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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness

Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Module 16 Common Myths in Exercise

In this module, you will be able to discover the common myths and fallacies
that have become an influencing part of the fitness industry. You will be able
to learn about how these myths and fallacies become limiting ideas that may
hinder you from achieving your fitness goals. You’ll also see how a lot of
these myths shape many practices that people have towards exercise.
At the end of this module, you will be able to:
1. identify common misconceptions, myths, & fallacies about exercise.
2. determine the common misconceptions held by women and how exercise
affects a woman’s body.
3. discover the most common misconceptions held about weight loss,
asthma, and its relation to exercise.
4. prefer to dismiss common myths and misconceptions on exercise.
5. build new ideas about exercises from facts presented in the lesson.
6. relate own misconceptions and fallacies regarding exercise and
determine which of these misconceptions are hindering a person from
Knowing about these common myths and misconceptions will ultimately
help you debunk the ideas that you may previously have about exercise.
Within the module are in depth discussions about how these myths are
proven to be untrue and most of the time have no clear scientific basis/facts
to support them.

Common Myths in Exercise

Welcome to the last chapter of this course!

This module will be focused on dealing with some of the common myths and facts that most
people know about exercising and the practices that go with it.

Hopefully, through this lesson, you’d get to identify some of the beliefs in exercise that you
may possibly hold true in your life to be incorrect, this way you can get to do your exercise
routine in a more scientific manner.

The following are the topics that will be covered within this module:
I. What You Know vs. What You SHOULD Know
II. Myths & Fallacies on Weight Loss
A. Myth #1: On Cellulites
B. Myth #2: Spot Reduction
C. Myth #3: Surgery
D. Myth #4: Passive Exercises
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

E. Weight Loss Formula

III. Exercise and Pregnancy
A. Myths on Pregnancy
B. Advisable Activities
C. Contraindicated Activities
IV. Exercise and Monthly Period
A. Myths & Facts on Menstrual Period
B. Ideal & Contraindicated Exercises
C. Other Contraindicated Exercise
V. Exercise and Asthma
VI. Other Exercise Myths

Image Source: Myths and Facts on Exercise –
It is only through an in depth knowledge and understanding of these concepts will you be
able to grasp the facts that go behind these myths.

Through this lesson, maybe you can relate your own misconceptions and fallacies regarding
exercise and determine which of these misconceptions are possibly hindering you from
engaging in regular exercise.

I. What You Know vs. What You SHOULD Know

You may have heard interesting stories about weight loss, exercise, and a lot of ideas
about how people became fit.

You may have also had the chance to hear people say that they miraculously lost ten
pounds of their weight by just drinking this kind of juice; while some may claim that by
using a certain kind of equipment they have gained some muscles on their body.

These are all success stories that some people may have on their road to their fitness goals
or, you may possibly have personally experienced them first hand.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Along their own fitness journeys, they must have always searched for the quick, easy, &
miraculous route to their health and happiness.

Who doesn’t want that right? A magic pill that can take off all your fat and turn them into
muscles, or a power juice that can automatically make you gain lean mass.

Eventually these quick solutions that many have been a witness to, or have agreed to, led
all of us to believing into too much information that have no basis and complete scientific

These several information we learned through word of mouth are now held as truth even
if it isn’t really based on anything, which led to the many myths and misconceptions that
are now circulating in the fitness industry.

Image Source: What you know –
For quite a few years now, the fitness industry has seen an increasing trend. People are
now more conscious about their health more than ever and are concerned about what to
eat and what not to eat.

Many fitness-related events such as fun runs, zumba classes, cross-fits, among others,
have made their way into the general masses.

It is no longer a surprise that along with the trends, come several beliefs about fitness that
might have sprung without factual basis.

For this reason, it is always important to sift the myths from the facts and learn more
about things that go around in the fitness business.

Yes, business, as a smart consumer or a smart fitness enthusiast you’d always find your
way purchasing or investing on something to ensure your life of health.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Being in-the-know about the things that go along the fitness world, you must always
protect two things in your life, and those are, your health and your pockets.

There are products out there that claim one thing but do otherwise and they might
become harmful to you in some ways, that’s why you should always be on the look-out for
these kinds of things.

At the tip of your fingertips

If you want to know more about products or services that you would want to
purchase along your fitness journey, you must remember that all the information you
need to know are just at the tip of your fingertips. Researching on the internet about
reviews and studies about the services and products that you may use is one of the
best techniques of being a smart consumer in fitness.

Image Source: Light bulb moment –

Aside from your health, you should also know how to protect your own pockets from
culprits roaming around claiming that their products or services are something true,
when in fact, it isn’t based on anything at all.

For the purpose of this lesson, hopefully, you’d be a more informed consumer of fitness-
related services and products. This module would also serve as a guide for you to always
keep up with the trends in fitness so that you won’t be fooled to get into something that’s
truly based on nothing.

II. Myths & Fallacies on Weight Loss

In this section of the module, you’ll begin discovering about the most obvious struggle that
many people find the most unimaginable solutions for, this will talk about weight loss and
the several misconceptions that go with it.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source: Weight Loss –
You’ll learn about those dreaded cellulites, what spot reduction and passive exercise are,
and how surgery should never be an option to gain that “perfect” or “ideal” body.

A. Myth #1: On Cellulites

What some people know is that cellulites can be removed with the use of a special
exercise, diet, cream, or device the way that some books and advertisements make
them believe.

Do you have cellulites in your body? Where do you have them? Are they bothersome to
you or do you feel insecure about it? Do you actually hold this first myth as something true
in your life?

Image Source:
Cellulite (Picture A) -
Cellulite (Picture B) –

This is a more common and a very serious problem for women compared to men. Women
are actually more prone to have these bulges on their bodies because of their ability to
store more fat as easily compared to men.

But what’s the real deal behind this myth? What are cellulites anyway? Will you ever get
rid of them? If this is a myth, how do you get rid of cellulites the right way?

Here are a few things you need to know about cellulites:

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

These things on your body are basically fat

cells that are emerging or are bulging out on
the surface of your skin.

These fat cells are not at all bad and they

actually serve numerous purpose within the
body. From giving you insulation, to the
energy that you use up on a regular basis, fat
cells are actually very important.

They only become a problem when they start

to become enlarged and they bulge out
directly on your skin’s surface.

These bulging fat cells or cellulites may be caused

by numerous reasons like: hormonal imbalance, Image Source: Anatomy of cellulite –
heredity, gender, lack of exercise, stress, eating an
unhealthy diet, and even wearing tight clothing celulitis/
could be a reason for these fat cells to bulge.

This refers to a process done by doctors with the goal of making cellulites less
noticeable. They do this by injecting chemicals into the fat layer below the skin to
breakdown these bulging fat cells. The procedure requires the use of chemicals such
as phosphatidylcholine, hormones, extracts, vitamins, & minerals. The treatment is
not highly recommended by some doctors because it has high risk for infections,
rashes, & lumpy skin.

Most women are more affected by bulging fat cells more than men. Women have more fat
cells than men because of the hormone called estrogen, which regulates a woman’s rate
of reproduction.

Estrogen is a type of steroid hormones that is naturally produced by a woman’s body. It

promotes the development and maintenance of female body characteristics and it can also
be produced artificially as a form of oral contraceptive or for treatment of menopausal
and menstrual disorders.

While, Testosterone, are steroid hormones that stimulate the development of male
sexual characteristics. These are naturally produced by males through the testes but, can
also be produced in small amounts in the ovaries and adrenal cortex.

