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English Training Center

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AMALUDIN AKBAR 043313440118005

Program Studi Dipolmat III Keperawatan

Sekolah tinggi ilmu kesehatan kharisma karawang
I would like to tell about introduce my self.
My full name is Amaludin Akbar,my friends ussed to call me Agip .i am 19 years old .i was
born on february 4th,2000. Iam the first child of two siblings. i am a collage of Stikes
Kharisma Karawang. My hobby is playing futsal. I from Subang but i live in Karawang
exactly Karawang Indah Housing.

Next, i would like to tell about my daily aktivities

Ussualy i am wake up at 04.00 everyday ,i take a bath at 04.15 . after that at 04.30 i do the
have down prayer. Then, iam sometimes go to campus at 08.00 everyday. But i ussualy
breakfast at 10.00 . and next i am going home at 18.00 everyday.

Than,i would like to tell about my family

I have parents. My father name is mr.Amer Sumarna and my mother name is ms.Wika father is from subang, he 40 years. Old. and my mother from subang and she
38 years old.and I have young sister she is name Isma Yanti. She 13 years old. My father job
is the trader and he work in home. My mother job is help my father .

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