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How Are Publicly Traded Companies Using Blockchain

Technology Today?

Today, more than half of the world's most valuable publicly traded companies
(PLC) operate according to an internet-based, platform business model. Blockchain,
being an end-to-end technology located on the Internet, was part of Bitcoin, the
currency based on the fact that there was no need for a central authority to create a
currency, approve transactions, and transfer ownership when it was introduced in
November 2008. Today, many institutions, corporations and even banks confess their
interest that blockchain and crypto-currency tech would improve their traditional
business understanding.


Many public corporations began showing interest and implementing blockchain in

their operations since the crypto boom in market happened in 2015. Over the years, we
have seen most of them at least embrace the idea that blockchain technology is a major
innovation that can help improve their current business models and operations.

With the beginning of 2022, many powerful and bullish publicly traded companies
make use of the blockchain technology in their businesses. Among these are pretty
big companies that we encounter in many ways in our everyday life.

There are also companies that are still at the research stage, which means, they
study the possibilities and ways of implementing the blockchain technology in their
services, and decide which technologies could be used for their crypto tech plans, and
expected to be on the bandwagon not so late.

These technologies would undergo a series of strictly managed phases to

become profitable in the end, which basically consists of these steps;

 Research – Whether a blockchain tech solution idea is useful or not.

 Piloting – Pre-test phase of a blockchain solution before putting into serious
 Development – Progress of having ready-made solutions that ready to
 Production – Working blockchain solution that actively used by clients and
 Discarding – Where the unsuccessful solution is simply put away.


The leading PLC’s, currently use many different technologies to create their own
blockchain solutions, basically called DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology). After that,
every one of five using Ethereum, and others following it, letting companies build and
use their own smart contracts.
There are some main differences in application and field of use among these
One of these was originally developed solely for enterprise use, and has been
created as a non-proprietary solution. Built as an extensible blockchain architecture,
allows solutions that are adaptive to any field of industry.

Companies would also prefer Ethereum’s framework for the way it allows users
to build dApps (Decentralized Applications). Thanks to the decentralized structure of
Ethereum network, these applications operate without downtime, fraud, censorship, or
interference from outside, by so allowing companies to ensure their intentions are
working and promise faster growth possibilities.

There are also open source blockchain platforms available. These offer
corporations similar of what Ethereum does, but requires permission. By this way, they
ensure transaction and contract confidentiality, and open the ways of creating
applications and practical utilities especially for those who provide banking solutions

Among the other types, a kind of solution was possible that connects the big
pharma corporations with their distributors through a decentralized supply chain
management system that applies blockchain principles and offers safety through
personalization for each one of its user pairs.

Some sophisticated blockchain frameworks, privately licensed platforms that

have their original privacy mechanics, allow companies and corps use direct
transactions between each other with high confidentiality.

And there are prime distributed ledger infrastructures, which are a set of essential
tools for distributing, synchronizing and validating data across organizations and public
companies while ensuring the security and flexibility for different markets.


Some other PLC’s use even more subtle blockchain technologies each for its
particular use, and few of the rest just try different options to see what’s best for them.
For instance, among these applied wide pushes of different blockchain technology
developments, both for publicly traded companies adding to their own experience and
providing safer solutions for their customers.

Here are some examples to these mechanics:

 Officially distributed smartphone wallets for customers that can hold Bitcoin,
Ethereum and many other supported crypto-currencies.

 Blockchain Platforms for enterprise applications that combines different types

of solutions that we talked about above and produce extensible features.

 Solutions to protect information from unauthorized access throughout the

supply chain.
 Accelerators to speed up the processing capacity of blockchain solutions for
up to at least 10 times.


As you can see, the companies mainly seek blockchain solutions for privacy
rather than well-known profitability the crypto world offers. It can be said that the
embrace of blockchain tech is getting rapidly common in enterprise business, turning
into a kind of space-race among companies for crypto worlds, and the interest of those
who are still on the sidelines is growing every day.

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