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Arif Partono Prasetio1, Syahrizal Siregar2, Bachruddin Saleh Luturlean3
School of Economic & Business, Telkom University
The service quality is always the main factor for organization which focuses on the customer satisfac-
tion to enhance their business and their performance. In order to have the great quality, they depend
on their human resources. They need human resources who perform well. The employee who shows
strong Organizational Citizenship Behavior believed can be performs better. That is why it is impor-
tant for the organization to create employee with the strong OCB. OCB influenced by various factors.
Job satisfaction and organization commitment are two important factors among them, which can
predict the OCB. Organization should maintain the level of their employee’s satisfaction and com-
mitment in order to develop the strong OCB. The research analyzed the effect of the job satisfaction
and organization commitment on OCB at the PLN Distribution Office for Wet Java and Banten. Re-
search conducted towards 100participants using the multiple regression and descriptive analysis me-
thod.Through the analysis we found that job satisfaction and organization commitment has signific-
ance relation toward OCB (0.516). This finding is in line with previous research which promotes pos-
itive relation between these variables, eventhough only a mild percentage (0.266).The organization
should place detail attention when applying the treatment. We suggest that the both job satisfaction
and organization commitment should apply simultaneously in order to get better result. Further re-
search needed to identify others factor which might be important to enhance the OCB.
Keywords: Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Job satisfaction, Organizational Commitment,
Multiple Regression.
Layanan yang optimal merupakan salah satu kunci keunggulan bersaing. Peran sumberdaya manusia
dalam membangun layanan yang unggul sangat penting. Organisasi dirasa perlu untuk membangun
dan memiliki sumberdaya manusia yang handal. Di samping kinerja berdasarkan pekerjaan uta-
manya, karyawan juga diharapkan untuk menunjukkan perilaku positif yang mendukung pencapaian
kinerja perusahaan. Karyawan yang memiliki tingkat kewarganegaraan organisasional tinggi biasanya
memiliki kinerja formal yang tinggi juga. Hal ini menegaskan pentingnya organisasi membangun
semangat kewarganegaraan rganisasional (OCB). Pengembangan perilaku OCB dipengaruhi oleh
berbagai faktor, diantaranya kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi. Organisasi perlu membangun
kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi karyawan untuk mengembangkan karyawan dengan tingkat
OCB yang tinggi. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi ter-
hadap OCB pada karyawan PLN Kantor Distribusi Jawa Barat dan Banten. Penelitian ini mengguna-
kan sampel sebanyak 100responden dan analisisnya menggunakan teknik regresi berganda dan de-
skriptif analitis. Hasil riset ini menujukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi secara
simultan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap OCB (0.516). temuan ini sejalan dengan riset terdahulu
yang juga menyatakan adanya hubungan pengaruh positif di antara variabel yang digunakan. Hanya
saja besarnya pengaruh dari hasil riset ini hanya sebesar (0.266).berdasarkan temuan tersebut, perusa-
haan perlu menerapkan kebijakan yang berorientasi pada kepuasan kerja karyawan dan yang bisa
mendorong terbentuknya komitmen organisasi. Kedua faktor ini sebaiknya digunakan secara bersa-
maan untuk membangun OCB karyawan. Riset selanjutnya yang membahas OCB bisa menggunakan
variabel lain yang bisa saja memiliki pengaruh lebih besar.
Kata Kunci: Perilaku Kewarganegaraan Organisasional, Kepuasan Kerja, Komitmen Organisasi,
Regresi Berganda.
100 Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 19 No. 2, Juli 2015 99-108

