black belt in
Tai Kwan Do and I got a chance to work with Master June Ree who was the guy who
brought Tai Kwan Do to the United States. This was when I was in my late twenties and
he trained Bruce Lee and Mohammed Ali, he taught him this accu-punch and he’s just a

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great guy and – so I am working with him literally every day because I am going to break
this record. I want to go through total immersion because that’s how you do things. I
want to repeat it and do it and experience it.

So immersion is one answer. You put yourself in over and over and over again and all of
a sudden stuff starts to make sense.

So let me give you that example from driving a car. You know, the first time you try to
drive a stick shift car it’s overwhelming. You know, if you’re a kid and you’re brand new
and you’re trying to put the thing in gear and do this and watch the road too. ‘You know,
are you kidding me?’ but pretty soon he’s driving the car and you’re, you know, talking
on the phone and unfortunately probably texting and eating an apple and everything else
that’s going on. Because what used to be, you know, twenty chunks of information when
you get in the environment enough, over and over again suddenly there’s this moment
where click things that you didn’t understand just make sense.

You know, when I went to fly, you know, a helicopter for the first time, you know, 75%
of all people that take helicopter lessons never, ever get their license. Only 25% do it. It’s
much more complex than flying an airplane. I had already learned to fly an airplane. But
when I did it’s just my whole mindset was ‘I am just going to put in to this thing and not
have to understand it all. I am just going to go experience it, experience it, repeat it,
experience it, experience it, repeat it and then I am going to look for one thing to master.

So with Master June Ree with the martial arts I remember I had done this move that he
had me do and I did it over and over and over and over and we did it for like three
straight days and I was getting really frustrated and I said, to him, I said, ‘When are we
going to the new move? I mean when are we going to another move? I mean this move is
getting a little old. I mean how am I ever going to get to mastery if I am doing the same
stupid move. I know this move.’ And he looked at me and he smiled and he said, ‘Oh
grasshopper’ you know, he said, ‘the fact that you think that’s the same move is why
we’re still doing it.’

What makes somebody masterful is they do it so much over and over and over again that
they don’t have to think about it and they can make the most fine distinctions between if I
moved my hand right now and you saw it this martial arts move and one that looks
almost identical it’s just slightly different both in speed, tempo, the angle of my hand.

So how you get into something is you immerse yourself completely and how you stay
out of overwhelm is you don’t expect to understand it all for starters. That’s
number one.

Number two: you’ve got to repeat it. You’ve got to hear it again and again. It’s not
immersion one time.

I mean, you know, I can get up and speak for 50 hours. It’s not because I am so brilliant
and talented. It’s because I’ve done it for, you know, 30,000 hours or whatever the he- -
it’s been over the course of 32 years, you know, around the world. I mean I can get up – I
have so much in me. I have so many stories and examples and distinctions and strategies
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that I’ve made so many bank deposits, you know, emotionally, psychologically that when
I go to cash a mental, emotional, verbal check it’s there. So part of it is you’ve got to say,
‘I’ve got to really just keep pouring it in, keep putting it in’.

Jim Rohn was my original teacher and he used to tell me over and over again he said,
‘Tony, repetition is the mother of skill’ and I would go to his seminars, this is true Frank,
and I used to work for him and I would go sell his product and bring customers to this
simple little three and a half hour seminar. That’s all it was but it was great and I sat
through that seminar every time, other people would get up and they would leave, you
know, other sales people ‘Oh yeah, I’ve heard this thing two or three times’. People will
tell you I was there with him for three and a half years I went to every single seminar. I
sat through every minute of it and I took more notes then my customers. My customers
would look at me and go ‘don’t you know this?’ and I said, ‘Yes, I know intellectually
but I want to master it’.

So here’s – maybe I can make it more clear by saying this. There are three levels of

Level One: Cognitive Mastery

Think of it this way if you’re going to master anything the first level of mastery is

Cognitive means you understand the principles, you understand the distinctions, you
understand how it works and I’ve heard people before, they’ll say to me something like,
‘Oh, you know, I understand all that stuff’ or ‘You know, yes, I understand Eben’s
approach’ or ‘I understand Frank’s approach’ and I’ll go ‘Really? Are you doing it? If
you’re not doing it you’ve not mastered it, you haven’t put enough repetition. You just
intellectually understand that and you think that’s enough to succeed and that’s bullshit.
What you’ve got to do is immerse it again and again and again.’

Level Two: Emotional Mastery

When I heard Rohn for the 380th time what happened is things went deeper and they
moved into the second part of mastery which is emotional mastery.

Emotional mastery is when you don’t have to think about it. You have so much feeling
you don’t just know it but you’re compelled to follow through.

I mean I would say to anybody on this line the reason we wanted to do this session to
start with is when I put this product together I did it so that you’d only get one disc a
month so you’d have time to absorb it, so you’d have time to go through and listen to it
again and again. At least, I would hope, at least once a week so you’d listen to it at least
four times before you got the next one.

If it was me and the way I really live and the reason that I own my brand in my category
in the world is because I was obsessed. I mean, I listened to those tapes every day of Jim
Rohn’s. I was constantly feeding my mind. I am going to the events again and again and
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so after awhile I don’t care who the hell you are I don’t care if you think you’re slow or
dense you’re going to get this stuff because it seeps in to your psyche so you don’t even
think about it. You just start to do it and you’re emotionally driven.

Level Three: Physical Mastery

There is a third level of mastery though and I ask people I say, ‘What is confidence?’ and
people will say, ‘What do you mean?’ and I said, ‘You know, what is it really? What’s an
example of confidence? I’ll give you an example. Tying your damn shoes! Do you
remember the first time you tried to tie your shoes when you were a little kid? I mean it
was the, you know, complex thing and ‘Oh my God! It was overwhelming but you really
wanted to do it and if you got enough emotion about it, if somebody encouraged you at
some point or you really wanted to master it, if you got enough emotion that drove you to
do it.

But the reason you’re totally confident, you have no uncertainty what so ever is you’ve
tied your shoes a million damn times. I mean that’s what it is. That’s what it is for me to
get up and speak. That’s what you do, Frank, when you go to write copy. I’ve watched
you. It just, boom!, it comes out of you and other people say, ‘Well, you know, I got the
program. It didn’t just come out of me’. Well did you invest one millionth of a percentage
of the time that Frank put into it or that Eben put into it or any of these guys did? That’s
how you get there. We all want the free lunch and it’s bullshit. It’s not enough to
understand the strategy. What’s going to make you wealth, what’s going to make you
financially independent, what’s going to make you be able to maximize your business is
when you get that this is about total absolute immersion and repetition. It isn’t just
understanding it.

I know some people that say, ‘Oh I listened to the tape. Yes, I know that stuff’. I just
want to slap them. ‘Are you so stupid? Look at your bank account and tell me if you
know it.’

If you do it again and again and again, if you understand it cognitively and you get
enough emotion and then you do both of those consistently and you act on it and you act
on it and you act on it and you fail and you act on it, it will get in your body and pretty
soon you’ll be doing stuff that other people only dream about and you’ll be doing it with
your pinky.

I can do now more without even thinking about it then what I could do five, ten, twenty,
thirty years ago using every ounce of my psyche.

So I just say if you’re going to master something it’s simple. Immerse yourself, don’t
expect to immerse it all, put yourself in the position where you’ve put yourself where
you’re consistently finding a way to apply it.

And here’s the last thing I’d say about it. You’ve got to just do one thing. I mean if you
look at people that succeed and they get overwhelmed here’s what I would say. Immerse
yourself so you get the big picture. Do the repetition over and over again. Fire off your
emotion by knowing how you want to use this stuff. What are you going to do it for?
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That’s what’s going to push you. It’s going to get you strong enough reasons so when
you get the strategy you’re more likely to follow through.