Some people actually deem cellulites to be normal already, when in fact, it is a direct
symptom of a serious problem, which is excess body fat.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

You already know that excess body fat is not good, and for you to be able to get rid of
these cellulites, you must face the hard-hitting truth that, eating healthy and living an
active lifestyle, are the only solutions to this problem.

Image Source:
Man vs woman –
Problem vs solution –
The soonest that you deal with this problem, the better; and the soonest that you identify
the solutions to eliminate excess body fat, the healthier you’d be.

Though some creams and other products have been proven to eliminate cellulites, it is no
guarantee that you can get rid of it forever or for the rest of your life. These things are
quick fixes and it will just lead you to a vicious cycle of spending and experimenting.

Address the problem directly, and be glad that they are showing in these bulgy forms, this
way you’ll wake up and do something about it the soonest time. Having an active lifestyle
coupled with a proper diet are the only best solution that you have in order to get rid of
the problem.

Moderation vs. Elimination

When you are engaging in a regular diet, you must remember to moderate your
intake instead of eliminate. Moderating your intake of food that are high in fat and
sugar is better because it decreases your chances of binging after a period of dieting.
But, before you practice moderation, you have to learn how to identify these “bad”
types of food that you need to eliminate from your life to increase your chances of
losing weight.

With addressing the symptoms directly, you must remember that you do not need a
special treatment or a device to get rid of your cellulites permanently.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source:
Cellulite creams –
Eating Healthy –
Exercising regularly –
Cellulite removal device –

You do not need to spend and find that best solution out there. The only solution is within
you. It is a direct decision you have to do for yourself to decrease that excess body
fat, eat right, and regularly exercise.

Reduce those number of calories you consume and choose healthful food over those
empty calories you love to eat. Don’t stress eat, instead stress-exercise, move your body
and do more physical activities!

One of the best ways to actually get rid of that bulging fats is doing regular cardio
and weight training activities. These activities tend to convert your fat stores into
energy that your muscles can use throughout your activities.

You cannot take away bulging fat with some form of magic, it takes a lot of hard work and
one hundred percent commitment to treat these manifestations right away.

Acknowledging that something is wrong with the lifestyle you lead is actually the best way
to getting rid of those cellulites. So, enough with the spending and instead go more with
eating right and moving right.

You’ll see better and permanent results in the long run when you do this, plus your
pockets will be a lot happier!

Temporary Solution
One of the treatments that you can take to get rid of cellulites is through laser
treatments. This process is where a doctor injects a numbing solution unto the fatty
area of your body, then he/she places laser under your skin, which shoots heat in
three directions. You can definitely see about 75% improvement in the appearance of
your cellulites but, the results may only last for a year.

B. Myth #2: Spot Reduction

Ever heard of spot reduction?
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Have you ever done sit-ups hoping that your belly fat will go away? Or have you exercised
your legs for the longest time hoping that they will reduce in size?

This is what the second myth is all about. People believe that spot reduction is true, that
you can take off body fat in specific areas of your body by exercising that particular
body part.

This has been what those infomercials have been trying to sell you. By promoting
products and claiming that they can taper you off by just simply attaching them to your
certain unwanted body parts.

That when you wear that sauna belt, you can trim off belly fat; or when you wear that
abdominal enhancer, you’d automatically get those eight-pack abs.

Image Source: Spot reduction –

Many of these things have been going around the market, and they’ve been around for
reasons that--- people actually buy them!

Don’t be one of those consumers who are so desperate about losing that fat, instead, be a
smart one at that and know scientifically proven facts about the human body and how it
can be developed.

What’s the real deal behind this myth?

Here are the facts: You cannot selectively exercise, bump, vibrate, or squeeze fat
from a particular part on your body.

No matter how many machines you use, or how many sessions you attend to take that fat
off on your mid-section, it just won’t work!

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source: Slimming machine

You will actually end up penniless and unhappy about the end results of the products that
these clinics will use on you.

To top that penniless feeling, you’ll also be left so frustrated because nothing is actually
happening on your body much as you want the results to be badly visible.

Truth is, there are no known machines that can really taper off fat, and the reasons will be
explained further in the next part of this module.

Spot Reduction Proof

The said myth has been debunked in the year 1971 when a study was conducted by
the University of California, Irvine. Tennis players were the subject of the study and
were assumed to have thinner subcutaneous fat on their dominant arm compared to
their non-dominant arm. The study found no statistical significant difference between
both arms and suggested that the idea of targeted fat loss or spot reduction. (Perry,

What’s the real deal behind this myth?

Ever said to yourself that you want to go to the gym because you want to lose your fat?

At the back of your mind, you must have had this belief that your fat will turn into muscle
as you eventually start training.

First thing’s first, fat and muscle are totally different things. Take a look at this picture and
see the very difference between the two:

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source: Fat vs muscle -

They are two different tissues that make-up your body’s structure, and their functions are
very much different from each other.
Fat is soft, loose, takes up a lot of space in your body, and is very light; while muscle
is firm, compact, takes up little space, and is heavy.

Fat is readily used up by the body in prolonged exercises, particularly aerobic in

nature. It is directly located on top of your muscles.

As you go along your work-out for a prolonged period of time, your body readily burns the
fat located on top of your muscles and uses this as an immediate source of energy for your

As your fat starts to burn-off because of your regimen, your muscles start to build and
become visible giving you that toned and lean body image.

Knowing about this scientifically explained facts, you should start changing the
statements: “I want to lose my fats and turn them into muscles,” into, “I want to burn-off
my fat and make my muscles more defined.”

Giving you that background about muscles and fats, here are some other things you
should know on how untrue spot reduction is.

Exercise affects the muscles, not the fat on that body part. Remember the discussion on
the musculoskeletal system?

When you move your body, your muscles slide on top of your bones thus allowing the
movements that you are doing.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source: Exercise affecting muscles -

This is very much the same with exercising a particular body part, your fats are not
attached to your bones, fats do not move you! Therefore, the idea that moving that
particular body parts burns off that certain area only is very absurd.

Your fat is a usable source of energy and as it does that, you lose it but you can
never be sure which part of your body burns it off at a certain rate.

Which brings you to the second fact about turning spot reduction around. Since fat is a
source of energy, prolonged aerobic exercise is the most effective way on how to
metabolize this body tissue. If you want to lose that fat and gain more muscles, stop
concentrating on one area, but rather, move your body as a whole.

Image Source: Running on treadmill -

If you do so, all other parts of your body will compensate and burn off the excess fat that
you have.

Stop working out bits of your body and start moving it as a unit, because scientifically
speaking, your body will figure out its own way where it would want to taper off the
excess fat that you have.

Stop doing 100 crunches hoping to lose your belly fat, or stop lifting five pound dumbbells
to tone your arms, rather, start jogging, running, or hitting that treadmill and improve
your endurance!
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

You’d be surprise at the results that you lost more weight compared to those exhausting
training activities that you do.

Can’t sustain a prolonged aerobic exercise?

If you find that you can’t really last in performing jogging as a form of aerobic
exercise, you can always change it into an Interval Training program. This is a
type of training that brings the same effects to your body, only at varying intensities.
Try this out in your next aerobic exercise.

C. Myth #3: Surgery

For the next myth in this lesson, you might find it surprising that people actually result to
this myth to solve their weight issues. The search for that perfect body will always be held
in high regards in our society.

Which is what myth #3 is all about: surgically sculpting the body with implants and
liposuction to acquire physical beauty will give physical fitness and is very safe.
This is very common in celebrities who appear on
television. They need to alter their bodies the quickest
way in order to fit a particular role.

So, they take action and find the best plastic surgeon in
town to sculpt, to tuck, and to enhance parts of their
bodies. Then, they eventually find themselves becoming
too dependent and addicted to plastic surgery that they
end up looking like a totally different person.

