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Female To Female: The Ultimate Guide To Lesbian

By Amy Birdsong

Copyright 2006
The Borderland Blues Network
All Rights Reserved.
(You are entitled only to your own purchased copy of this book.
Reproduction and Sharing of this Material is Prohibited by Law.)

Table of Contents

INTRO: Introduction by Author

CHAPTER 1: Finding the Ideal Mate

CHAPTER 2: Female Anatomy

CHAPTER 3: Masturbation Revealed

CHAPTER 4: Fantastic Foreplay

CHAPTER 5: Cunnilingus Creativity

CHAPTER 6: Satisfying Vaginas

CHAPTER 7: Amazing Anal

CHAPTER 8: The Big "O"

CHAPTER 9: Sex Toys for Lesbians

CHAPTER 10: Finger Lickin' Good Fantasies

CHAPTER 11: Welcome to BDSM

CHAPTER 12: Have Safe Sex

CHAPTER 13: Your First Time

CHAPTER 14: Keep Your Lesbian Bed Alive

BONUS SECTION: Lesbian Erotica

Female To Female: The Ultimate Guide To Lesbian Sex
By Amy Birdsong

Copyright 2006
The Borderland Blues Network
All Rights Reserved.

You are entitled only to your own purchased copy of this book.
Reproduction and Sharing of this Material is Prohibited by Law.

Introduction by the Author

I remember the first time I ever came close to having sex with another woman; it
was the most frightening and nerve-wracking experience of my life. I didn't have
a clue where to start or what to do. I was so naive that I didn't even know what
lesbian sex involved; for all I knew it was just kissing and cuddling, and maybe a
bit of breast fondling every now and again.

While caressing another woman's breasts can be incredibly arousing, there's so

much more to lesbian sex than meets the eye, as I found out through years of
practice. This knowledge took decades to uncover. From being totally under-
prepared for my first time to blossoming into a deeply fulfilled lesbian partner
today has taken years of research, patient, loving partners; and trying out every
single position, method and sex toy under the sun!

Many years ago, no little literature, advice, or guidance existed on the taboo
subject of lesbian sex. While heterosexual partners benefited from sex book after
sex book and the Kama Sutra, lesbians were almost a non-existent group in
society. It was still very much frowned upon to have female-female relationships,
and was much more of a hush-hush niche in society than it is today. It's no
wonder that I didn't know what to do the first time I was intimate with another
woman. Lesbian sex techniques were more word of mouth than spelled out in a
book for all to see.

Lesbians in today's society are incredibly lucky. As well as being able to feel
much more liberated and free to express their sexuality, there is an ever-
increasing armory of lesbian sex books available. This doesn't mean that every
single lesbian should be well versed in sex techniques before they enter into
relationships. Firstly, these books are not widely available. They aren't stocked in
nearby libraries or local bookstores. Secondly they are expensive; it seems that
many publishing houses want to cash in on what's known as the "pink pound"
and charge inflated prices just because the books have a smaller target audience
than heterosexual ones!

Thirdly, and more importantly, many of them are written in the wrong way. They
are either incredibly complicated and manage to scare the reader more than they
already were in the first place, or they are written in a harsh and abrasive
manner, much like a sex story in a man's porn magazine. This doesn't work when
discussing the subject of female sexual relations. I find them jarring and appalling
and end up trashing most of them or selling them at my neighborhood yard sales.

While I love to see the expressions on my neighbors faces' when they read the
front cover, it disturbs me to think that not one person out there can write a
decent, easy to read, empathetic and endearing lesbian sex guide. That's why
Female to Female exists; it's a lesbian sex book written by a lesbian, for lesbians.

Whether you are just "coming out" as a lesbian or you have been in a successful
relationship for the last fifteen years, this book will have a great deal to offer you.
It starts at the basics such as the female anatomy and masturbation, and works
upwards into a crescendo of sex toys, BDSM and fantasies. It also covers
varying and interesting topics such as safe sex and how to spice up your
relationship. It's for the woman who knows nothing about lesbian sex, but it's also
for the woman who thinks she knows it all.

I have designed this book so that you don't have to read it from cover to cover
just so that you can begin to fathom out what you need to do or what you would
like to try. The chapters cover one subject at a time so you can dip into it at your
leisure and read the areas most appropriate to you.

Before you begin your sexual journey through this book, remember this: you
shouldn't expect to be "perfect" right from the start. You may have the same
anatomy as your sexual partners, but different things turn different women on;
you just have to try things out and see what does. Lesbian sex is an exploration
of the female body.

Chapter 1 - Finding the Ideal Mate
Let's start at the very beginning.

For any lesbian sex guide to be useful, you must have a partner. While some of
the masturbation techniques and sex toys explored in this book can be tried
alone, most of the methods and positions take two people! Yes, you can read this
book and dream about all the things you would do to your lover if you had one,
but it's not the same as having a partner to get hot and sweaty with!

You may have been in a stable relationship for years and years; if so, read a few
chapters that interest you, then grab her by the hand, take her upstairs and try
out what you want! For those of you who are less fortunate and are single at the
moment, stop fantasizing and get out there and find a new mate!

Whether you're looking for a one-night stand, a few flings, a "fuck" partner, or a
monogamous relationship that will last your lifetime, there are certain places you
can hang out and certain things you should be looking out for. Your perfect
partner could be right in front of your eyes and you have just been too blind or
too shy to do anything about it, so now's the time to take the bullet between the
teeth and make lesbian sex a reality rather than a fantasy.

Whether it's your first taste of lesbian sex you are looking for, or an end to
months of celibacy after a tough breakup, admit to yourself that you can't hide
your sexual identity or wallow in self-pity forever. You have to get out there and
strut your stuff! You may not like the sound of this but what this essentially
means is that you will never find a partner unless you can be seen! You need to
have the confidence to stop clinging to dark corners in bars or being a pretty
wallflower at friends' parties!

Some of the places that you should frequent to find your perfect mate are as

Bars and Clubs

If you are lucky enough to have gay and lesbian bars and clubs in your town,
then you must go. If you need emotional support, take some of your lesbian
friends with you; if you don't have any of those then take some straight ones!
Mingle with more than the potted plants too! Either seat yourself at the bar or be
ever present on the dance floor so that you are visible enough to get noticed and
have the chance to notice other people.

One important factor is to not get too drunk. A few drinks may help to calm your
nerves or give you some Dutch courage but too many may result in you making a
fool of yourself or waking up with a troll that you would never have slept with in a

million years if you had been sober! You want to be able to talk to potential mates
without slurring your words or draping yourself over them before they have a
chance to speak.

You should also dress for the occasion so that you can make a lasting first
impression. This doesn't mean that all butch or androgynous women should rush
to their local boutique for stilettos and skirts that skim their knickers! Just wear
something in your wardrobe that's smart yet casual and comfortable enough to
help you feel confident in yourself. If a new haircut or new set of makeup will give
you an extra boost, then go for it!

The key thing is to be prepared. Have some witty or interesting conversation

topics up your sleeve that you can whip out at a moment's notice. If you want to
make the first move, then some interesting opening lines could be useful, too;
you'd be surprised how many corny ones you can get away with! If you want
someone to make a move on you then be ready to make plenty of eye contact
and be flirtatious. If it's not in your nature, then you will just have to push yourself,
unless you want a relationship with the floors or walls you may find yourself
staring at otherwise! Practice on your friends, in the mirror, around your home
and even in your local supermarket!

Leslie and Maggie first met one night ten years ago at a club. Leslie had come
with friends and Maggie had come alone. It was Maggie's first time to ever go to
a lesbian club, and she was terribly nervous, but had determined in her mind that
she had to go.

Leslie noticed Maggie sitting alone with her drink and had a hunch that Maggie
was not only new to lesbian clubs, she was also unsure about her sexuality.
Leslie approached Maggie and they ended up talking until almost dawn. A solid
friendship formed, which later became more serious. Ten years later, Leslie and
Maggie are still together.

Lesbian Social Groups

If bars and clubs are really not your scene or you just don't think you will find
what you are looking for, then you should try joining or attending some lesbian
social groups in your area. These are a great way to meet new friends while
searching for potential partners at the same time. Many social groups have a
particular theme, for example there could be local Dykes on Bikes clubs which is
perfect if you have a Harley under dust sheets in your garage, or there could be a
local walking or camping group which would be wonderful if you love the great
outdoors. Just make sure you pick a group or activity that suits you; there's
nothing worse than listening to someone droning on for hours and hours when
the subject matter bores you to death!

As with going to a bar or a club, it takes confidence to attend a group for the first

time, but as everyone there will have a mutual interest it will be easy to strike up
conversations, introducing yourself to people in the group and start becoming
one of the crowd. Particular attention is normally paid to "newbies" to make them
feel welcome and help them to settle in, so this could give you an ideal chance to
check out the talent and decide if there is anyone there who could be for you. Of
course, it's not always love at first sight, so persevere with the group. You may
be surprised by who becomes the object of your desire after a while!

Through Friends

Your close friends know dozens of people that you don't yet know. Therefore the
next time they invite you to dinner or throw a party, don't stay at home on the
couch in your comfy pajamas; get polished up, buy a bottle of wine or a few
beers and take the plunge. Meeting new people with the comfort of friends
around you can provide you with a newfound confidence.

Having your friends around you can mean that they will act as the go-between. If
you spy someone who tickles your fancy, they will either know all of the
information you need to know (if she's single or not being of paramount
importance) or they will ask for you. Just make sure they don't make it too
obvious, or it could end up looking like a stupid schoolgirl stunt. Subtlety and
caution are needed at all times.

If there is someone there who catches your eye, make a point of looking at her
frequently to try and catch her gaze. If you are feeling brassy enough, dive
straight in and talk to her. Make sure you are sitting next to her at the dinner
table; a bit of changing around of place names never did any harm!

Of course it could just be that someone at the party actually takes a fancy to you
and starts making eye contact or talking to you. Don't assume that they are being
kind or start looking behind you because you think they are looking right through
you at someone else. Be flattered by their interest and smile back or make it
obvious that you are willing for them to approach. If they are not your cup of tea
at all, just look away or avoid them and they will soon get the message!

At Work

One place that many lesbians forget to look for a potential partner is at work. Of
course, if you are not "out" at work this could be a little tricky, but a little secrecy
could certainly add a little spice to the relationship or one-night stand. Standing in
the office flirting with each other while everyone around you is totally oblivious
can be hilarious fun!

As you should be concentrating on your day job, it can be difficult to pick up the
signs that there is another lesbian in your midst, but you should always keep your
"gaydar" switched on just in case! If you have a sneaking suspicion that someone

at work is a lesbian but you are too shy to ask or don't want to embarrass her,
then Christmas parties and other social events are often great ways of socializing
with people that you wouldn't normally, and digging that bit deeper into their
personal lives.

Be warned though that emotional attachments with work colleagues can prove to
be very tricky. One minute you just think you are shagging the secretary on the
fourth floor; the next thing she is declaring her undying love for you and outing
you to the rest of the office! You need to be clear from the start where the
boundaries are, and make it obvious what you are looking for. If you are
searching for the "one" and she is too, that's great. But if you just want a casual
fling make sure she totally understands!

You should also be wary of fake lipstick lesbians who are just after you because
of your status. If you hold a high power position at work, or show the potential to
go far, then many women can switch their heterosexual allegiances just to get
their hands on your status and your cash. You need to be 100% certain that they
are only interested in you for you before you enter into any kind of sexual liaison
with them!

Personals Ads and Online

If all else fails and you are scared to death by the thought of flirting with someone
or chatting them up face to face, then the personal ads or online chat rooms are
your best friends! Many lesbian magazines contain a "personals" section with
women looking for women for "friendship and possibly more." If someone's
description catches your eye, what have you got to lose by sending them a letter
or leaving a message? Just go into it with your eyes open and know that many
people lie about themselves. Someone who's 5 feet 4 inches with blonde hair
and blue eyes could also weigh 650 pounds and be housebound! If she answers
your reply, she's obviously interested to find out more. Just be prepared to ask
endless questions and find out who she really is before agreeing to meet with
her. There are plenty of unbalanced people out there just dying to trap a poor lost
soul, so don't let that end up being you!

The same can be said for some of the women (and men) who frequent online
lesbian chat rooms. Your computer is a perfect way to achieve anonymity as you
hide your face behind the screen and just start typing. If you are shy, then this
could prove to be an invaluable way to gain confidence, but just bear in mind that
some strange and misguided people use chat rooms. Many women in there will
be perfectly ordinary lovely people who may be perfect for you, but some can be
absolutely off their rocker! Take time to chat with them in the room and only let
them Instant Message (IM) you when you are ready. If anything develops, then
make sure that you know everything you can before giving away your address or
phone number or arranging to meet them. If you do take any online relationships
you have developed offline, meet them in a busy crowded place where you don't

leave yourself exposed to any danger; you can even have friends lurking in the
background just in case!

All of these suggestions are great places to start looking for a partner. This list is
by no means exhaustive and you may stumble upon the woman of your dreams
in a store or at the gas station. Just be alert and try to look your best at all times,
even if it is three a.m. and you're just heading out for some milk!

Chapter 2 - The Female Anatomy
If you want to have fantastic lesbian sex you need to get to grips with the female
anatomy. Too many lesbians who are just starting out are frightened by the
thought of masturbating their partner or going down on them, because they are
not quite sure which bits are where! It may save you weeks of fumbling and jaw
ache if you know just where the clitoris is and how to find the G-spot! Even
though every female genitalia will be different in shape and size they all have
commonality in the anatomy.

Maybe the whole reason why so many of us are scared to death by female
genitalia is because science has labeled the intricate and private parts of our
bodies with so many complicated and confusing names. You may find it easier to
ignore what's down there than to understand it! This attitude has to be overcome
if you want to pleasure your partner and ensure that she pleasures you in the
right way, too. If you don't want to spend hours with your head between her legs,
with this book in one hand while your other is identifying parts of her vulva, then
the best way to get yourself in touch with women's genitalia is to look at your

You may not even know what your own vulva looks like, so how are you
supposed to know what is where on another woman? Lock yourself away in a
quiet and private room where you won't be disturbed. Make sure you sit or stand
comfortably in an area that has good lighting. Place a hand mirror between your
legs and follow the step-by-step guide below. Throughout this experience you
should never feel embarrassed or stupid; you are educating yourself, getting to
know your own genitalia and preparing yourself for the next chapter in this book,

We'll start from the outside and work our way in. The female genitalia as a whole
that you can see without touching anything is called the vulva, which is more
commonly called the pussy, or vulgarly, the cunt.


Again, without touching you will also be able to see the outer lips of your vulva,
which are called the labia majora. These are normally covered in hair, depending
upon whether you like a shaven haven or not. If you push these apart slightly
with two fingers, you will now be able to see the labia minora or the inner lips.
These tend to be hairless and will become quite slippery with vaginal juices
during sex. The labia come in all shapes and sizes and your labia minora may
protrude beyond your labia majora; don't panic as this is perfectly normal!


Keeping your fingers in place, look downwards slightly and you will see an
opening at the bottom of the labia minora; welcome to your vagina! Your vagina
is comprised of very elasticized tissue of which expands and contracts during
sex. If you place a finger inside your vagina you will find that the most sensitive
area is the first third; this is simply because it contains the most nerve endings.
During sex, depending on what you like, your partner could use her fingers, her
whole fist, or dildos to stimulate your vagina. A thrusting motion will help to
arouse the deeper two-thirds of the vagina.


The G-spot can be found inside your vagina and is probably the most mystical
and confused aspect of the female genitalia, thanks to all the men out there who
have no idea where it is! Let's get it straight here; it's not a magic spot or nodule
inside the vagina that you press to help your partner achieve amazing orgasms.
It is a slightly rougher area of tissue on the vaginal wall. If you stand up and then
insert your finger inside your vagina with your palm facing outward and start
gently stroking the vaginal wall you will soon come across it! Some women will
have an orgasm just with G-spot stimulus alone!


Now you need to take your finger out of your vagina as you are on the way to
discovering your clitoris. If you trace your finger upwards very slowly from the
opening of your vagina towards you, you will pass the urethral opening (where
your urine comes out) and come to the top of the labia minora where your clitoris
is. It's made up of a v shaped hood, the glans, which are hidden underneath this,
and the shaft. The glans are the most sensitive area of the clitoris and are very
receptive to being touched and caressed. Most women can achieve orgasm
through their clitoris being stroked, licked, sucked and lightly nibbled by their
partner. Just like the labia, the clitoris can come in all manner of shapes and
sizes, from the size of a tiny pea to the size of the end of your thumb!

You may feel that the female genitalia end there, but you should also take a
quick peek at some other areas of your anatomy which can give you great
pleasure during sex while you are down there!


Your perineum is just below the labia and before your anus. It's not a hole or a
distinct part of your anatomy, it's just a stretchy area of tissue that many women
enjoy pressure on during penetration or like being licked or nibbled during


If you look just below your perineum you will be able to see your anus. Although
many women like to think that nothing ever goes up their anus, only comes out of
it, it's actually very responsive to sexual arousal because it's rich in nerve
endings and blood vessels. You or your partner may love the feeling of a butt
plug, dildo, finger or fist inside your anus. Just the thought of it may repulse you
and it's really down to personal preference whether you want to try anal sex or
not. Just remember that the tissue of the anus and rectum that follows on from it
are very easy to tear, so you have to be careful and use plenty of lubrication.


Congratulations! You have just successfully completed your introduction to the

female genitalia and the sexual organs of the female anatomy. Now when you
find your head or hand between a partner's legs you know exactly where things
are and can get down to business with newfound confidence. Even if you have
had a partner for many years or have had plenty of lesbian sex, you've probably
learned some things by following this voyage of genital discovery.

Marianne and Carla loved each other deeply, but Carla had a painful past. As a
child, she'd been sexually abused for years by a relative. She was hypersensitive
to touch and very uncomfortable with her body. Marianne wanted to enjoy
lovemaking and try many things, and this would send Carla into her shell. With
much love and patience, Marianne urged Carla to explore these issues together,
with the help of a therapist, several books, and lots of long talks interspersed with
lots of tears. Things are still not ideal, but Carla and Marianne are now closer
than ever. Carla knows that Marianne is committed to her, no matter what, and
this commitment has made all the difference for Carla.

Chapter 3 - Masturbation Revealed
If you have just followed the exercise in Chapter Two - The Female Anatomy,
then masturbation seems like the logical next step in this guide to lesbian sex. It's
all very well to be worried that you can't turn another woman on, but if you don't
understand what makes you orgasm or where and how you like to be touched,
then how will you be able to direct your partner?

Unless you develop with a relationship with a stone butch who doesn't like to be
touched, lesbian sexual encounters involve mutual sexual satisfaction; you will
want to pleasure your partner just as much as she does you. It will never be truly
satisfying unless you know what turns you on and can show her or tell her what
does, instead of leaving her struggling for hours or trying out things that actually
succeed in turning you off!

Masturbation has developed a bad name for itself over the past few decades.
Many people have been programmed into thinking that masturbation is reserved
for people with barren sex lives, or those who are sex addicts and never seem to
be able to get enough. The truth is that the huge majority of us do masturbate
regularly, albeit in secret and denying the fact when friends ask whether we do or
not during "truth or dare" games or on drunken nights out.

There is nothing wrong with masturbation at all. It does not mean that your
partner is sexually inadequate (so never let them feel that way) or that you are a
nymphomaniac. It's simply another form of expressing yourself sexually. It's also
a private moment where you can discover what makes you orgasm, how and
when you like to be touched and what sex toys work well for you. Then, when
you're building up to a heated moment with a woman, your hands can guide her
to where you know hits the right spot!

Masturbation For You

Have you ever thought about how boring your masturbation technique is? You
probably discovered your way of masturbating back when you were a teenager
and have been doing things the same way ever since. However, if you translated
this into a lesbian sexual relationship, you would only know one way to turn
yourself on, so it would soon become very repetitive.

An experienced and patient partner may be able to rescue the situation by trying
out different things and testing your response. While sexual experimentation is
applauded, just imagine how much time you would save initially if you knew, for
example, that you hated anal sex or the best way to make you orgasm was to
hold a vibrator against your clitoris while your partner strokes your G-spot?

Ways To Spice Up Masturbation

The only way you are going to find out in private, without the embarrassment of
your lover hovering over you looking for any sign that you might like it, is by
masturbating. Here are a few ways to liven up your masturbation.

Revel In Yourself

All too often we spend too much time setting the scene for sex with our partners,
but the same attention to detail should be levied on masturbating too. Light
candles, have a bath, play your favorite music; whatever you think will help you
to relax and get in the mood for pleasuring yourself. This will enable you to
experience optimum enjoyment.


If you can feel you're really up for it, then you may not need to arouse yourself,
but if you're feeling a little uncomfortable you may need to help yourself along a
little. Try caressing your stomach and thighs. You should also pay particular
attention to your breasts and nipples of which can heighten your sexual pleasure
when tweaked or caressed. If your bosoms are large enough you may even be
able to lick your own nipples!

Clitoral Stimulation

It's automatically assumed that masturbation should focus on the clitoris, and
why not when women can get such intense pleasure from it? You will find a
method that suits you, and whether that's gently stroking it with one finger,
circling it with two or reaching orgasm by resting a vibrator against it, it's entirely
up to you. The objective is to find out what works best for you, not stick to what
you know, so be willing to give anything a go; even rubbing yourself against
furniture or your soft cotton sheets could do the trick!