INTRODUCTION have to consider the organization or our re-

The importance of Organizational Citizenship search subject.
Behavior (OCB) has attracted a lot of attention As for the organization commitment,
in academic research. The research from Cot- according to Koning and Van Kleef (2015) it is
trill, Lopez, & Hoffman (2014), Koning & Van one of the major factor besides job satisfaction,
Cleef (2015), Lambert, Hogan, & Griffin perceived fairness, leaders support, which in-
(2008) and Ma, Qu, Wilson, & Eastman, (2013) fluence and contribute to the willingness of
discussed OCB from various aspects from the employees to perform OCB. Other researchers
leadership, the staffs, and the customers. It is who also study the relation between commit-
widely known that employee who has the ment and the OCB are Zeinabadi (2010). His
strong OCB will become more loyal towards research in Iran found the positive relation be-
their organization. OCB believed can increase tween commitment and OCB. Ibrahim
the effectiveness of the organization which led &Aslinda (2013), Chaha l& Mehta (2010), Liu
to their success. Employees who are felt in- & Cohen (2010), Lambert et al. (2008), Bolon
cluded in the organization generally will reci- (1997) present various result regarding the rela-
procate with their positive behavior, OCB. In tion between commitment and the OCB.
this case, the organization will reap the benefits The study analyzed the employee’s
in the long run. Ma et al. (2013) and Lambert et OCB level in PT PLN, Jawa Barat and Banten
al. (2008) explain that OCB can promote cost Distribution Office, which is one of the state-
saving, faster job/work completion, and re- owned enterprises in Indonesia. The uniqueness
sources optimization. Even though OCB play of this company is that it controls the whole
an important role in the building of employee electricity supply in Indonesia. Since they mo-
performance which led to the organizational nopolize the service, they used to provide basic
performance, yet only several organizations put service only. But, under the new management,
it in their reward system (Chahal & Mehta, the employee required to work better. In order
2010). There are many factors which can drive to provide much better service PLN need quali-
the OCB of the employee. The research fied human resources who can perform well.
presents two of them which are job satisfaction Employee can perform well if they show re-
and organization commitment (Ng, 2015; Ya- sponsibility and integrity. In other word, the
dav & Rangnekar, 2015). organization need employee who are willing to
Job satisfaction and organization com- give 100% of their effort to the customer and
mitment have influence towards the OCB. The willing to contribute more than they should.
research from Salehi and Goltash (2011) found They need employees who possess
that both have positive impact on OCB. Mean- strong OCB. One of the indicators which can
while, Miao (2011) conducted research on a point the level of OCB is the attendance record
Chinese state-owned enterprise and reveal that and the employee performance. Based on the
job satisfaction has significant relation on attendance record from January 2013 to June
OCB. Chahal and Mehta (2010) stated that 2014 we found there are still high absenteism
there is positive relation between role clarity and tardiness rate. This could indicate the em-
which is part of job satisfaction with the OCB ployee still has low OCB level. To support the
and organization effectiveness. Meanwhile, finding, we conducted the interview with sev-
Schappee (1998) found that job satisfaction has eral employees and the HR Supervisor. The
no significant relationship with OCB. This re- supervisor felt that employee yet to show the
sult parallel with Intaraprasong, Dityen, & OCB level which are in line with the expecta-
Krugkrunjit (2012) who found that job satisfac- tion. This also related with the performance
tion only has low positive relation with OCB. appraisal result where the number of very po-
These differences make the study of job satis- tential employee still below the expectation
faction and its impact toward OCB interesting. level. However, when we conduct the observa-
Many aspects in the job satisfaction involved in tion and discuss with some employees, they felt
the building of OCB. We can draw the same that they have done much for the organization,
conclusion for every study. Of course we also especially when it comes to helping their co-
workers. They are also proud to work for PLN.
The phenomenon is interesting to explore. We
The Effects of Job Satisfaction … (Arif Partono Prasetio, et al.) 101