This is another quick-fix solution that would result to

a long-term series or chains of problems. Mainly
because, this is very unnatural. Though some doctors
Image Source: Surgery - http://johns- have deemed it to be safe, the body still knows what it can
surgery-cartoons.html and cannot accept.

The real deal behind it is obvious, surgeries may one way or another result to infections
and complications within your body. This is because, the body has its own coping
mechanism that deals with invading bodies that enter its system.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source: Plastic surgery comics -

Move as a unit!
It was mentioned over and over again that the only way you can get rid of excess fat
is by moving your body as a whole or as a unit. You cannot take off fat on specific
parts of your body, but rather, you need to build on increasing your endurance and
aerobic capacity for your body to use up the excess or stored fat it has as a form of
usable energy for your exercise. Thus, this decreases your body fat levels and
increases your lean muscles, giving you your desired toned look.

Surgically enhancing or tapering off parts of your body can become a shock factor for
cells that help regenerate and recuperate broken tissues.

The most obvious way or solution for a person’s weight loss issue is to, still undergo a
carefully planned training program that has steadily increasing intensity to improve the
body’s overall physique and fitness.

There is no short-cutting around this if you really want results that are long-term, safe,
and can be of great benefit to you.

D. Myth #4: Passive Exercise

The next physical fitness myth is known as Passive Exercise. This is a type of exercise
where no voluntary muscle contraction occurs. This simply means that, some outside
forces move the body part with no effort from the person.

Passive exercise is not effective in weight reduction, spot reduction, and in

increasing strength or endurance.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

1. Wearing rubberized suits

You might have seen this around the parks or
within your neighborhood, a person entirely
covered with a semi-rubber or semi-plastic
material all over his/her body while running. Or
you might have done this yourself?

People actually believe that when you wear this

kind of material, fat easily burns off. But news flash
everyone, this is not true and it does not in any way
aid in permanent weight loss.

What is sweat? Why do we produce sweat?

Scientifically speaking, sweat is moisture that

Image Source: Rubberized suit - comes out from the pores of the skin, as a
a-suits/ reaction to heat, physical exertion, fever, or
even fear.

During exercise, you perspire mainly for reasons that your body needs to cool-down
from the activity it is currently experiencing. This is to prevent your body from
overheating and experiencing an extreme increase in temperature.

The sweat that comes out of your pores dissipates to your skin and evaporates giving
you that cooling feeling. It is your body’s way of regulating the temperature inside and
outside your body.

Your body, when it moves, generates heat because of the metabolic processes that are
happening within it. Without sweat, excessive, or even little physical exertion will
become too dangerous for you because, your body can’t adjust to the heat that it is

Image Source: Sweat -

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Somewhere along the lines of fitness, people have this belief that, if they’re sweating
they’re losing weight, that’s why they wear fancy suits that make them sweat more.

It was already mentioned that sweating is the natural response to an increase in

temperature within and outside the body.

As the body experiences this continuous

increase in temperature, the sweat receptors
beneath the skin releases more and more fluids.
You all know what happens when you
continuously lose fluids within your body --- you
eventually become dehydrated.

This continuous loss of fluids for a long period of

time can lead to weakness, disorientation, and
worst, heat stroke.

Obviously, that’s not something anybody wants

when exercising, that’s why it is always
Image Source: Sweat glands -
advisable to wear materials that are loose,
y-of-the-skin/the-dermis/sweat-glands-and- comfortable, and breathable when
lymph-nodes/ exercising.

This is to prevent the body from excessive water loss and other adverse reactions. As
well as the proper evaporation of sweat from the body to cool-off from the increased

Last fact you need to know about rubberized suits is that it’s very much misleading.
People are made to think that they are losing their fats as they sweat.

Image Source: Dehydration –
Remember how fats look like from the previous picture shown in this module? Can you
just imagine fats oozing out from your pores as you sweat? That would be a sight to see.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

But, the question remains, is it really possible for you to lose weight when you are

Yes, you may lose weight! But, know that the weight that you lost is just water weight,
which is caused by dehydration.

The moment that you start to replenish this fluid loss through uptake of fluids, you will
regain that “lost weight” back all over again. That’s why the idea of such practice has
become so misleading.

Seriously speaking, rubberized suits conditioned people to think that as they sweat,
they lose more weight, when in reality, the body only loses fluids.

If you have caught yourself doing this one way or another, you should totally stop and
look at the facts. This way, you can be sure of training or exercising under safe
conditions at all times.

Your body has 2 kinds of sweat glands and these are:

a. Eccrine Gland – a type of sweat gland that produces watery sweat and is
responsible for regulating body temperature.
b. Apocrine Gland – a type of sweat gland that is found near hair follicles that are
located under the arms and in the genital area; releases a fatty type of sweat that
has a distinct odor.

2. Taking steam baths

The second form of a passive exercise are steam
baths, which are basically rooms that are filled
with hot steam.

People have long believed that using a steam bath

actually aids in melting fats within the body.

The hard hitting truth is that no matter how many

portable steam baths you purchase, and how
many steam bath establishments you use, you
will only end up losing your time, money, and

Here are some facts that you need to know about

Image Source: Portable steam bath – steam baths:

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

a. do not melt off fats

As was mentioned over and over again during the spot reduction discussion, fat is
something that needs to be metabolized, something that can be turned into energy. In
order for you to decrease its amount within your body, you must move and exercise.

b. make your perspire/sweat

Second thing you need to know is that, steam baths only make you perspire or sweat. It
will never be fat that’s’ going to ooze out from your pores. And no matter how long a
time you’d spend within these baths, your fat will still be there within your system. You
may lose a few pounds after a steam bath because of the loss of water, but this will only
be temporary.

Though fats cannot be lost from such practice there are other beneficial effects that
steam baths can bring to your body and these are:

a. It can actually be of good help in relieving

stresses of the body and mind.
This has been a common practice of Japanese
people when they want to unload the stresses
of their daily living. Athletes also tend to use
this after their games, to help them unwind
from the pressures and stresses of their

b. Its effects are largely psychological.

Lastly, even though it may not help a person
Image Source: Steam bath –
lose weight permanently, it may generally
help in detoxifying from life’s pressures.
So, the effect of steam baths are largely psychological more than physical.

Image Source: Relaxing in steam bath -


If your goal is a permanent weight loss program that helps you build endurance and
strength, steam baths should be off your priority because it’s a quick-fix that will only
make you frustrated in the end.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Brain and Sweat

The part of your body responsible for the control of the secretion of sweat is your
brain. The brain, through the hypothalamus, sends signals to the nerves of your skin
thus affecting the rate at which your sweat glands secrete the amount and type of
sweat needed by your body at a given time. Your scalp, hands, feet, and underarms
are locations on your body that contains the most number of sweat glands.
(Williams, 2017)

Image Source: Hypothalamus -

3. Using exercise machines

The last example of a passive exercise, are the use of mechanical fat vibrators. Myth
says that these fat vibrators shake off extra fat and may remove extra flabby areas of
your body.
Products have been sold in the market
promoting that these machines aid in
permanent weight loss. The reason for its
rampant spread within the market is that,
people actually buy them and use them hoping
to solve their weight issues.

This form of passive exercise may end up

depleting you of your financial resources, if you
buy the commercials that they are promoting
almost everywhere.

Just like the two passive exercises, there are no known scientifically proven facts that
support these claims. As have been mentioned many times over, fat needs to be
metabolized! Image Source: Mechanical fat vibrators –
It cannot be shaken off and bounced into different shapes no matter how hard you try
and how much you spend for it.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

E. Weight Loss Formula

From the discussions in the earlier parts of the module, do you now have a clearer
picture on how the body works in terms of weight loss activities and the myths that go
with it?