Vaginal Penetration

Many women can achieve powerful orgasms just though vaginal penetration and
if you've never really tried it alone then you should because then you can begin
to understand where you want your partner to go. Whether you want her to gently
rub your G-Spot with curled fingers, or you want her to drive two or three hard
and deep inside you can only be determined by you. You should also experiment
with a dildo to ascertain whether you think you would like for your lover to strap it
on and thrust it inside you so you can enjoy the deep thrusting and banging on
your cervix.

Anal Penetration

You will never know whether you will like the sensation of anal sex or not until
you give it a go. You would have to be a bit of a contortionist to be able to fully
experiment with your fingers, so you'd do well to invest in a butt plug or a dildo
and plenty of lube! Just take your time and allow the muscles around your anus
to relax before you try inserting anything or you could cause yourself permanent
damage. The chapter on anal sex in this book gives an in-depth insight into

Your Body position

If you've been sitting in a chair for years while you rub your clitoris or lying on
your back with your legs in the air while you use a dildo, then how about trying
out new positions during masturbation too? Try standing up, lying on your front,
lying on your back, hovering over your hand or dildo. Straddle your legs over
your bath or keep your legs together. You may be surprised at the heightened
results you get!

As you can see, masturbation is a totally personal experience, just as sex is.
There is no textbook that can define how you should masturbate, what you
should use and when you should do it. It all depends what you enjoy and how
your body responds. While some women get off on watching porn while they've
got their hands down their pants, others would feel appalled by this. Every
woman is unique, which means that you will be satisfied sexually in different
ways than other women. By determining for yourself what these are, your sex life
will be so much more fulfilling; you just need the courage to tell your partner what
you want.

Don't think that masturbation is an entirely selfish pursuit. While you are using
your own body parts or sex toys to help you reach orgasm, you are also
identifying sexual positions and techniques that you can try on other women.
Even if you don't like it, it might make the next women between your sheets come
again and again!

Chapter 4 - Fantastic Foreplay

Now you are armed with a good understanding of what's "down below," what
turns you on, and what makes you orgasm, you can start to shift your attention to
a sexual relationship with another woman. If you've grown physically attracted to
someone recently and feel that you may end up sleeping together, or you want to
spice up your sex life with your long-standing partner, or you're ready to hit the
bars and pick up someone hot, then there's one thing that should be at the
forefront of your mind. Before anything else you need to turn your woman on and
get her into the mood by lavishing her with lots and lots of foreplay.

In the heat of the moment or in an act of pure laziness, it's easy to skip any kind
of foreplay whatsoever and head straight for the clitoris or vagina. However if it's
you diving down there and she's not ready, it will only end up being an
embarrassing, prolonged and uncomfortable fumbling session as it will take her
much longer to reach an orgasm, if she gets there at all. Women love to be
aroused and teased by their partner to an extent where they can't take it any
more and their lust for sex overtakes their entire being. They want you to get
them into such an aroused state that they are practically begging you to put them
out of their misery. This can all be achieved by partaking in delicious foreplay.

Foreplay is the one of the secrets of showing a woman that you adore her, and in
return gaining her everlasting devotion. Far too many women act like men - they
skip the foreplay entirely, or give it just a cursory nod, and go straight for an

To become the woman she can't live without, make your lovemaking an event
every time. Woo her, tease her, and tantalize her with your hands and lips. Flirt
with her and turn on the charm. Have fun - don't ever let your love life get boring.

One of the most delightful things about foreplay is that it can be arousing for both
the giver and receiver. Hearing your woman moan while you kiss her neck is an
automatic turn-on for you, and before you know it, you are both so sexually
charged that you just can't wait any longer. It literally helps to prepare the mind
and body for sex. You can also give each other foreplay at the same time,
meaning you will both be ready to rock and roll together. This chapter focuses on
what happens when a woman gets turned on and some ways of which you can
get your partner all hot under the collar!

How Can You Turn Her On?

The burning question that every first-timer asks is "How do I turn a woman on?"
Well, the truth is, as more experienced lesbians know, there are thousands and
thousands of different ways to turn women on; it just depends what your lover

likes and what ways work! It can often be trial and error, and you can figure out
pretty fast what she does or doesn't like by her reaction, both verbally and
physically. There are, of course, a few foreplay favorites that most women love
and these are explored in detail below.

What Happens When a Woman Gets Turned On?

When you begin to stimulate your partner, whether that's by talking dirty, kissing,
caressing, fondling or teasing, her heart rate automatically begins to increase, as
does her blood pressure. The blood in her body starts to rush to her bosoms and
vagina, engorging them and making them sensitive. A cocktail of chemicals also
begins to rush throughout your partner's body. Her skin will become
hypersensitive to every touch and caress. You may even notice her skin getting
flushed or warmer to the touch. Internally she will begin to experience muscular
tension in the pelvic region of which will increase and increase until she has an
orgasm. Her vagina will also start to become wet, although you shouldn't
necessarily take this as the sign that she is ready for sex, since some women's
vaginas are naturally moister than others.

Ways to Turn a Woman On

You should always remember that there are two categories of foreplay:
psychological foreplay and physical foreplay. With the right balance of these two
aspects of foreplay, she will soon be eating out of the palm of your hand and
begging you for more!

Psychological Foreplay

Psychological foreplay, such as talking dirty, can help to fill her mind with passion
and desire. As the female mind has such an overpowering influence on our
physical reactions, psychological foreplay is essential.


Women have such creative and responsive imaginations that just talking about
sex is enough to get her grabbing your head and shoving it between her legs with
a wanton desire to be satisfied there and then!

The key to great physiological foreplay and the sex that follows is being brave
enough to tell each other what you like by actually communicating with each
other. You are both women and if you know what you like and where you like to
be touched then tell her. How is she ever to know that you love your toes being
sucked if you don't let the words spurt from your mouth? If she lets you in on a
little secret that she loves for her nipples to be pinched while you kiss her neck,
then this can be used as your physical foreplay forte again and again without fail.

You'll be surprised just how much of a turn-on talking about what you like being
done to you is, even if you have been together for years and years.

If either of you is too shy to blurt it all out and lay bare your most explicit
fantasies, then you need to look out for other forms of communication while
taking part in physical foreplay. Moans and gasps are forms of communication,
and if she moans seductively every time you lick her earlobe then you know that
she loves it and wants more! The same is true for body language as a form of
communication. If she begins to writhe when you run your fingers down her
spine, do it again and again until it drives her wild!

Never forget that women are romantic by nature - and love to be pursued. Pursuit
is the greatest compliment you can give your lover - let her see the desire in your
eyes. Give her the romantic intensity that she craves, and you'll be richly
rewarded with the same. Be a lover like no other: never underestimate the power
of intensity in your relationship. Create intensity by showing her how much she
matters to you - with your looks and your words and actions.

Talking Dirty

The next step up from communicating your physical desires is actually talking
dirty to her to turn her on. This is where you have to stop yourself from calling her
vagina a "flower" and her breasts "pillows" and delve into the dark depths of
sexual explicitness. If you feel uncomfortable saying "I want to lick your wet
pussy" or "I want to shove my face in your cunt" then maybe talking dirty isn't for
you, but practice makes perfect. Practice in the shower, in the mirror or whenever
you have a moment alone and you'll soon find that the words become less
shocking and easier to say!

Then all you have to do is to find the right moment to start talking dirty to your
partner. First and foremost is determining whether or not she actually likes it. If
you're getting a bit frisky on the couch one night, whisper in her ear something
like "I really want to make you wet tonight" and she how she reacts; if she looks
about to heave, then stop; but if a smile spreads across her face then you know
to carry on!

There are loads of uses for talking dirty to really add spice to any form of sexual
relationship including:

• Telling your partner exactly what you want her to do to you in graphic
detail to get her mind in a spin. This could be anything from whispering in
her ear to barking orders at her!
• Letting your partner know what you want to do to her in explicit and
graphic detail.

• Make the mere thought of sex raunchy and naughty and yummy!
• You can give a narrative to your partner during foreplay and sex, telling
her what you are going to do step by step. Getting her mind ready before
her body has a chance to react to physical foreplay can really heighten
sexual arousal.
• If what your woman is doing to you feels great, you can let her know by
talking dirty about it! Moans, gasps and swearing will all be welcome!
• Send dirty emails or leave messages on her cell phone. She'll be running
home on her lunch break if you get it just right!
• Whisper dirty thoughts in your partner's ear before she heads of to the
mall or to work in the morning. It will occupy her mind for the entire day
and she'll be more than ready for you by the time she comes home!

Watch Porn or Read Erotic Fiction to Her

It totally depends on the individual, but your partner may love getting turned on
by watching lesbian porn movies. Most of the run of the mill girl-on-girl action has
been developed with male fantasies in mind, but there are a growing number of
porn movies developed for lesbian audiences. You may never get to the end of
the movie before you start kissing and fondling each other but if watching two
women making love to one another helps to heat things up, then there's nothing
wrong with it. If you've never talked about whether she likes watching it before,
maybe now's the time.

There's also a huge range of lesbian erotic fiction available from online stores or
bookstores that are good enough to stock lesbian books. If you both have active
imaginations, then reading a hot and steamy short story, cuddled up in bed
together, will probably be a great springboard to action!

Physical Foreplay

Undressing Her
Undressing should always be considered as an act of physical foreplay,
especially when it's done sensually and erotically. How about using your hands
and teeth to undress her? It gives you a chance to get in close and personal
while exposing her delicious body for your eyes. If you take it slowly and kiss her
and caress her while unbuttoning her blouse or pulling down her trousers, she
may even be ready without the need for anything else!


There's nothing more erotic or sensual than kissing your lover. Start off soft and
slow and gradually increase the pace and hardness of the kiss. Let your tongues
explore each other's mouths and use it as a hint of just what your tongue will get
up to on her clitoris later. It will soon leave her gasping for air!

The great thing about kissing is that it isn't just for the lips alone! As her skin
becomes more and more sensitive to the touch, nuzzling her neck with your lips
or feathering soft kisses over her belly and thighs could start to make her moan
with delight. There are many erogenous zones on a woman's body such as her
inner thighs, the back of her knees, the wrists, and buttocks. Kissing, lightly
sucking or nibbling any of these areas will start her breathing heavily and wanting
more. You will soon find out which of the erogenous zones are her real hot spots
that you should pay homage to!

Playing With Her Breasts

As blood rushes to a woman's breasts when she becomes sexually aroused, they
are highly sensitive areas of the body that deserve particular attention during
foreplay. Some women can achieve orgasm through nipple stimulation alone;
others find them too sensitive to be touched! Once again, it's all down to the luck
of the draw and exploring what works for her. If your partner is Butch, she may
not be attached to her breasts in the same way as you are, but as men love
nipple play just as much as women, you may be able to convince her to go for it!

There are endless ways to fondle a woman's breasts, but here are a few hints
and tips for starters!

1. Tease her breasts through her clothes. Brush your hands over her bra until
you can feel her nipples becoming erect. Then lightly lick, nibble and pinch them
until she starts ripping off her clothes for skin-to-skin contact!

2. When her breasts are bare, home in on her nipples. Lick them, suck them
lightly, or even bite them softly if she likes it. Circle them with your tongue.

3. Differences in temperature on the nipples can be arousing, especially if you

drip hot candle wax on them or rub ice cubes over them then blow warm air
across them.

4. Running objects such as feathers across your partner's nipples could be all
they need to stand up to attention!

5. When she is naked, don't forget that the undersides of breast can be just as
sensitive to licks and kisses and nibbles as the nipples themselves.

Caress Her Skin

As increased arousal in a woman makes her skin hypersensitive, caressing her

body with your hands will be just as effective as kissing. This should be
particularly easy, as once you start to expose her flesh, you won't be able to keep
your hands off her anyway! Just as with kissing her body, you should try and pay
particular attention to her erogenous zones such as the nape of her neck and her

ass, particularly if she likes analingus or anal penetration.

One surefire way to get her whole body tingling with delight is to massage her.
Lighting candles and buying some aromatherapy oils for you to massage gently
into her back, legs and chest really sets the scene for an extra special evening
where all the focus of your attention is on her.

Tease Her Vagina

Without reaching full sex such as vaginal penetration or cunnilingus, you can
tease her vagina to make her clitoris erect, her labia become engorged with
blood, her vagina open and moisten. All of the acts of physical foreplay already
discussed can have this desired effect without even touching her vagina but the
ultimate tease is to actually touch it. If you lightly run your hands between her
legs, rub your thigh between her legs or even run a finger across her labia this
can still be considered as foreplay. If you save teasing her vagina till last then the
natural next step is to have sex with her; after all you are in the area so why not?

If this introduction to foreplay has got you all wound up just by reading it then you
are probably dying to try it out! Just remember that a combination of many of the
psychological and physical aspects of foreplay will unlock the key to her sexual
arousal and readiness for sex.

You just have to find out what, how much, how often and for how long, and that's
the whole fun of foreplay. You don't need to do one thing at a time. Whispering
rude thoughts in her ear while stroking her nipples is very easy to achieve, so
experiment until her body and mind are content!

Chapter 5 - Cunnilingus Creativity
The title of this chapter is a tongue twister in itself, which seems entirely
appropriate when it's dedicated to cunnilingus. Cunnilingus, (otherwise known as
going down on her, licking her out, rug munching or muff diving) is where you use
your tongue to stimulate your lover's clitoris to help her to achieve a clitoral
orgasm. It is one of the most enjoyable and orgasmic facets of lesbian sex, if you
know what you are doing and get it right! As always, there are no steadfast rules
or instructions that you must follow, as each woman's clitoris needs to be treated
in different ways. Hopefully this chapter will help to unveil some of the techniques
that you can use on your lover and there may even be a few new ones in here
that you never even thought of trying. Before we start to focus on things that you
can do to your partner, let's spend a couple of minutes focusing on your clitoris!

Snatch Hang-Ups

So many women that are entering into the arena of lesbian sex, or any form of
sexual relationship, are frightened to death by the thought of cunnilingus. You
may not want to let your partner go down on you, but you need to understand
what you would be missing if you don't! Orgasms achieved through clitoral
stimulation by your lover's tongue can be absolutely mind-blowing and rock your
whole body, leaving you tingling with delight and entirely satisfied!

One of the many reasons why women get so leery of allowing their partner to go
down on them is because it feels like they are losing control of their bodies. As
they are letting their partner in between their legs to stare at their vagina and
clitoris it makes them feel nervous, embarrassed and on edge. However, you
should remember that lesbians love women's bodies and they will delight in being
allowed to have intimacy with your clitoris. They will not make fun at you or laugh
at your lopsided labia minora; they will revel in the way it looks, smells and
tastes. The vagina and clitoris is a thing of beauty that lesbians worship. Being
allowed to stimulate this with their tongue is a great honor!

Another great hang-up is the smell and taste itself. There is such a stigma
attached to the vulva as being "fishy," and as a result, women are so concerned
about the way they smell and taste during cunnilingus that they would rather go
without, or hide their natural smell by douching or using fragranced products. The
truth is that highly fragranced products or douching can harm you as it disrupts
the natural cleaning process of the vagina and can cause bacterial infections.
Also, the musky smell that the vagina emits when a female is sexually aroused is
actually a huge turn on for your partner, so going "au naturel" is the best thing to
do! Of course, a clean, neatly trimmed or shaven snatch is expected, but there's
no need to make it smell like a bed of roses!

Finally, many women are worried about what their vagina and clitoris looks like.
Most women in porn magazines or movies have perfect vaginas with equal, pink

labia and tiny cute peas of clitorises. However these have been so airbrushed
and digitally manipulated that the actual image of what you see on the screen or
in the photograph isn't what their vulva looks like at all. Women's vulvas come in
all shapes and sizes and every one is unique. If you spent some time exploring
your own vulva and genitalia using the suggestions in Chapter Three -
Masturbation Revealed, then you know exactly what your partner will see, and
you will have grown to like your own vagina. You need to be proud of it and at
one with it so that you feel relaxed enough to let her down there. There is nothing
to be ashamed or worried about. If she is a sensitive and caring partner, she will
take it at your pace anyway.

The Clitoris

Women are lucky; they have the only organ in the human body that has been
specifically designed for sexual stimulation, and that's the clitoris itself. On the
outside the clitoris looks like a little nub underneath a v-shaped hood but it is
actually a complex structure of organs that are rich in nerve endings and expand
way below the surface. The clitoris has four times as many nerve endings as the
penis and as a result, it needs to be treated with sensitivity and care.

Women are also lucky in the respect that they can come much harder and for
much longer than men, whether that is through clitoral, vaginal or G-Spot
orgasm. It's said that the longest female orgasm on record is 43 seconds but
there are probably plenty of women out there who have gone on for much longer
than that! We are also much more likely to have multiple orgasms, especially
through cunnilingus or clitoral sex. Although the clitoris does become erect during
sex, it can reduce to its normal size in as little as fifteen seconds! It may still be
extremely sensitive to touching or licking, but with a little gentle persuasion it will
quickly come out to play again in most cases!

Getting the Clit Going

After plenty of foreplay, fun and frolics, your lover will be evidently ready for hot
lesbian sex. You may not know whether she wants you to go down there, but if
she grabs your head and pushes it down there, or if she lets you slowly kiss
down the entire length of her body across her belly and finally finish on her inner
thighs, this is a sure sign that she's willing to let you in!

Although you may think that this is it and you can go for it, you still need to give
the clitoris indirect stimulation, no matter whether you think you have given her all
the foreplay she needs. The clitoris is sensitive. Rushing in there straight away
may make her jolt, or, in the least, make her feel uneasy, as it is an incredibly
sensitive organ. Take it slowly, lightly and easily, and use some of the following
ideas (and any more that you might think of while you are down there):

1. Lick her labia minora; as the clitoris is directly above this will give it indirect

stimulation and the labia themselves can be incredibly sensitive anyway.

2. Use your tongue to lick up and down her labia so that it pushes them open and
you can begin to taste her wetness.

3. Use your tongue to circle the labia again and again.

4. She may love nibbling or light sucking of the labia too!

5. Lightly kiss just above the hood of the clitoris again and again.

6. If she likes her perineum being stimulated, then kissing and gently nibbling this
can be a source of indirect stimulation.

7. "Tongue fucking" is a sure fire way to get her wild with desire and wanting your
mouth on her clit. Your tongue is a powerful muscle and using it to drive it into
her wet vagina will help to arouse her even more.

Focus on the Clitoris

When (and only when) she is writhing with pleasure, moaning, breathing hard or
praying that you lick her clitoris soon should you give the clitoris direct
stimulation. Again, there are a variety of ways you can do this, some of which are
highlighted below to help you on your way:

1. Circle your tongue lightly around the hood and then lightly begin to lick it with
an up and down motion or a sideways motion; whatever seems to work best for
her is what you should be looking and listening for.

2. Use wet fingers to slowly lift up the hood and as you have given her so much
foreplay and indirect stimulation the clitoris should pop forward, pleading you to
lick it! Lick the clitoris directly or circle it with your tongue again and again. Some
women may just find that their clitoris is way too sensitive for this really direct
stimulation so if she winces or recoils you may have to abandon this.

3. Bury your face in her vulva so that you can savor the wetness of her. Taste her
wetness and use it to keep the clitoris moist with your tongue.

4. Gently suck her clitoris into your mouth and, keeping it there, begin to flick
your tongue over her clitoris again and again.

5. Stimulate both her vagina and clitoris by "tongue fucking" her vagina and using
your nose to rub gently over and around the clitoris.

6. If your tongue gets tired then your lips are just as good! If you place your lips
over the hood and moan (have no doubt that giving your partner cunnilingus will

turn you on, too), the vibrations can actually be enough to stimulate the clitoris
towards orgasm.

Find the Rhythm

With so many variations on the theme of cunnilingus for you to try and the
distractions that your own arousal will cause, you may think that anything else
would be difficult to cope with at this point. However, the key to excellent
cunnilingus is rhythm. Once you have found a method that she is obviously
enjoying (her moans, body spasms and breathing will give you great hints) then
you need to stick with it. Don't change tactics or slow down half way through as
this will disappoint her and mean that you have to start from scratch. Teasing by
stopping for a few second may heighten or intensify her orgasm. However, if you
completely stop because of tongue ache or lockjaw, this will prove to be
disastrous. You need to keep a continual rhythm going and if your tongue hurts,
move your entire head and keep your tongue still or use your nose instead! She
may even enjoy a continual increase in pace to allow her to explode into orgasm.
She may tell you that she wants it harder or if she is continually pushing her
vagina towards your face or thrusting her hips, then this is telling you the same

How hard, how fast and how long will differ with every single woman, and what
made her come last time may need to be changed totally next time! Be prepared
to be inventive and experimental. If she doesn't have an orgasm this does not
signify failure. Some women find it incredibly hard to reach an orgasm, others
incredibly easy. Patience and perseverance are good virtues when it comes to
cunnilingus. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

Creative Positions

Cunnilingus Creativity doesn't just start and end with the way you lick and tease
and suck her clitoris; it also has a lot to do with the position too! The easiest way
to start out is with your lover lying on her back with your head between her legs
but changing or trying out new positions when you are giving your partner
cunnilingus can help to add a little spice to sex and create different sensations
that she will enjoy. Several positions that she may love are listed below but if you
want some more contortionist approaches, then you should take a look at the
Lesbian Kama Sutra!