But the thing that will really help you to get out of your overwhelm is if you don’t try to
do everything. So like for example if I’ve got somebody who’s got to lose weight and
you listen to them and this is what they will do in their head, they’ll go,‘Well, you know,
I’ve got – I know I should join a gym and I know I’ve got to get a, you know, trainer and
I’ve got to work it all out and, you know’ and I said, ‘Well what does it take to work
out?’ and they say, ‘Well you know damn, lots. I mean I’ve got to – I join a gym I’ve got
to first go on the web and I’ve got to look at the different places and then after I do that
then I’ve got to, you know, get in my car and I’ve got to drive to the place and I’ve got to,
you know, obviously pack my gear and when you go to the place, you know, you meet
some person who wants to sell you some sh- - and so they are going to walk you around
forever and show you everything and try and, you know, sell you on everything and they
are going to, you know, try and sell you some five year contract which is such a pain and
then I’ll finally do that and then I’ll have to take some picture and, you know, I don’t
even like the damn picture and then I have to go get changed and put all my stuff in the
locker and then after I put it in the locker then I’ve got to go over and I’ve got to, you
know, go to the first machine and I’ve got wait for the person or I’ve got to wipe it off
because of all the sweat and then I do the first machine and then I’ve got to move to the
next machine and then after I’ve done all these things then I’ve got to go back to, you
know, to the clothing room and I’ve got to get my locker and all my stuff now is fell
down and it’s crumpled and then, you know, I go get changed and, you know, maybe I go
take a steam and I’ve got to look at other people’s bodies I am not interested in and then I
finally clean up and, you know, if it’s a woman she’ll say ‘I have to put on my make up
all again and then I go back out and I show them my card and then I’ve got to find my car
and then I’ve got to skimp on things, you know, so I can pay for it and I’ve got to drive
away. It’s just too much.’

And I say, ‘Great! Tell me what you’re going to do to eat?’ and they go ‘What do you
mean? You just do it.’ And I say, ‘What do you mean you just do it?’ ‘Well you just do
it.’ ‘Well what if you don’t know which restaurant?’ ‘You just pick one and go’.

Most people when they fail focus on the process. When they succeed they focus on
the outcome.

If most people ever thought about what it would take to have children and grow them to
be fully grown you’d never do it but you focus on ‘Oh my God! I can have this child’. If
you’re going to start a business if you really focused on all you have to do you’d never do
it. Most people, I mean, they don’t know. They don’t focus on it. They focus on the
outcome. That’s what you’ve got to do. Focus on that outcome and do one thing.

So if the person tells me ‘I’ve got to do all these things’ I say ‘You know what? You
don’t even need a trainer. You need someone to get behind you and yell RUN’ you
know? ‘Get your as- out there right now’. You don’t need to wait for eight million things.
Just do one damn thing.

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If I want to get someone to lose weight I’ll say ‘Let’s take one principle, one. I’ll teach
you 25 and then all these principles work but let’s take one that you think would make
the biggest difference’ and you’ll get something like eliminating sugar or eliminating
dairy products or eliminating bread products. If that’s all you do – there’s a study done a
couple of years ago, Frank, where they took like twelve different diets, the most famous
diets in the world and they put people on it and guess what? Everybody lost about the
same amount of weight over the course of time and they gained back about the same
amount of weight because what they all basically do is change your pattern, maybe limit
your calories but they do one thing primarily that makes a pattern interrupt in your life.

I consulted for a business one time and the company had like nineteen things they were
training their sales people to do and they were all really valuable things but I asked them
one question. I said, ‘How do you know they are doing this?’ and they said, ‘Look, we
followed up. We know that they are doing, like seven out of these nineteen things.’ And I
said, ‘Well, the problem is which one is the most important one? What’s the most
important one at least to start? Where could you make the biggest difference?’ and we
found out that – it was a clothing company – and they found out that they weren’t
measuring people. They weren’t taking the time to make sure the measurements were
totally accurate and that’s the biggest complaint.

I said, ‘Let’s just train people on that. They are going to do the other things anyway
because they are in the environment, most of them, but let’s just do that and see what
happens’ and their sales increased by 33%.

I mean all you’ve got to do is find one thing. So if you listen to each one of these
characters that I’ve interviewed and they are all characters and you’re one of them
obviously, if you listen to these guys they all have a really unique psychology. They
don’t just have a set of strategies and if you listen to that psychology, if you listen for
what they are doing or you might say ‘Okay, of all of the things they taught me I am
going to do this one technique that Frank did, this one technique that Eben did, this one
technique that Dean Jackson did’ or whoever it is you just listened to, do one and master
it, repeat it, test it, change your approach, get it in your body.

I know I sound like I am ranting by it’s because I look at so many people in life that
expect things just to fall out of a cloud because they listened to a disc one time or they
read a book or they did some little action. That’s not what’s going to give you mastery.

My passionate appeal to all of you listening is for God’s sakes you deserve more and
if you guys are the ones that picked a premium program so you get these workshops
you want to make sure you focus on at least one thing, maybe you can focus on
three, but one to three is the max. Most people go ‘One, two, three, many’ and then
they are overwhelmed. Focus on one, repeat the hell out of it. Listen again and again
and again, put down an action plan, test it again and again and again. Get it into
your body, once it’s in your body and you’ve mastered that one go to the next one.

If you’re brand new in business or you’re brand new in the internet your first thing is
probably going to be figuring out what is your product or service. What is it? Going and

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doing your homework and finding out what’s a mountain of information, what’s a
mountain of opportunity and get in front of it. Just do that. Then figure out the next step.

Chunk it down. Don’t overwhelm yourself by chunking it down, immersing and

repeating. That’s the bottom line.

FK I am really, really glad we recorded that. That’s awesome.

TR Good!

FK I mean, for reasons other than the fact that we’re giving this to so many people but that
was just such a great response and it really reminded me of things that I should be doing

TR Oh good!

FK With that answer, now we covered the new guys, right, and ladies – the new people I
should say to be politically correct, you know? So now let’s talk about some grizzled old
veterans of internet marketing.

So with the new Money Masters I think you’ve reached kind of a double audience,
you’ve reached some people who are brand new who have never done any of this
before who are thinking to themselves ‘Holy shit! Where do I start?’ and then you’ve
got the seasoned vets who are just looking a little bit maybe for that extra edge.

TR Right

FK So for the people who are already doing marketing or internet marketing what can they
gain out of this, do you think, the new Money Masters? And how should they use this

TR That’s a great question. I think two things the ones that are successful, if you’re grizzly
it’s because you’re not growing, I mean, Ray Crock who created McDonald’s had a great
phrase. He said, ‘When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot’ and I see
people all the time that tell me they’re, they’re a successful veteran but if you’re not a
brand you’re not a veteran. What you are is somebody that’s done this stuff for a while.

What will make you a brand which is what will change your life – the people that
I’ve interviewed that have made themselves as brands – is to actually practice this
stuff and to hone it down and to follow through.

Again it’s the biggest mistake that people make is, people say, ‘Well I’ve been doing this
for ten years. I’ve got ten years of experience’ and when I say to people very often point
blank is ‘Bullshit! You had how many years that you did this and really grew and really
stuck out there and really tried new things and every day you were expanding yourself
and every day you were re-immersing yourself and every day you were testing yourself
or you were repeating it again until it got in your body and your soul and your heart and
you followed through. How many years have you done that?’
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And what you’ll find is maybe they grew for six months or a year or maybe a year and a
half or two but they didn’t grow for ten. What they did is they grew for a year and then
they did the same crap for nine more years.