measure the level of job satisfaction, organiza- This is what we do at work and shaping the
tion commitment, and the OCB. Furthermore, relation in it. This is a social research based on
we analyzed whether there is any relation be- the human behavior in the workplace. When we
tween employee’s OCB and job satisfaction discuss about the satisfaction, commitment, and
and organization commitment.By identifying citizenship behavior, than we will definitely
this, we present knowledge to the organization talk about the interaction. Or we can call it so-
on how to manage the employee behavior cial exchange in the work place.
which can turn into organization performance. To understand the model, we start this
literature review by prividing basic explanation
LITERATURE REVIEW about human resources management, organiza-
The study regarding relationship between satis- tion behavior, and also explain the variables
faction, commitment, and organization citizen- used in this research. We start with the human
ship can be trace back to the theory of social resources management which believed to have
exchange theory. Based on the works of Ho- an important role in order to develop qualified
mans (1958), interaction between person can be employees (Samad & Yusuf, 2012). These out-
said as an exchange of good, whether material standing employees needed by the organization
or non material. The social exchange is the ac- in order to thrive in the business. Ivance-
tions that are contingent on rewarding reactions vich(2010) stated that human resources has
from others (Emerson, 1976). It is implied that function such as organizing, developing and
the relation is two-sided, mutually contingent, enhancing the ability and knowledge, provide
and mutually rewarding process, where there and applying motivation techniques which
are transactions or just exchange.If the individ- match with the employee’s need, promote bet-
ual feel they will gain benefit from what they ter quality work-life, enhance job satisfaction,
do, then theu will repeat it. Individu also and manage good communication between
known to seek maximal gain or minimize their management and employees.
loss. The HR manager should understand the
Lawler and Thye (1999) using concept employee’s character so they can act accor-
of self-interes and interdependence when ex- dingly to each situation. They need to have
plaining the interaction between individuals. knowledge about organization behavior. Organ-
They regards these two as the basic forms of ization behavior can help organization to focus
interaction between two or more participants on how to productivity, maintaining absente-
who have something of value to each other. ism, turnover, reducing unwanted work-place
The next step for them is to decide whether to behavior, and increasing the OCB level (Rob-
exchange and in what amounts in order to get bins and Judge (2013). The behavior study can
what they need in a less cost as possible. These help manager to know and understand his/her
kind of interaction usually also takes place on people. Without the knowledge they will have
work environment. People at work interact with difficulties in developing good working rela-
each other trying to get the best result for the tion. The next explanation is about the three
team and for themzelves. When they do the variables used in this research; job satisfaction,
interaction, they often have to bargain or in organization commitment, and OCB.
business we call it negotiation. Driving with the Uhl-Bien, Schermerhorn, & Osborn
same interest (to maximize their achievement) (2014) defined job satisfaction as an attitude
people will try to gain more than they loss. Of- which reflect the individual positiveand nega-
ten they cannot achieve what they need or want tive feeling towards their co-workers, jobs, and
without sacrificing some of their resources. work environment. Robbins and Judge (2013)
This is where the exchange happen. The same explain the job satisfaction as a positive feeling
thing applied in therelation between employees about a job, resulting from an evaluation of its
and organization they worked for. characteristics. It is clear from the definition
Stafford (2008) explain that social ex- that job satisfaction is closely related to what
changes involve a connection with another per- employee perceive about their job. Satisfied
son, trust,donot have any legal obligations, employees would seem more likely talk posi-
flexible, rarely involve in explicit bargaining. tively about the organization, help others, and
work beyond the normal expectations in their
102 Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 19 No. 2, Juli 2015 99-108