In a Chair

If you get your lover to sit in a chair with her legs spread then you can kneel
between them and have direct access to her vagina and clitoris. This position
also makes it easy for you to pinch or caress her nipples at the same time as
stimulating her clitoris. If she is feeling brave and thinks her legs are up to it, she
can stand up with you between her legs. Watching her legs buckle with orgasmic

delight is sensational.

Straddle Your Face

An amazing position, and one that gives your partner more control, is for her to
straddle your face. If she rests on her knees and shins, you can lick and circle
her clitoris while she controls the intensity, how much contact you have, and how
hard you lick her. If there's a wall behind your head, she can lean her hands on it
and this will give her more balance.

Good Old 69

The most amazing thing is that you can actually give each other cunnilingus at
the same time using the good old "69" position. If one of you lies on your back
and the other one gets on all fours on top so that both of your faces are in each
other's vulvas then you have direct access to her vagina and clitoris. The hardest
thing about a 69 is training each other to come at the same time, as it may take
her one minute and you three. With practice and time, it will all come together but
at first you may want her to give you vaginal penetration while you focus on her
clitoris and then when she has had a clitoral orgasm, you can swap! This position
offers plenty of variety for you to try!

Doggy Style

One final position that has its merits is doggy style, where she gets on all fours
and you kneel behind her. If she arches her back slightly, this will give you easier
access to her clitoris. All you have to do is put your head between her legs and
find a rhythm and a way of stimulating her clitoris in this position that makes her
squeal with delight.

This brief outline of cunnilingus and the positions that you can try is by no means
exhaustive. The more willing you are to try things, the more likely you are to find
a position and a method that she will love. Every partner that you have will like
different things. Just because your last partner liked you licking her out while she
was bent over the kitchen table, this doesn't mean that your new partner will.

Please bear in mind that cunnilingus can be even more delightful if combined
with any of the psychological or physical foreplay methods outlined in the
previous chapter, or vaginal penetration of which we are about to delve into next!
Remember that any of the methods outlined in this chapter can be done by hand
as well. Your hands can be just as creative as your tongue!

Megan and Annie began their relationship at work. They actually worked together
for two years without knowing each other were lesbians. They found this out by

accident when the subject of homosexuality came up in a casual conversation at
work where several people were present. At the mention of the subject, Megan
and Annie both, for reasons they can't quite explain, looked at each other at
exactly the same time. After that moment, they "knew that they knew."

Not long after that, without ever mentioning their sexuality, a warmth developed
between them which became a work-time friendship. Then they ran into each
other one day when Annie joined Megan's gym. Ever so slowly, their friendship
moved to flirtation. Megan didn't make it easy for Annie - in fact, she rather
enjoyed torturing her and driving her crazy with wonder as to whether the
growing passion was returned. Annie didn't have to wait forever, though. A
lasting, intense relationship began and still exists to this day. They have not yet
moved in together - but their desire for each other is the most profound that each
has ever known. They attribute this to the long, slow build-up of their relationship
which has been full of events they consider personal milestones.

Chapter 6 - Satisfying Vaginas

Now that you understand how to turn her on and satisfy her clitoris, it's time to
add something else into the mix and that's satisfying her vagina! Even if you've
been practicing lesbian sex for longer than you can remember, maybe you
haven't tried fisting your partner or putting on a strap-on and pumping away.
Whatever your reason for reading this chapter, be prepared for plenty of ideas
and new ways of vaginal penetration for you to try out!

The Vagina

As we've already discussed in Chapter 2 - The Female Anatomy, the vagina is

made of stretchable tissue that expands and contracts during sex. Again, the
most sensitive part of the vagina is the first third, as this has the most nerve
endings. You can also locate the G-Spot in this first third on the outer vaginal
wall, which can best be described as a rougher area of tissue in comparison to
the rest of the vagina.

The deeper two-thirds of the vagina can be stimulated by deep thrusting, and the
cervix, which is at the end of the vagina, is sensitive. Some women love to be
pounded during vaginal penetration; others hate it. You can even indirectly
stimulate the clitoris through the walls of the vagina too!

Why Do We Love Vaginal Penetration So Much?

The vagina is part of the female genitalia and although it's where babies come
from, it's just as important a sexual organ as the clitoris. There are a huge variety
of sensations that women can experience ranging from sexual pleasure at being
"filled" to vaginal and G-Spot orgasms. One overriding factor why lesbians love
vaginal penetration so much is because it is the ultimate form of sexual contact;
after all, you are the recipient your partner's fingers or entire hand are inside you
with the ultimate aim of arousing you and making you orgasm. It's an incredibly
huge turn-on for the giver, too, as you can feel the contractions of the vagina and
the pulsation as your lover reaches orgasm.

It's a massive privilege to be allowed inside your partner and it can often
generate a feeling of ultimate togetherness and you and her "becoming one."

A Vaginal Orgasm Doesn't Always Happen!

There are many fortunate women out there who can orgasm just from vaginal
penetration alone, and there are those who can't. There's nothing abnormal
about the fact that that you don't have orgasms through vaginal penetration, but if
you love the feeling of your partner's hand inside you or the thrusting motion you

can feel when she grinds her strap-on inside, there's absolutely no reason why
you shouldn't still savor it! Your partner can help you to achieve orgasm by
stimulating your clitoris or anus at the same time anyway!

Is Vaginal Penetration Just For Heterosexuals?

Many lesbians shy away from discussing vaginal penetration or even trying it out,
as they think its far too close to having sex with a man. If you feel that way, then
you need to stop right now; the vagina shouldn't be the place where only a penis
goes, and just because you want to feel your partner's fingers, a dildo or a strap-
on inside you doesn't mean that you secretly want a man! It just means that you
like having your vagina stimulated and enjoy vaginal orgasms, if you have them.
A dildo is not a substitute for a dick; it's a lesbian cock that lesbians use to
stimulate their partners vaginally.

How to Satisfy Vaginas

It's all very well talking about vaginal orgasms or strap-ons and thrusting, but if
you are new to lesbianism or there are some aspects of vaginal penetration that
you haven't explored yet, you are probably starting to panic. Well, don't: this book
unveils the mysteries that shroud what goes on in lesbian sex and provide you
with all the knowledge you need.

You will find that the remainder of the chapter will explore the tools you have
available for vaginal penetration, including parts of your body and some sex toys
that will help to blow your lover's mind! Just remember that not all women will like
everything mentioned here so before you get all gung-ho and try something that
she hates, ask her or watch for her reactions.

With Your Tongue

Although "tongue fucking" has been described as a method of cunnilingus in this

book, it has a rightful place in the world of vaginal penetration, too, as your
tongue does actually penetrate your lover's vagina. The tongue is a powerful and
strong muscle and using the tongue to penetrate the first third of her vagina can
be just as effective as your fingers!

1. She will need to be aroused to enable you to penetrate her vagina with your
tongue so plenty of foreplay is required before hand.

2. Use your tongue to lightly lick her inner labia in an up-and-down motion until
they open up for you.

3. Run your tongue around the opening of her vagina; try circling it and flicking
your tongue across the opening to find out what turns her on.

4. Tense your tongue so that it becomes a hard muscle, and slowly insert it in her
vagina and out again. Repeat this again and again and increase the pace and
ferocity as she asks or desires.

5. If you bury your face in her while using your tongue to penetrate, your nose
becomes a very useful clitoral stimulant which is particularly useful if she doesn't
have vaginal orgasms. Just remember to leave yourself room to breathe without
losing the rhythm, and don't use too much pressure!

With Your Fingers

The next essential body parts are your fingers. Your fingers are one of the most
dexterous parts of your body and can transmit very light sensations that many
other parts of your body can't. They can also reach all the nooks and crannies of
a vagina such as the G-Spot. The ways in which your fingers can be used to
reach the parts that others can't are as follows:

1. Once your partner is fully aroused, caress the opening of her vagina. This will
enable you to find all the sensitive spots that you can lightly touch and caress.

2. As she becomes more and more aroused, you will find it easy to gently insert
one finger inside her. This is the ideal opportunity to stimulate her G-Spot. With
your palm facing towards you use your finger to search for the rougher area of
tissue on the outer vaginal wall and begin to stroke it in a beckoning motion. If
you slowly increase the pace until you reach the optimum rhythm that she is
obviously enjoying, you may be able to make her achieve an orgasm. Not all
women have orgasms through stimulation of the G-Spot, so don't feel like a
failure if she doesn't have one. Some don't like it as it literally makes them feel
like they have to pee, so remember that each woman is different here.

3. You can actually use your finger, or maybe two or three fingers, to thrust inside
her vagina and reach deeper. Obviously you will not get as deep a penetration as
a strap-on would, but you will be able to pump in and out faster with your hand
than you can with your hips. Nothing can match the speed of your hand when it
comes to thrusting and for women who can reach vaginal orgasm, this sensation
will be absolutely amazing. You can also match this rhythm on her clit using your
tongue or a vibrator for a double whammy!

Your Whole Hand

Inserting your whole hand inside your partner's vagina is more commonly known
as fisting, and this doesn't mean clenching your hand into a fist-like shape and
trying to shove it inside her with all your might as this would be virtually
impossible and incredibly painful. There is an art to fisting and is often thought to
be one of the most difficult forms of lesbian sex as it requires patience, lots of
lube, willingness from each other, and complete and utter trust. However, the end

results of utter connectivity with one another, amazingly deep penetration and
earth shattering orgasms are well worth it.

If you know that your lover adores deep penetration, then fisting is the ultimate
satisfier. With your entire hand inside her you can really reach the final two thirds
of the vagina and stimulate it by thrusting. All she needs to do is relax enough
and be aroused enough so that her vagina expands, then you can get your hand
inside and she can let you do the rest! One word of warning though; not all hands
will fit inside all vaginas so you should always, always proceed with caution. It
may be best to get her to achieve a clitoral orgasm before even attempting

How To Fist

1. Always have plenty of lube handy and lube up your hand before you start, no
matter how naturally wet she may be. Continually apply lubricant to your hand as

2. You should never rush things when it comes to fisting. Take your time and
indulge her in plenty of foreplay and maybe even tongue fucking, clitoral
stimulation, or finger thrusting beforehand.

3. Fisting should always start off by being finger thrusting and gradually inserting
more and more fingers to start to open up and expand her vaginal opening. Once
you reach four, rest for a while and treat her to gentle thrusting with all four
fingers. She will probably let you know how hard and fast she wants it!

4. At this point you need to make sure that your palm is facing you. Tuck your
thumb onto your palm so that your hand looks like a funnel and is as skinny as
possible. Then you can begin to insert your hand into her vagina until it reaches
its widest point then stop.

5. You should now proceed very slowly and gently insert your hand millimeters at
a time. All of a sudden her vagina will literally swallow your hand and you will
hear an audible popping sound. Now that your whole hand is inside her you can
clench it into a fist-like shape and begin to make small movements. You can
either rotate your hand from the wrist or make minute thrusting movements back
and forward. The sensations she will be experiencing will be huge so you need to
take things easy.

6. As she gets more and more turned on and used to the sensations, you can
begin to thrust more rapidly and harder. She may open up so much that you can
thrust your entire hand in and out of her vagina. The intensity for the recipient is
amazing and the vaginal orgasms that can be achieved are out of this world.

7. When she has had an orgasm or wants you to stop, don't yank out your hand;
you need to be just as cautious as when you inserted it.

Dildos and Strap-ons

Sex toys are discussed in much more detail in Chapter 9 - Sex Toys for
Lesbians, but there are two that are perfect for vaginal penetration and these are
dildos and strap-ons. Dildos are literally hand-held versions of strap-ons that
come in all manner of shapes and sizes. Some are designed to specifically
stimulate the G-spot, others for deep penetration and some for both. It's up to
you and your partner to decide which make; model; size; and color you choose!

Just the thought of your partner wearing a strap-on may be enough to make you
orgasm, as could the mere action of putting it on yourself ready to penetrate your
partner. The most important thing at first is to overcome any embarrassment you
may have at wearing it or seeing your partner wearing it. If you are going to be
the giver you should practice putting it on and wearing it alone before facing your
partner with it. You need to feel comfortable and almost as though the strap-on is
part of your body before you are ready. If you are going to be the recipient your
partner should spend time wearing it around you before trying to penetrate you.
That way you can get used to how it looks!

The ways to use a dildo or a strap-on during penetrative vaginal sex are as

1. Use your fingers first to explore her vagina, arouse it and make it start to
expand. As usual, lots of fantastic foreplay is needed to get your partner ready
for action.

2. Insert one finger inside her, then two, then three to open her up. Either use a
corkscrew like motion to produce a turning or twisting sensation or start thrusting
your hand in and out of her vagina. Tease her by doing it gently and slowly until
she's gagging for you to go harder and faster.

3. When you can feel her vagina opening up even more and she's really wet, it's
time to replace your fingers with the dildo or the dildo attached to your harness.
You should always insert the dildo slowly.

4. Then, begin to rotate your hips or hand, or thrust in and out, depending upon
what she likes best. Start off slow and soft and gradually increase the pace and
strength until she starts moaning and writhing with pleasure.

5. Using a dildo or strap-on in this way can also give indirect stimulation to the
clitoris, resulting in both vaginal and clitoral orgasms. You could use a vibrator on
her clitoris at the same time if she's up for it!

Vagina Positions

There are a huge variety of positions that you can try for vaginal penetration. The
most common positions that lesbians use are discussed below. With strap-ons,
practically any heterosexual positions can be tried, too, as a lesbian wielding a
cock is better than a man with a penis!

Kneel Between Her Legs

If you get your partner to lie on her back with her legs spread apart slightly you
can kneel in-between them. This position is ideal for finger thrusting, using a
dildo or fisting. Your other hand will be free to pinch her nipples or stimulate her
clitoris. You could even lie with your head in between her legs so that you can
give cunnilingus while penetrating her vagina. This delicious combination is
bound to make her toes curl.


If you are wearing a strap-on, then it may sound boring, but the missionary
position, where your partner lays on her back with her legs open and you lay in-
between them with your hips against hers and your face above hers, is ideal for
penetration. You can rest on your hands to give you plenty of thrusting power.
You are able to maintain eye contact and watch her get aroused. You could even
suck her nipples while thrusting or allow her to reach in-between your legs. The
closeness of contact allows for a multitude of variations on the theme.

Her On Top

If you want to give your partner control of how deep, how hard and how fast the
strap-on thrusts or grinds inside her, then you should lie on your back and she
should straddle you and be facing you. You need to make sure she is highly
aroused before she does this. You can hold onto her hips while she bucks on
thrusts on the strap-on, and you can rock your hips in time to her motion to get as
deep as you can. Your hands can also be kept free to caress her body, nipples
and clitoris. You could also try sitting in a chair while she climbs on top.

Doggy Style

Your partner on all fours can be used for cunnilingus and vaginal penetration. If
you kneel behind her and in between her legs with her ass facing you, this should
give you the perfect angle to insert a strap-on or dildo inside her. It's also ideal for
fisting or finger thrusting too, as your stance gives you plenty of room and you
can really pump hard and fast this way!

Side by side

To get as much body contact as possible during penetration you can lie side by
side. If you face each other and she puts one of her legs over your hips you
should be able to insert your strap-on inside her quite easily. Another alternative
is to use this position for finger fucking each other at the same time.


A great position is to get your partner to stand up. This only works really well if
you are of equal height when you want to use a strap-on on her. However, if you
want to use a dildo or your fingers you can kneel down in between her legs or
bend down slightly so that you have plenty of elbow room for thrusting and
corkscrewing. Watching her legs tremor when she reaches orgasm is amazing.

Now understand the basic concepts of lesbian vaginal penetration too. Armed
with your new knowledge of foreplay, cunnilingus and penetration you are
probably itching to try it all out and who wouldn't be. Just reading about sex is a
turn on for lesbians and if your partner is close by, you may want to take a short
breather from this book now. However, if you love the thought of anal sex or want
to find out more about sex toys and female ejaculation (yes, it does exist) then
you need to read on feverishly! The more you know, the better you will become
and women just won't be able to get enough of you! Knowledge is lesbian sex

Chapter 7 - Amazing Anal

It's a probability that many lesbians who read this book will skip this chapter
completely. This is because humans have been conditioned into thinking that our
anus is only the place where waste comes out and nothing, absolutely nothing
goes up it. We have been told that people who practice anal sex, whether that's
penetrative or analingus, are only letting themselves do something that's painful,
dirty, perverted and reserved for gay men because they've got nowhere else to
shove their dicks.

This is unfortunate because if more and more women understood the intense
pleasure that can be obtained from anal sex, more of them would try it. However,
plenty of lesbians partake in anal sex who are extremely fascinated by it and
drawn to it. As it's such a taboo subject though, many women never reveal the
fact that one of their most erotic fantasies is to get their partner to penetrate them
with a dildo in the anus or feel their lover's fingers inside their anus as they lick
their clitoris at the same time. If you have been brave enough to read these
pages without allowing society to dictate to you what good sex is and what's bad,
then well done! You have found a book of which explains why the anus is so
sensitive, how you can have anal sex, and how to give analingus.

The Anus

The anus is an opening just below your perineum where your rectum pushes out
your feces. As well as offering this natural body function an escape route, it is
also an opening of your body that is packed with nerve endings and is incredibly
sensitive to the touch. Just like the clitoris, the vagina and the labia, the anus can
become engorged with blood when aroused and the rectum, which is connected
to the anus by the anal canal, can also open up and balloon when sexually
aroused. Just a touch of a fingertip on your anus or the feel of a fingertip inside
an anus is enough to drive anyone wild! If you or your partner are relaxed
enough, the anus can actually open up enough for several fingers, butt plugs,
dildos and even entire fists to be inserted.

Anal Penetration

If you or your partner want anal penetration but don't know where to begin, there
are three key things to remember before you even think about going anywhere
near her ass. The first thing is lube, lube, and lube. The anus, unlike the vagina,
does not have any natural lubrication, so you need to use lots of water-based
lube to enable entry. Don't use oil-based lubricants as this may drip onto the
vagina and cause infections.

The second thing is relaxation. The giver needs to take things slowly and

smoothly. If your rush you will only end up hurting your partner and that's the last
thing you want to do. The recipient needs to remain relaxed to have any chance
of anal penetration at all. The internal sphincter muscle is involuntary, which
means that she will not be able to control it. Its natural reaction when anything
gets close is to clamp down and stop entry; it will literally be afraid! With training
and relaxation it can be conditioned to like entry.

Don't be worried that anal penetration will make you or your partner incontinent
as it will actually help to strengthen your sphincter muscles. The third thing is
communication. You need to communicate with each other at all times. Your
partner needs to tell you what feels good, what hurts, what she wants more of
and what she doesn't want to do again. You, as the giver, need to listen carefully
and read her body language continually to ensure that you take things at the right
pace, and do only what she can cope with. Anal sex is probably best suited to
lovers who have been together for a while, as they will not be afraid to express
their true feelings or abandon anal sex altogether if they don't like it.


As well as lube, there are some other things that you can take into the anal sex
arena too. Your fingers can be used to arouse the anus and insert inside the anal
canal. There are a few sex toys that your partner may enjoy being inserted into
her anus too. These are butt plugs, which are specifically designed for the anus
and have a flared end to stop them from disappearing, dildos and anal vibrators.
If you want to add sex toys into anal sex, start off small and work your way up
until her anus is used to accepting larger objects. You will not be able to get your
nice fat strap-on dildo inside her the first time you try anal sex as it just won't
open up enough. You may not ever be able to, and you may have to buy specific
dildos which are thinner that will be just big enough for her anus.

How to Penetrate Her Anus

As this is a beginner's guide to analingus, this guide will focus on using a finger
to penetrate your partner's anus, although the steps must be followed no matter
what you use. She may have experienced anal sex with another partner but
never with you, so be gentle, listen to her every need, and take it one step at a
time. She should always be sexually aroused before you attempt anal

1. Lube up your finger; the more lube the better and then either lightly rub your
finger over her anus, caress it or circle it and ask her to tell you what she likes

2. Once you have found this out, tease her anus with the movement she likes
most. If you need more lube keep adding it!

3. If you sit between her legs or behind her you will be able to see her anus start
to open up as it becomes aroused. Now you can attempt to slip your fingertip
inside, "slip" being the operative word. You should never poke or you run the risk
of tears or the sphincter muscles clamping down.

4. Stop and wait for her to relax. If she is ready, flutter your fingertip or move your
fingertip slowly in and out, depending on what feels best for her.

5. When she gives the command, slide your finger in a little more and conduct
the step above again. This should be done centimeter by centimeter, always
stopping and letting her relax before continuing.

6. Once your finger is in all the way and there is still plenty of lubricant, start to
move your finger incredibly slowly. Try circling the walls of the rectum or pushing
against the wall to give indirect vaginal or clitoral stimulation. You could even
attempt minute thrusting.

7. You will be able to feel when your partner is fully aroused as the rectum will
balloon slightly and the anus will be relaxed enough to allow for harder and
deeper thrusting. She may not want more than you are giving her already so it's
best to check.