Do you still remember the weight loss formula that was provided for you from the
previous lessons?

The best way to lose fat is through awareness of caloric intake, coupled with,
regular exercise and physical activity.

Image Source: Caloric Restriction -
Remember that these myths are all shortcuts and they can only give you temporary
happiness. This weight loss formula can definitely give you a good path to your
permanent weight loss goal!

There are no shortcuts and nobody should be attempting to try to accomplish too much
and see results happen as fast as they want.

It will always be a constant and conscious decision you have to make in order for
you to achieve your goals and in order for you to be successful in your pursuit to have
that “ideal body” you have in your mind.

Portion Control
When you want to control how you eat, remember that it’s all about the portions
that you take. Small quantities of food taken in within 2-4 hours a day is a more
effective remedy for weight loss than skipping meals and eating a heavy meal. This is
because the metabolic rate of your body is kept at its regular pace throughout the
day, making you burn more calories and lose weight.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

The trick is that once you are conscious about your decisions, you have to become
consistent. As you go along with consistency, you will surely be set to a lifetime free of
health-related diseases and other complications.

III. Exercise and Pregnancy

A. Myths on Pregnancy
You have seen some very common myths and
misconceptions on weight loss. In this part of the lesson,
you will discover the relationship between exercise and

Do you think people who are pregnant are supposed to

exercise or forget about exercise completely?

Questions like, “is it safe to exercise when you’re

pregnant,” or “will a mother have a miscarriage when
exercising,” comes to mind when this topic is introduced
to child-bearing women.

In this part of the lesson, you will discover the facts

behind myths and misconceptions surrounding
Image Source: Exercise & pregnancy - pregnancy and exercise.
exercises-by-trimester/ What a lot of people know is that pregnant women
should try to avoid exercising and doing physical
activities because, it might affect the mother and the
Women who are pregnant are always asked to take things easy and unload themselves of
the stresses from their environments.

The particular thought of exercising while pregnant, is something that most women avoid
because of fear that this will affect them and their babies.

Gladly, this train of thought has seen dramatic changes in the past years, where fitness
industries and experts have found ways on how to still maintain the body even if a woman
is pregnant.

There is an actual science behind this myth that would help you better understand if
exercising is important for pregnant people.

The real deal behind pregnancy is that women should not abandon exercise

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, exercising for 20-
30 minutes in most or all days of the week can be beneficial to pregnant women.

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PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source: Yoga & pregnancy -


Provided that their physicians have given them a go-signal to engage in regular
physical activity; and that they have deemed it to be safe both for the mother and the

Pregnancy & health-related disease

Women who are pregnant and do not incorporate regular physical activity are at a
high risk for experiencing gestational diabetes, hypertension, weight gain, CV
diseases, and long-term risk for overweight/obesity development. This is because of
the physiological and psychological changes that women may experience throughout
the process, promoting the possibility of sedentary behaviors. (USDHHS, 2008)
The following are the reasons why women should not completely abandon exercise when
1. Preparation for delivery
A woman who is pregnant is encouraged to strengthen her body during the time of her
pregnancy so that, her body will be prepared for the delivery as well as in taking care of
her young.

Course Module Image Source: Baby delivery -

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

But how much exercise and what kind of exercises are usually allowed for a pregnant
2. Prevention of excessive weight gain during pregnancy stage
A pregnant woman should always make sure to exercise at a moderate intensity. By
moderate it simply means that, it is an activity that can be done at a slow and controlled

Exercises such as swimming, walking, and yoga may help improve a pregnant woman’s
endurance and flexibility.

Image Source:
Swimming –
Walking –
Yoga –
Weight Training –

Consult with a doctor

It is very important to remember that regardless of the level of physical activity a
mother has prior to being pregnant, she must consult with the doctor about the types
of physical activities she can engage in. This is to ensure her safety, as well as the
safety of her baby.

Weight training could still be incorporated as long as the amount of weight lifted is not
too strenuous for the mom and should be advised more of in a seated position, to lessen
weight bearing activity.

One major benefit of exercising during pregnancy is that it actually prevents excessive
weight gain for women.

When the body is active, its metabolic functions also become active, boosting the
mother’s overall immune system and internal organ functions. Thus, supporting the
baby through its proper growth and development.

However, all of these things should not be done haphazardly! A pregnant person
should always check with her attending physician if she can engage in any kind of
exercise, this way she will be guided as to what kinds of activities she can and
cannot do.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

B. Advisable Activities
Since most pregnant women are already advised to engage in regular exercise, the most
advisable thing to engage in are non-weight bearing activities.

Meaning, if you are going to carry dumbbells, make sure that you are comfortably seated
or are wearing the right kind of footwear to support your weight throughout the activity.

This is the reason why out of all the possible activities, most physicians would actually
recommend swimming, because water provides less resistance and is very low-impact in

Image Source:
Seated weight training –
Swimming –
Expecting mothers need to engage in non-weight bearing activities so that they can
lessen the stresses on their body. Remember that any external factor can become an
extra load for the mother because she is carrying a baby inside her womb.

In case of weight bearing activities, mothers should strictly feel and observe their bodies
if the activities is becoming too strenuous.

Improvements in Posture
Exercise has shown to decrease the incidence of low back pain and bad posture in
women who are regularly engaged in physical activity. Aside from this, women who
participate in water exercises have reduced symptoms of back pain during their late
pregnancy. (Khilstrand, et. al., 1999)

C. Contraindicated Activities – Pregnant Women

Though there are exercises that can be performed by pregnant people there are still
contraindications to this practice.

This is the main reason why pregnant women should first consult with their physicians
before engaging in any form of physical activity.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

The 1st trimester of pregnant people lasting for three months, is believed to be the
most crucial part of pregnancy. This is because the embryo has just made its way into
the uterus and it needs to settle in.

Image Source: 1st trimester -

Most experts suggest that it is not advisable for pregnant women during their 1st
trimester to be doing exercises that involve lying down. Exercises that involve the
back flat on the floor actually blocks the proper blood flow on the uterus. This in turn
would be very dangerous to the fetus and the carrying mother.

But this doesn’t mean that women have to totally stop exercising or doing physical
activity. There are a lot of exercises out there that do not involve being flat on the floor.
Light exercises like slow walks and kegels are appropriate for women that are pregnant.
But, be sure that the carrying mother is always well-hydrated and light snacks are
always handy for her to munch on when exercising.

Image Source: Controlled exercise -

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Being pregnant is also like an endurance race or a marathon, a woman needs to be in her
tip-top shape in order to deliver the baby successfully.

These tips are just common sense approach on what to do, but at the end of the day
pregnant women still need to feel their own body and what it can and cannot do.

IV. Exercise and Monthly Period

A. Myths & Facts on Menstrual Period
The focus of this part of the module will be about exercising and the misconceptions that
go with it when a female is in her monthly period.

Image Source: Monthly period –

Questions like, “can a woman exercise during her period,” or “will exercise affect my
period,” and “how much effort should be placed in exercising during my period,” comes
into mind when it comes to this topic.
This pretty normal cycle that women have to go through each month will be related to
exercise in this part of the lesson.

Hopefully, this would serve as an eye-opener both for males and females that this is not a
situation that should hinder a woman from exercising and from being fit.

What some people know are these things:

a. Women should not exercise at all during their monthly period. This is because some
people believe that it causes irregularities in the monthly cycle.
b. Women should not attempt on exercising because they have lower capacity or become
weak during their cycle.