job (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Meanhile, Lu- with the internal motivation of the employees
thans (2011) explain the outcome if employee to act beyond their formal duties. The em-
felt satisfy or not; Performance, Turnover, and ployee who has high OCB will demonstrate
Absenteism. The discussion reveals the impor- high motivation, they will defend their organi-
tance of job satisfaction towards organization. zation, and they are proud to become its repre-
To measure the level of job satisfaction we sentatives.
used the JDI approach which used five dimen- In order to measure the OCB in PLN,
sions; job it-self, supervisor, co-worker rela- we use the concept from Organ (Luthans,
tion, salary, and career development (Robbins 2011). He argues there are five dimensions
& Judge, 2013). which contribute to the OCB. Altruism (e.g.,
The second independent variable is or- helping out when a coworker is not feeling
ganization commitment which defined as the well), conscientiousness (e.g., staying late to
degree of loyaltyindividual felt toward the or- finish a project), civic virtue (e.g., volunteering
ganization (Schermerhorn et al., 2012). The for a community program to represent the
following definition explained by Gibson, firm), sportsmanship (e.g., sharing failure of a
Ivancevich, and Donnelly (2012) as a sense of team project that would have been successful
identification, loyalty, and involvement ex- by following the member’s advice), courtesy
pressed by an employee toward the organiza- (e.g., being understanding and empathetic even
tion or unit of the organization. Luthans pro- when provoked).
vide more detail explanation about the com- The employee with high or strong OCB
mitment. He define it as a strong desire to re- will benefit the organization and themselves.
main a member of a particular organization, That is why the development of practices that
support by willingness to exert high levels of can lead to strong OCB considered important in
effort on behalf of the organization and accep- many organizations. No wonder one of the
tance of the values and goals of the organiza- most important functions in human resources is
tion. We can sure view the commitment as an not limited to make people satisfy, but also
ongoing employee attitude especially their make them committed and have the strong in-
loyalty towards the organization. Regarding the volvement toward organization.
outcome of organization commitment, Scher-
merhorn et al. (2012) discuss that the individu- The link between Job Satisfaction and OCB
als with a high organizational commitment will Chahal & Mehta (2010) conclude that there is
strongly identify themselves with the organiza- positive and significant effect from job satisfac-
tion and take pride in considering themselves tion on OCB. Koning and Van Kleef (2015)
members. To measure the commitment level, supported this notion. This papers emphasis the
the concept from Meyer & Allen will be used concept that if the employee’s job satisfaction
(1991). They provide three dimensions which goes up, then the OCB also increasing. Several
are; Affective Commitment, Continuance research which show the results that people who
Commitment, and Normative Commitment. satisfied with their work tend to display higher
The dependent variable which is OCB organizational citizenship behavior are Pava-
defined by Robbins and Judge (2013) as the lache-Ilie (2014), Intaraprasong et al.. (2012),
discretionary behavior that is not part of an Mohammad, Farzana, & Alias (2011), and Qa-
employee’s formal job requirements, and that mar (2012). They concluded that job satisfaction
contributes to the psychological and social en- has positive relation with organization commit-
vironment of the workplace. While Schermer- ment. These findings can be referred by the or-
horn et al. (2012) describe OCB as employee’s ganization to develop a strategy to maintain the
willingness to “go beyond the call of duty” or satisfaction level of their employees.
“go the extra mile” in one’s work. Then, Organ
(Luthans, 2011) also explain OCB Individual The link between Organization Commitment
behavior that is discretionary, not directly or onOCB
explicitly recognized by the formal reward sys-
tem, and that in the aggregate promotes the ef- We have this assumption, that the higher the
fective functioning of the organization. These commitment, the stronger the OCB of the em-
definitions clearly explain that OCB related ployee. This viewpoint is backed by several
The Effects of Job Satisfaction … (Arif Partono Prasetio, et al.) 103