As the anus is so sensitive, anal penetration can lead to mind blowing orgasms.
Many women will, need clitoral stimulation or vaginal penetration as well as anal
to be able to come, but if your partner wants to be filled on all counts then what a
turn-on that will be!

Anal Fisting

Believe it or not, anal fisting can also take place if your partner is relaxed enough.
Just as with vaginal fisting, you need to proceed very slowly and carefully. To
understand the steps required for fisting, please see Chapter 6 - Satisfying
Vaginas as the vaginal fisting technique is just the same as anal fisting; it's just a
different hole that requires lots and lots of lube and probably even more patience
and receptivity than the vagina.

Anal Penetration Positions

Once again, rather than repeat several types of positions, anal sex can be
conducted in many of the same positions that vaginal sex can. Refer to the
section on positions in Chapter 6 of this book.


Analingus is more commonly known as rimming. It's widely practiced by gay

men, but should never be left just for them. If you or your partner enjoys the

sensation of your fingers on the anus or just inside it, then imagine how good it
would feel with a warm wet tongue and mouth on it or just inside the anal canal!
Licking the anus with your tongue can be highly pleasurable because of the
sensitivity of the opening. As the giver, if you do not feel comfortable putting your
face near her anus or putting your tongue anywhere near it, then you will have to
tell her. The same is true if your partner informs you that she wants to rim you
and you do not like idea. Open communication is the key to anything anal and if
you don't want to do it, don't; as you will only end up getting hurt if you try,
because you will be too sensitive and tense.

The Art of Rimming

If your partner enjoys rimming or has been considering it and wants to give it a
go, then here's how.

• Never think that an orgasm as a result of analingus will be quick. It

normally has a long slow build-up and often has to be combined with
vaginal or clitoral stimulation to help your partner achieve an orgasm.
• Start off by giving your lover plenty of foreplay so that she is sexually
aroused. You should maintain body caressing with things like nipple
pinching and caressing with your fingers while giving her analingus.
• First, tickle the hairs of her anus with your tongue.
• Slowly begin to circle her anus with your tongue. At all times you must
make sure that she enjoys the sensation. If she recoils you must stop.
• Alternatively you could lay your tongue flat against her anus and rub it
• Another method is to lick up and down her butt crack, feathering your
tongue over her anus as you go back and forth.
• If you can see that her anus is opening and responsive you could try
tongue fucking her anus. This should always be conducted with caution
and sensitivity.

So there you have it; a brief but comprehensive guide to the art of anal sex. If
you are still up for the idea of anal penetration, discuss it with your partner and
see what she thinks. Just remember not to force her into anything. If she doesn't
mind being the giver but doesn't want the recipient then don't in any way try to
make her. Anal sex is an acquired taste and something that lesbians have to be
mentally prepared for before it can take place.

Chapter 8 - The Big "O"

As you will have seen throughout most chapters in this book, women can reach
orgasm from a variety of different stimulations. The Big O, or orgasm as it's
commonly known, is the pinnacle to lesbian sex when all of the muscular tension
and sexual excitement that has been built up in your body (or your partner's) is
released. It gives a fabulous feeling that rushes throughout your body, and one
that we all love to try and achieve. The giver often feels a real sense of
accomplishment and satisfaction at making her partner come, and the recipient is
truly grateful.

But just what is an orgasm, why does it occur and how do you make your partner
orgasm? If these questions, and your burning desire to know whether female
ejaculation exists, have been bugging you for a while, then this chapter will
gratify your curious mind!

What Happens When A Woman Orgasms?

Most lesbian sex books you come across emphasize the importance of an
orgasm and how satisfying it is to achieve one or help your partner to have one,
but they never really tell you what happens when you do have an orgasm.
Obviously, if you have had an orgasm before, you know the physical sensations
that you feel but do you know why this happens?

When you are being sexually stimulated, you become very excited and aroused.
Your breathing quickens, as does your heart rate and your blood pressure. As
you get more and more excited, blood rushes to your bosoms (often making your
nipples erect) and to your vagina, labia, clitoris and pelvic organs. Your clitoris
becomes erect and your vagina balloons. You skin can often take on a flushed
appearance and you can start to glow or sweat. After several second or minutes,
depending on how your body reacts, all of this tension that has been built up
suddenly reaches its climax and is released. This is an orgasm and usually takes
the physical form of your body stiffening, followed by involuntary muscle spasms
and contractions in the vagina and even in your uterus. This can also occur in
your limbs such as your arms and legs, so if you ever wondered why you buck
like a bronco when you come, you know now!

Ways to Make Your Woman Orgasm

If you really want to satisfy your partner when you are in bed with her there are
several ways that she can achieve an orgasm:

• Clitoral stimulation using cunnilingus, your hand and vibrators (see
Chapter 5 - Cunnilingus Creativity). This is the most common way for
women to achieve an orgasm.
• Vaginal penetration using fingers, fisting and dildos (see Chapter 6 -
Satisfying Vaginas). Many women can have orgasms through vaginal
penetration, but this is slightly less common than when you are exciting
the clitoris.
• Clitoral stimulation and vaginal penetration combined. Many women state
that the most intense orgasms they have ever had has been when both
their clitoris and vagina are being sexually satisfied. It's quite easy to lick
your partner out while thrusting a dildo inside her!
• Nipple stimulation alone can often be enough to make some women
orgasm. Obviously it totally depends whether your partner has very
sensitive nipples and if she can get highly excited by having them licked,
sucked, and teased.
• Fantasy stimulation can be enough of a turn-on to help her come without
even touching her. If you help her to act out her most profound fantasies
(see Chapter 10 - Finger Lickin' Good Fantasies) or she fantasizes while
you are giving her sexual stimulation this can help her to achieve intense
orgasms. Also, don't forget to read together our lesbian erotica that is
included later on in this book!
• Mental stimulation is another way that some women can achieve an
orgasm. Just watching a porn movie, reading an erotic book, or seeing
their lover in a strap-on is enough to make some women tip themselves
over the edge into orgasm. This is like coming on demand!
• If your partner enjoys SM play (see Chapter 11 - Welcome to BDSM) then
caning her or whipping her or doing anything that causes intense pain can
make her have an orgasm too.

Obviously not every single thing mentioned will help your partner to achieve an
orgasm. The stimulants that will make her come will be entirely unique to her.
While one woman needs her nipples flicked as you go down on her, another will
want you to fist her and another may just want to look at you naked and that will
be enough to tip her over the edge. How soft or hard she likes to be touched, for
how long and how fast will also be entirely personal. Therefore you can't expect
one technique that worked really well on one partner to work for all others. You
need to determine just exactly what works for her and what doesn't. Strip out the
things that don't from your foreplay and sex, and she will be able to reach an
orgasm far more readily.

Get Her There Again and Again

Some (not all women) have the ability to achieve multiple orgasms. While most of
us collapse in a heap after a mind-blowing orgasm, sweaty and exhausted, there
are some lucky devils out there that can have orgasm after orgasm. Some

women simply don't know if they can or not because they've never tried it; others
just simply can't.

If your partner knows that she can have multiple orgasms, she will let you know
the best way to get her there again and again. If she doesn't know and you would
like to try and find out, you should try the following:

1. Help your partner to achieve a clitoral orgasm and then start stimulating and
penetrating her vagina using your hand, a dildo, or a strap-on. As you have not
let her start to relax after her initial orgasm, another one could follow soon after.

2. Swap this round and help your partner to achieve a vaginal orgasm first and
then move onto her clitoris afterwards. It all depends what works best for her but
there's no harm in trying both!

3. Focus on the clitoris. After she has achieved one clitoral orgasm back off
slightly but continue to lightly touch and caress her clitoris with your tongue or
finger. If she finds it too sensitive you may have to stop but if she can overcome
this another orgasm could soon be on its way!

4. Focus on the vagina. After she has had an orgasm from vaginal penetration,
keep your fingers, fist, or dildo inside her and make small, minute movements.
Give her time to catch her breath a little then start to thrust away again and let
the next orgasm roll in!

Orgasm Isn't Everything

While it's great talking about orgasms and multiple orgasms, it is important to
stress that making your partner achieve an orgasm isn't the "be all and end all."
You don't have to keep licking and licking for hour after hour or pumping and
thrusting for what seems like eternity. Many women just enjoy the pleasure of
intimate contact and don't care if they have an orgasm or not.

Some women find it incredibly hard to achieve an orgasm at all. This can be due
to a multitude of factors including depression, stress, or past physical or mental
abuse. While months of patience and a caring and nurturing partner may help
them to overcome their barriers to orgasm, some may never reach it at all.

There are others who love sex purely because they want an orgasm and they
know they can have one or more every time they have sex. Some can come in
ten seconds with the first touch of a tongue or tip of a finger; others take thirty
minutes or more. If you have a partner who finds it easy to have an orgasm when
the right buttons are pushed, then lucky for you; but if your partner rarely
achieves an orgasm this does not mean that you are a failure. If she finds it
difficult to achieve an orgasm you cannot blame yourself or feel totally
inadequate as she has probably experienced this with every single partner she

has ever been with. If it does really bother you then you could try spicing things
up a bit by asking her what different things she would like to try or surprising her
with sex toys or new positions to see if this helps her on her way.

There is one cardinal sin that you should never make, and that's trying to get a
Stone Butch to lie on her back and let you go down on her if this just isn't in her
nature. For many Butch women, their whole sex life revolves around satisfying
their partner and riding the wave of her orgasms, and they would be mortally
offended if you tried to change that. They don't care if they don't have an orgasm
as they often express a feeling of detachment from their genitalia. If you ever
meet a woman who tells you this you should accept her decision and if you can
handle being the only recipient you can have the time of your life under their
expert orgasmic guidance!

Female Ejaculation

Most women laugh when they read this, but it is true: women can ejaculate just
the same as men can when they get sexually excited and reach the point of
orgasm. If you have ever been with a partner who seemed to flood the bed after
G-Spot stimulation then this was her ejaculating, this was not her wetting the bed
with excitement! While the liquid itself does contain traces of urine, its main
ingredients are vaginal lubrication, cervical mucus, and fluid from the uterus.

Many women stumble across the fact that they can ejaculate when they have
sex. It can often be excruciatingly embarrassing as so little is known about
female ejaculation that most women think they have literally pissed themselves in
the heat of the moment. However, although ejaculation is not that common
among women, it can happen, so you should never be afraid or embarrassed if it
does. For some women it can be a real turn-on if you ejaculate; others hate the
thought of it, so if you are a natural ejaculator then you should probably broach
the subject before you flood all over her face!

If your partner doesn't ejaculate and you would love it if she did, you can try and
see if she will (You can even try out this method on yourself in the privacy of your
own home). She will either have no reaction at all, flood, or her ejaculation will
spurt like a fountain in the air!

• The most common cause of ejaculation is G-Spot stimulation, so stimulate

her G-spot with a beckoning motion either using a curved dildo or your
• You can also try pushing down on her pelvis, just above the pubic bone. If
she feels like she needs to pee and is reaching orgasm she should push
out. This can cause ejaculation in women who don't do it naturally.

You Can DIY Orgasms

As sexual stimulation is the key to achieving most orgasms, you may think you
are out of luck at present if you don't have a partner. However, you seem to have
forgotten one essential thing and that's the fact that you can masturbate. You can
stimulate your clitoris and vagina all by yourself without the need for a partner at
all. Obviously, the intensity of the orgasm and the sensations that you experience
can be incredibly different but if you are ever feeling the need, you have your
dexterous fingers as your aids and there are plenty of sex toys out there to help
you reach the parts that your arms can't! Just read Chapter 3 - Masturbation
Revealed for more information, hints, and tips.

Often lesbians pride themselves on being different and not playing games in their
relationships - but welcome to the real world! Lesbians can be "play games" with
the best of them. Some women seem to have studied books on attraction from
the het male camp, I think!

What does this mean? It means that love is a game. If you want to be in the
game, you need to know the rules.

The first rule is to never, ever appear needy. This is the surest way to drive
someone away - or to get mixed up with the kind of partner you don't want.
When you're falling in love - or in lust - with someone, you have to keep your wits
about you. Later, you'll be so glad you did.

So, she hasn't called you when she said she would? Feeling insecure and dying
to call her? Do a self-check before you make that call.

The strongest relationships start out when you are secure in yourself - when you
can take it or leave it if someone does not return your call or your affection. This
puts you in a position of strength and makes you far more attractive to other
women - and more likely to get what you want in a relationship.

Chapter 9 - Sex Toys for Lesbians

Throughout this book several different types of sex toys have been discussed as
ways to stimulate your partner on her clitoris, in her vagina and in her anus. If
you have used sex toys before, then you know what to use and how to use it.
However, if you have never introduced sex toys into your relationship before but
would like to try, or you simply haven't got a clue where to start, help is at hand!
This chapter reveals the different types of sex toys available, how to introduce
them into your relationship and where you can buy them.

Drop the Embarrassment

One key thing you need to overcome when using sex toys, either you on her or
her on you, is the initial embarrassment. Sex toys such as vibrators or dildos
should never be seen as just toys for self-masturbation; they are useful additions
to your sex repertoire that will prove to be a real turn on for you and your partner.
They can add so many different sensations and possibilities to your sexual
routines that the idea that your sex life is becoming boring will soon be shoved to
the back of your mind for a long time to come. When you initially come into
contact with sex toys, it's easy to get embarrassed and worried about what's
going to happen, this is probably due to fear of the unknown.

However if you take things slowly and gently and introduce one thing at a time
you'll soon get used to them and wondered how you ever managed without them

How to Introduce Sex Toys Into Your Relationship

If you're having lots of casual flings or one-night stands then these probably
aren't the best types of relationships to drag out your dildo or vibrator! Of course,
if she tells you there and then that she wants you to penetrate her with a strap-
on, then there is nothing to stop you, but as the sex is often heated, feverish and
lustful you probably won't have much time to open your bedside drawer anyway.

If you have a long-term relationship at present, then you will both feel relaxed
with each other sexually and mentally. You know what sensations your lover likes
from your fingers and tongue and what turns her on and these are easy to
translate into the use of sex toys. If you are both toying with the idea of
introducing a couple of sex toys into your love fests, there's nothing to stop you!
You'll be able to have great fun choosing what you want to buy together and as
you have both made a mutual decision they'll be no shock factor when you get it

Also, it's far easier to get over the initial embarrassment of wearing a strap-on or
wielding a butt plug because you both know one another inside out and trust
each other; you just need to take things one step at a time. Maybe you should
just get the sex toys that you have purchased out of the wrappers and try them
on without the pressure of thinking that you have to use them that night. Once
you have worked out what they do, where they go and seen each other holding
them you won't laugh out loud when she switches on the magic wand another
night! You shouldn't feel stupid when you use them for the first time either. It
does take time to get it right and use them in the right way and if you can laugh
lots while in practice mode, once you hit the right spot you won't look back!

Lesbian Sex Toy Choices

When it comes to sex toys for lesbians, you'll be surprised just how much choice
there is available! Many of them have been produced for the heterosexual market
but if you don't mind the pictures on the packaging then there's no reason why
you shouldn't buy them. Of course there are a variety of strap-ons and dildos that
have been produced specifically with the lesbian in mind. The main types of sex
toys that you might want to consider buying, whether it be for masturbation or
with your partner, are discussed in brief detail in the following few pages.

1. Vibrators

Vibrators literally do what they are called; they vibrate! These provide vaginal
stimulation, G-Spot stimulation and clitoral stimulation, depending upon which
model you opt for, and what you are looking to stimulate. They can either be
used in masturbation or held and controlled by you or your partner. Vibrators
come in all shapes and sizes; depending on how small or large you want them to
be and what you want them to do. There are several different types of vibrators

• Traditional shaped vibrators that are cylindrical and cone shaped at the
• Dildo shaped vibrators take on the guise of an erect penis and although
they are not the prettiest things in the world they sure do the business!
• Strap-on clitoral/G-Spot vibrators are great for those "home alone"
moments. You literally strap them onto yourself over your vaginal lips
(inserting the G-Spot vibrator into your vagina if this is what you have
bought) and choose how fast and how hard you want the vibration setting
to be. These are so discreet that you can use them anytime and
anywhere. If you're feeling a bit frisky but need to go shopping simply
strap-one on and away you go!
• Finger or tongue vibrators are great ways to get you or your partner really
involved in using sex toys to stimulate your relationship. There are literally
vibrators so small that they can be attached to your tongue or finger and

you can play with them on their nipples and clitoris to help them get
aroused and achieve clitoral orgasms.

2. Dildos

If you look through dictionaries or look up definitions of the word dildo, most of
them describe dildos as plastic or rubber substitutes for an erect penis. Of
course, lesbians call them lesbian cocks or pleasure objects for the places where
your fingers can't quite reach; they should not be associated with the male
genitalia at all. You don't want a man, so why should you be forced into thinking
that a dildo is a substitute for a man? Dildos come in a range of shapes, sizes,
colors, and materials; it's all down to personal preference. A great way to ensure
that both you and your partner get vaginal stimulation simultaneously is to buy
double-headed dildos that are widely available from lesbian sex toy specialists.

3. Strap-Ons

Strap-ons enable your partner to control the speed and depth that a dildo enters
and exits your vagina by literally strapping it onto her own waist or using a
harness so that it hovers just over her crotch area. You can buy just the harness
if you already have a dildo, or you can buy them together as a set. You will be
amazed by the huge variety there is available and the number of functions that a
strap-on has! You can buy vibrating ones that stimulate the clitoris as well, ones
with suction cups to enable better thrusting and even strap-ons that have an
inner plug so that the woman wearing the strap-on can get pleasure as well as
her partner. Of course, they don't have to be strapped to just your waist either;
there are strap-ons for your wrist and even your ankle which will certainly add to
your library of sexual positions!

4. Nipple Clamps and Teasers

If you or your partner has particularly sensitive nipples that you love to be fondled
and touched while you are making love, then how about getting a sex toy that will
do it so that you or your partner have free hands to do other things? There is a
range of so-called nipple clamps available that stimulate the nipples and even
nipple suction devices that simulate someone actually sucking on your nipple!
They are a must-have for any lesbian who gets turned on when her nipples are
played with!

5. Extra Curricular Toys

Finally and a bit more tamely, there are a few things that can be categorized as
extra-curricular toys that add to the enjoyment or arousal of the moment; they do
not necessarily stimulate you sexually but they heighten the arousal. This

includes such simple things as ice or fruit, or other 'props' such as handcuffs,
masks, and blindfolds. There's nothing more erotic than being blindfolded as your
partner traces her tongue over every inch of your body, especially when you don't
know where she is going next, or slurps at the delicious juices of a fruity-ice-cube
as it melts out of your vagina!

Where Can You Buy These Toys?

As has been stated previously, many of the heterosexual sex toys can be used
by lesbians, so if you are feeling brave enough and comfortable enough you can
go to a local sex toy store. You may have to search quite a bit for the toys that
you need. You might find it a little embarrassing discussing which one to buy in a
store that's full of het couples or odd-looking men, or you may find it incredible
fun! It all depends on how confident you are and whether you feel ready to be out
and proud about it.

If you are lucky enough to live in a city or town with a large gay and lesbian
population, you may be able to find a lesbian store that stocks a whole range of
lesbian sex toys that you can choose from. As you know that the store has been
specifically developed with women in mind, you won't feel inhibited by the seedy
men that frequent heterosexual sex shops! You can take your time and even feel
far more relaxed about asking questions or asking for help if you just can't find
what you are looking for. You should never rush purchases so don't just run in,
pick up anything, buy it and run out. The store exists for lesbians and there are
plenty of other women that have bought from there, so relax, take deep breaths
and choose what you want with pride!

If the mere thought of buying in public gives you palpitations and the sweats, you
can buy online from the anonymity and privacy of the very computer that you are
reading this book on! If you use any search engine and type in "lesbian sex toys,"
you'll be surprised just how many options there are available. Once you get past
the myriad of online porn sites offering you pictures of "hot lesbian strap-on sex"
you will find a plentiful selection of sex toy websites. There are two main
variations: general sites that offer sex toys for heterosexual, gay and lesbian
couples; and purely lesbian stores. The one major advantage of buying online is
that you can spend as much time as you like reading through the descriptions
and comparing and contrasting each type of strap-on, dildo or vibrator available.

Of course, you don't get the chance to pick up the items or touch them so it is a
bit of a gamble. Once you have bought your sex toy or toys from an online store,
they normally arrive in discreet, plain packaging so that not even your local
mailman can figure out what they are! Whichever place or way you to choose to
buy sex toys from as soon as you get them home or they arrive you'll be able to
have lots and lots of fun trying them out!

Chapter 10 - Finger Lickin' Good Fantasies

Every woman in the world has a range of sexual fantasies no matter whether
they are straight, bisexual or lesbian. It can often be the most bizarre things that
make you wet or make your heart race so much that you have to rush home and
drag out your vibrator right there and then. Fantasies are often expressions of
your true desires of what you would really like to happen to you sexually. Some
may be sickeningly seductive and downright rude; others can be simple yet
arousing. There are a huge range of fantasies that lesbians have and this
chapter has tried to categorize them for you and discuss the implications of
sharing fantasies with your lover.