The people that become brands are the people that have this insatiable hunger that says, ‘I
never have the balls to say I’ve got this mastered’ because once you say that it’s over.

I just recently had a chance to spend time with one of the greatest coaches in history, the
UCLA coach who won ten out of eleven National NCAA National Championships and
the guy is 98 years old now and you listen to him talk – I did my T.V. show and I had
him talk to a ball player who felt like he’d done everything and he’d been playing NBA
ball and he knew everything he could know and he talked to him and just looked at him
and he said, ‘You know, once you think you know everything’ he said, ‘That’s when you
die’. He said, ‘When you know everything that’s the beginning’ and that’s the whole
process that you really have to have inside yourself.

I’d say the first thing is start with a different psychology. Start with a hunger that
says, ‘I don’t know this stuff. I need to find one thing I am not fully applying that
maybe I know intellectually, cognitively, at that first level of mastery but I don’t
have enough emotion to follow through on it’ or ‘I’ve got the emotion but I don’t do
it consistently’ and we’re not rewarded for what we know. Who’s going to reward
you for what you’re going to do? Nobody! Who’s going to reward you for your
knowledge? Nobody! The only way they are going to reward you is if you can find
some way to add value to them and for you to do that you’ve got to execute.

And so I would say to people, ‘look, if you’re executing, if you’re damn good, get better
and the way to do that is start with that hunger that you did in the very beginning that
made you grow the most in the very beginning.’

And here’s the second piece I would say if you know some of these people, if you
know some of these brands, you know these are people that are brands who have
made them, you’ve got to ask yourself as you’re listening to them two things. ‘What
sets them apart? If more people know what they are doing then what I am doing
then maybe I am not the veteran I think I am. I’ve got to figure out what that is.’

You see, I am the kind of guy – Frank, you know me – that I am so damn curious. If
someone over here is making ten times more money than another human being, and one
person is suffering and one person is celebrating, it makes me crazy. I want to know.
That’s why I did this project in the first place. I want to know what the hell these guys are
doing differently than these people because I want to share with the people that are
suffering what it is.

But it’s not enough to just tell them what to do. They’ve got to understand what the
difference is. What are they doing differently than you? You’ve really got to listen.

So instead of like what many of us will do is we’ll – in order to protect our ego we’ll
say, ‘Yes, well I know that stuff’ right, ‘Oh I don’t need this’ you know? It’s an ego
thing. Put your ego on the shelf. No genius lets their ego run them. No master lets
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their ego run them if they are going to continue to master something. So you’ve got
to say, ‘Okay, ego on the shelf, what makes them different?’ And the thing I’d be
looking for and the thing I try to provide in this program was understanding more
of not only the technique, but the psychology behind it.

If I was someone listening to this program and I was really experienced and I went
‘Okay, I know that idea’ my first question is, ‘Am I using it to it’s maximum
capacity?’ If the answer is no, now my question is, ‘Why not? Why does Frank use
it to its maximum capacity? Why is he doing better with it then me?’ Instead of me
saying, ‘I know what Frank knows’. Right?

And then I would look at it and I would go a little deeper and I would go ‘Okay,
what does Frank believe differently than me?’ Because ultimately our beliefs control
our behavior. We sent out, Frank, that interview that you and I did where we sat down
and looked through what was the difference for you guys versus other people and we sent
it out to everybody and people really responded to it but I don’t know if they – they
responded for the moment but I don’t think they realized what they’ve got to do with this

I would sit down and I would listen to any one of these interviews and I would say,
‘What does this guy believe different?’ You can do it with me. I am not saying you need
to model me. I am not one of the masters of this but I certainly mastered branding in my
industry and I’ve certainly, I’ve learned how to make a million dollars in a day to speak
for four hours. I am not talking about internet marketing. I am doing a speech and I have
them send me a Gulf Stream. I am not telling you that to brag. I am just saying I want to
give you an idea. I’ve learned how to make $400 million dollars in a day taking a
company public. So there’s some belief systems that are different in me. The same thing
is true with Frank.

I mean Frank, when I listen to you, one of the biggest differences with you I hear so
many of them, but I remember when we first started talking and people said, things like,
they were talking about the recession and you’re first thing was ‘What recession? What
the hell are you talking about? You know, there’s no recession in my business and there’s
no recession out there. There’s plenty of money. There’s plenty of people. There’s
trillions of dollars that people are going to spend every day. The question is are they
going to spend it with you or someone else? Now that’s a belief system.

Now you don’t just believe that intellectually because you reacted when those comments
were made. You reacted with emotion. It wasn’t an intellectual, ‘Oh there’s not a
recession going on.’ There’s a part of you that has en-calculated inside of yourself this
drive that says, ‘I will not accept someone else’s limitations. I just won’t.’

And so that belief system, those two little beliefs alone if somebody did they could
take some other technique. Some technique that they made up out of their head,
some technique nobody else has done but it’s not going to work unless you bring to
it a sense of absolute certainty to follow through. That’s what you’ve got to get
inside yourself and certainty is conditioned and the way you get certainty is like –

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think about it. The way you tied your shoes, the way you drove that car, you did it
more and you got around people that were successful and you listened to them and
you put your ego on the shelf and you immersed, immersed, immersed until you
heard something so many damn times that it becomes your voice instead of theirs in
your head so it becomes your emotion, so it become your action that’s how you do

I mean I went down – in my business I was just a seventeen year old kid – I used to go
down to this place called ‘Knight Education’, K-N-I-G-H-T, like a knight with a sword, it
was in downtown L.A. I used to drive this 1968 Volkswagen Baja Bug that I didn’t have
clear reverse on it so I would park on a hill and I would go down there when I couldn’t
pay my rent and I would meet this old Jewish guy there. He was just a wonderful man.
His name is Mario. He passed away a few years ago and he would tell me – he was like
he had everything that was out there, it was the equivalent of going on the web today and
being able to find all the very best people in the business, right?

And he’d tell me who the best people are and he’d say, ‘You’ve got to listen to this
program’ and stuff was expensive in those days. Stuff you get for free you had to pay a
fortune for. So I would buy this stuff. I was like– I would not pay my rent sometimes in
order to be able to get these tapes and because it was such a stretch for me because it was
everything I had I would squeeze every ounce of it humanly possible and I would come
back to him again and again and again.

In fact, I was in Fiji recently it was kind of an amazing experience. I go to my own resort,
my own island, and I get there and this woman walks up to me and it’s his daughter. He
passed away about two years ago and I called him to see how he was doing at one point
and he had just passed away and I was really sad to hear that to say the least, but she said,
‘You know, my father wanted to give you his entire library of all that he had saved of
these audio programs and, you changed his life and he was always so proud of you’ and it
was just so wonderful and so I told her at that time I said, ‘I am so touched. Please send it
to me’ and I said, ‘Listen, I would love to do something for you. Come to my resort
sometime.’ It was like two years ago.

One: Continue to Learn, Grow, and Immerse Yourself

We end up being at the resort at the same time and I am sitting there across from this
woman who’s telling me about how I changed her father’s life and how it’s touched their
lives and he changed my life. I mean, I was a kid in a Volkswagen. Now I am able to give
his daughter the greatest week of her life, she said with her husband. This incredible
honeymoon experience, you know, because I listened again and again and again and
again and I didn’t just listen. I went out and did it and I tried it and I pushed it. I am
sorry to be so damn basic but this is the fucking truth. This is what it takes. Do not
let yourself be seduced that you’re a veteran. Stay someone who understands you’re
always learning, you’re always growing and then apply it, immerse yourself. That’s
what it takes. So that’s number one.