For the girls, have you had some of these ideas in your mind? Did you ever stop yourself
from exercising because of the fear that it may cause irregularities in your monthly cycle?

One of the most common practice that women do during their monthly cycle is that, they
don’t lift very heavy objects because, they believe it would have an effect on their uterus.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Some women actually believe that when they lift something heavy during their monthly
period, their uterus would drop or become off-set from its original position!

Image Source: Monthly period -


So, what’s the deal behind all these? Let’s take a look at the scientific facts and what
exercise could really bring to women who are in their monthly cycle.

Luteal Phase
Refers a stage in the menstrual cycle that occurs after ovulation and before the start
of the next period of a woman; this is where the lining of the uterus normally gets
thicker to prepare for possible pregnancy.

Just like everything else mentioned in our lesson, there is no known evidence that exercise
during menstruation is unhealthy or has specific effects on performance!

Image Source:
Exercise during period -
Mood and exercise -

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

In fact girls, you’d be glad to know that exercising during your menstrual period can
actually be of good help in many ways!

Some of these are boosts in your mood and the constant release of endorphins within
your system.

Remember how exercise affects both your internal and external environment? Well,
exercising actually increases and stimulates the release of endorphin-chemicals in your

These chemicals are known as “happy hormones,” and when released within the body, it
gives you a feeling of elation and happiness.

In fact, these hormones would counter the mood swings that you experience during your
menstrual cycle because of the pain that you’re feeling.

When you’re happy, elated, and physically active, you won’t really notice the feeling of
being bloated and having cramps because your attention has been diverted into your

Luteal Phase & Exercise

Studies have shown that during the Luteal Phase of the menstrual cycle, a woman
may experience a negative effect on her performance during prolonged or endurance
exercise (e.g. athletics). Several studies report a higher CV strain during prolonged
exercise, especially in hot conditions in the mid-luteal phase. This is partly because of
the elevated body temperature of a woman during this time of the month, in which
many endurance coaches and athletes should reconsider during their trainings and
competitions. (Jonge XA, 2003)

Aside from the facts mentioned a while ago, here are other benefits that exercise could
bring to your body during your menstrual cycle:

Among the accompanying experience of having a period is the feeling of being bloated and
having severe cramps. Cramping is a common menstrual pain that when felt in excess is
known as Dysmenorrhea.

Though the evidence of relieving pain during dysmenorrhea is still unclear, some studies
have shown that exercising can relieve menstrual cramps because it improves the
circulation of the blood within the uterus.

It is very much advisable for women to exercise even if their cycle is happening because of
these said effects. Having a menstrual cycle should not be a hindrance to remove yourself
from the training wagon.

But the question now is this, how much exercise should you get and what kind of exercises
are applicable?
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source: Relief –

Sport Performance
Soccer is also a known endurance sport. The same study on the negative effects of the
Luteal Phase (LP) was done on female soccer players. They were subject to a series of
performance tests during the phases of their menstrual cycle. The results of the study
supports the previous studies on how LP reduces maximal endurance performance
by these said players. However, when the test was administered to jumping and
sprinting athletes, the same effect was not observed. (Julian, et. al., 2017)

B. Ideal & Contraindicated Exercises during Menstrual Period

All exercises can be done during your period. Even swimming! There’s no limit to which
types of activities you can join in. Why was swimming emphasized as an activity?

Here’s another myth, women have long believed that when they get in the water their
period will keep on gushing, but reality is, once the body gets submerged in water
the period temporarily stops.
The only hassle is when you get out of the water where it comes back again. But it’s still up
to you if you want to put this activity in your options.

Another thing you have to remember is that when you

are engaged in any activity, there’s only one thing that
you should avoid. Do not perform headstands and

This activity promotes vascular congestion. It is where

the blood vessels of your uterine wall swells or engorges,
encouraging more bleeding and cramps to occur.

All other activities are allowed and you cannot limit

yourself just because you are in your monthly cycle. The
trick is still listen to your body and enjoy what you are
Image Source: Inversion - doing.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Knowing all of these things, how much are you supposed to exert every activity?

It doesn’t matter if you lift 5 pounds or 100 pounds when you have your period, or if you
run 5 kilometers or 21 kilometers, what matters is you know how to gauge yourself.

If you know when exactly to slow down or stop your

activity, you have to give your body the permission to do
so. Otherwise, you’d only end up feeling more tired after
your exercise.

Exercise at the right intensity, always! Regardless if you

are on your period or not. Do not limit yourself to doing
activities just because of your menstrual cycle.

Remember, it’s something normal, and women go through

this on a monthly basis, so exercising is not something that
you should compromise for this naturally occurring
situation. Image Source: Kettle bell -
C. Other Contraindicated Exercises pause-exercise/
One contraindication of exercising during menstrual cycle is when women experience
Amenorrhea. This is a condition where a woman experiences period irregularities due to
hormonal imbalances from overtraining.

The way that you gauge your intensity and your level of exertion during exercise has
something to do with this condition
When you are overworked and you over train yourself,
or when you have just begun exercising, your body
always attempts to adapt from the load or stress that
you have put it into.

This includes the chemical processes that occurs within

your body, like the production of hormones by several
glands. When the stressors/demands are too high, these
hormones react by either overproducing or completely
not producing at all, and you might possibly experience

This is not normal, and you should have yourself

immediately checked by a Doctor. This is also a sign
that you should lessen the intensity of your work-out
Image Source:
Yoga – and you have to slow down on some of the activities
that you do on a daily basis, so that your hormones
cycle/ may go back to their normal rate of production.
Running –

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Remember that your activities are limitless, but your intensity is not. The trick is to listen
to your body and exercise at the right intensity.

Image Source:
Overtraining –
Hormonal imbalance –
Amenorrhea –
Know when enough is enough, so that in the long run of your fitness journey you are sure
to be safe and healthy from all your activities.

V. Exercise and Asthma

This next topic will be about a condition known as,

Do you have asthma? Are you experiencing shortness of

breath every time you move? Do you think it is safe for
people with asthma to undergo physical exertion?

In this part of the lesson you will learn how to distinguish

between misconceptions and facts about this condition.

A. Myths & Facts on Asthma

What some people know is that, exercising stimulates
asthma attacks. Therefore, it must be totally eliminated
from a person’s lifestyle.

Image Source: Exercise & asthma - Asthma refers to a respiratory condition where the bronchi of the lungs experience spasm, causing difficulty in

It usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity and is a

health condition that can be acquired for many reasons.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

It could come from your gene pool, where one or both of your parents have asthma, or
maybe one or few of your relatives have it too; it could also be caused by factors found
within the environment like exposure to cigarettes, smoke belching, or inhaled chemicals.

Why swimming is good for asthma

For years, this has been the sport that is recommended by physicians to patients who
are experiencing asthma attacks. This is mainly due to the humid air that is inhaled
during the activity. (Goodman, 2006)

Symptoms of the onset of asthma include:

1. shortness of breath
2. wheezing sound in the chest area
3. tightening of the chest
4. excessive coughing

During the onset of this condition, the lungs are not working at their optimal and
therefore people who experience this, limit themselves from engaging in strenuous
physical activities.

Image Source: Asthma -


Don’t you think that this is such a limiting thought or situation? In the next parts of the
module, you’ll see what happens to the body when it is exercising under these conditions.

The truth behind this myth is exactly its opposite. Exercising in the right intensity
actually eliminates acute attacks of asthma.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

When the body is exposed to exercise, it is actually forced to adapt to the stress. In able to
do this, it uptakes more oxygen so that it can support the muscle contractions that it needs
in order to move.