Fantasy Range

There are several main categories of fantasies that lesbians have when it comes
to sex. This list is by no means exhaustive as some of the
ultimate desires that we have are kept under lock and key and are never shared,
so if your true desire is not categorized here, don't think that you are abnormal or
perverted. Healthy sexual imaginations are not wrong and your ability to create
scenarios that arouse you only results in an increased libido and need to satisfy
yourself and your partner.


Many women incessantly dream or fantasize about having sex in openly public
places such as cars; beaches (especially a black sand fantasy); woods; or even
in public toilets. They relish the exhibitionism of the act, especially if they are shy
about openly expressing themselves sexually in public - and also love the fear of
being caught by an unsuspecting passer-by. The sex they fantasize about is
often hot, feverish and fast.

Creativity in regard to places is fantasized about too. Many women love the idea
of being whisked away for a dirty weekend of long, slow and pleasurable sex in a
fabulous hotel in cities of romance such as Paris and Vienna. Even the thought of
a dirty night in a shabby hotel can be enough to make some women moist.


People, especially famous people, are the object of many lesbian fantasies.
Many lesbians dream about spending a night with powerful lesbians such as
Melissa Etheridge or sexually charged characters from programs such as Shane
from The L Word. Lusting after famous women isn't necessarily restricted to
lesbian women either. One of the ultimate turn-ons is imagining that you manage
to have sex with a beautiful but straight film star such as Nicole Kidman or

successful singer such as Kylie Minogue. Such people are the untouchables, not
only would they probably never look twice at you but they are also straight.
There's no harm in fantasizing about Jennifer Aniston going down on you as you
masturbate though!

It isn't just restricted to people in the spotlight either. You may have a secretly
sordid fantasy about having sex with your partner's best friend or the woman
down the road who is always scantily dressed. The female body is a huge turn-
on and if there's a woman who lives near you who looks hot, then sometimes you
just can't stop her from popping into your head!

Another people-orientated fantasy is threesomes or group sex. Although you may

have a fulfilling sexual relationship with your partner, you could find that your
ultimate secret turn-on is thinking about one woman penetrating you vagina and
licking your clitoris while the other shafts you up the anus with a strap-on. Or you
may get flushed and feel your clitoris throb when you contemplate group sex or a
huge lesbian orgy. Even though you would never want to stray from your partner
in reality, your fantasy world can be as sordid and erotic as you like!

Jobs or Uniforms

Sometimes just the job that some women do or the uniforms that they wear can
be enough to make your vagina start tingling with desire and you locking yourself
in the bathroom for a bit of Magic Wand before your lover gets home. Women in
uniform such as policewomen with guns and handcuffs, female soldiers, sailors
and even nurses can make lesbian women's heads turn in the street if they
saunter by. Planning just how you would take that uniform off and ravish the body
underneath can occupy your sexual world of desire for months. You may
fantasize about your partner in a uniform, a famous person or someone you
know who would look great in it!

Jobs can also turn people on. If you lust after butch women what's more
orgasmic than dreaming about a greasy car mechanic or a strong female body
builder climbing on top of you after a hard day's work? Occupations such as
masseuses or any that involve women being good with their hands can also work
well; in fact it's amazing just what some women think about!

Is It Wrong To Fantasize During Sex?

There's not really any wrong or right answer to this question. If you find that
sometimes you fantasize about other women or being in a crowded place while
your lover is teasing your clitoris just to help you get there a bit quicker there is
nothing wrong, unless she spots your distant faraway look and begins to question
your commitment to your lovemaking session. The truth is that every lesbian out
there has fantasized about something, or someone, during sex with a lover at
some point in their lives. If she never finds out there's no harm in it. If it helps you

to achieve a fantastic orgasm in her hands she will lie next to you and caress you
with a warm feeling of accomplishment and you will be truly sexually gratified.
Who needs to know that you needed a little bit of help to get you there on that
day? Only you!

Should You Share Your Fantasies?

This is a difficult subject and the question of whether you should share your
fantasies with your partner in the hope that she will help you to act them out or
fulfill them is one that you should broach with caution. If it's something simple like
having sex on a beach or her giving you a hand job in your car, then you should
be able to achieve that quite easily and with little objection from your more-than-
willing mate.

If you want her to get dressed up in stockings and suspenders and strip for you
she may even jump at the chance of that too! It's when it comes to the more
daring, maybe even slightly perverted fantasies that you should think twice. If you
know that your partner would look at you with revulsion if you told her that you
wanted to be gagged while she fucked you with a dildo from behind then its best
not to go there!

There are some fantasies that should be kept just as that; fantasies. They help
keep your mind active, your vagina moist and your self-masturbation interesting.
They are your little secrets to keep hidden away from others that you can bring
out to play with on your own whenever you feel like it.

If you carefully choose which fantasies you want to share with your partner, it can
be arousing just talking about them. You may be surprised just how many similar
fantasies she shares or how many different ones she has that you never even
dreamed of but would love to try out for real. Sharing your innermost desires with
your loved one can help to enrich your sex life with her. They can add new
dimensions to your bedroom antics. When she walks into the room wearing an
all-white sailor's outfit, you know your luck has come in!

Chapter 11 - Welcome to BDSM

One area that is often forgotten about when it comes to lesbian sex is what's
thought by many to be the seedy underworld of BDSM. BDSM is a general
umbrella term that stands for Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and
Submission and S and M (Sadism and Masochism). While the majority of
lesbians are vanilla (meaning they are not into BDSM at all), there are many that
are intrigued by its principles and many that practice it on a regular basis. It
deserves a place within the pages of this book and this chapter acts as a brief
introduction to what's more commonly known as kinky sex and attempts to
explain the aspects of BDSM and its eroticism to some women.

BDSM - What Is It?

BDSM is an umbrella term that has attempted to group all kinds of kinky sex
together, from bondage to inflicting pain. It's best to break BDSM down into its
respective counterparts.

Bondage and Discipline

Many lesbians enjoy the sensation of being tied up with ropes and chains or
actually being the one that ties other people up. The person who is tied up can
also be subject to mental or physical discipline such as spanking, sex deprivation
or hitting with BDSM toys such as whips and canes.

Dominance and Submission

This is where women literally swap roles or exchange power and a naturally
dominant lesbian exchanges power with a normally submissive lesbian. In this
role play the dominator has complete power over the other who literally becomes
the sex slave and surrenders total control to them. The submissive lesbian may
be tied up or chained and has to act on every command of the other. If they do
not follow commands they may be inflicted with pain from whips, etc.

S&M (Sadism and Masochism)

This is practiced by lesbians who love the feelings of strong sensations, such as
pain or punishment. One lesbian can inflict pain on another by paddling,
whipping, caning, biting, and drawing blood.

Why Do Women Love It?

There is a certain thrill factor attached to BDSM that attracts many lesbians to
trying it. BDSM is more commonly called kinky sex and it's this idea of kinkiness,

something that's out of the norm and a taboo in society that thrills some women.
It can actually enable many lesbians to act out their ultimate fantasies and strip
away the drudgeries of everyday life and the place in society that they hold. They
want to experience something totally different and find a different way to turn
them on and make them horny.

A lot of lesbians swear by the fact that they experience much more intense
orgasms after having participated in S&M or bondage. Another factor is that
experiencing pain or fear (imagine how much fear you would feel if you were
blindfolded, stripped and tied to a rack in a dungeon) releases a rush of
endorphins and gives you an high that helps you to ride the waves of pain of fear
that you may be experiencing.

How Do You Go About It?

If you want to try any aspects of BDSM you need to practice it safely, so seeking
the advice of an expert or a BDSM community is a good place to start. They will
be able to tell you how to set up sessions, how to use some of the toys and may
even offer free demonstrations.

If both you and a partner want to try aspects of BDSM you can actually hire a
professional who offers workshops and private classes. The key is to know what
you are doing and how to do it safely before you embark on tying up your lover
and whipping her!

Chapter 12 - Have Safe Sex

You are probably wondering why there is a section in this book dedicated to safe
sex. After all there is no risk of contracting STD's through female-female sex,

WRONG. In fact you couldn't be more wrong. Although lesbians are at less risk
of contracting HIV and other STD's, this does not mean they are at no risk at all.
You cannot afford to be blasé about your sexual precautions as you can still be
exposed to nasty things such as Herpes or Hepatitis and although little evidence
exists yet that lesbians can catch STD's, there are a number of cases coming to
the surface to suggest that there is risk and a very real and frightening one. As a
result, you need to protect yourself against infection with every single woman that
you sleep with. If you don't and you end up with HIV then you will only have
yourself to blame.

What You Can Catch

Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis is not necessarily an STD but it is an imbalance of bacteria in
the vagina and although there is little evidence that suggests it can be
transmitted, you still need to be cautious.
Symptoms - Yellow discharge, vaginal itchiness and a bad odor.
How Transmitted - Vaginal penetration using hands or dildos.
Cure - Antibiotics.

Chlamydia is a bacterial infection of the cervix.
Symptoms - Either no symptoms, or a yellow discharge, abdominal pain, painful
urination or irregular bleeding.
How Transmitted - Vaginal penetration using hands or dildos.
Cure - Antibiotics.

Gonorrhea is another bacterial infection of the cervix.
Symptoms - Either no symptoms, or discharge and irregular bleeding.
How Transmitted - Vaginal penetration using hands or dildos.
Cure - Antibiotics.

Hepatitis A, B and C cause inflammation of the liver and for many women it can
be a lifelong illness that they contract. Hepatitis C can cause chronic liver failure.
Symptoms - There are many including fatigue, nausea, depression and diarrhea.
How Transmitted - Unprotected rimming or cunnilingus during menstruation.

Cure - Hepatitis A and B: Vaccinations. Hepatitis C: No Cure.

Herpes is a very contagious viral STD. there are two strains, oral herpes and
genital herpes.
Symptoms - Severe itching tingling and breakouts of blisters and sores.
How Transmitted - Through skin-to-skin contact, during cunnilingus and hand to
vulva and anus contact.
Cure - No Cure but there are creams and medicines available to help alleviate
the outbreak.

HIV is a contagious virus that can lead to full blown AIDS and death.
Symptoms - None for many years.
How Transmitted - Through blood, vaginal fluids, breast milk (of infected
pregnant partners), lacerations or sores in your mouth, anus, vagina, or on your
hands and body, cunnilingus and blood traces on shared sex toys.
Cure - No Cure

HPV - Human Papillomavirus

HPV is a virus that can cause genital and anal warts and is the cause of 99% of
cervical cancer.
Symptoms - You can have no symptoms at all or warts on genitals or in anus.
How Transmitted - Skin-to-skin contact or hand-to-vulva and anus contact
Cure - No Cure. Warts can be removed and cervical abnormalities can be treated
but you have to catch them at early stages and this can only be done by having
regular pap smears.

Not All of It Needs Latex!

Before you begin to discover the different methods of lesbian protection, you
need to get it straight in your mind what you need protection for. You don't have
to get yourself latexed up to the eyeballs just so that you can touch another
woman as there are many aspects of lesbian foreplay that you can enjoy without
worrying about the need for protection. This includes low-risk actions such as
kissing, giving your partner an erotic massage, body rubbing and nipple and
breast stimulation (as long as she isn't lactating).

When to Use Latex and What to Use

Masturbating Your Partner

If you want to masturbate your partner you should use a latex glove, particularly if
you have open cuts or sores on your hand that would make it easy for you to get
infected. You should also use a glove if you want to fist your partner or insert
fingers into her vagina.

Conducting Cunnilingus

You place yourself at risk of contracting STD's if you give cunnilingus to your
sexual partner without a barrier as you are actually putting your mouth and
tongue into direct contact with vaginal fluids. You should always have dental
dams handy, which are squares of latex that you lube up with KY Jelly, place
over your lover's vulva and give them oral stimulation through the latex. The only
thing is that either she or you need to do is hold it in place. If you find this gets
tricky, buy a Dammit, which is a harness that holds a dental dam in place.

Dental dams are not widely available on the market; you can find them online but
if you don't have any when the urge takes you, use a cut open condom or even
plastic wrap (or cling film as it's known in the UK). If worse comes to worse you
can create a makeshift dental dam using a latex glove. Simply cut off the fingers
and leave the thumb. Cut open the glove on the opposite side to the thumb and
rinse off the talc. Put water-based lubricant on the outside of the glove and place
this on your partner's vulva. Use your tongue to stimulate your partner and slip
your tongue inside the thumb for extra pleasure!

Using Sex Toys

Some of us love to spice up our sex life by using sex toys but these have their
risks too! You should never share a sex toy such as a dildo or vibrator with your
lesbian lover without using a condom. The condom should be changed if you use
it on your lover and she then wants to use it on you.

Disposing of Latex

As you can see, there are quite a few different types of latex and plastic that we
lesbians have to use to protect ourselves. It doesn't just end there! You should
always turn gloves or condoms inside out and dispose of them safely. If you or
someone else picked it up and they were unprotected they could catch an STD
too. You should also wash your hands with antibacterial soap and your sex toys
too, just for precaution.

Monogamy Isn't a Form of Protection

If you are sitting there thinking, I am in a monogamous relationship or I am a

serial monogamist therefore I don't need any form of protection, then think again!
You may not know all of the sexual history of your current partner and she may
not be as trustworthy on the old one-partner-at-a-time front either.

The only time that two women in a monogamous relationship should have
unprotected sex is after six months of being together when they have been using
latex barriers and they have both been tested for STD's, including HIV. Only

when both of your results come back clear and you are sure that you can trust
your partner 100% not to stray should you have unprotected sex. For the rest of
you, you need to invest in dental dams, KY Jelly, latex gloves, condoms and
antibacterial soap. This is a very real and apparent threat that you should take
seriously. You don't want to be blamed for a new outbreak of HIV among the
lesbian population, so be safe!

Chapter 13 - Your First Time

This book has been written for lesbians with varying degrees of sexual
experience; from those that have been participating in sumptuous sex sessions
for years to those who are just starting on the road to lesbian self-discovery and
haven't even tried it yet. Most accomplished lesbians who have been relaxed
about their sexuality for years and either have a steady flow of girlfriends or one
special woman in their lives never forget one thing and that's their fumbling,
frightening first-time antics. This chapter is dedicated to all those women out
there who are reading this book but are still absolutely petrified about their first
lesbian sexual encounter. It has been designed as guide to help you relax and
enjoy your first experience with a woman.

Women Who Love Women

One thing that all lesbians remember about their first female-female sexual
encounter is absolute fear and dread at not being able to satisfy their partner!
First things first, just because you are a woman this doesn't automatically make
you a lesbian stud who knows every intricate detail about how to turn women on,
how to make them orgasm and every single position that you can have sex in. Of
course, reading and devouring the chapters in this book will give you a helping
hand, but you should never feel that you should know exactly what to do as soon
as you kiss her. Lesbian lovemaking is a feast of exploration and discovery that
you should savor and as every woman is unique they will each have their own
sexual preferences and desires. She will need to explore you just as much as
you her and if you let her take the lead first time there's nothing wrong with that!
You will learn to satisfy women over time, not in an instant.

There is something that's to your advantage, and that's the fact that you are a
woman! You understand the sensitivity and care that's required when it comes to
getting a woman between the sheets. You know what time it takes to arouse a
woman, especially if you have applied Chapter Three - Masturbation Revealed,
and how she loves to be caressed and nurtured towards sexual arousal and
orgasm. If you translate your knowledge of how you like to be treated into the
way that you treat a potential sexual partner then you are taking huge steps in
the right direction.

There is no textbook or step-by-step guide that you can keep with you at all times
that tells you what to do in minute one, minute ten and hour three. However there
are some things that you can bear in mind for when you meet the first woman
who you will offer your lesbian virginity to:

1. Know Your Body and What You Like

The first thing you need to understand before you make love to a woman is your

own body, and yes, this does refer to masturbation! If you can identify what turns
you on and where you like to be touched then you may be able to translate that
to her body. Of course, every single woman is different and has different
fantasies and needs but having some idea of where to touch a woman and how
hard or soft is a good starting point! Also, understanding what you like will prove
to be useful when your partner wants to know what you want her to do!

2. Never Get Drunk

Heterosexual sex is like "wham bam, thank you, ma'am," whereas lesbian sex
can take place over the course of a few frantic minutes or a few lust-filled hours.
Whatever situation you may face, it's always think it's important to stay sober.
There would be nothing worse than finding the room spinning and the toilet
beckoning; it's a complete turn-off for her and a missed opportunity for you! You
are entitled to have a couple of glasses of wine or a couple of beers beforehand
to settle your nerves and give you Dutch courage, but anything more than that is
asking for trouble!

3. Plenty of Foreplay

Lesbian sex is like a voyage of discovery. When the ship sets sail you don't
automatically turn into a muff-diving fanatic! Foreplay is the key to sexual arousal
with women and the more foreplay you have the better the sex will be! For your
first time, it will also give you the opportunity to touch your partner, get to know
the entirety of her body and give you breathing space to relax. Sex will come
naturally and the more foreplay you give each other, the more sexually aroused
you will become, and the more breathtaking the sex will be!

4. Don't be Afraid to Communicate

There's no point in lying there like a meek mouse too afraid to communicate. Ask
her what she likes, ask her where she wants to be touched and find out what she
wants you to do. If your partner is more sexually experienced than you on the
lesbian front then she will probably direct you but don't be afraid to have to
confidence to talk! You also need to tell her what you like too; if you don't want to
actually say the words then soft moaning or gasps will do the trick!

5. Keep it Simple

Wherever your first lesbian sexual encounter takes place; don't make it
complicated. Don't come armed with dildos and vibrators or spend hours
memorizing the Lesbian Kama Sutra; it will just get so complex and cumbersome
that the event probably won't even take place. You should keep it simple for your
first time and take pleasure in each other and your bodies; being inventive with
sexual positions or introducing sex toys into your sex life will come with time and
there's no need to rush!

No Orgasm Doesn't Equal Failure

The final thing that you need to remember is that if your partner does not have a
vaginal orgasm or clitoral orgasm the first time you have sex with her then this
doesn't equal failure. Many women find it very difficult to achieve an orgasm at
the best of times and as you have just seen each other's bodies for the first time
and are experiencing your first time with each other, you can't expect miracles all
in the same night. You will probably both need to relax more and get to know
each other more before this happens. It takes time to understand the intricacies
and delights of female-female sex. Practice will make you perfect, so enjoy every
moment, relax, and take everything slowly and in your stride. Orgasms will come
soon enough!

Chapter 14 - Keep Your Lesbian Bed Alive

Phew! You've reached the final chapter of Female To Female, and what a
rollercoaster ride it has been! I hope this book has enlightened you and provided
you with many interesting and fascinating hints, tips and ideas to make the
lesbian sex you have full of fun, arousal and orgasm. If you haven't already tried
many of the techniques outlined throughout the pages, you will certainly have fun
when you do!

Chapter 13 - Your First Time has been dedicated to all lesbians who are waiting
for their first lesbian lover to knock on their vaginal door, but there is one huge
gaping hole that needs to be filled before this book can say goodbye and that's a
chapter dedicated to women in monogamous relationships who have been
together for years and years. If that's you, then think back to when you first met
and the initial months, or maybe years, that were full of lust, fire, passion and
plenty of rolling between the sheets and making each other orgasm again and
again. Does this still happen today, or do you seem to be stuck in a rut where
you hardly ever have sex (and concentrate far more on everyday activities than
you do each other's bodies)? If this sounds like your relationship, then many
psychologists would say that you are suffering from Lesbian Bed Death

The term Lesbian Bed Death Syndrome was first coined in the mid 1980's when
a book called American Couples by Philip Blumstein and Pepper Schwartz was
published. They concluded that long-term lesbian partners have the least sex out
of heterosexual, gay, or lesbian couples and your shared bed is used for nothing
but sleeping!

Why Does Sex Diminish?

With the grind of everyday life and the comfortableness in your relationship
taking over your honeymoon period, it can be all too easy to put sex on the back
burner as other things always seem to take priority. The bills, the dogs, the cats,
the cleaning, the shopping; they all seem to take up so much of your time that by
the end of the day you are absolutely exhausted. However, if you stop to think for
one second just how good it was when you last had sex with your partner, no
doubt a tingle of excitement or arousal will coarse through your veins! The truth is
that you need to make time to rekindle the passion in your relationship; it may be
cozy and comfortable but where's the fire and desire and fervor that us women
are renowned for? You shouldn't be friends who happen to share a bed together;
you should be a sexually active loving couple, no matter how old you are!

Ways To Rekindle Your Sexual Flame

If you feel that your relationship lacks a little passion then there are plenty of
ways you can rekindle it! Here are a few ways to help you on your journey to
sexual regeneration!

1. Make Time

The first and most important thing to do is make time for intimate moments with
each other. It doesn't mean that you have to have a sex calendar where sex with
partner is penciled in at 6:45 pm! It just means that perhaps two or three nights a
week the ironing and washing can wait, and you and your partner can spend time
together. You could go on romantic walks, watch a film, massage each other, or
treat your partner to a candlelit dinner. This way you are giving yourselves more
of an opportunity for sex to happen; a massage is normally very arousing!

2. Romance and Loving Gestures

It shouldn't be about pouncing on each other, either. As well as rekindling your

sex life, you will probably need to bring some romance back into your lives too.
Where have the days gone when you used to leave her little notes on the fridge
telling her how much you loved her, or a single rose on her pillow at night? If this
has been overtaken by shopping lists, or reminders to pay bills, then you need to
stop and change.