scientific researches. Liu & Cohen (2013) tested for the reliability and validity. The de-
found the relation between organization com- scriptive analysis was used to present the result
mitment and the OCB. Noor (2009) identify the and to analyze the relation of the variable. The
role of the organizational commitment in en- validity and reliability test conducted since the
hancing the organizational citizenship behavior questionnaire is self-administered. The Cron-
of the teachers in Pakistan. Noor (2009), Asie- bach’s Alpha for the job satisfaction is 0.882,
du, Sarfo, and Adjei (2014), Ng & Feldman the organization commitment is 0.910, and for
(2011), Ibrahim &Aslinda (2013), and Bakhshi, the OCB is 0.875. These score are all above the
Sharma, and Kumar (2011) are among the re- required 0.70.
searchers who had the same argument about the The descriptive method used to explain
positive and significance relation between these the result. The level of the job satisfaction, the
variables. Although the research use different organizational commitment, and the OCB in
viewpoint (some directly related the organiza- PLN West Java and Banten Distribution Office
tion commitment, and some use the detail di- were identified. We present the result in a per-
mension; affective, cognitive, and normative), centage and also in real figure. The interpreta-
the result show the same pattern. tions conducted by comparingeach of the items
Based on the previous researches con- result with the optimum result if all respondent
cerning the relation between variables, we de- choose the highest score. There are five level of
termine the hypothesis for this research. interpretation, from the lowest level to the
highest level. We also add the information we
H1a: There is positive and significant effect collected from the observation.
between job satisfactions on OCB. The relation between variables meas-
H1b: There is positive and significant effect ured using multiple regression analysis. Before
between organization commitments on conducting the multiple regression analysis we
OCB. run several test to make sure the data met the
H1c: There is positive and significant effect requirement for multiple regression analysis.
between job satisfaction and organization We test the data for normality, heteroscedastici-
commitment on OCB. ty, and multicolinearity. Normality test used to
analyze whether the data set normally distri-
METHODOLOGY buted or not.
This is a quantitative research which goals is to The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test indicate
measure the relation between job satisfaction the Asymp Significance for 2 tailed is
and organization commitment on OCB. The 0.263(above the required 0.05) which mean the
total population for the research is 252 em- data normally distributed. The heteroscedastici-
ployees of PT PLN (Persero) West Java and ty test also proved that the data set can be
Banten Distribution Office.Non-probability proceeds to the multiple regressions, since it
samplingwas used and combined with the acci- passed the criteria. The significant level at
dental sampling.We recruit the participant from 0.322 for the job satisfaction and 0.167 for the
the various jobs in the office. We distributed organization commitment mean there is no he-
150 questionnaires and get the 100 participants teroscedasticity. The last test on multicolineari-
who completed the questionnaire. The ques- ty also passed. The Tolerance figure should be
tionnaire distributed directly to the participants above 0.1 and they should be under 10. The test
who voluntarily participate. The return the reveals that the Tolerance figure is 0.720 and
questionnaire between one to three weeks. the VIF 1.389, both matches the requirement.
The primary data obtain by the self- We used the SPSS version 21 to calculate the
administered questionnaires which consist of above calculation. After ensuring that the data
45 questions. There are 14 questions for the job set can be used in multiple regression analysis,
satisfaction, 16 for organization commitment, we then measure the relation between variables.
and 14 questions for the OCB.The question- RESULT AND DISCUSSION
naire develop using 5 point-scaleLikert model
consisting of the lowest point 1=very disagree The result shows that the PLN employees had
until 5=very agree. All questions are already high job satisfaction (75.4%). The highest di-
104 Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 19 No. 2, Juli 2015 99-108

mension which contribute to this figure is the of affective commitment is the highest. This
relation with their supervisor (77.47%), fol- could mean that the employees feel happy to
lowed by the co-workers dimensions (76,7%) work in the company and they have high sense
and work itself (76,50%), then the career de- of ownership. This is a good condition for the
velopment (76.30%), and the salary (75.40%). organization if most of the employee feels that
From these figure, we can say that while some way. High commitment employee can lead to a
view the salary is the most important factors in better performance.
building the job satisfaction, the research prove The figure of 78.5% showed that the
that people focus on other things. In fact the OCB level in PLN is also high. As shown on
relations with supervisor hold the highest per- the Table 3, the highest subscale is the courte-
centage. This mean, organization should try to sy. Courtesy mean that someone has open mind
improve their leader because the good leader and always try to build a good relation to oth-
can build the high satisfaction. ers. Follow by civic virtue which could mean
The level of the organization commit- that employees show the responsibility towards
ment dimension is also high; 79.35% for affec- their job. Overall, if the OCB is high, em-
tive commitment, 71.17% for the continuance ployees of the organization tend to do more
commitment, and 75.87% for the normative than they expected. For example; working late
commitment. The result showed that the em- without being paid or they talk highly about
ployees of PLN have high level of commit- their organization. These behaviors predicted to
ment. The most interesting part is that the level affect the performance.
Table 1: Level of Job Satisfaction


Table 2: Level of Organization Commitment

! % &
! &

Table 3: Level of OCB

!" %
! ! '! % %
"! " "" % &
"" % & % &
$ %
The Effects of Job Satisfaction … (Arif Partono Prasetio, et al.) 105