When a person is under such level of stress for a prolonged and continuous amount of
time, the lungs also begin to adapt and become more resilient and it eventually becomes
stronger than when it started.

As this happens, the circulation of oxygen within a person’s lungs and heart become more
forceful eventually improving the body’s VO2max.

If you forgot what VO2max is, it refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that the
body can utilize during intense or maximal exercise. Remember those fitness tests we
did at the start of this course?

Image Source: Breathing -


When all of these factors show signs of improvement over a period of time, acute asthma
attacks will rarely occur. This is because the lungs’ overall capacity to take in oxygen has
increased, and the tissues that make-up the lungs have already undergone adaptation.

So, there’s no actual truth to the myth that was mentioned earlier.

But the question remains, how much is enough and how safe is this if people with asthma
are allowed to undergo physical activity?

The trick to manage this condition is for you to learn how to listen to your body. Together
with that, you need to consult a doctor, particularly a Pulmonologist regarding your
condition and asked him/her personally what you can and cannot do if you have an
asthmatic condition.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

These are some things that you can do first before engaging in anything serious when it
comes to exercise.

Did you know?

Did you know that there are numerous Olympic athletes out there who suffer from
asthma? But despite this, many of these asthmatic athletes are able to participate at
equal levels with their peers in the Olympic Games. Some of them even win more
Olympic medals than those who don’t have such condition. (Fitch, 2012)

Here are three other ways on how you can overcome this condition if you dream of
becoming a physically fit individual:

1. Proper medication & exercise intensity

The trick to overcoming asthma during exercise is
to first find the proper medication through the
help of your doctor.

Once you have your proper medication, you can

already be assured to perform exercises with ease
because you have something you can use in case of
an asthma attack.

Remember it was mentioned that you have to

gauge yourself? Together with your medicine, you
need to find the right amount and intensity of
Image Source: Medicines for asthma - exercise that would suit your level and your

Now, it doesn’t mean that if you want to run at the beginning of your program, you have to
run the long 3-kilometer stretch; what this means is that, you should listen to your body!
Know what you are capable and not capable of doing every single time you set yourself
out there to move and exercise.

2. Incorporate warm-up & cool-down exercises

Second thing you have to remember is that, you always have to include a warm-up and
cool-down exercise in your routine.

Course Module Image Source: Warm-up & cool-down -
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Remember the previous discussion on the Phases of Exercise? These two parts are quite
important because they prepare your body and your mind to perform the rigorous task

Exercise Intensity
You have to always exercise at the right intensity! If you cannot gauge how you
perform, you can use the aid of heart rate monitors or phone applications that
monitor the intensity at which you perform during exercise. This way, you are
preventing yourself from getting asthma attacks during your exercise routines.

This is especially the case when you have asthma. Warming-up is very important so that
your lungs may learn to gradually expand, while cooling-down gradually tapers or relaxes
your lung capacity.

You do not want to go ahead and do the main-set of your activity because that would
totally shock your lungs and you’d immediately experience an asthma attack all over

3. Educate yourself from circumstances that may trigger asthma attacks

Lastly is that, you have to educate yourself from the circumstances that may trigger your
asthma. If you know your capacity already, you’d know how to prepare an appropriate
training program for yourself.

Educating yourself about your condition very well will help you become mindful
about your movements and your exertion during your exercise.

Course Module Image Source: Causes of asthma -

PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

This is also important for you to eventually get off your medications and only use it when
you badly need it. This doesn’t mean that you should throw away your inhalers or oral
medications because you are 100% sure to become fit during exercise. What this simply
means is that, sometimes you become too dependent with your medications that you no
longer exert more because of fear that you’ll have an attack again.
Knowing what exactly triggers your asthma at the beginning of an exercise program could
actually be a good solution to determine whether you need your inhaler or not during
your exercise.

These are just some steps that you can take in order for you not to be limited by your
condition. Though asthma is not a normally occurring condition, there are always ways to
work your way around it if, you really want to be physically fit.

VI. Other Exercise Myths

Some myths have circulated the fitness industry for the longest time and it is one of the
many responsibilities of fitness professionals to shed light on these myths.

For added information, here are other myths and fallacies on exercise that you may have
heard or encountered. This way, you can also ask yourself if what you believe in is really
true or if they are even considerably backed up with scientific facts.

1. Women will get big and bulky muscles if they lift weights.
You see these two ladies in these pictures, this has something do with this myth.

Image Source:
Woman body builder -
Woman lifting -

This has always been the elephant in the room every time a woman decides or is
recommended to undergo weight training activities. Girls, do you actually believe that you
will get too muscular if you start lifting weights?

Women have long been afraid to engage in weight training activities because of fear
that they will look too muscular.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Recent studies have shown that weight training is an effective activity to lose weight!
You won’t be bulky but rather, you’d lose more weight. This is because if your muscle
mass increases, your metabolism or metabolic rate also increases. As this metabolic
rate increases, you will burn more calories. As you eat regularly or you consume more
calories, your fast metabolic rate at work is helping you lose more weight instead of
gain it. (Willis, et. al., 2012)

Here’s the real deal, these two ladies are either genetically gifted or are using drugs to
enhance their frames.

If you keenly look around, there are a few women that have naturally occurring physique,
or have firm-looking bodies. It makes you wonder how much time they invest in working-
out or eating right.

But here’s the truth, sometimes, some of these girls are probably not even working-out or
are not engaged in any physical activity. But you are still left to wonder how come they are
so lean?

Well, these girls are among the few who have inherited an abundance of muscle fibers
from their parents. Without effort, their bodies absorb and adapt to the diet and exercise
that they do, as a result, they have this kind of physique.

These kinds of people, with an abundance of muscle fibers, actually grow bulky at a quick
rate compared to their counterparts because, the presence and release of testosterone
hormones within their system is also abundant and quick.

Are you one of these few people? If you are, then you are very lucky because achieving
that physically fit frame will be a breeze for you.

Being genetically gifted is one thing, but there are actually females who would go the extra
lengths just to achieve their desired look. This is where the myth also gets busted!

The chances of you developing these bulky kind of muscles is very low because of your
estrogen hormone. This hormone is the female hormone responsible for giving women
their distinct features like having large hips and breasts compared to men.

This hormone also stimulates the growth of fat cells within the body that are necessary for
child-birth and breastfeeding in the long run.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

This is the reason why some women,

would drink muscle-enhancing drugs
to help improve their physique.

This is a very common practice for

some females who are engaged in
body-building. Some would even
claim that is all natural but in reality,
they are actually in a muscle-
enhancing-drug cycle.

So, can you really grow big muscles Image Source: Weight training –
once you lift weights? way-to-weight-loss-784122

The truth is, it would take you years of training and practice to achieve your bulky
look through the natural way. To exaggerate the whole deal, the gym and weight lifting
would become your life and nothing else, if you want to become bulky.

Gaining muscles is just a plus for women if they do engage in regular activities. But gaining
too much muscles would take you years of discipline and commitment.

Girls, do you want to lose weight and become toned?

Image Source:
Weight training –
Muscles of a woman -
Increased metabolic rate –

If you want to look firm or strong, lifting weights is more of a need than a want. Lifting
weights and alternating this with the right diet and a cardio program will not only
increase your metabolic rate but it will give you other benefits such as endurance
and strength.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Don’t skip the weight training program girls, love and embrace it, because at the end of
the day, it is actually an important part of a training routine that helps keep your body
balanced and strong.