Surprise her and spend time telling her how much she means to you. A feeling of
warmth, love, and security will enable sexual passion to arise!

3. Sexual Fantasies

If you have sexual fantasies that you have kept closeted for years, now is the
time to talk about them! Share them with your partner and let her tell hers to you.
You may find several fantasies in common with each other that you will both want
to act out. Whether that's having sex on a beach or in the rain is entirely up to
you but don't be afraid to try them. Even the very fact that you have shared them
with each other may be enough to send you both running to the bedroom!

4. Sex Toys

If you have never tried using a dildo or a vibrator before, maybe now is the time
to try it. You can spend hours online choosing which one is right for you both and
have plenty of fun and laughter at the same time too. Introducing sex toys into
your sex life can be embarrassing and a little uncomfortable but as you know
each other so well, you should be prepared to give it a try. When your orgasms
reach new heights you'll wonder why you never tried them before. Then just see
how long you can keep your hands off each other before you want her to strap
that dildo on again!

5. Be Adventurous!

You shouldn't be afraid to try new things either. If you spot the Lesbian Kama
Sutra in a gay book store, pop it in your shopping basket; it will make interesting
bedtime fodder for you both, and if you feel horny while out shopping head for
your car or a quiet alleyway. If you always refrain from holding hands or showing
affection in public, be daring and hold her hand every now and again. We are
always fighting for gay and lesbian rights, so show some pride in your partner! In
fact whenever the mood for sex overtakes you, you should take advantage of it;
even if it means you both feigning toothache and rushing off to the "dentist" for
an hour or two from work!

Put Lesbian Bed Death Syndrome to Bed

Lesbian couples are loving, caring and nurturing; in fact they couldn't be more
perfect if they tried! If the one thing that people feel that they can hurt us with is
the fact that women in long-term relationships have less sex than people in gay
or heterosexual ones, then you need to prove them wrong. You love your partner
intensely, and you should show her physically as well as verbally. All of the tips
contained right here will help you to rekindle the spice and desire in your life but
there are probably much more personal things that only you as partners
understand that you can do as well. You can help to put Lesbian Bed Death
Syndrome to bed once and for all. In fact you can put the nails in the coffin and
bury it if you like so grab your partner by the hand and drag her upstairs now!

Finding the Spark

"She's beautiful."

Violet gazed at Sarah in adoration, wishing for what could never be. She wished
she could run her fingers through Sarah's auburn curls, or that she could caress
her suntanned skin. She wished she could taste Sarah's sweet vanilla scent that
made her drunk with lust. She wished for a lot of things, but they were all
impossible. Sarah was engaged to a person with a penis.

All hope was lost.

Sarah looked up from her seat on the playground bench, and enthusiastically
waved to her friend. Violet leaned against a tall oak while she waited for Sarah to
walk to her. As always, her heart beat a little faster when Sarah arrived at their
meeting spot.

"So, what was so important that we had to meet in person? At 9 a.m. on a

Sunday, I might add." Violet teased with a smile.

Sarah laughed and took her friend by the arm, leading her down the deserted
trail they had followed many times over their four-year friendship. Long
abandoned by most people, the small woodsy area at the end of the trail had
become their secret spot. Their 'secret forest' was strictly reserved for life-
changing events. It was there that Violet told Sarah of her romantic feelings, and
it was there that Sarah broke her heart. Of course, it was broken in the kindest
way possible, but that did not make things much easier on Violet.

When the two arrived at their destination, they sat on the old tree stump that
housed many of their conversations. Sarah took a deep breath and looked at her
friend. "I called it off. I can't get married."

Shocked, Violet opened her mouth to speak, but was immediately hushed. Sarah
continued, "Remember what you told me before about that spark? About the way
you feel about me?" Violet slowly nodded. "Well, me and him just don't have it.
The truth is, I've never really had it with anyone. How can I feel that spark,
Violet?" Sarah's voice cracked with emotion while she looked at Violet

Violet bit her lip, as she often did when she was nervous. There was so much
she wanted to say to Sarah at that point. For the first time ever though, she was

speechless. Out of all the things she felt, she couldn't articulate a single one of
them into words.

So she kissed her.

It happened quickly, without warning. Violet immediately feared she had made
the wrong decision, but then the unthinkable happened. Sarah took her hand and
kissed her back. Their lips softly brushed together, electricity crackling between
the two of them. The sweet taste of Sarah's coconut lip-gloss assaulted Violet's
taste buds.

She needed more.

The golden blonde pulled the object of her affection into her arms, and let her lips
slam into hers. Their kiss was not gentle, not sweet. On the contrary, it was a
kiss of passion, of need. Their lips nearly bruised each other with their ferocity,
tongues darting out to taste one another.

Heaven. That was the only word to describe what they were feeling.

A whimper escaped Sarah's lips, as Violet briefly pulled away to breathe. She
wasted no time though, and was soon pressing kisses to her neck, her throat, her
face. She covered every visible inch of Sarah's body with kisses, alternating
between soft and rough.

One hand tangled itself in her hair, pulling her closer, and the other traced soft
circles down the undersides of her arms. Hands explored and heartbeats raced,
leaving all the more to be desired.

Sarah was the first to make a move towards the quest for sex, as she lightly
tugged on Violet's shirt, moaning slightly as she did so. With fluid movements,
she removed her own clothing, staring into Sarah's eyes all the while. She bent
down to remove her sandals, and when stood back up her eyes were greeted by
the very beautiful sight of Sarah's naked body. Taking a step closer to her,
Violet's eyes widened and a lust-filled smile curled at her lips.

"You're even more beautiful than I ever dreamt." Violet's arm reached out to
tentatively touch her, and she ran her hand from her cheek down a tantalizingly
slow path to her navel. She eyed Sarah reverently, not wanting to miss a single
detail of her beauty. Keeping eye contact, she slowly ran her hand up the path
she had made, and didn't stop as she lightly roved over the brunette's breasts.

A whimper of want escaped Sarah's lips, wordlessly imploring Violet to continue.

Her whimper changed to an encouraging murmur as Violet caressed her mounds
and stroked her thumbs over her lover's hardening nipples. Her fingertips swept
over Sarah's flesh, making her mewl in pleasure. Both women trembled with


Sarah cupped her hand to Violet's neck and pulled her head down to her with a
shy smile. Violet kissed her breasts, her mouth warm against the chill of the
blowing wind. The tip of her tongue circled over Sarah's nipple, sucking one into
her mouth while she caressed the other breast with her hand. She lightly grazed
over a rosy nipple with her teeth and Sarah let in a sharp intake of breath. Her
hands pulled Violet closer while her sex wept with desire.

Violet nibbled and licked, her hands roaming everywhere all at once. Her hips,
her thighs, the curve of her buttocks. Everywhere. Even if only for that moment,
Sarah was there for her to worship and that's what she intended on doing.

When Sarah let out the most heavenly whimper, Violet decided that worshipping
could wait.

Sarah ran her hands down her golden goddess' back, and pulled her down to the
ground. Autumn leaves crinkled beneath them, and birds chirped in the distance,
melding in with their moans.

Shivering inwardly, Sarah trailed her hands along Violet's inner thighs, tickling
her with her feather light touch. She gently lifted Violet's leg, massaging from calf
to thigh. Her inexperienced fingers danced around the soft curls between her
lover's thighs, driving her wild with an unknown anticipation.

With an understanding smile, Violet pulled Sarah down to her mouth and kissed
her so lightly that their lips barely touched. Sarah's tongue tentatively licked at
her partner's before she moved it into her mouth.

Violet lovingly pulled Sarah down into the grass, and laid her on her back. In a
husky voice, she asked, "Are you sure you want this?"

Sarah's voice was barely audible as she exhaled a needful, "Yes."

Violet's heart sang in delight and she lowered herself on top of her lover. Resting
her weight on her arms, she squirmed above Sarah, letting their nipples rub
together with a delicious friction. With her thighs straddling one of Sarah's
beautifully tanned legs, she slowly slid down the length of her body. She kissed
her exposed flesh as she did so, and lightly nipped at Sarah's inner thigh.

A jolt of electrified passion surged through Sarah, escaping her body in the form
of a moan. Violet responded by pushing her lover's thighs to her sides, while she
watched her dampening pussy glimmer in the sunlight. She stared hungrily at the
sight before her, aware of the effect her blatant desire held on Sarah.

Violet luxuriously parted Sarah's voluptuous nether lips, gently stroking the

sensitive flesh. Her fingers fluttered in circles, rubbing up and down, side to side.
Sarah's head lolled to the side, whimpering at the sensations. Violet rimmed her
entrance with a finger, teasing her with her torturous delay. Sarah's hips pushed
forward in a tiny seeking motion, and Violet finally pushed into her hot passage.

She pumped her hand between Sarah's thighs, rolling her thumb over her
swollen nub as she did so. Sarah's hips heaved and she groaned, wanting to feel
more of Violet with every beat of her heart. Her magical fingers sunk further into
Sarah, pushing forward and stroking back in strong, slow motions. Violet
shimmied further down her body and replaced her thumb with her mouth, eagerly
drinking in her auburn beauty's tangy juices.

The feel of Violet's warm breath on her nearly sent Sarah into shock. Her
breathing grew heavy, and her nerves were on fire. Her feelings were so intense
that she felt as if her body was consuming the very essence of Violet. She felt
like their bodies and souls were connected in a nearly spiritual way.

Sarah ran her fingers through Violet's hair while she writhed on the ground in
pleasure. Violet's fingers moved quickly, her tongue exploring the wonders of
Sarah at the same time. Her tongue alternated between long, slow licks and
short, rapid darts. As Sarah's moans grew louder and her body wriggled more
ferociously, Violet continued her relentless assault. She moved her hand
increasingly faster, deeper.

Keeping one hand firmly planted on Sarah's belly, Violet slowly slid out her
slippery hand and licked her three moist fingers. Before Sarah could protest to
her newfound emptiness, Violet inserted her middle and index fingers deep within
her partner's orifice. She wiggled her fingers in a 'come hither' motion and gently
sucked Sarah's clitoris into her mouth.

It was enough, too much. Sarah's orgasm hit her, consuming her entire body with
its intensity. Her body trembled, her muscles clenched, and her moans rang out
through the forest. She was in pure ecstasy.

And she wanted more.

Slightly dazed, Sarah propped herself on one elbow and pulled Violet up the
length of her body. She wrapped her hand around the back of Violet's neck and
pulled her in for a luxurious kiss. The musky smell of sex assaulted Sarah's taste
buds, making her drunk with arousal.

Sarah moved her hand in a brutally slow path from Violet's neck down to her
chest. She massaged her mentor's breast, softly pinching at her erect nipple.
Violet murmured her encouragement, and placed her fingertips on top of Sarah's
wandering hand. She gently guided Sarah's hand down to the needful juncture
between her own thighs, moaning quietly while both sets of fingers teased at her

swollen clitoris.

Sarah timidly explored the area, following Violet's lead. Her fingers slowly danced
in circular motions, drawing Violet into her hypnotic pattern. When she mastered
the tempo, Violet let go of her hand and caressed her own breasts. Sarah
continued her assault on Violet's body, alternating between gentle tickles and
brutal strokes.

Tearing her gaze from the pleasure on Violet's face, Sarah moved her body down
so that she could see what she was doing. She stared at the swollen, pink
treasure before her and held her new favorite set of lips open with her left hand.
Her right hand continued to caress Violet.

Thinking back on the technique Violet had used on her, Sarah licked a trail that
extended from the opening her fingers played with to Violet's small knot of
pleasure. Violet's hips jerked and she breathed, "Oh God! Just like that."

Sarah continued her movements, gently licking and sucking Violet's clitoris while
she moved her fingers in and out of her opening. She felt Violet's body tense and
added just a bit more pressure. Violet moaned in pleasure and wound her fingers
through Sarah's auburn hair, pushing Sarah's mouth even deeper into her.

Violet's heart raced and her breath came out in shallow gasps. Her head lolled
from side to side and her lips curled into an amazed smile. With her face
burrowed between Violet's thighs, Sarah quietly moaned in excitement.

The vibration of her moan sent electric shivers through Violet, violently sending
her over the edge. Her back arched, her toes curled, and a heavenly cry escaped
her lips. Her sex pulsed and throbbed for what seemed like an eternity, pulling
her deeper and deeper into her erotic oblivion. Time stopped, the world fell away,
and the only thing that existed was the two of them.

With a triumphant smile, Sarah laid her head in Violet's lap, tickling her belly with
her long hair. They laid there in silence, fully exhausted and satisfied. Violet
gently stroked Sarah's cheek, still in disbelief. She could not have been happier.

Sarah cleared her throat and quietly broke the silence. She tilted her head up to
look at Violet's face and said, "I think it's safe to say that I finally found that

Violet laughed in delight. She playfully responded, "I promised I wouldn't say that
I told you so, but..." Her voice trailed off while she smiled.

Sarah giggled and raised herself to her feet. Shaking her head in awe, she
extended her hand out to Violet. "When you tell this story, you better not make it
sound like you were the one who planned all of this."

Violet clasped Sarah's hand in her own while she was pulled to her feet. "Well, I
did kiss you first," she pointed out with a cocky grin.

Sarah playfully tossed Violet her pants while she gathered their clothes from their
heap on the ground. "That's not fair! I was the one who called you here to begin
with! I was about to kiss you but you beat me to the punch."

Violet laughed out loud while she pulled her pants on. "Yeah, well you always
were a little slow," she teased.

Sarah let out a mock gasp of shock and swatted Violet's ass with her shirt. "You
are so going to get it when we get home."

Violet went up behind Sarah and wrapped her arms around her waist. She
nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear, "As long as we're going home
together, it's a deal."

Sarah turned her head and lightly kissed Violet on the lips. She cupped Violet's
cheek in her hand and said, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Smiling, Sarah and Violet walked home hand in hand.

Getting Lucky

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of flying to Las Vegas for the first time in my
life. The second I stepped off the plane, I was already seduced by the bright
lights and cheerful sounds. I immediately developed a tingling in my stomach
when a powerful realization occurred to me. I was going to get lucky in Vegas.

At the time, I just didn't know how lucky I would get.

After I checked into my hotel and got myself cleaned up, I decided to wander
down to the slot machines. The rest of my group would not be arriving until the
following morning, so I had the night to myself. I spent some time praying for
lucky sevens and gave up when I no longer had the change to leave a tip for my
umpteenth complimentary drink.

Aware that I am usually better at walking, I stumbled over to the nearest bar and
took a seat. I was only there for about five minutes when a group of people who
were both more drunk and more rich than I walked in and sat down next to me.
They were all extremely excited because a man named John had apparently won
a significant amount of money. "It's good to be you, John," I thought bitterly.

My mood quickly changed when my former arch nemesis, John, decided that
everybody at the bar could use a few free shots. Not one to complain, I happily
complied. One hour, four shots, and six friends later, I was on top of the world.

I'm not quite sure how we ended up moving from the bar to a girl named Mandy's
hotel room, but that was our next destination. Her room was stocked with enough
alcohol to open a bar of her own, so we were all happy to be there. Her room
was also stocked with a deck of cards that turned out to be more profitable than
any other deck in Vegas.

Or, at least it was for me.

At some point during the night, Mandy decided that we should play a little game.
With two men and four women in our group, it seemed most logical that we
should play a game of strip poker. I'm still not sure of whose logic that actually
was, but again, I had no need to complain.

As the night wore on, the seven of us were extremely drunk and in various states
of undress. Six sets of bare breasts, not counting my own, made me feel like a
kid in a candy store. I could have done without the penises, but I'll give those
guys points for effort.

While I continued to get drunker by the minute, I simultaneously become more
and more hypnotized by the rhythmic rise and fall of Mandy's succulent breasts.
With each throaty laugh that escaped her mouth, they heaved in my general
direction. Her upturned nipples seemed to challenge me to a staring match,
taunting me with their very existence. After a while, the rest of the group became
no more than a distant memory from a time before I knew of the wonders
previously hidden beneath Mandy's silk shirt..

As the night wore on, and emptied wallets joined empty pants in a heap on the
floor, people began to leave the party. Before I knew it, there was nobody left
except for Mandy, myself, and her mesmerizing tits. If I were going to make a
move, it would have to be soon.

Mandy picked up a nearly empty bottle of liquor and raised it to her lips. I
watched as a small river of clear liquid drizzled out of her mouth and down her
chest. Mandy wiped off her lips and shrugged her shoulders at me. "It's empty,"
she slurred.

I gathered up my courage and took a step closer to the beautiful nymph I

desperately craved. Tilting her head upwards, I whispered in her ear. "I think it's
time to recycle the goods." Our eyes met and my tongue subconsciously darted
out to moisten my lips. Her luminous blue eyes grew wider, and then closed
briefly. I took that as a sign and moved close enough for my breath to tickle her
face. I dipped my finger into the droplets of Bacardi that shone on her breasts,
and raised my digit to her mouth. Without a moment of hesitation, she bent her
head down to my finger and gently sucked off the remaining liquid.

Lady Luck was on my side that night.

I lowered myself so that my face was level with Mandy's breasts. I ran my hands
up and down her sides, tickling her with my gentleness, while I licked the rest of
the liquor off of her. My tongue roamed over her, avoiding her nipples for the
sake of sweet torture. My hands hungrily grabbed at her back and her ass.

A small whimper escaped Mandy's lips, and I took that moment to swirl my
tongue around her hardening nipple. The taste of lemon, liquor, and what could
only be described as purely Mandy assaulted my senses.

I needed more.

I kissed a trail from her breasts to her mouth. Our lips slammed into each other
with pent up passion as our guide. Our tongues mingled together, dancing the
most erotic dance of my life. I gently eased her backwards, desperately aiming
for her King sized bed.

Before we reached my intended destination, Mandy turned the tables on me and

pushed me onto the couch. She grabbed onto my shoulders and spoke in a
raspy voice. "Gentle later, here now."

A slow smile spread across my lips and I pulled her down to me, plundering her
mouth with my tongue once again. I pulled away and moaned, "Your game, your
rules." I moved my mouth to her neck, nibbling, sucking, and licking all the while.

Mandy grabbed me by the wrists and pinned me against the couch. She crawled
on top of me so she was straddling my hips. Her tits crashed into mine, and my
nipples tingled with desire. She moved her hips in light circles, covering my
stomach and thighs with the wetness from her needful pussy.

Mandy released my wrists and kissed a trail down my neck, gently nipping at the
hollow of my throat before she moved on. Her nails lightly raked down my sides,
giving me goose bumps.

When she lavished my nipples with her wet, wiggly tongue, my goose bumps
turned to shivers.

Slithering her body downwards, she continued licking a trail until she got to me
bellybutton. She dipped her tongue inside it while her fingers continued
strumming at my extremely sensitive nipples.

Smiling at me, Mandy lowered her hand to the needful juncture of my thighs and
slowly inserted a finger. The length of her digit moved in and out, side to side,
making me whimper in need. She added a second and then a third finger, while
she continued to work her magic on me. I eagerly grasped at her tits, caressing
and pinching at the same time.

Mandy positioned herself on her knees in front of me. She spread open my
glimmering lips and her eyes roved over my most intimate parts. She looked at
me so intensely that I almost came right then and there.

Wasting no time, she buried her tongue inside of me. Her breath was warm, her
tongue on fire. Mandy licked around my swollen clit, moving her mouth and her
hand at an equal rhythm. For what seemed like forever, she kept me on the brink
of ecstasy, always keeping me there but never giving me that final push. My hips
thrust in tiny beseeching movements. She sucked my clit into her mouth, still
stroking my inner walls with an animalistic ferocity.

The sensations were so intense; almost too intense. My fingers tangled into her
hair and my body exploded. Wave after wave of delicious orgasm consumed my
entire body, burning me with its intensity. When the hard convulsions gradually
changed to low tremors, I forcefully tugged Mandy back up the length of my

I was ready to play my way.

With my mind still clouded by booze and sex, I moved to the side and laid Mandy
out on the couch. I brought my tongue down to a rosy nipple and swirled my
tongue around it in a slow, leisurely pattern. My hand slowly danced down her
belly and briefly tickled at her thick nest of curls before moving lower.

I lowered my hand until I felt her moist, sweet ambrosia. I softly tickled her
mound and feathered at her hair. Finding her hole, I inserted my finger just ever
so slightly, leaving my finger there at the entrance to tease, just barely inside her
soft moist vagina. I pushed on it gently, tantalizing both her and I, almost as if I
were to finally give her the length of it, but still held back at the entrance, creating
enough pressure to make my finger and her vagina beg for a complete and deep
thrusting capture. Mandy let out the most heavenly gasp when she felt me finally
insert my entire finger in her in one quick, deep thrust. I then slowed it down,
moving up and down in circular patterns, before I pulled it almost completely out
again. I added a second finger and pushed them both inside of her, slow and
hard, with my thumb rubbing soft circles over her swollen clit.

