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Spiritual Evolution

Spiritual evolution is about having a second life or being reincarnated for us to learn
and these beliefs are coming from spiritualists because they are the ones who study the
evolution of our spirit. Adoration of other people most especially to god being Christianity is the
things that we need to acquire once we know the words of Jesus. Our knowledge about this is
not yet enough, this is why we are being reincarnated to learn the reality of it. The learning that
Buddhism is teaching us is to be kind, thoughtful, and generous, so we need to set aside our
ego for us to be able to show the action and our opinion about it. Lowering down your ego
doesn’t mean that lowering personality it means showing that you really want to learn the

There are lessons that will be given by Buddhism on how to become generous, noble
and kind, as well as being considerate and mindful is another practice that will be provided by
them. If there Is a need for you to look for a spiritual educator that will answer all the question
and will give you a strong knowledge about this you should also look on as their characteristic
because there are some indications that evolve soul is extremely high and that is being
arrogant. In the study of spirituality as one of the human being that is living in this world,
spiritual evolution is a part of the spiritual development which is the most significant piece on
this study. In the past, the life that we have there are some talents that we have and this
includes in our spiritual, but on the skills that we have from that point of life because once you
will be reincarnated you will have another skill or the knowledge that you have will be different
than before. There are some points that what you can do with your past life is no longer
available in the next life that you will have. Also, you will have the ability to see your past life
wherein you have already proven the right belief because you already preview that past life
that you have and you can compare it to your new life. There are times when you will still have
the same ability because some of us already use their life in the appropriate way wherein they
already learn how to use their life by removing all the bad personalities.

Once you learn how to be forgiving, loving, kind and all the egoism has been eliminated
that ability in your next life will no longer available. There is the main concept to develop each
spiritual of an individual. Saying it and being educated about it is not enough, you should show
that you know how to love you know how to do it not because you were instructed to it. There
are a lot of difficulties when it comes to love, there are a lot of educators that will give and
share their knowledge regarding it that once we hear those learning and studies most of us who
hear those studies has their own beliefs wherein sometimes they still find those as unbelievable
as a part of spiritual evolution.

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