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In some countries in the world, youths commonly commit crimes such as theft or even violence.

are some of the causes of this phenomenon, and how does this affect the youths themselves and
society as a whole?

1/Introduction: In recent decades, the spiraling number of juvenile delinquencies has become one of the most
alarming issues in some nations. This essay will delve into some prime reasons lying behind this problem and
elucidate its repercussions on the youths and the society.

2/ Body:

a) Causes: Environment/surrounding factors:

- family (observing domestic violence, lacking supervision and discipline)
- friends (peers’ incitement)
- media influence (exposed to violent scenes at early age)

Individual: - behavioral disorders (Eg: conduct disorder, anti-social disorder,…)

- illiteracy, unemployment

b) Effects: Implications on the youths: - Offenders: juvenile incarcination, degraded morality

- Victims: mental, emotional and physical injuries
Ramifications for the society: - Costs for repairing property (violence, vandalism)
- Compromising the safety and security of the communities/neighbourhoods

3/ Conclusion: In conclusion, the problem of adolescent crime can stem from multifarious factors, including both
the environment and the youth themselves. Due to the serious reverberations that this issue may have on the
young and the community, it is unassailable that urgent actions need to be taken to as to prevent and tackle it.

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