Mandy's moans grew louder and she raided her hips in small, questing motions,
which forced my fingers to lodge even deeper into her. I moved my body lower,
bringing my other hand down. Placing my other hand on her perfect mound I
lifted it up tight and spread her wide open at the same time, exposing her
pulsating clit to my eyes. I then replaced where my thumb had been just
moments earlier with my mouth. My fingers pounded into her while my warm
tongue made a path from her opening to her throbbing clit. I softly lapped long
sweeping slurps at her clit with my soft, moist tongue. Spreading her apart even
further, I then hardened my tongue up just a little and gave short, throbbing
pokes at her exposed clit, curling my tongue up in a stroke just a little bit as I
finished each poke. My tongue was on fire as I drank in her delicious juices.
Keeping her spread far apart, I stopped tonguing her and softly suckled her clit
until I had it fully in my moist mouth, lovingly and gently sucking on it, nursing on
it, making sensational nursing sounds as I did. I felt myself getting drunk all over
again from the intoxicating taste of her tangy juices as I lay there and nursed
upon her.

My fingers kept pumping into her and my tongue and mouth kept working its
magic on both of us. The taste of her as I nursed on her clit was arousing in me a
passion unlike that I had ever felt before. I rubbed my drenching clit on her ankle,
squeezing and unsqueezing it as I did, bringing me closer and closer to spilling
my cum on her soft, velvety skin. I could feel myself cumming, my juices spilling
out all over her, as Mandy's moans turned to gasps and her hips began to move
faster, grinding at my face. I teasingly kept my suckling soft and then gave a real
good vacuuming up. Her hands gripped my hair tightly, pulling me closer and

Mandy's head thrashed back and forth, and she panted my name in a chorus of
moans. I continued moving my fingers in and out, suckling on her clit, until she
trembled from head to toe. Her body shook, her moans turned to cries, I tasted
her cum juices squirt into my mouth, deep into my hungry throat, and then I
released her clit and gave her whole area a good lapping up from top to bottom
as she trembled uncontrollably. And then she lay still, unmoving. Spent. Satiated
as I spilled out again on her ankle.

Inwardly smiling, I raised myself to sit next to Mandy on the couch. She gave me
a light kiss on the lips and made an absolutely adorable purring sound. We sat
there in silence, gazing at the faint light that was beginning to shine through the

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered that my friends would be

arriving soon. And, as much as I wanted to stay, that was simply not an option.
With a new day would come a brand-new set of adventures. I knew I had to

Giving Mandy another small kiss, I stood up and began to gather my clothes. I
pulled on my pants, still feeling slightly discombobulated from my night of
drinking. Stumbling slightly, I decided to just stick my bra in my pocket.

I was about to do the same with my panties when I turned my head to Mandy's
naked form. She flashed me a sleepy smile, still looking content and sated. Her
pink cheeks were still flushed and her lips were still swollen. She was still the
most gorgeous woman I had ever laid my eyes on.

I picked up my panties and walked back over to Mandy. Taking her hand in mine,
I passed her my discarded thong. I brushed her hair off her face and whispered
in her ear, "Hold onto these. If you want to give them back, you can find me in
room 314."

I gave Mandy a final kiss on the lips and walked out the door. I did not turn back
for a final glance on my way out.

As I walked down the corridor towards the elevator, I thought back on Mandy and
smiled. Things are never over in the city that doesn't sleep.

I knew my luck was just beginning.

Body Double

All of my friends know I have the hots for actress Scarlett Johansson. I'm
constantly teased that I have a man's taste in women - the voluptuous, Marilyn
Monroe types. Some friends even think I'm superficial and have bought into the
propaganda of a male-dominated society. Well, I don't require that the love of my
life be glamorous, but I do find it sexy. I simply can't help it.

Maybe it's because I work as a production assistant in the film industry. It's
difficult to keep from being swept away by all of the extraordinary women of the
screen. I've seen enough of them without makeup to know that many of them are
simply naturally beautiful.

A few weeks ago, a dream came true when I was offered a job on … you
guessed it … a Scarlett Johansson film. I was beside myself with excitement
because I would finally be meeting the woman I considered to be the ultimate

My fantasy didn't exactly meet up with reality, though. Scarlett was very nice to
me, but it was quite clear she had no interest in me or probably any woman - at
least not sexually.

Then, I met Scarlett's body double. I could easily see how Darla got the job. Not
only did she look like Scarlett in the face, but she had the very same curves. She
had a kittenish look, but all it took was one conversation with her to discover that
she was far from ditzy. In fact, she told me she was studying pre-med on the way
to becoming a cardiologist. Needless to say, I was impressed!

During breaks, Darla and I spent a lot of time talking, and we discovered we had
a lot in common. Luckily, Darla was given a trailer of her own during the shoot so
that we could have some alone time. I was very excited when she invited me to
have a private lunch with her. The funny thing is neither of us bothered to order

As soon as we closed the door of the trailer, we started kissing. Her lips were so
full and plump that I couldn't get enough. In fact, I could have kissed her for the
full hour, but soon, Darla pulled my shirt over my head to find me bare

"Mmmm… beautiful," she said as she bent down, squeezing my breasts. She
licked all around my nipples but not directly on them. I felt them tighten and
stretch as if they were searching for her tongue, and my chest began to heave.
When she finally flicked her tongue on one of my nipples, I groaned.

I was dying to see her beautiful full breasts, which she swore were real. I
reluctantly pulled away from her and unbuttoned her blouse. She wore one of
those lacy underwrite demi bras that lifted her breasts high so that they almost
spilled out the top. I teased both of us by running my finger just under the top of
the lace, feeling her nipple harden as soon as I touched it. Darla pulled the cups
down exposing the round flesh, and I heard myself gasp. Not only were they
perfectly shaped, but her nipples were very large. The sight of them pointing at
me made me so wet that my vagina contracted, and I felt juice ooze out of my

First, I just felt the softness of her skin, gradually squeezing. "So, this is what
perfect breasts feel like," I said. I could tell that she hadn't lied about them being
real. She had simply been blessed by God.

When Darla started to remove her pants, I took the cue to do the same. We
smiled at each other hungrily as we took off the rest of our clothes. When we
were naked, I wanted to gaze at her for awhile. She looked a lot like Scarlet, but
this was Darla - a woman I had come to know and love for who she was. It was
just this amazing bonus that she was also absolutely gorgeous. "Lucky me!" I
thought, as I pulled her to me, squeezing her round bottom and reaching down
between her cheeks to run my finger along her slit.

We moved to the bed and lay down on our sides facing each other. My thigh was
between her legs, and I could feel her wetness on my skin. She began to rub her
clit on my thigh while I kissed her neck and caressed her ear. But I wanted to feel
her. I wanted to know her most intimate place. So, I lowered my thigh and
replaced it with my finger.

First, I just stroked her along the length of her labia. Her hips met my rhythm until
her cunt opened and took my middle finger inside. I added my forefinger while I
curved my middle finger to reach her g-spot. Her hips began to pump faster and
faster against me, and her body was making so much juice that it felt like I had
my fingers in the ocean. Between her moans and the juicy sounds from between
her legs, I thought I was going to come without being touched.

Suddenly, Darla came with a force and intensity unlike anything I had ever
experienced. She recovered quickly, though, and flipped so that her feet were
facing towards my head end and my feet were at hers. She reached out and
pulled my ass toward her, and the next thing I knew, her tongue was sucking my
clit. At the same time, she put one finger, then two fingers inside me. I reached
for her, opening her labia, and pumping my tongue inside her. We continued
sucking and finger fucking each other until we had at least three orgasms each
during our lunchtime.

The hair and makeup artist spotted us as we stepped out of the trailer. "Darla,
you're a mess! What have you two been up to in there?" He raised his eyebrows

at us, but we just looked at him, smiling, and said, "Nothing! What are you talking

Remote Control

My girlfriend, Monica, and I have always been experimental. In fact, we have a

full toy box, and we stay up on the latest inventions when it comes to dildos and
vibrators. We've been together for ten years now, and while we sometimes like to
make love without any toys at all, our extensive collection certainly keeps us from
ever getting bored.

The most fun we ever had, though, was with a wireless vibrator. Monica is less
into vibration and more into control than me, so I was the one who got to have
the orgasm. We decided to try the experiment in a restaurant in Sausalito. I was
wearing the vibrator, and Monica was carrying the remote. It had a bullet to insert
inside and a vibrating mechanism that fit within a thong to buzz against my clit
and labia. The remote had a scale from barely buzzing to intense drumming

I had no idea when Monica would turn it … er me … on, nor did I know how high
she would turn up the heat. She continued to smile at me devilishly, keeping me
guessing while we ordered drinks and appetizers. Then, suddenly, when the
waiter came to our table to ask if all was okay, I felt a small buzz between my
thighs. My eyes grew wide as I held my breath, and the waiter looked at me

"Ooh! You are evil!" I said to Monica. She just laughed. This was going to be a
fun night!

She left the vibrator on at a low buzz until my body got used to it. It was
pleasurable, but it wasn't enough to make me come. Monica waited until the
waiter came by again to turn up the volume on the vibration. This time, I grunted
audibly. I guess the waiter just thought something was very wrong with me.

I could feel the vibrations deep inside me this time, and I knew she didn't even
have it turned up halfway yet.

"How's it feeling in there?" Monica asked, as she put her hand on my thigh under
the table.

"Pretty damn good, honey," I answered, licking my lips. "How about a little

Monica turned the vibration up a little higher, and my breath caught in my throat. I
had no idea how I was going to keep us from getting arrested because it was
becoming increasingly difficult to sit still and be quiet. My breathing was getting
faster and harder, and I was squirming a little in my seat. There was simply

nothing I could do to prevent it.

Monica just smiled, turning the vibration up all the way for a few seconds. The
sensations made me close my eyes tightly and grit my teeth, the pounding in my
temples matching the rhythm of my pulsating clit.

After we had paid the check and were simply lingering at our table, Monica
looked at me and said, "Ready?" I smiled, and she grabbed my hand tightly.
Slowly, I felt the vibration increase until it was at full blast. I had to brace myself
against the back of my chair and dig my heels into the floor. Luckily, my chair
was against a wall or I would surely have fallen backward.

I held onto Monica's hand until I thought I would cut off her circulation. The
orgasm started with a contraction high in my stomach and then moved down,
turning my clit inside out until I could actually feel my labia pulsing out juice in a
fast rhythm. I could feel my nipples pushing through the fabric of my top, as I bit
my lip to keep from crying out. I whispered, "Oh, God," and Monica laughed.

We looked around to see if anyone had noticed what we were up to, but
everyone was involved in their own worlds. Monica had a look of desire on her
face like I'd never seen before. "Meet me in the ladies' room in ten seconds," she
said urgently and got up from her chair.

I was still recovering, but I counted to ten and met Monica in the bathroom. She
was already naked from the waist down, and the minute I got inside, she pulled
my pants down. She grabbed my ass and pulled me to her. We kissed and
rubbed our clits hard against each other, up and down, side to side, and then
circling together in a sensuous dance. I felt our juices mingling as her velvet labia
rubbed against mine.

I knew Monica was going to come soon, and because I was still buzzing from the
vibrator, I knew I could come with her. We gazed into each other's eyes, keeping
the rhythm and staying in sync. I heard her breath catch, and that was it for me.
We both began to moan, and neither of us worried if anyone outside the door
could hear us. Our orgasms started and finished almost at exactly the same time.

Sweating and breathless, we fell into each other's arms, laughing. I squeezed her
breasts in my hands and said, "God, you're hot!"

"Right back at you, my love," she said.

Whoever said you can't have the best sex of your relationship after ten years?

The New Girl

I can usually tell right away if a woman is straight, but Chris had me guessing.
Her first day at the office, I was instantly attracted, but the last thing I wanted was
to fall for a straight girl. Been there, done that - and no thanks!

Every time Chris said hello to me, I felt awkward. She was very sexy, but where
that sexuality pointed was a mystery. For the first couple of weeks, I kept my ears
open whenever she talked with co-workers. She never mentioned a boyfriend,
and she didn't join in when the other women talked about men. Hmmm… that
could be a sign, but I wasn't confident enough to engage her in conversation.
Yet, my attraction to her was so strong that I practically trembled in her presence.
As a result, I found myself avoiding her at the same time that I was drawn to her.

Then, the day came when we found ourselves side by side at the sinks in the

"Hi," she said.

"Hi," I said, avoiding her eyes.

"I've been wanting to talk to you," she said, "but you've been hard to pin down."

"You've been wanting to talk to me?"

"Yeah, well … okay, I'm just gonna say it. I've been wanting to ask you out, but I
couldn't tell for sure if you were straight or what."

After laughing hysterically for at least two minutes, I explained to Chris that I was
hesitant for exactly the same reasons. We made plans to go out for drinks after

I had a better time talking and laughing with Chris than I'd had with anyone in a
long time. She touched me a lot while we talked, and it quietly drove me crazy.
The discomfort I felt before became the discomfort of not wanting to scare her
away by being too aggressive. But the truth is that I just wanted to grab her, kiss
her passionately, and press her body against me.

Just when I thought I wouldn't be able to control myself anymore, Chris wrapped
her hand over the top of my thigh, leaned in close to my face, and said, "Wanna
get out of here?"

I don't think I even answered. I just grabbed my coat and bag and followed her
out the door. I'm grateful that Chris lived nearby because the thick silence

between us as we walked was unbearable. She was certainly acting like she
wanted to be alone with me, too, but I still wasn't 100% sure. And I didn't know if I
could handle the frustration if I had to go home alone.

Luckily, I didn't have to. Once again, Chris and I were feeling the same way. As
soon as we stepped into her apartment, our lips joined as if some centrifugal
force pulled us together. I couldn't tell you who kissed who first, and I thought I
would hyperventilate from the passion I was feeling.

Usually, I'm pretty assertive, but Chris had me so off balance that she became
the aggressor. She turned me around until I faced the door to her apartment, and
she kissed my neck as she wrapped her arms around my waist. My knees
became weak, so she held on my feet as one of her hands reached up to cup my
breast. Her other hand swept down over my stomach to the top of my thigh and
then … finally, where I wanted her touch the most.

Her fingers were teasing at first. I could barely feel the tickle through the fabric of
my slacks. I felt myself thrust my pelvis toward her hand until she began to rub
me harder through my clothes. I felt like my clit was growing to an enormous size
when a sound burst from my mouth as the orgasm struck. It was so much faster
than I was accustomed to coming that it not only took Chris by surprise, it took
me by surprise.

"Wow! You are delicious," she whispered in my ear.

"I want you so much," I answered, turning around and pushing her toward the
center of her apartment. She took my hand and led me to her bedroom. Now, we
slowed down a little. I wanted to relish every moment as the fabric of her clothing
exposed more of her luminous skin. I gasped when her pink nipples came into
view. The hard little kernels tilted slightly upward on perfect half moons. It was
my turn to give her pleasure, and apparently, Chris had the same idea.

When we were both naked, we came together, pressing our bodies against each
other, each running our hands all over the other. Her skin felt like a baby's, so
smooth that my hands simply glided over it. Chris reached into a drawer behind
her and removed a vibrating dildo with a curved end to reach her g-spot and
another appendage for her clit.

She broke away from me and jumped onto the bed spread eagle, smiling at me
and holding out the dildo. I took the dildo from her, but first, I had to taste her. I
crawled between her legs, putting the dildo down so that I could press her thighs
farther apart. Pulling her labia open, I pressed my tongue inside her until her hips
reached toward me and her breath caught in short little exhales.

I flicked my tongue against her clit and reached for the dildo. I pressed the tip to
her opening, and it was as if she opened and took it in without my having to push

at all. She was so wet that it slipped inside her effortlessly.

"Fuck me hard!" she commanded, and I pushed the dildo in and out of her, as I
watched her pussy become wetter and wetter. Then, I watched her labia pulse
and contract as her orgasm struck. I was so fascinated with the show between
her legs that she had to pull me back toward her face to give her a kiss. We slept
in each other's arms that night and many nights since. In fact, our best friends at
work now know all about us. When people ask us how we got together, we grin
and say it was over the sinks in the office ladies' room.

Show on the Beach

Jamie and Marcia are catalog and runway models who have been a couple for a
long time. They're accustomed to attention from men - both separate and
together - and they enjoy the reaction when men learn they only have eyes for
each other. It makes them laugh to see the guys salivate even further at the
thought of the two of them together.

Of course, lots of men try to talk them into a threesome, but they aren't at all
interested. Still, turning men on has become a bit of an aphrodisiac for them.
Actually, it isn't so much about turning the men on. It's about turning each other
on. In fact, it has become a game they play to get each other excited.

Often, their photo shoots take them in different directions, and they sometimes
go for long periods of time without seeing each other. This makes it necessary to
spend lots of time on the phone, sending emails, making sure they give each
other enough attention to maintain their connection. Even though they're only in
their early twenties, their relationship keeps each of them sane in the crazy world
of fashion. Neither of them wants to lose that.

After having been together for more than a year, Jamie and Marcia finally got
hired for the same job. It was a great job, too, in the south of France. They would
be modeling bathing suits on the beach and would have plenty of time for play
while the other girls on the shoot worked.

Both Jamie and Marcia have a flare for the dramatic and are a bit exhibitionistic.
Of course, they are models and have grown accustomed to being on display. The
photo shoot in France attracted a lot of men - both locals and tourists - who
stopped to watch the action on the beach. On their first day off, Jamie and Marcia
took the opportunity to put on their own show.

Wearing the tiniest bikinis they could find, they positioned themselves a few
yards away from where the other models were being photographed. Jamie
plopped face down on a towel, giving Marcia her cue. Marcia took the sunscreen
out of her bag and untied Jamie's bikini bra. They both discreetly looked around
to see if anyone was watching. There were at least three men who turned their
eyes from the photo shoot long enough to notice where the real action was taking

Marcia began to sensuously massage Jamie's back, rubbing the sunscreen into
her tan skin. She worked her way down to the small of Jamie's back and
squeezed some more sunscreen onto Jamie's thighs. She carefully massaged
the sunscreen into the back of Jamie's legs, moving her fingers up over the
curves of Jamie's ass, which was framed by a bright orange thong. Jamie

moaned as Marcia kneaded the mounds of flesh.

By now, several men were watching from a distance, trying not to be too obvious
as they stared. But Jamie and Marcia were already too involved with their own
pleasure to care. Marcia continued to massage Jamie's flesh more and more
urgently, bringing her hands back up to Jamie's shoulder blades.

Then, she did something that surprised Jamie. She lifted Jamie's upper body
slightly and slid her hands underneath to cup Jamie's breasts. Their breath
quickened simultaneously, and Marcia chuckled in Jamie's ear.

"I'm going to take you to our hotel room and do ungodly things to you," she
whispered to Jamie. "But first, I'm going to rub my breasts over your back."

Jamie moaned as she received a back massage with Marcia's breasts. The
friction caused the tiny bra cups of Marcia's bikini top to slip off until her hard
nipples were exposed. Jamie turned over and smiled at her shameless friend,
both of them now topless. She leaned forward and took one of Marcia's nipples
into her mouth, as Marcia's head tilted backward in pleasure. They hugged each
other, their breasts flattening together as Jamie kissed Marcia's neck and
reached down to squeeze her bottom.

"Mmmm… as much as I hate to stop you, we'd better be careful," Marcia said. "I
know this is France, but we could still get into trouble. I think we'd better get
some privacy before I ravish you right here."

By now, all eyes on the beach - both male and female - were fixed on Jamie and
Marcia as they put on their bikini tops once again and strolled back to the hotel
with their arms around each other.

The Sister

It wasn't until high school that I finally came to terms with the fact that men just
weren't going to do it for me. I was dating a guy named Scott during my senior
year, and I made out with him but refused to go further. He was becoming
frustrated with me but just assumed I was a "good girl." The truth is that I was so
disconnected from my sexual feelings that I didn't even know why I kept stopping

After Scott and I had dated for a couple of months, he invited me over to his
house for dinner. I sat at the dining table with Scott, his parents, and Scott's little
brother, David. Then, into the room walked Scott's sister. I had always thought
those slow motion scenes in films were silly, but that's exactly what it was like for
me as Amanda took her seat beside me.

My whole body tingled, and I found myself holding my breath. I had never seen a
more beautiful creature in my life. Her hair was dark blonde and bounced against
her shoulders as she walked, the bangs framing enormous blue eyes with thick
eyelashes. When she smiled and extended her hand to me, I noticed one dimple
on her right cheek. I was so entranced that I felt transparent. I was sure that
everyone could tell exactly what I was feeling and thinking.

But everyone started to eat as if nothing had happened, while for me, it was the
moment that changed my life forever. In an instant, I understood so much about
myself that had been confusing to me since puberty. I felt elated and frightened
at the same time.

Amanda was two years older than me. She was all of 19 and already in college. I
found it difficult to keep my eyes off of her during dinner, but I knew I needed to
be discreet. I assumed Amanda was straight, but I didn't even really care. I was
so happy to discover my passion and have someone to fantasize about. And
fantasize about her I did - day in and day out.

I imagined going to Scott's house on the pretense of visiting him, finding Amanda
alone in the house. We would talk briefly and then discover our mutual attraction
for each other. It never occurred to me that it was possible for the fantasy to
come true. I don't think I even hoped for it because it seemed much too remote.