Two: Make a List of Belief Systems

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Number two though is I would sit down and I would make a list at the end of these
talks, that’s why I listen more than once, and I would say ‘Let me physically write
down every belief system that I hear coming out of this person. What’s a belief that
I think makes him different than me? What’s… because the belief is nothing but – a
belief is a sense of certainty about what something means and when you’re certain you’re
going to follow through so I would get that.

Three: Affirmations

And then the third thing I would do I would start to take that into my body and I
know this sounds fundamental and basic and some people will say, ‘Oh it sounds
like bullshit’ but this is what I did. I conditioned myself to feel certain. I wasn’t a
certain guy. I started creating what I call my hour of power or sometimes it was 30
minutes to thrive or fifteen minutes to fulfillment but usually it was an hour and I
would go out and I would start out with my workout and I would go for my walk or
run and then I would do my lifting my weights but at the very end I would go for
fifteen minutes of doing incantations and an incantation is not an affirmation.

Affirmations are like my teacher Jim Rohn and I used to talk about it and he said, ‘an
affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion. You can just affirm but you
do have to convince your brain.’ It’s like think of it this way if you ever had a big goal
and you said, ‘Alright, I am going to go make X amount of money’ whatever it is, ten
thousand, 100,000; a million dollars, whatever it is or ‘I am going to make something
happen’ and you set this goal and you’re excited about it but then inside your head there’s
this other part of you that doesn’t really believe it. So if it’s like if you imagine your head
was divided in half the top part is the idea coming in and the bottom part, it digs in – I am
just giving this as a metaphor – it gets into your unconscious where you’ll act on it, where
you’ll believe it, where you’ll follow through on it.

When you first think of an idea, it’s cognitive so it’s kind of like the top part of your head
but it doesn’t sink down into the depth of your body and your emotions and your follow
through. Without enough repetition and without enough emotion so I would go to – I
know this sounds stupid. I know many people make fun of it but guess what? Make fun
all you want. This stuff works. If I knew I had to convince my deeper part of my
unconscious of things so I would go on these runs and I was this guy that was totally
broke. I had no money. I had nothing. And I would do these incantations.

I would write them down and I would memorize them and I would say, ‘God’s wealth is
circulating in my life. His wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance. All my needs,
desires, and goals are met instantaneously by infinite intelligence so I am one with God
and God is everything’ and I would do it again and I would say – and when I would do it
I would say, you know, ‘Avalanches of abundance’ I would picture avalanches of
abundance, all the people, all the love in my life, all the business success, all the
economic success, all my being able to make a difference and I would do this for fifteen
minutes, 30 minutes, in the beginning I would go for these hour like real light jogs and I
would just repeat this over and over again.

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Or I would get into simple phrases where I would just imagine the results and say,
‘Thank you, Thank you, Thank you’ or I would do those old burn out things, ‘Every day
in every way I am getting stronger and stronger’. I would do this and I would condition
my brain until it believed. I am sorry but that’s what it takes. You’ve got to do the
immersion. You’ve got to do the conditioning. You’ve got to get beyond your
analytical mind. You’re analytical mind will convince you of what you can not do
and by the way, if that’s not enough all you have to do is get around enough other
failures and they’ll convince you too.

Jim Rohn taught me something years and years ago when I first met him. He said, ‘You
know, Tony, I was trying some things and they didn’t work and I was frustrated and I
wasn’t making any money and I was thinking ‘God, can I really continue to do this’ and
he pulled me aside and he said, ‘Listen, I want to teach you a lesson.’ And he said, ‘It’s
real simple’ and he had his coffee and he said, ‘What if this was your coffee’ and he said,
‘What if your worst enemy put sugar in your coffee?’ he said, ‘And you drank it. What
would happen?’

And I looked at him like, ‘What are you talking about? Obviously, I would have sweet
coffee. What’s the big deal?’ and he goes ‘That’s right.’ He said, ‘what if your best friend
even by accident put one drop of strychnine in your coffee? He didn’t mean to. Just one
drop of strychnine and you drank it’ I said, ‘Well I would be dead’ and he goes ‘That’s
right. So just remember something, everything you hear is both sugar and strychnine and
you better know which one is which. You better when you’re around people stand guard
at the door of your mind’ and I never forgot that.

I thought ‘Stand guard at the door of my mind?’ He said, ‘Because every day people all
around you who have failed will try to convince you of what you can’t do, what’s a waste
of time. They’ll do it because they are not trying to stop you they just – they don’t want
to put themselves on the line. They’re afraid. So they’ll come up with some excuse.’
What destroys people’s progress is the excuses and we don’t have people work on them
within ourselves they are all around us with other people because we live in a society
that’s so jaded because most people don’t really deliver but here’s the reason they don’t
deliver. They never develop the muscle.

Are you going to go one time to work out and then be fit for life? There’s no way in hell.
Anybody who does it for a weekend you might get a nice pump but you don’t have any
muscle. What making money is a muscle, it’s a psychological muscle, it’s an
emotional muscle, it’s a skill muscle but I’ll tell you this right now 80% of success in
anything is psychology. It’s your mindset. It’s your emotion. 20% is the mechanics.

So when I was doing these interviews I was fascinated to hear the mechanics, the
strategy, the tools, but frankly I know some of these. You don’t think I studied for 30
years how to influence people? That’s what leaders do. All I looked at was, ‘Oh they’re
doing it this way. Oh, that’s something I’ve been doing but I’ve been doing it in person
but I’ve not done it on the web. So wow! I’ve got to apply that principle there. Duh!’
How smart? But what I love more was interviewing each one of these men and ladies and
finding out what drives them, what’s the belief? What’s the psychology?
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You see, I am interested to hear what sets them apart. Frank is totally, completely
different than Eben who’s completely different than Dean Jackson who’s completely
different than Mike K. I mean they are now all these friends but what’s interesting to me
and where things get really interesting is instead of saying, ‘Oh I did the say movement
with my body with the same karate chop’ is to differentiate what’s made them successful
and say ‘which parts of that do I want to use? Which strategies, which tools, which
insights, which actions, but most importantly which beliefs?’

So again, I am ranting because I feel so passionate about this. I hate seeing people who
cheat themselves because they think they’re a veteran. Listen, I am not being
disrespectful in any way. You may be really successful in what you do but if you picked
up this program, there’s some part of you that’s hungry for more so you’re not one of
those people that’s writing it off and saying, ‘I am such a veteran’. The people who do
that will just send the thing back and go, ‘Oh I heard this before.’ Stupid! Stupid! Listen
again! If you heard it before you missed it. Go deeper!

If you want to have a powerful relationship with your customer you want to go deeper. If
you want to have a powerful result within yourself, you’ve got to go deeper. If you want
to master somebody else, you’ve got to go deeper. Think deep. We live on the surface
today. People think of like friends as people on Facebook. Maybe your friends are there,
but what’s friendship really about? It’s something deeper.

I say the same thing has go to be true with your business. So, does that make sense?

FK I really wish I could call you every day and talk about this stuff. That was an excellent
answer. I am sitting here going ‘Damn! That’s really good stuff!’ That is great and you
know – and I wish that more people would be turned on to Jim Rohn and how powerful
his stuff is. I think he was the first honest to God personal development person I ever
listened to and it was…

TR Oh that’s wonderful!