Suspension Training
Don’t like lifting weights? There are exercises out there that offer positive effects on
gaining lean muscles other than weight training. Suspension Training is a type of
exercise that develops strength, balance, flexibility, & core stability, simultaneously.
This is where you use gravity and your body as the weight/load during your exercise.
The use of special equipment like TRX machines will aid in such practice. Removing
the boredom of regular resistance and aerobic exercises.

2. There is one perfect workout routine for everybody.

This myth assumes that what works for one, will definitely work for you.

Ever had the chance to work-out with a friend? Did you notice that you can do exercises
that she couldn’t or vice versa, even if the training routine is the same? Or, have you ever
seen yourself doing the same work-out routine for the past months or even years with the
belief that it will give you the same benefits that you’ve seen from the commercials?

The belief that there is a perfect work-out for everyone is a false belief and you should learn
how to catch yourself from falling into these traps.

Image Source: Perfect work-out -

There is no one perfect routine! Chances are, if you do believe that there is, you’d end up
wasting your time and energy.

Remember from the previous lessons it was mentioned over and over that your body is an
adaptable machine? Whatever stresses you put it into, it manages and finds its way to adapt
and bring itself back in its normal state.

That’s the same with work-out routines, whenever you are in one, your body eventually
adapts and you see little progress. Your brain also adapts to the little stress and it gets
bored, eventually making you stop your routine.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Image Source: Work-out quotes
Fitness experts call this the exercise plateau or a plateau in performance, because, the
body learns to adapt to stress within 4-6 weeks of exposure into a different routine.

This is the reason why when you are in a weight loss program, at the beginning you start to
lose 5-10 pounds easily, but a few months later you barely lose 1 pound a week.

You need to change what you do, that’s why there’s no such thing as a perfect work-
out to lose those flabs or tone those muscles.

You need to constantly challenge your body and present new stimuli all the time so that
your work-out will be more effective and progressive.

3. Infomercials are all true with their statements.

You must have seen countless of these infomercials that sell products like the ones you see

Image Source:
Ab-machine (man) –
Ab-machine (woman) –

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

They claim to give you benefits like toned abs, flat tummies, or detoxify your body of some
sort. Have you bought stuff from these infomercials? Have you purchased any exercise
equipment and later on found it stuck in your house collecting dusts?

Image Source:
Diet pills –
Did you fall forjuice
power juices because they can detoxify you and give you the flat
tummy you desire? Have you bought diet pills hoping to trim your waistline down?

All of these things are in the market, and it’s up to you to decide whether you are a smart
consumer or a gullible one.

The truth is, infomercials are all money-making businesses that would want to profit
from you. They actually gain easy money from gullible audiences who are very impatient
and would want to see quick results.

Image Source:
Take my money meme –
Quick results -
Almost always these infomercials have claims that are not real and you would only end up
wasting all your money for nothing.

Remember, there are no shortcuts or easy way outs to achieving a healthy and fit
lifestyle. No machine, pill, or power food has ever been invented to give you the instant
results you want to see in your life.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Don’t fall into those infomercial traps and always research well about the products
that you are interested of buying. You have to be a smart and decisive buyer in order for
you to guard your pockets. This is because there are many flop products out there that
claim otherwise.

Look for reviews!

Are you buying fitness equipment or other fitness-related products? Before you do so,
make sure to carefully look for reviews online from people who have had the chance
to purchase the same products. This way, you can be able to gauge whether the
products being marketed to you are legitimate and they’d give you the definite
results that you want.

4. The healthiest method to gauge your progress is by weighing yourself.

Earlier in this lesson you’ve learned about the science of sweat and the purpose that it has
for your body. If you also remembered, the module also covered how you can better
understand the differences between muscles and fats. All these have something to do with
this myth.

Do you weigh yourself before and after a work-out? Do you feel bad every time the
weighing scale tells you otherwise especially when you’ve put so much effort into your

Image Source: Weighing on scale -

Weighing yourself after an intense exercise is often, misleading. When you do this very
often you’ll get frustrated with the cycle because the scales do not tell you what you want.
Fact is, after working-out you are losing only water weight and can regain it back
after replenishing your body with fluids.
The weighing scale does not have the capacity to measure your fats, muscles, and bodily
fluids separately, it only reads these things as one or as a whole. Therefore it’s not very
accurate to measure yourself every time and base your progress solely on these readings.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

What’s the best way to measure your overall progress?

The best way to gauge yourself is to specifically compare your level of fitness. This
means that, you should constantly take a look at where you’ve been and where you are at
the present, just like this picture. What does this mean?
Take a look at this photo:

Image Source: Toe touch before and after -

This shows a before and after shot of the girl’s hip flexibility improvement.
Progress is also seen at looking at how far you can sustain your running form at present,
compared to the time that you’ve started; or, how heavy you can lift a 50-kilogram barbell
now compared to you starting at just 10 pounds; or, even how you physically look, when
you measured your waist at 30 inches, and now it’s down to 26 inches.
The weighing scale does not accurately give you all these, and basing your
performance solely on the use of it will only make you feel frustrated.
So, ditch the scale because ultimately when you work-out, muscle mass will increase, and
you already know that it is a lot heavier than fat, therefore the scales will tell you that you
are heavy.
Don’t be obsessed with the scale, otherwise you’d also end up going the exaggerated
lengths to lose something that you are not supposed to lose.

Don’t forget flexibility!

Remember that being physically fit encompasses all aspects of the components of
fitness. During exercise, ensuring the development of your flexibility, may highly
contribute to your total performance. Allowing your joints to move in their right
ROM ensures that you can maximize both your endurance and strength training

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

5. “No pain, no gain!”

Last myth, and probably the most important myth
debunked is this idea: “no pain, no gain.”
Ever heard a lot of people say this many times when they
have just started working out? Or ever heard them say or
catch yourself saying, if it does not hurt then it doesn’t
have an effect on the body?
The truth is this, it’s very untrue and you should not ever
believe this saying.
Feeling pain in a particular part of your body during
and after a work-out is a sign that’s not actually

Image Source: No pain no gain - This is your body saying that you need to stop, assess the situation, and change your intensity.

Usually parts of your body are in pain during exercise if you are doing the wrong
form, or you are doing too much too soon.

Yes, indeed, after a work-out your body would definitely hurt especially if you are new to
exercise, but this is not to say that you should work-out again and do the same intensity the
way that you did yesterday!
You need to slow-down a bit, take a rest, or when you get back, try to do the activities at a
lower intensity.

Image Source:
Listen to your body –
The body never lies –

If you keep pushing yourself beyond the limits of what your body can do then you’d really
end up hurting yourself. This is the common mistake of new exercise enthusiasts and
almost always there attempt in having a physically fit lifestyle completely fails.

So whenever there is pain, please listen to your body because it’s smarter than you are and
it would never lie on what it’s physically feeling.
Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Managing Pain in Exercise

Exercise is not a race, and it is never meant to harm you. If pain is present, remember
to do these 3 steps:
Step 1: STOP!!!
Step 2: Assess the situation
Step 3: Change Intensity

Hopefully, this lesson shed some light to most of the fallacies that are circling around the
fitness industry. Please do remember this: There is no easy way out!

Image Source:
Persistence -
Results -

No matter how many gadgets or machines you purchase, no matter how many pills you
drink, or no matter how hard you try to starve yourself to get lean and fit, there’s no such
thing as easy!

The best thing you have to do is to always be informed about the trends on exercise
and gladly enjoy what you are doing.

Investing on your body by making it physically fit and active is the best investment
that you will ever do for yourself and this is an investment that no one can take away
from you!

The best thing that you need to do is that you have to train yourself and work hard, become
disciplined, and consistent with your exercise routine. This way you are ensured of a lifetime
of health, free of disease and other complications.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Adipose Tissue – see Fat.

