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A very good morning to Mr. Abel and my classmates.

Thomas Edison, a well-known

electrical scientist once said that “Time is really the only capital that every human being has,
and the only thing he can’t afford to lose”. Time management is the strategy of organising
your available time and regulating the amount of time you spend on specific tasks. My name
is Alice, and I’m glad to have this opportunity to share my speech. Today I am here to inform
you about the importance of time management for university students. The three importances
of time management is it will help you to deliver work on time, improve your self-discipline
and reduce your stress and anxiety.
Firstly, one of the importance of time management for university students is it allows you to
deliver work on time. According to a study from Cross & Daniel & Santell (2020), effective
time management increases productivity, simplifies job scheduling, allows us to perform
tasks at our highest skill level, and assists us in prioritizing and completing our tasks on time.
Planning an effective schedule ensures you finish within the time limit you set. It also assists
you in managing your homework or assignments more effectively. When you have timed
tasks, your brain is rewired to follow the structure and accomplish the tasks within the time
allocated. Therefore, if you manage your time well, it will help you in avoiding last-minute
panic and in prioritizing your tasks so that you can easily deliver work on time.
Secondly, according to researchers Abban and Kenneth (2011), time management can help
you improve your self-discipline. If you are good at managing your time, you are probably
also very self-disciplined and tend to stay on track with your deadlines and goals. Having this
sense of self-discipline benefits you in all aspects of your life, from your health to your
relationships to your career. The more you practice time management, the stronger your sense
of self-discipline will become, which will increase your success in achieving goals in any
aspect of your life. Apart from that, time management skills have been shown to improve
your self-discipline and learning. According to Krause and Coates (2008), the ability to
efficiently manage your time is the foundation of students developing good self-discipline for
Thirdly, time management can reduce your stress and anxiety. It will help to reduce your
tight deadlines and eliminate your frequent rushing from one task to the next. It is easy to
become worried if you haven't finished your studies, tasks, or projects. According to a study
from Curtin University, excessive stress caused by poor time management can contribute to
hypertension, headaches, and even cancer. Furthermore, students frequently experience
increased stress and anxiety level due to the pressure of studies, hence proper time
management can help you in lessening this mental pressure, as well as boosting your
confidence and energy levels. Therefore, as your ability to meet deadlines improves, you will
be better equipped to remain calm while studying.
In conclusion, I have informed you that time management assisted us in delivering work on
time, improving your self-discipline, and reducing your stress and anxiety. Hence, please use
and appreciate your time wisely by acquiring time management skills to enhance your life.
That’s all from me, thank you very much for your attention.

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