The following discussion focus on how satisfaction and 0.246 for organization com-
the relation between variables measured and mitment). As we know that in order to describe
what is the result. We started the discussion strong relationship, the figure should more than
from the partial relations between job satisfac- 0.5 or nearer to 1. This does not mean that
tion and organization commitment on OCB. these two variables are useless in predicting the
The significant figure in Table 4 show both OCB, it is just they are not strong enough.
independent variables has significant relation There could be other variables which have big-
with OCB (Sig. for job satisfaction is 0.001 and ger contribution to build the OCB in PLN.
for organization commitment is 0.018). This Now we take a look at the simultane-
mean job satisfaction and organization com- ous relation between job satisfaction and organ-
mitment can predict the OCB in PLN. The hy- ization commitment on OCB. To describe the
pothesis H1a, ‘There is positive and significant simultaneous relation we refer to the Table 5.
effect between job satisfactions toward the The Sig. figure show 0.000 which mean that
OCB’ and the H1b, ‘There is positive and signif- simultaneously, both variables has relation with
icant effect between organization commitment OCB. It is also means that the hypothesis H1c,
and OCB’, both accepted. ‘There is positive and significant effect be-
If we look at the standard coefficient tween job satisfactions and organization com-
then we can say the relation between both in- mitment on OCB’ is accepted.
dependent variables is not strong (0.342 for job
Table 4: Coefficient
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1,647 ,303 5,436 ,000
JS ,341 ,102 ,342 3,334 ,001
OC ,230 ,096 ,246 2,400 ,018
a. Dependent Variable: OCB

Table 5. Anova
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 7,112 2 3,556 17,592 ,000b
Residual 19,608 97 ,202
Total 26,721 99
a. Dependent Variable: OCB
b. Predictors: (Constant), OC, JS
Table 6. Model Summary
Model Summaryb
Adjusted Std. Error of the
Model R R Square R Square Estimate
1 ,516a ,266 ,251 ,44961
a. Predictors: (Constant), OC, JS
b. Dependent Variable: OCB
106 Jurnal Siasat Bisnis Vol. 19 No. 2, Juli 2015 99-108

The strength of the relation showed on is hard to know what others are doing. We offer
the Table 6. The multiple regression result a simple solution to improve the level of trust.
show that simultaneously both job satisfaction Management provides employees with clear
and organization commitment, if used together expectation and employees inform management
will have bigger correlation (R = 0.516). The what they need to do their job better. We found
result correspond to the work of Sale- that the co-worker relation is quite smooth.
hi&Goltash (2011) and Sajjad et al. (2011). Job satisfaction and organization com-
They also found the relationbetween satisfac- mitment proved to be significant in building the
tion and commitment on OCB. This means that OCB. But study in PLN show both has relative-
both variables have stronger effect if used si- ly small effect. There are two possibilities.
multaneously. First, the result is true so the organization
Nevertheless, we also need to observe should identify the aspects which can build
that the R Square for both variables is relatively stronger OCB. Second, they just need to en-
low (0.266). This means only 26.6% that the hance the relation between management and
OCB in PLN can be explained by job satisfac- employees. Both can discuss about what each
tion and organization commitment. There might party needed, then two worked out together to
be other variables which have more impact on adjust each other need. In this way both party
OCB than these two. These variables should be can gain more result.
identifies, and the organization should develop It is clear that job satisfaction and or-
the possible application in work place to build ganization commitment should be used simul-
strong OCB from their employees. These other taneously in order to get better result. In this
variables can predict 73.4% of the OCB in PLN. case, the organization can seek aspect from
This lead to the importance of conducting fur- these variables which have bigger impact. The
ther research to identify what is the most impor- result from this survey can be a good starting
tant variables to develop higher OCB in PLN. It point. The result can become even better if the
might be the reward system or career advance- human resources department involve and take
ment? Or maybe it is just increased salary. The charge to identify the strongest aspect which
option is abundant therefore researcher should can help increasing the OCB.
choose it wisely. A part from the management impact,
the academic impact from this study is to give a
CONCLUSION, LIMITATIONS, AND FU- broader view regarding the concept of OCB
TURE RESEARCH and its relation with particular variables. We
This study shows the importance identifying hope this paper can contribute to the study of
variables which has close relation with OCB. employee behavior toward their organization.
Moreover, it provides evidence on how two We also realize that this paper only analyze one
mechanisms (satisfaction and commitment) organization. We will continue our work re-
explain the level of OCB. The study shows how garding OCB and other organization behavior
the combination of two variables can help un- aspects using more participants from various
derstand how employees OCB. So the man- industries in West Java and Indonesia.
agement can use this for effectively managing REFERENCES
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