FK At his seminar. Yes, I was on cassette and this was like in ’90 I don’t know, ’92 or 93 or
something and it was the original weekend seminar and the guy– it was just like your old
Granddad or something giving you this wisdom that seems like such common sense but
no one ever takes the time to think about it and explain it and it’s obvious the impact that
he’s had on you and lots of other people. He’s good and man…

TR He really is and he teaches the part that most people ignore, which is philosophy. We all
want strategy but what happened for me was I got philosophy foundation of that in my
body from Jim Rohn which was, ‘Hey look, it doesn’t get better until you get better.’ I
mean that was the essence of everything he said.

You’re not going to hope your way in to something better. You’ve got to immerse
yourself; you’ve got to make it happen. Then what I knew I needed to add to philosophy,
the strategies, and then I began to study the strategies of influence that’s how I got
involved in Neuro-linguistic Programming and cognitive psychology and all of the

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different social psychologies and pieces that allowed me to be able to help someone make
a real change and you need both.

You need philosophy and strategy, and so if you combine those you become unbeatable.
So, whenever I am listening I am listening for both. I am listening for the philosophy and
the strategy because the philosophy is going to guide what you do emotionally and
psychologically. The strategy is going to show you how to do it and both are available in
the new Money Masters. That’s why I did the interviews because I didn’t here enough
where I got enough of that out from somewhere else so I wanted to do it myself.

FK Let’s talk about the internet for a minute because so many people have come into the new
–I really wish I could talk today – have come into the new Money Masters program from
the internet and a lot of people are associating with internet marketing and stuff ,which is
great because so many people who are in the program who are being interviewed by you
have made fortunes online. So you have kind of looked at the internet with what I would
consider a fresh set of eyes, right?

So, what in your opinion are the greatest opportunities that might be getting
overlooked right now online?

TR Well you could probably answer that better than I because I’d like to hear your answer to
that as well but I would say it’s really understanding the essence of a long term
relationship instead of a singular purchase.

But most people are going out there and they are looking for the quick score and you can
manipulate people into spending some money with you but you can’t manipulate them in
to a long term relationship and if you just looked at your own self interest, if you didn’t
even care about people and you’re just being smart and hopefully you do care about
people because if you don’t that intent usually bites you in the rear pretty hard, but if you
didn’t you just say, ‘Look, if the most expensive thing I’ve got to do in my life is to get a
new customer. That’s the hardest thing to do. Once I’ve got a customer and I truly have
met their needs and I can deepen that relationship my marketing costs go out the door.
Now I can just spend time fulfilling their needs and with the web, you know, and with the
kind of information marketing world we’re in, it doesn’t cost you guys a lot to do what
you’re doing.

It’s like my business I’ve got to go spend a million dollars in infrastructure, so I can put
on a five day event but you don’t have to do that when you’re using information
marketing which is what most of the people here are about.

So you really can have an incredibly profitable business if you just make this
distinction that says ‘I am not looking for a singular purchase. I am looking to have
a long-term relationship and I’ve got to cultivate this person. I’ve got to cherish this
person. I’ve got to treat them like you said; I want to make them happy. I don’t
want to just satisfy them. I want to make sure every interaction with me takes it to a
different level.

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I mean it comes down to what I just mentioned earlier but think of it a different
way. The depth of your relationship affects the length of your relationship. I mean
think about that.

If you’ve got just a shallow relationship, somebody you met on the web or somebody you
just met in passing, if it doesn’t go deep it doesn’t last long. You need to go deep if you
want a long relationship and a long relationship where you’re really serving this person is
going to be a much more profitable one than trying to get ten new people that you can
bring into whatever it is that you’re marketing or selling and so I think that’s why you
want to practice these tools of influence not so you can manipulate people, but so you can
meet their damn needs, so you can get deeper with them, so you can get inside their
psyches, so you can start to help them to create the kind of success or happiness that they
really want in life. If you do that then the word of mouth takes over.

I mean I started out in the very early days I build a huge business way before I had any
stupid infomercials, that’s why they came to me. They wanted to do a business. They
asked me if I would endorse a different product and it’s because I had such unbelievable
word of mouth of people saying ‘If you go to this event your life changes. I mean it’s
unbelievable’ and so I’ve done that for years and years and years. If you do that for 30
years of delivering that and pretty soon you’ve got a brand.

Branding comes, I believe, by deepening the relationship. You don’t get a real brand
by staying shallow.

So the thing you’ve got to look at, the opportunity that’s being missed is depth. The
opportunity being missed is long-term relationship. Do that and you’re going to find
your business is going to transform and you’re also going to enjoy what you do because –
I’ll tell you. I loved - even when we put out like our – some of our free videos that got
people interested in Money Masters. I went on that damn blog every day and I read all of
those pieces and I’m obsessed but I loved because, I mean, man, woman, child of people
saying, ‘This was incredible. This – you can’t imagine what this did for me. This turned
my life around.’ That’s why I am in the business I am in.

And as a result, because I am passionate about that, because I am so committed to that

and because I love that it’s easy. It’s not work for me because I love it. When you love
something it’s like, some people work and then they go do something they enjoy. My
work is my love and so I am lit up like a Christmas tree and because of that I tend to
create deeper relationships. I tend to give more and because of that, I tend to prosper for
32 years.

So you’ve really got to make sure you’re passionate about what you’re doing and
that’s what’s going to help you deepen it just naturally. You know, you’ve got to be
passionate about your people. You’ve got to know more about them then they even
know about themselves. If you do that, you’re going to prosper in a major way.

FK I think you can also just affect the world for the better because the internet is a great place
to build communities. I don’t necessarily mean membership sites or actual communities

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like Facebook but just subscriber lists that you can build these little communities and if
you focus on positivity and do the happiness delivery thing that we were talking about
earlier I think it’s a very affective medium that can be used to not only prosper financially
but just generally spread kindness and happiness through out the world like
instantaneously which is good. I don’t think we’ve ever had this ability in history to do –
to deliver a message on a grand scale so quickly and easily at such minimal expense no
matter what the message is and we have the opportunity to deliver a very, very good and
positive message, each and every one of us right now listening to this can do it and I
think that’s – if I were to answer the question – well first I would say what you said, but I
would amend it with that, that we have the ability to really spread that sort of good will

TR I think you’re absolutely right. I think that’s the secret to almost every successful
network, Facebook, Twitter, I mean you introduced me. I was with you and Mike K.
remember when we were hanging out in the early days together and you said, ‘Yes, check
out this Twitter thing’ and I heard of that when it first came out because I was building
this site, you know, and I was working with these people on some decision making
software that was affecting things and – so I was around some of the top people and they
were all on Twitter and I thought ‘What is wrong with you?’ I mean you grew up in a
different universe than I do. I grew up in a generation where, you know, I wouldn’t blog.
If you read my journal, I would beat the hell out of you. I come from a different place and
to write some little line that just simply says ‘I am going to have coffee’ or whatever it
was it was like ‘Give me a break’.

But you were the first person, the two of you guys, who said, ‘Oh check this out’ and
you clicked on and you said, ‘I am sitting here with Tony Robbins’ and boom people
came on and some of the people popped on I actually recognized one of the names or
they said, ‘Hey Tony, I went to this program with you’ and it was that connection. It
was that immediacy of a relationship of people from literally all over the world and
so as a result of you I went online.

