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Check yourself

A. WHAT AM I? Find the musical instrument each box A-D describes: ___ / 2 points

I have four strings I am very large I have a skin on me I have a long neck
Played with a bow. I have black and white you usually beat me You strike my strings
Can you guess what keys with two little sticks On my wooden body.
I am? Can you guess what Can you guess what You guess what I am?
Do you think you I am? I am? __________________
know? Do you think you __________________
__________________ know?
A ________________ B C D

B. Match the verb on the left with a noun on the right to make set phrases:

1. present a. a trombone
2. write b. an instrument
3. attend c. lyrics
4. play d. a music event
5. blow e. a song
___ / 3 points
6. sing f. a performance

C. Fill in the blanks with a word from B above (put the verbs in the right form):

1. Don’t you think the music event we ________________________ was boring?

2. John Lennon _____________________________ the lyrics to many of the Beatle’s best songs.
3. Most musicians ______________________________their instruments up to five hours a day!
4. When my brother __________________________ the saxophone I can’t sleep
5. Our class _______________________________ the famous play “A midsummer night dream”
6. Some of the best rock singers don’t ______________________ their
songs, they shout them! ___ / 3 points

D. Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase from the box on the right:
lend 1. Don’t ___________ your money on that junk!
owe 2. I usually _________ my CD player to Dave and he never gives it back on time.
spend 3. He left as a poor boy and returned as a ___________ man.
waste 4. You can only ___________ six books from the library at a time.

wealthy 5. His father gives him a monthly ___________ of 20 Euros.

e 6. Mum never ___________ any money on herself.
borrow 7. They ___________ my brother $50.

pay back
8. I’ll _________ you _________ on Friday, I don’t have any money now.
___ / 4 points

Pupil’s Book • UNIT 8 - Blow your own Trumpet • Check yourself 95

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