Amenorrhea – a condition where a woman experiences period irregularities due to hormonal

imbalances from overtraining.

Apocrine Gland – a type of sweat gland that is found near hair follicles that are located under
the arms and in the genital area; releases a fatty type of sweat that has a distinct odor.

Asthma – a respiratory condition where the bronchi of the lungs experience spasm, causing
difficulty in breathing; usually results from an allergic reaction or other forms of
Cellulites – are emerged fat cells that bulge out from the skin’s surface; caused by hormonal
imbalance, heredity, gender, lack of exercise, stress, unhealthy diet, & wearing of tight clothes.

Contraindicated Exercises – exercises that are not advisable to be performed due to its
accompanying effects of health complications.

Dehydration – a condition in which severe fluid loss is experienced by the body.

Dysmenorrhea – excessive cramping of the uterine wall during a menstrual cycle; commonly
experienced by females during their monthly period.

Eccrine Gland – a type of sweat gland that produces watery sweat and is responsible for
regulating body temperature.
Estrogen – steroid hormones that promote the development and maintenance of female body
characteristics; produced artificially as a form of oral contraceptive or for treatment of
menopausal and menstrual disorders.
Fat – a type of tissue in the body that serves as an energy source for prolonged exercise; is
soft, loose, takes up a lot of space in the body, and is very light in nature.

Hypothalamus – a part of the brain that controls the rate of production of sweat within the
body; also responsible for generating responses to stress and emotional arousal, that aid in
the secretion of the adrenal and pituitary glands to release stress hormones.

Interval Training – an activity that incorporates alternating, low-to-moderate, low-to-high,

or moderate-to-high intensity activities. (e.g. jog-run-jog, walk-jog-walk)

Kegel – repetitive contractions of the pelvic muscles; exercise recommended for pregnant
Laser treatments – a process where a doctor injects a numbing solution unto the fatty area of
the body, then a laser is placed under your skin, which shoots heat in three directions; can
eliminate cellulites and show about 75% improvement in the appearance of the cellulites but,
the results may only last for a year.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

Luteal Phase – a stage in the menstrual cycle that occurs after ovulation and before the start
of the next period of a woman; this is where the lining of the uterus normally gets thicker to
prepare for possible pregnancy.

Mechanical Fat Vibrators – a type of passive exercise; machines that are strapped on to the
body with the hope of aiding in fat loss.
Mesotherapy – the process done by doctors where they inject chemicals into the fat layer
below the skin to breakdown and make cellulite less noticeable; uses chemicals such as
phosphatidylcholine, hormones, extracts, vitamins, & minerals; has high risk for infections,
rashes, & lumpy skin.
Muscle – bundles of fibrous tissues in the human body that has the ability to contract and
produce movements alongside the skeletal system; is firm, compact, takes up little space, & is

Non-weight bearing activities – activities that do not put extra weight/load on the
musculoskeletal system of the body; examples include, lifting weights while seated, or

Passive Exercise – a type of exercise where no voluntary muscle contraction occurs; an

outside force moves the body part without effort from the person; uses machines such as
mechanical fat vibrators, sauna, steam baths, among others.

Plateau – a condition in exercise where no physical adaptations are happening in the body
due to improper amount of overload or stimuli.
Spot Reduction – the belief that you can take off body fat in specific areas of the body by
exercising and concentrating on that particular body part.

Steam Baths – a type of passive exercise; a room which is filled with hot steam.

Suspension Training – a type of exercise that develops strength, balance, flexibility, & core
stability, simultaneously; this is where you use gravity and your body as the weight/load
during your exercise.

Sweat – moisture that comes out from the pores of the skin, as a reaction to heat, physical
exertion, fever, or even fear.

Sweat Receptors/Glands – structures found on the skin responsible for the production of
Testosterone – steroid hormones that stimulate the development of male sexual
characteristics; naturally produced by males through the testes but can also be produced in
small amount in the ovaries and adrenal cortex.

Vascular Congestion – it is where blood vessels of the uterine wall swells or engorges,
encouraging more bleeding and cramps to occur; happens when women perform
contraindicated exercises.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

VO2max – refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that the body can utilize during intense
or maximal exercise.

References and Supplementary Materials

Books and Journals
• Bryant, C.X., Ph.D., FACSM, & Green, D.J. (2010). ACE personal trainer manual: The
ultimate resource for fitness professionals (4th ed.). San Diego, CA: American Council on
• Corbin, C.B., Welk, G.J., Lindsey R., & Corbin, W.R. (2004). Concepts of fitness & wellness:
A comprehensive lifestyle approach (5th ed.). New York:McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
• Fahey, T.D., Insel, P.M., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Fit & well: Core concepts and labs in physical
fitness and wellness (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
• Netter, F.H., MD. (2014). Atlas of Human Anatomy (6th Edition). John F. Kennedy Blvd.,
Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier.

Online Supplementary Reading Materials

• Wolfe, D. (n.d.). 34 Pictures That Show You Exactly What Muscles You’re Stretching by
David Wolfe. RETRIEVED from
stretching/ on October 4, 2017.
• Baby Center: Expert Advice. (n.d.). The 13 Rules of Safe Pregnancy. RETRIEVED from on
October 4, 2017.
• Downs, D.S., Chasan-Taber, L., Evenson, K.R., Leiferman, J., & Yeo, S. (December, 2012).
Physical activity and pregnancy: Past and present evidence and future
recommendations. RETRIEVED from on October 4, 2017.
• Hammer, R.L., PhD, Perkins, J., MSc, & Parr, R., EdD, FACSM. (2000). The Journal of
Perinatal Education: Exercise during the childbearing year. RETRIEVED from on October 4, 2017.
• Jonge XA, J. (2003). Sports Med: Effects of the menstrual cycle on exercise
performance. RETRIEVED from on October 4, 2017.
• Julian, R., Hecksteden, A., Fullagar, H.H.K., & Meyer, T. (March 13, 2017). The effects of
menstrual cycle phase on physical performance in female soccer players RETRIEVED
from on October 4, 2017.
• Del Giacco, S.R., Firinu, D., Bjermer, L., and Carlsem, K-H. (November 3, 2015).
European Clinical Respiratory Journal: Exercise and asthma: an overview. RETRIEVED
from on October 4, 2017.
• Willis, LH., Slentz, C.A., Bateman, L.A., Shields, T.A., Piner, L.W., Bales, C.W., Houmard,
J.A., & Kraus, W.E. (December 15, 2012). Journal of Applied Physiology: Effects of
aerobic and/or resistance training on body mass and fat mass in overweight or obese
adults. RETRIEVED from
on October 4, 2017.

Course Module
PE 101 – Foundations of Physical Fitness
Lesson 15 – Common Myths in Exercise

• Perry, E. (April 3, 2011). Yale Scientific: Targeted fat loss: myth or reality?
reality/ on October 4, 2017.
• Fitch, KD. (May, 2012). Journal of Sports Medicine: An overview of asthma and hyper-
responsiveness in Olympic athletes. RETRIEVED from on October 4, 2017.
• Joanna. (August 11, 2012). All You Need To Know About Cellulite. RETRIEVED from on October 4,
• JD Health & Performance. (February 4, 2015). Fat vs. Muscle. RETRIEVED from on October 4,
• Vargo, K. (March 25, 2015). Weight Training for Weight Loss. RETRIEVED from
for-weight-loss/ on October 4, 2017.
• Williams, J. (July 18, 2017). LiveStrong: How does sweating make you lose weight?
loss-in-women/ on October 4, 2017.

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