At first I didn’t even use my own name because I was just kind of playing with it and
then about I was on – I started like eleven months ago I think it was and then about seven,
eight months ago I decided to use my own name and I was thinking ‘What can you do to
add value in 140 characters?’ And now it’s quite common but – everybody is doing it but
I was saying ‘You know what? I’ll leave a quote. I’ll leave a link of something that
inspires’ and I use a lot of time. I do all my own Twitters. Nobody else does them for me.
I just – because it’s a personal thing and it’s what I feel, it’s what I think or it’s something
that makes me laugh or it’s something that will inspire me or it’s something that’s
interesting and I put it on there and now I’ve got a million – I am coming up on 1.5
million followers on this thing. It’s a pretty incredible thing to be able to reach out and
say ‘Wow’ and every day people say ‘Wow! I love that’ or ‘It touched me’ or ‘That’s
what I needed to hear today’ and I love that. I mean that’s what makes me go.

So, it’s not an economic thing. I am sure, you know, there’s economic benefits available
to Twitter but most of it is – shit! A lot of time and energy but it’s fun and it’s a
community and it’s a chance to touch people and reach people and have interesting
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conversations. I also look at Twitter, you know, as a community that really for me is like
an intelligent browser.

It’s like today there’s so much information how do you know what’s worthwhile? You
could spend all day in front of the damn computer, and you don’t have no life. So, I
started looking around and I said, ‘Okay, well there’s some people here, there are some
people who are technology people that are just geniuses. They are ten times smarter than
I am. I want to see what it is they’re checking out. They’re putting out links. This is what
they think is important. Wow! It saves me hours. I mean I could go for a year and not be
exposed to that or I can take a look at some business people that I follow and say, ‘You
know, what does this guy think? What is he bringing forward?’

And so I look at it as a way to constantly like screen out everything else and go for
the best stuff by people that I like and respect. I look at it as a way that you can do
what you said, have a community that shares happiness and insights and
inspiration. I also think Twitter from a business perspective allows me to see what
people are saying about my brand. What are they saying about us? And I can enter
into a conversation with somebody especially somebody that’s written something
that’s not true or a differentperspective, we can have a passionate discussion or
debate, you know, I can direct message them and see what’s going on and talk back
with them.

It’s a very, very unbelievably cool time to be alive and technology provides it but it’s not
the technology. It’s how we use the technology. It’s our intent to use the technology. It’s
the emotion behind it that makes it useful and the intent and the emotion behind things
like Twitter the way they’ve been used has really, I think, opened the world. You see
what happened over there in Iran and people were posting things on Twitter that they
couldn’t get through the normal news.

I mean it’s a very, very extraordinary time to be alive and people have got to take
advantage of all these opportunities. I am sure everybody here or most people here
are on – are using Facebook and Twitter or something of that nature but if you
aren’t or if you are, are you maximizing it? Is there another way that you can add
more value and more enjoyment to you? Can you add more value to other people?
And are there some business uses for it that would be helpful for you as well?

FK You know speaking of new discoveries incidentally I am at the exact same desk that I
was at, at Mike’s place when you and he and I sat down together and showed you Twitter
for the first time….

TR Oh that’s great!

FK Yes, but – so Twitter was kind of a new thing for you back then and clearly since
you’ve, you know, you’re the figure head in the new Money Masters thing and it’s your
product you’ve had a first hand chance to test drive a lot of the strategies that are
discussed throughout the program.

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So from what you’ve tested out so far, and I know there’s so much in there you’ve – well
I don’t know maybe you could. If anyone could test them all out in this short of period of
time it would be you because I am convinced you don’t sleep. I am actually – ladies and
gentlemen, I think Tony Robbins has a clone personally. I think there’s like three of you
in order for you to get so much stuff done in one day that you do.

But of the stuff that you’ve tested out and tried and the concepts that we reveal in the
new Money Masters what has really been the most effective and worked the best and
made the biggest difference for you?

TR Well gosh, there’s been so many and I don’t think I want to reveal some of the ones that
are coming because I’ll botch them. I want people to hear them for the first time from the
person who created it because these aren’t my ideas and I want them to be acknowledged
accordingly but most people have heard yours. Let’s start with you.

I mean I think, you know, the Results in Advance technique that you use is a very
fundamental idea of ‘I need to go out there and add this value to people’. It was the
very first thing we talked about on this tape. I mean obviously I’ve used it and it’s
been incredible.

The idea that if I can communicate with my customers in different ways where instead of
my website which is just horrific. I mean, in fact I was – you were here last night we’re
working on it for four months to completely change it and to make it right and I knew it
was wrong a year ago but I was working on a different project and I thought I would use
that for the website but it didn’t work out so I just said, ‘You know, we are like this
corporate brochure’ that the messages we were sending out were just these corporate
messages and so the idea of me pumping on and being able to use technology to look into
a camera or just write a quick note and send it out to people and where it’s conversational
as simplistic as that sounds for business people who’ve been around a while, not people
that live on the internet, for business people that’s a break through because we’ve all been
conditioned to operate in a ‘professional’ way.

You’ve got to remember it wasn’t ten years ago, , you didn’t have casual days – you
know casual Friday was a really unique thing that might happen. Today if you are seeing
somebody even dressed at work in most businesses and in many industries, you’d be

So, the world has shifted and that shift, even though it’s so simple, was really valuable
when customers got to connect that’s what Twitter offered as well.

The whole idea of the boomerang technique where we went out and we gave people
these chunks of free content and stacked that. We gave it to them. We gave it to
them and then we offered them something that was valuable. I mean it’s been
incredibly valuable.

So I know for a fact there have been certainly seven figures that’s happened – or probably
a couple of seven figure elements that have happened from just applying those and it’s
simple ways and they were fundamental techniques that I got from our first conversation.
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I don’t want to reveal a bunch of others but, you know, psychologically you and Dean
Jackson have a similar philosophy, for example, in terms of your way you look at work.
Now I am a very different guy but it did make me look at my philosophy of work and
say, ‘Listen, I want to make sure that whatever we’re doing it brings the most possible
enjoyment to me not just my customers, to my family, that I am utilizing my time in a
way that does that’.

Now I tend to love most of what I do so it’s a little different but it was filter for me. There
was a couple of things I was doing and I said, ‘You know what? Who needs to do that?
Let’s ace that.’ That does not give me joy and there are other ways I can add more value
so the bottom line is what is this going to deliver for you in the end. I tend to focus only
on the customer sometimes, that’s why I am on stage for 50 hours and my body is beat to
hell but I’ve even changed in that, you know, since we started this process. I’ve made a
shift where one of the days of my event I am off stage.

Now I did that partially because I had a doctor that said, to me ‘Your throat is gone.
There’s no singer on earth that gets up and does 50 hours. They don’t do three hours. You
have to recover. You’ve done this for, you know, 30 years and, you know, we can’t repair
what you’re doing’. So, I do have some leverage on me but before I would have still done
it. I said, ‘You know what? There’s another way for that day to add value. I am going to
do this with some other people I’ve trained. I am going to do this with video’ and now I
recover on that day and I get up and I have more value to add.

So I could give you lots of different strategies on each person but I think what’s more
important for people is for them to figure out what’s most important for them because we
could do three hours on what I’ve seen because I could do 20 minutes on what I pulled
from you and 20 minutes on what I pulled from Dean Jackson and probably 20 minutes
I’ve pulled from Eben and I think 20 minutes is probably conservative for you guys.

So I think it’s really coming down to people sitting down and saying, ‘I don’t need to
get everything out of this. Let me pull three ideas.’ I mean one idea acted upon is
worth everything. That’s all you’ve got to do and I certainly, you know, have done
that with each of you to an extent that has given great value to my life. That’s why I
went and interviewed you guys in the first place.

FK I am glad that you brought up Dean, the King of Leisure.

