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Assignment #3 The Lithosphere

University of Manitoba, Department of Environment and Geography

Introduction to Physical Geography


Ans (a)
All exposed rocks on the Earth’s surface undergo the process of Denudation. Weathering

breaks rocks apart into sediments. The weathered and eroded sediments are transported by

winds, flowing streams, and glaciers. The transported sediments are deposited when the

energy of the transporting medium becomes deficient to continue the transport process.

Sedimentary rocks are physically weathered by mechanical processes such as rock fracturing,

freezing, and thawing, or breakage during transport by rivers or glaciers. Layered

sedimentary rocks have bedding planes that can be easily separated and penetrated by water.

Most of the rocks on Earth’s crust are sedimentary rocks. Shale, Sandstone and Limestone are

the three most common sedimentary rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks (Shale and Sandstone)

are mostly composed of clay, silt, and sand. These are soft and easily weathered as compared

to other sedimentary rocks types i.e. Organic and Chemical sedimentary rocks. Limestone is

composed of 50% calcite, which is water soluble and is infiltrated by water. Extreme pressure

from burial, increasing temperature at depth, and a lot of time, can alter Sedimentary rocks to

form a metamorphic rock. (Gervais, B)

Ans (b)

Physical weathering occurs more often in cold places where temperature routinely drops

below freezing. This process is assisted by water because Freeze-thaw occurs when water

continually seeps into cracks, freezes, and expands, eventually breaking the rock apart the

different minerals within rocks expand and contract at different rates when they are heated

and cooled. Repeated heating and cooling cycles eventually cause rocks to fracture. (Gervais,



Ans (a)

Boundary 1 is a convergent plate boundary, both the plate A and B move towards each other,

Here plate A moves towards the east(E) and plate B moves towards the west(W). In this

convergent plate boundary, one plate (plate B) subducts beneath another (plate A), forming

deep-sea trenches and mountains. (Gervais, B)

Ans (b)

As the volcanic arc is present on plate D therefore Boundary 3 must be a convergent type

boundary. In this scenario plates C and D are moving towards each other i.e. plate C is

moving towards the East and plate D is moving towards the West. Here subduction of plate C

is happening below plate D which causes Volcanic arc all along boundary 3. The subducting

plate C is recycled deep into the mantle. Magma rises through the overriding plate, creating a

chain of volcanoes. (Gervais, B)


Ans (c)

Boundary 2 must be Divergent type boundary where the plates B and D moves apart each

other, In this divergent plate boundary scenario plate B is moving towards the west and plate

C is moving towards the east. Mid ocean ridges and rift valleys results all along the boundary

2 when two plates move apart each other. New oceanic crust is created as the tectonic plates

spread apart and the molted rock of beneath rises to the seafloor. This process is called

seafloor spreading and explains why the youngest seafloor is always found along the mid-

ocean ridges. (Gervais, B)



Ans (a)

The selected volcano from European continent is Mount Etna in Italy.

Ans (b)

Mount Etna is a Stratovolcano located in Italy. It is having an elevation of 3350 m and has

the longest history of documented eruptions of any volcano. As a stratovolcano Mount Etna

is a large, cone-shaped volcano composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic. There

are numerous vents on the flanks of the volcano that often produce slow-moving lava and

pyroclastic flows at low altitudes. The volcano has high silica content (50% - 70%) which

makes it viscous and lava covers short distance before it solidifies that gives stratovolcano the

conical shape.

Ans c)

African Plate and Eurasian Plate are responsible for the formation of volcano Mount Etna in

the Convergent plate boundary scenario. Mount Etna rests on the subduction boundary where

the African tectonic plate is being pushed under the Eurasian plate. Subducting African plate

forms a deep-sea trench, where it bends beneath Eurasian plate as it dives into the mantle.

The subducting plate brings seawater to the mantle. At depth, lithosphere, and mantle melt

into magma through flux meeting. The magma rises through the margin of the Eurasian plate

crust resulting in the formation of Mount Etna.




Ans (a)

In a fluvial environment, a straight stream channel on a flat floodplain will develop meanders

when the fastest-flowing portion of the stream, called the thalweg, erodes one bank more than

the other. The bank, called a cut bank, where erosion exceeds deposition, becomes the outside

edge of the meander. On the opposite bank, where the flow is slower, deposition exceeds

erosion, and the accumulation of sediments forms a point bar. The meander loop deepens as

erosion on the cut banks continuous. As the meander deepens a meander neck forms. At the

meander neck, a cut off forms as the two meanders join. (Gervais, B, Pg. 535)

Ans (b)

A Stream’s velocity plays an important role in erosion and deposition. Higher the velocity of

water more the erosion and lower velocity results in less erosion. Irregularities in the stream

channel caused by resistant rock, stream gradient and friction slow water along channel

edges. Stream deposition occurs when a streams current can no longer overcome gravity and

continue to carry sediments. Water transports and deposit sediments depending on their size.

Heavier and larger sediments are deposited first when water slows down and depositing

lighter particles at greater distance.

Gervais, B. (2019).  Living Physical Geography (2nd ed.). MacMillan Education 
University of Manitoba (2020). UM Learn Instructional Content (Unit 4). Lithosphere

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