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Angelica A.

Delivery Modes and Instructional Approaches

When creating learning activities for students to gain the skills, knowledge, and understandings
needed to attain the desired learning goals, the mode of delivery of teaching is an important
factor to consider. In an ideal way the appropriate mode of delivery for each activity will
be based on what will best to assist students' development of the skills, knowledge, and
understandings they're expected to attain. As based from my observation many of the learning
activities will need to be different, and designed separately design activities and select
resources that will enable the identified delivery mode to be used effectively to support student
attainment of those outcomes. The mode of delivery should have one goal to achieve and that
is to make learning more effective that will hook student’s attention leading to a more
successful learning process. There are a lot of delivery modes in learning as the research
provides first is Face to Face learning wherein All teaching and learning takes place in a face-to-
face setting on campus under this delivery method, on campus, content, communication, and
collaborations between teachers and students, as well as between students and students, take
place at specific hours, days and weeks, and assessment tasks are 'physically' handed in.

This method is the most common and the traditional way to teach, this is as for me the most
effective so far as proven and tested since time. Second is the blended learning that we are
experiencing presently as define blended course mixes face-to-face learning aspects like
classroom or lab sessions with online learning elements like narrated presentations, videos, and
online forums. The two kinds of delivery mode of learning are both effective and brings
significance in teaching that can provide progress in the learning process, delivery modes of
teaching are guidelines made to nurture and uplift learning even more to achieve the desired
learning outcome.

Instructional approaches as define instructional approaches to help students become

independent, strategic learners, when students choose relevant strategies on their own and use
them effectively to complete tasks or fulfill goals, they become learning strategies. Teachers are
responsible to examine which combination of instructional approaches and methods will help
students achieve the learning outcomes intended for a certain lesson when choosing
instructional approaches and methods. Teachers assess the advantages and risks of different
approaches and methods, as well as their students' interests, knowledge and strategies. These
approaches are set of ideas about the nature of learning, this approach gives rise to methods,
which are ways of teaching something that use classroom activities or techniques to help
learners learn. Teaching method and instructional approaches are an important aspect of
teaching and learning they determine the activities of teachers and students, the quality of the
teaching process is very important that can enhance teaching effectiveness.

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