TR He is. When people listen to him – I mean, his entire mindset is ‘why do I have to go
make money? I only want to make money for things that I thoroughly enjoy and I am –I
went down with him, I never played golf and I went down with him and played golf so
that we could do our interview, and had a damn good time. I mean the guy knows how to
enjoy his life and you do too. You know how to enjoy your life.

So I think people have to find out what they enjoy most. There are people, and I am one
of them, that I love creating things. I love delivering things. I love seeing that customer
change. Now if I did it all through the internet and it was just in writing – it’s probably
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the same reason that I don’t write books, I don’t write books because I don’t love it. So, I
work incredibly hard but that doesn’t feel hard to me other than the physical wear and
tear but it’s because it’s fulfilling and everybody has got to find what fulfills them and
some people’s psychology is, ‘let me do the least amount’. I think anybody could benefit
from both you and Dean’s approach. I mean all of you do this to some extent, of saying
‘Listen, how do I be more elegant? How do I get greater results for less time and energy
and effort?’ Obviously, that’s an intelligent thing for anyone to begin to really look for.

FK What’s interesting is some, I think there’s a prevailing belief out there and I’ll call it
like an old school belief where people think ‘Well if you’re not working all day then
you just, you’re not earning the money’. You know. And I’ve had people actually
almost be angry with me saying ‘Well, you know, you shouldn’t be making all this
money because you’re not really doing anything,’ or ‘You must be doing something
wrong if you’re only working four or five hours a day and you spend all of your time in
the sea’ and I am interested in your take on that belief.

So what are some beliefs systems that people have that maybe false about the concept
of work and how can we change them and help them be more effective? Because I
don’t really want to take either stance, you know, that you should or should not work
all the time. You should do whatever makes you happy and as long as it doesn’t hurt
anyone but I think people mess themselves up sometimes with this belief system that
might not have any basis in reality other than ‘Well, that’s what my dad said,’ or
‘that’s what my teacher said,’ or whatever.

So, what would you say to that?

TR I would say people have to – are going to live their imprinting. Everybody was imprinted
at an early age in different ways and you could have a father that had a tremendous work
ethic and you could have been pissed off that he was never there and go, ‘I am never
going to do that again. I am going to just enjoy my life’. You could have had a father or
mother that had a tremendous work ethic and you modeled it because you respected what
they did.

Whatever people believe is what they are going to live so I think you’re right. There’s no
right or wrong on this level. What you probably do want to ask yourself though really
more than anything else is, ‘life is short so what do I enjoy most? You know, what am I
most passionate about?’ And that’s where you want to spend your time.

Somebody – Sage and I landed the other day and our plane couldn’t land at the airport. It
was – they had had some snow here in Sun Valley and we were past the curfew and I’ve
done – I was working on my T.V. show and I was supposed to go two hours and we went
five and a half hours and so we were late and so we had to go land somewhere else and
we had someone have to pick us up and drive us back here to Sun Valley. So it was like a
two hour drive and the woman driving, one of the questions she was asking us was like
‘What are your hobbies?’ and my wife, Sage, who’s got this unbelievable work ethic also
she just like looked at him like – this person like they were crazy.

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It was this woman and she said, ‘Hobbies?’ she goes ‘I don’t have any hobbies. I have
enormous number of passions. I don’t have any hobbies. A hobby is something you do
just to use up your time’ was her perception and I kind of agree with her. I mean we’ve
got so many things we’re passionate about and when you’re passionate about it, it doesn’t
feel like work.

Just working because that’s what you’re supposed to do, somebody who’s imprint this is,
is going to stay that way. You and I talking about it right now isn’t going to change them
a bit. What will change them is a heart attack, what will change them is feeling like they
worked so hard for so long and they feel unfulfilled. What will change them is working
so much that they don’t know their children or their spouse that they think they are
working so hard to support, they come home and they feel like they have no relationship

What changes people and changes their beliefs is consequences but the way you can
avoid that is you could consciously sit down in advance and say, ‘what do I believe about
work?’ and write down a bunch of different beliefs. ‘I believe that you have to work. You
have to work every 24 hours – every minute, 24 hours’ or ‘You never have to work’ and
whatever your belief is challenge it. Just challenge it!

A belief only stays a belief because you don’t question it. The minute you question
something and you sincerely question it you produce a moment of doubt and in a sense of
doubt, you’re open to the possibility of something new.

So, I would write down all your beliefs about work. What do you think it should be very
little or should it be a lot? And maybe you can find some balance by saying, ‘what’s BS
about that?’ and making yourself whatever you believe even if you think it’s the best
thing in the world even if, you know, you think you should work two hours a day or you
think you should work 24 hours a day. It doesn’t matter. Just to give yourself a sense of

And then the bigger issue for me is not work. The bigger issue is what makes you feel
alive? Like you love surfing and you don’t call that work but surfing is work for
somebody else who doesn’t enjoy it. Like ‘What? I am going to go paddle out there and
sit out there and do this stuff’ but for you that’s totally joy. So, for some people what they
do is like surfing and so they are going to do it as much as possible. Also, some people
want to do 20 different things. Some people, you know, they don’t need that much variety
in their life. They like two or three things.

I’ve always said, how does a guy go to work all day long, ‘work’, and, you know, he
can’t wait until the clock hits whatever his ending time is, five o’clock let’s say, and then
he goes off and he does something that takes ten times more work but he calls it ‘play’.
It’s because he’s passionate about the play. It’s because he finds more meaning, he finds
more enjoyment in the play.

If you can find enjoyment in your work then I think you have the greatest gift in the
world because I personally believe that, other your actual love, your heart, per say, that

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your labor is one of the most sacred things you can give another human being because
you’re giving your time, you’re giving your passion, you’re giving your life experience.
To me it’s sacred so I love it and that’s why my approach is, you know, I don’t think of it
as work. I do what I do. I live my passion. Whereas somebody else might say, ‘Well I
don’t have that much passion for this. I could only do whatever it is you’re talking about
for three or four hours a day and that fulfills me. Great! But then I have to do something
else to be fulfilled.’ Well great! That’s not, you know, it’s not work it’s just finding
another passion.

So I don’t know if that answers your question clearly because you and I, I think, have
slightly different approaches to this but I think what we share is a passion for what we do
and so we do the things we’re passionate about and we do those things a lot. For some
people that’s spending time with their friends. For some people that’s hanging out. For
some people that’s creating something. For some people that’s building the business. For
some people that’s raising a child.

You’ve just got to know what you’re passions are and spend more time there.

FK That was awesome and I think it all comes down to belief. Because you talked about
belief a lot during your response to that question and I’ve learned so much from you
directly through one on one communication and through your products, you know, before
I met you about the importance of managing your beliefs which I think is really one of
the most critical things that someone can learn to do and hopefully master one day.

So, I would like to talk to you about that because I think that’s really a big gold nugget.

So, for example, you know how I feel personally about the economy and the dooms day
approach to things. What would you say about this to people and how can they
effectively manage their own beliefs and psychology around what’s going on in the
outside world as it pertains to money and maybe even their own beliefs about money?
Because I think that what will determine a lot of people’s actions and their decisions
that they make and the steps that they take going forward with the information they get
both from this course and from any course that’s related about money is their
fundamental belief system about money.

TR I would agree. I think there’s –in my Wealth Mastery programs we have a process where
I have people sit down and they are across from a person and we don’t let them think and
we just say, ‘What is money?’ it’s just ‘What is money? What is money? What is money
really?’ and we just dig in and we do this deeper and deeper which sounds so basic but
you can’t believe when you’re not filtering the stuff that comes out of your head. You
know stuff that maybe intellectually you know better but emotionally it still controls you.

