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Double Entry Journal/Reader Response Journal Template

The left side must contain one quotation/passage from the reading with page numbers noted.

The right side must explain why you chose that quote or passage. Why was it significant, important, or
relevant? Analyze your quotes/passages carefully.

Title of book: ______________________________ Journal #: _____


Page(s) “Quotations”/Passage RESPONSE TO QUOTATION

Why was it significant, important, or relevant?
54 “If that was supposed to make me feel any Sonny knew that his dad favored his brother over
better, it didn’t work. I knew Dad thought him because he played football. His mother tries to
about Jim all the time, was always telling make him feel better but fails. This is important
people what a great football player my
because if Sonny’s father changes, we can examine
brother was, and how he was going to tear
up the world in football when he went to his progress in becoming a better father. This can
college.” also show that Sonny is jealous of his brother. It
shows a new trait for him.
60 “My rocket had caused me to get harassed People harass Sonny because he is trying to do
on the school bus.” something revolutionary. This quote is important
because in the future these kids who are bullying
him now may congratulate him or try to be friends
with him, all because of his success.
73 “Blew up, did it? What made you think Quentin is introduced as a snobby outcast who is
you could build a rocket? You can’t even basically a genius. He is rude to Sonny because he
do algebra.” “I’m getting better,” I failed, and Quentin thinks that because he has
muttered. It was amazing to me that
never failed, that gives him the right to rain on
everybody, even Quentin, knew my
business. “One of my little sisters can everyone’s parade if they’re proud or ashamed of
already do algebra,” he advised me. “I something. Quentin does not make a good first
taught her. It’s quite simple.”” impression.
52 “I recognized that Mom and Dad were In my last response, I made an inference about
about to go off onto one of their standard Sonny’s family, and how they were disconnected
quarrels and eased back into the darkness from each other. This can be used to support that
of the yard and stood with the dogs.”
statement because most people who are
disconnected from each other, argue, and disagree
a lot. These family issues don’t seem to affect
Sonny that much other than his dad’s pride for his
brother. As the story continues though, these
issues may get worse, and it could affect Sonny
more. It is portrayed as a normal thing because he
said he “recognized”, most people wouldn’t be
able to recognize an argument that fast or sense it
is coming if it is not a usual event to happen.
Sonny’s household could become more toxic, and
it could add to some important events if the story.
63 “Mom knew the Bible pretty much by Sonny’s mother is a smart woman, so she knows
heart, and she was quite capable of using how to win an argument. It shows characteristics
it on Dad like a club. “And if the blind about her, and that she is intelligent and
leadeth the blind, both shall fall into the
humorous. This is important to the book because
ditch,” she told him, making her argument
unassailable because it was clearly on the characteristics are what make your view on
side of the Lord.” someone, a character, etc.

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