And almost everybody you know has that something that they know better but it still
controls them or a lot of people have beliefs that maybe five, ten, fifteen years ago you
believed something and you would have fought for that belief and now you look back on
it today and you’d almost be embarrassed to admit that you believed that crap.

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So growth usually opens our minds, opens our minds to new beliefs, new opportunities,
new meanings, new exposures and the best way I know to do that is to realize that what
you believe is more shaped by who you live with and who you are around than anything

I mean if you look at people’s religions – I am not telling people what religion they
should follow but you can pretty much predict the majority of people based on where
they grew up. The majority of the people if they have a religious belief at all in the U.S.
the majority of them are Christian because that’s the majority of people that they were
surrounded with.

Now you might say, ‘No, that’s because that’s the right religion’. I am personally a
Christian but I don’t tell people what to believe. If you grew up in the Middle East in a
certain area you’re going to be Jewish. If you grew up with a certain family, you’re going
to be Muslim.

Now we all have the choice today to say, ‘No, I am spiritual. I am going to approach this
differently. I’ve looked at everything consciously and more and more people do that
today, but my point is who you spend time with is who you become and the reason is
what you become is shaped by your beliefs more than anything else. So you’ve got to be
very, very conscious about things that you begun to accept as absolute truth because once
you believe something is the truth you find evidence to support it.

I always do this exercise with people in the seminar and I’ll say to them, ‘Look around
this room right now and look for everything that’s brown, and brown, brown, brown, find
clothing brown, anything brown anybody listening can do the same thing. Just look
around anywhere and look for brown, look for brown, look for brown and then I say,
‘Okay, now close your eyes and tell me everything you saw just now that was red’ and
people usually laugh and then I’ll say, ‘Open your eyes now and look for red and they
look and look and look for red and they look all around the room and I say, ‘How many
saw more red this time?’ and everybody raises their hand. Why?

Because you get what you look for. In fact, you’ll get what you’re looking for even if it’s
not there. So I’ll tell people, I’ll say ‘How many of you, raise your hand, saw beige shit
called it brown just so you could feel successful?’, and most people – ‘How many saw
burgundy and called it red just to feel successful?’ because you could count more things.
Everybody raises their hand.

You see, if you think somebody is terrible you’re going to find something terrible in them
whether it’s there or not. You’ll make brown – beige into brown. If you think something
is great you’re going to find the great in it.

So, our belief structures are so powerful. They become this self-fulfilling prophecy
of our life and so you have to become so aware of which ones are controlling you.
You’ve got to brainstorm them out. You’ve got to put them on paper because in
your head you’ll never manage them.

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And so in my Unleash the Power Within seminar, on the Sunday there we take people
through this process called the Dickens Process where we have people literally,
physically write down three to five of the most limiting beliefs of their life and we make
them find them and I don’t tell them what they are. Who the hell am I? I have them dig.
What’s a limiting belief you have about yourself or about money or about relationships or
about success or failure or about your past or about what you don’t have or who you’re
not and we have them come up with these three to five and then I take them through this
process of not just writing it down but destroying what brought them into being and what
brings them into being is you’re rewarded for what you believed. People rewarded you.
You got the answer you needed or you got the love you wanted or you got the strokes or
you succeeded so you started to believe, ‘Oh I succeeded because of that principle’ and
sometimes it was something else that drove it all and when people go through this
process it’s like an hour and a half process at the end [Unintelligible] when you break out
of what’s been limiting you.

Most people what’s limiting them is invisible; it’s unconscious to them. It’s like,, if
you’re a fish in water you don’t feel, you don’t notice the water. It’s just all you know
and you’re beliefs are the water that’s all around you.

So, you’ve got to just brainstorm out. What are the most limiting beliefs? What,
when I am listening to these new Money Masters, what does this person believe
differently than I do? Why haven’t I followed through? And instead of thinking in
your head physically write it down and brain storm it and push yourself and then
you’ve got to just annihilate those. What’s bullshitabout that? What’s totally a lie
about that? What’s ridiculous about that? What’s stupid about that? And if you
can’t come up with it take it to somebody else who’s more successful and I will
promise you they can tell you. They can rip it to pieces for you and then you just got
to condition yourself with something to replace it. You can’t just stop thinking
something. You’ve got to think something different that’s better and that’s where
this incantation idea – what makes it an incantation instead of an affirmation by the
way is you’re speaking it out loud. You’re using your whole body.

If I go ‘I am happy. I am happy. I am happy’ you know, your brain’s going to go

‘Bullshit! You’re not happy’ but if I can put myself in this physical state where I say ‘I
now command my subconscious mind to do this’ and I say it with intensity and I use my
body it goes deep into your unconscious and that’s the way that you begin to create these

But remember what I said, earlier too. Who you spend time with is who you become.
Now when I was young I didn’t have any great role models. So how did I get the role
models? I read biographies. I read autobiographies whenever I could and biographies. I
wanted to read what people went through because when you read – especially if it’s the
author – when you read the authors works you start thinking like the person you’re

I started listening to tapes and I would listen to them over and over and over again so that
voice of what they said, I not only knew what they were going to say before they said, it I
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knew what it sounded like. I felt it in my body until pretty soon it became my thought,
until it was incorporated in me and then my thoughts, it’s like, if you learn to play the
piano in the beginning you play other people’s music but after a while you’ve played so
much of other people’s music that you can sit down there and you create your own stuff
because you have so much to pull from that now you kind of cross pollinate and your
own personality, your own ideas, your own structures, your own insights start to show up
and I know all of you guys did that. When I say ‘you guys’ I mean these guys that I
interviewed and ladies from Money Masters they went out and got information from all
kinds of people and they shared it with each other and they did it, they did it, and did it
and then all of a sudden they got their own ideas, their own insights or they figured out
how to play somebody else’s idea from a different place in to this context called the

That’s how you really get it to change because if you allow the – remember I said,
‘Stand guard at the door of your mind’? Stuff slips in by who you spend time with.
Surround yourself. That’s why you go to seminars. That’s why you put yourself in
an environment for three or four days of total immersion with people who know
what the hell they are doing until it becomes a conditioned way of thinking. That’s
why I do events because that’s how you get the result quick or you listen to these
audios and you feed your mind more and more because if you don’t we all know
what’s going to be fed to you. You know, your Blackberry’s, you turn on Google,
flip on CNN and you know what you’re going to be fed. You’re going to be fed
gloom and doom and you’ll start to believe it because repetition produces certainty,

You hear it again and again and again. What was it Hitler said? He said, if you tell a lie
big enough, loud enough, and long enough sooner or later people believe it. Well he used
it in that way.

I don’t think there’s a conspiracy, it’s just the majority of the people do not put
themselves on the line. They are scared to fail so they come up with a story why it’s
not their fault and they don’t deal with the real reality. There’s real reality that’s a
challenge out there. There’s economic challenge but it doesn’t have to be yours. You
can adapt. You can do something new. There’s an opportunity for you but you’ve
got to shift the belief to do it.

FK That was awesome! This has been a really – for me personally, I hope if people who are
listening have enjoyed this one-twentieth as much as I have then I think we’ve done a
fine job…

TR Good

FK Because it’s really been an eye opener for me, Tony. Thank you very much.

TR Well I really enjoyed our time, Frank. I always do.

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FK Yes, that was great. So, to everyone listening thanks a lot for being part of the New
Money Masters and I know I am looking forward to the next installment. So we’ll see
you around soon.

TR God Bless, everybody! Live with Passion! Live strong and live with passion, man. Find
whatever is limiting and facing you and just push through it. Hope to hear you all and talk
to you soon. Bye, bye.


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