I did, however, find lots of excuses to visit Scott. He loved it, and he never
seemed to notice that I paid a lot of attention to Amanda during my visits.
Amanda and I became friends, and I thoroughly enjoyed my crush, even if it was

One weekend, Scott and the family decided to go on a trip. Amanda had decided

not to go and instead was having a party in her parents' absence. Scott told me
this in confidence since their parents had forbidden Amanda to have the party.
He also told me that Amanda wanted me to be invited. I was flabbergasted!

When the night came for the party, I must have changed clothes 25 times. I had
never worried about my looks so much, but suddenly, I had hope that my fantasy
could indeed come true. It was a huge party, and I wasn't at all surprised to
discover Amanda's immense popularity. The only problem was that most of her
guests were older, and I felt out of place. I spent a lot of time in the corner alone
just watching Amanda flit through the crowd like a gorgeous butterfly.

By 11:00, a lot of the guests were drunk, and Amanda came out of nowhere to sit
down beside me.

"I'm exhausted!" she said. "I think the party can go on without me for awhile.
Want to come upstairs and keep me company while I rest a bit?"

"Uh … sure!" I answered.

Entering Amanda's bedroom was like entering a throne room to me. I had never
been in love before, and I experienced all of those usual "cloud 9" feelings.
Amanda reached for her hairbrush, and, having already had a couple of beers, I
heard myself boldly say, "May I?"

She turned to me and smiled such a knowing smile that I thought perhaps she
knew of my feelings. She sat down while I brushed her silky hair. I tried to steady
my hands as I reached underneath to bring her hair toward me as I brushed.
"Your hair is so shiny," I told her.

"Thanks. Uh … can I … uh … can I ask you a blunt question?" she said.

"Okay," I answered nervously.

"Are you a lesbian?"

I wasn't entirely shocked by the question, but I had never given myself that label,
not even in my head.

"I … well … I'm just starting to figure out that … yeah, I think I am. Does it make
you uncomfortable?"

"No," she said. "I've always felt I was bisexual. I like men and women both."

Then, she stood up, faced me, and leaned in to kiss me. I felt myself sigh as her
soft lips touched mine, and I tasted a hint of lip-gloss. Her kiss was gentler than
Scott's until she reached her arms around my waist, pulling me to her. Then, her

tongue searched deeper into my mouth until I stumbled and started to fall.

She walked me to the bed, and I gingerly removed her blouse and bra. I found
myself ravenous the moment I saw her white breasts. I wanted to touch and taste
them so badly that I couldn't contain myself. I had never felt anything near this
kind of passion in my life, and it was overtaking me in an overwhelmingly
delicious way.

Amanda turned me over and began to undress me next. She had all of my
clothes off so fast that it took my breath away. She immediately began to kiss
down my body as her hands reached up to squeeze my breasts and flick my
nipples with her fingers. I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest at
the thought of her mouth between my legs. I had only ever fantasized about such
a thing, and now the person I most wanted in the world was within inches of
touching my clit. Her mouth closed over it first and sucked it gently. I felt her
fingers opening my labia, then a finger probing inside while she began to flick her
tongue back and forth over my clit. It didn't take me long to have the first orgasm
of my life.

I couldn't wait to do the same for her. I wanted to see her vagina, feel its
softness, taste its wetness. I turned her over, pulled her skirt up and pulled her
panties down as fast as I could manage it. I stopped to look at the soft hair
growing around what looked like a pink flower, and then I was on her. I mimicked
the technique she had used on me. Her hips bucked up and down, and the
sounds she made when she came drove me out of my mind. I had never
experienced anything so wonderful, and I didn't want it to end. But of course, we
both became tired, and she needed to return to her party.

That was the first of many lovemaking sessions with Amanda. I was set to go to
college out of town the next year, so we split up amicably. We wrote to each
other for a while but eventually lost touch. Despite many loves since then, a
month doesn't go by that I still don't fantasize about my Amanda.

Kama Sutra Class

Jody had taken the twelve women to a huge shower room with shower jets on
every wall and what looked like a sitting area in the center. Liz arched an
eyebrow at the sight. She thought instantly of a movie she had seen once, in
which the Kama Sutra had been explained. Jody smiled as she stripped out of
her clothes. The women gasped.

"Well ladies, how are we to discuss the in's and out's of the Kama Sutra with
clothes on? Come on, take 'em off. Don't worry - nobody but us will be here for
the time being. Co-ed occurrences wait until the next class."

Liz had no problems stripping out of her clothes, did so without comment. Jody
smiled at the reaction of the others. Two new faces entered the room. Jody
spoke once more. Everyone turned toward her.

"I am certain you have heard of lesbianism. This is Jasmine, and Sara. Because
we need groups of three and we only have thirteen women, it is easier to have
extra people well-trained in Kama Sutra. You two are with me."

Liz was surprised when she was pulled toward Jody. Another woman was
equally surprised as she was pulled out of the group. The rest divided into threes.
Jody cleared her throat once more as she started the jets of the shower and the
pool in the center filled. Everyone was wide eyed at the action.

"Next step, one of the three gets to be bathed for the ceremony of orgy. In
traditional Kama Sutra, this is usually all done in one day, but we don't have the
luxury of time. So we'll teach you one step at a time. There are many different
steps for men and for women in Kama Sutra."

Jody lifted a small bowl and began bathing Liz's body. The woman that joined the
two began mimicking Jody's actions. They worked for a few moments around the
room. Jody smiled at the compliance. As she bathed Liz's frame, Jody began
caressing her breasts. The woman that was their partner did the same. Liz
moaned as their mouths followed their hands and their hands traversed down her
torso. Toys were brought out and soon, the women were crying out as the toys
slid into their depths. Jody chuckled quietly as reaction shuddered through Liz.
Liz's eyes were dark as she looked at Jody.

Liz turned to Jody. Jody smiled at the unconscious reaction. That is, until Liz
filled her as well. Jody gasped as Liz worked until sending Jody over the edge.
The others watched as Jody sank to the bench. She shook with reaction. The
other woman was wide eyed. Liz, without considering more than pleasure,
worked to send her other partner over the edge as well. Jody chuckled quietly.

"I had no idea you knew one thing about Kama Sutra, Liz."

"I have been learning without practicing for years," Liz said quietly.

"You learn very well, even without practice," Jody said chuckling. "The next class
should be very interesting."

"There are other methods, aren't there?"

"Yes, are you willing to do more than one series in one class?"

"I don't know about Liz, but I am if that was any indication," the second woman
said. "My name is Meg."

"It is another aspect of lesbianism," Liz said quietly. "One I'm certain many have
seen in movies men always watch."

"And I would assume you watch these movies?"

"Any movies that involve some form of Kama Sutra, yes."

"Then we'll let you demonstrate if you are willing," Jody said with a smile.

"I can try, if you're willing."

"Let's go."

Liz leaned Jody against the bench and began touching and tasting Jody's frame.
She worked with the slightest of touches and slid the toys one at a time into
Jody's depths. Jody gasped when Liz found her ass and slid a toy inside. Within
moments, Jody was crying out release. Meg watched Liz move her around and
bent between her legs. Liz touched and tasted and manipulated Meg's pussy
until she cried out. The two women shuddered with reaction. The others
mimicked Liz's actions until sinking into sated exhaustion.

Jody chuckled quietly. She turned to Liz and the entire group moved toward Liz
at one time. Liz was surprised as they began the process yet again, this time
each of the women touched and tasted and manipulated her until she moaned.
Jody slid two of the toys into Liz's depths and watched as she fell into oblivion at
the action.

"Oh yeah, just stay with the moment Liz. It only gets better," Jody said. "Ladies
keep going, let's see how much Liz can come in one day."

"Oh God," Liz moaned. "Don't stop. I never knew women could do this as well or

better than the man I married three years ago."

"Who better to know a woman's body other than another woman? If they know
what they like and can translate it to another, why not share the idea?" Jody

"This is almost an orgy, you know," Jasmine said with a grin.

"Almost," Jody said. "We can get it to that point if the ladies really want to."

"No arguments here just get over here," Liz said with a moan.

Jody laughed as they worked together until all the women were repeating the
process of bathing each other. They touched and tasted until they were again
crying out. Liz had tools in both hands as she slid them into both Jasmine and
Jody's depths while Meg touched and tasted their frames. Another woman was
manipulating Liz's pussy as she slid fingers and her tongue inside her. All the
women finally fell into a sated exhaustion almost an hour later.

"Excellent," Jody sighed as she shuddered with release. "You ladies get a perfect
score for the first day. Now, how do you feel about this insanity?"

"I think this class has to be the best investment my husband and I ever made,"
Liz murmured.

The Bar

Samantha was beginning to get bored.

"Why did we come to this club, anyway?" She asked her friend, Tanya.

"I thought you should get out of the house, Sammy. Ever since Todd broke up
with you, you have been such a downer." Tanya replied with a slight look of
annoyance on her face.

"I know, I'm sorry. It has just been so hard getting over him," said Samantha. She
started to play nervously with the zipper on her white sweater. This one was her
favorite. It clung to her body in a way she knew showed off her greatest asset:
her breasts. Even though she was 30 years old, they were still quite firm and
large. Usually, she liked wearing the zipper partway unzipped. That way, anyone
trying to catch a glimpse of her fantastic tits might get a little sneak peak down
the front. Not tonight, though, she just wasn't in the mood.

"Come on, Sammy, get out on the dance floor with me and shake that sweet
ass!" Tanya grabbed a hold of Samantha and, before she had a chance to say
no, she was out on the dance floor.

Tanya started dancing next to Samantha and bumping hips with her. She
alternated from side to side until Samantha couldn't help but to smile.

"You always know how to make me laugh, girl," Samantha said.

Slowly, Samantha started getting into the rhythm of the music. The club was
packed and the smell of booze and cigarette smoke was heavy in the air. Every
now and then, someone would bump into Samantha. She didn't think anything of
it until the third time, when she finally turned around. Prepared to go off on
somebody, she whirled around to see an attractive young girl who looked barely
old enough to be in the club.

As soon as Samantha saw her, she was speechless. Her long, black hair hung
loosely around her soft face. Her full, glistening lips puckered ever so slightly and
her perfect nipples were clearly visible through her sheer top. She looked at
Samantha with her head slightly tilted with the most seductive gaze Samantha
had ever seen. She had never been with a woman, but there was something
about this girl that Samantha found irresistible.

Slowly to the sway of the music, Samantha danced closer to the girl. They
danced back and forth in unison, there eyes never parting. Before she new it,
Samantha was face to face with her, pelvises grinding to the rhythm. The girl

placed one hand on Samantha's shoulder and continued to eye her in a come-
hither manner. Samantha now realized that the girl hadn't been bumping into her
on accident. The girl wanted her and she wanted her, too. She felt her crotch
moisten as the girl's pelvis rubbed against hers.

Slowly, the seductress moved her hand down to hold Samantha's firm ass.
Samantha longed for her to move that hand up front, but the girl teased her by
rubbing only her cheeks and her crack.

With her other hand, she cradled one of Samantha's breasts. By this time, both
nipples were fully erect and aching for the girl to place her big soft lips on them
and make them hers. The girl continued rubbing Samantha's bottom and
caressing her breast as they danced closer and closer to the beat of the music.
Samantha could see Tanya across the club dance floor looking at her with a
puzzled look on her face. She didn't care. She wanted this girl and she had to
have her.

Suddenly, the girl grabbed Samantha with force and brought her toward her. The
powerful thrust combined with her already yearning desires made her pussy
throb and ache for attention. The girl began kissing Samantha's neck as she
rubbed her breasts some more. She slipped her hand down the back of
Samantha's skirt and began foundling the surface of her vaginal hole from
behind. It made Samantha burst with pleasure as more juices flowed outward.

They continued like this for several minutes, completely oblivious to the other
people in the club. Then, the girl removed her hand from Samantha's skirt and
breast and gently grabbed one of her hands. She held a long stare with
Samantha and licked her lips seductively. She gestured to Samantha to follow
her. As they wound their way through the maze of people, Samantha started to
ask herself, "What am I doing?" But, there was something about this girl, with her
perfect round ass, supple breasts, pouty full lips, and long flowing hair that made
it impossible to resist.

Finally, they made their way to a back room Samantha had never seen. It was
set up as a game room, but it seemed as if it had been abandoned for a long
time. The girl led Samantha to a pool table, where she grabbed her suddenly and
began kissing her. She slowly unzipped Samantha's sweater until only her
breasts, covered by a black lacy bra, were exposed. She gently slipped the
sweater off Samantha's shoulders one at a time, running her hands down
Samantha's arms as she did it. She did the same with her bra straps until her
perfect, round nipples were exposed. She cupped one in her hand as she teased
the nipple with her lips.

Samantha leaned against the pool table and soaked in the pleasure. Then, the
girl started kissing her between her breasts, slowly making her way down her
belly. When she reached Samantha's skirt, she pulled it and her underwear down

as she continued kissing her body all the way down her legs. As she worked her
way back up her body, Samantha felt her excitement grow. When the girl made it
to her mound, she gently pulled her vaginal lips apart and started licking
Samantha's clit. Samantha felt her knees go weak and thought she wouldn't be
able to stand much longer, so she pulled herself up onto the edge of the pool

Once Samantha was on the table, the girl spread her legs apart and continued
her magic. She licked and sucked her clit as she slid two fingers inside
Samantha's hole. She started slowly at first. Moving her fingers in and out as she
continued to tease Samantha's love button. Then, she began moving her fingers
around feverishly, licking and sucking, pumping her fingers in and out. Samantha
felt pressure rapidly building up until finally she burst with pleasure, creaming all
over the girls perfect face. The girl gobbled up all of Samantha's love juice,
making her orgasm continue for several seconds.

When Samantha had finally ridden through her entire orgasm, the girl stood up
and looked at Samantha with the same look she gave her while they were on the
dance floor. She wiped her mouth off slowly, with a slight grin on her face, and
licked each of her fingers clean. As Samantha lay on the pool table looking at
her, the girl turned around and walked away without saying a word.


Tiffany felt nervous. This was her fifth date with Cindy and she was ready to go
all the way with her. She wanted to make sure tonight would be the night. So, in
preparation for their big date, she made sure to shave her legs and to freshen up
all over. In the middle of her primping she heard the doorbell ring.

"I'll be there in a minute!" Tiffany shouted as she finished pulling on her skirt.
Tonight she wasn't even going to wear panties. She wanted easy access all the
way and she also wanted to send a clear signal to Cindy that she wanted her.

When she opened the door, she was taken aback by Tiffany. Her long blond hair
fell in waves around her face. She wore black stiletto thigh-high boots and a tight
little black skirt. The top two buttons of her white button up shirt were undone and
the bottom of the shirt was tied in a knot that hung directly over her tight belly.
The shirt perfectly accented the belly button ring that she wore. Tiffany didn't
even know she had one! Her knees buckled slightly at the sight. She had never
seen Cindy look so, well, slutty before. And, damn if it didn't make her hot.

"What's in the bag?" Cindy asked, nodding toward the large duffel bag Cindy held
in her right hand.

"Oh, you'll find out later," Cindy said in almost a purr as she lowered her face and
gazed at Tiffany from upturned eyes.

Suddenly, Tiffany felt herself moisten. She couldn't wait until she got a hold of
this girl.

"Damn! I left my keys in my bedroom," said Tiffany. She didn't, really, but she
was hoping she sounded convincing enough. "Why don't you come help me look
for them?"

"It would be my pleasure," said Cindy as she followed Tiffany upstairs while still
carrying the bag.

Once the two entered the bedroom, Cindy grabbed Tiffany's shoulder and whirled
her around until they were face to face.

"Tonight, I am going to make you mine," she said. "But, we're going to do it my

"O..OK," Tiffany said, feeling her excitement grow.

"Now, you need to know. I like it rough. And I sometimes like to be in control,

OK?" Cindy said.

"That's fine with me, Cin, whatever you want. I'm all yours," Tiffany replied. She
tried to stay calm and seductive, but was having a difficult time controlling

"If I go to far, just say 'broccoli,' alright? That way, I will know I need to stop. I get,
um, carried away sometimes," said Cindy.

"Broccoli? What do you…"

"Shut up, bitch!" Cindy demanded. "Get down on the bed. Now!"

Suddenly, Tiffany knew what Cindy meant. She liked it rough. That was fine with
Tiffany, because she liked a woman who took control and made her feel dirty. At
the same time, she liked to fight back a little herself.

"Make me, bitch!" shouted Tiffany. With that, Cindy grabbed her by the hair and
threw her down on the bed. Tiffany looked up toward her and scooted herself
back on the bed. Her entire body trembled with anticipation as she watched
Cindy walk toward her bag and unzip it. When she came back, she was carrying
two silk bandanas.

"Oh yeah. You're my bitch tonight. Give me those pretty little hands." Like a pro,
Cindy tied Tiffany's hands together with one bandana. She looped the second
bandana through the first and tied Tiffany's hands to the head of the bed so she
could still easily twist into different positions. Cindy then walked back to the bag
and pulled out two more bandanas. Returning to the bed, she tied each of
Tiffany's ankles to a bedpost.

Tiffany lay on the bed spread eagle, yet still fully clothed. Cindy stood at the foot
of the bed and stared at Tiffany with a satisfied look on her face. At the same
time, Tiffany's chest heaved up and down with exhilaration, making her large
supple breasts move rhythmically. Cindy leaned forward on the bed and began
slowly crawling toward Tiffany from between her legs. Tiffany could see perfectly
down Cindy's shirt, but could still catch only a glimpse of her perfect cleavage.
She wanted to badly to tear off Cindy's shirt, but she couldn't. She was Cindy's
love slave and she would have to wait until Cindy gave her permission. The
thought of waiting was agonizing yet thrilling at the same time.

"Lift your ass, bitch," Cindy said as she got closer to Tiffany's pussy. As Tiffany
raised her behind into the air, Cindy pulled her skirt up to her waste revealing her
bare mound.

"A shaved beaver and no panties, huh, bitch? You are such as slut! Were you
planning to have your way with me tonight? Huh, you dirty slut?" Cindy shouted.

"No, Cin, I, I…"

"Shut up! You don't speak unless I tell you to speak. Do you got it?" Cindy

Tiffany looked back at her without a word.

"Good girl. For that, you get a little lickie-suckie. Would you like that?"

Tiffany didn't say a word, though she ached with anticipation. She felt like she
going to cream already.

With that, Cindy, began kissing Tiffany around her belly button and moved her
way down to her pussy. She spread her pussy lips apart and began tonguing her

"My, you sure are wet, you dirty whore," Cindy said. Then, she dove into Tiffany's
crotch and began gobbling it up ferociously. Tiffany felt the pressure building and
building until finally she squirted all over Cindy's face, screaming in pleasure.
Cindy continued eating away at her until she had ridden out her entire orgasm.
Then, she stood up suddenly and shouted, "Did I say you could jiz all over my
face, you stupid whore! You're a bad girl"

Cindy then untied the bandanas around Tiffany's ankles. "Get on your knees,
bitch," she demanded. "You need to be punished."

As Tiffany rolled over to her knees, she could hear Cindy return to her bag of
tricks, but she couldn't see what she got this time. Suddenly, she felt her ass
being whipped from behind with at Cat of Nine Tails. It stung just enough to feel

"You are a bad girl and you need to be punished. You don't do anything without
my permission. Got it? Speak, bitch!"

"Yes, Cindy, yes!" Tiffany shouted.

Then, the whipping stopped and Tiffany felt Cindy climb onto the bed. She
grabbed her tight little waste and suddenly she was fucking her feverishly from
behind. She pumped harder and harder with the huge strap-on dick, causing
waves of both pain and pleasure to tear through Tiffany's body. Then, she
grabbed Tiffany's nipples and began squeezing them as she continued to fuck
her from behind. That was all Tiffany could take. She came again as her pussy
throbbed and pulsated with satisfaction.

When her orgasm was over, Cindy untied Tiffany's arms. "OK, your turn," she

said as she handed the bandanas and the whip over to Tiffany. Tiffany smiled as
she got off the bed and walked over toward the bag.


"This park is simply gorgeous," said Sarah with a sense of wonder and awe.

"It sure is, but it's not half as beautiful as you," replied Nancy with a sexy
sideways glance.

"Oh, stop it! I look like shit right now and you know it! All this hiking has got me
working up a sweat," said Sarah with a hint of disgust in her voice.

It was true, Sarah was working up quite a sweat and it only served to make her
that much more sexy. Her white t-shirt clung tightly to her perfectly round breasts,
providing just a hint of the perky nipples beneath. The stains on the t-shirt from
where Sarah had periodically wiped her dirty hands during the hike only added to
the allure - making her look fresh and innocent, yet dirty and bad all at the same
time. Her khaki shorts had also become moistened during the hike, causing them
to form a tighter fit around Sarah's sweet ass and making her labial lips clearly
visible from the front. Even her hair was moist and hung around her face in long,
brown ringlets. It was driving Nancy crazy with desire.

"Oh, you're a dirty, sweaty girl alright," Nancy said as she came closer to Sarah
and cupped her hips with her hands. "I guess we need to get you cleaned off and
cooled down."

Bringing Sarah closer to her, Nancy began kissing her passionately. She could
feel Sarah's breasts rubbing against into her own, which made her excitement
grow more. "Come on, it looks like there is a stream up ahead. Let's go get you
cleaned off."

Nancy gently picked up Sarah's hand and began leading her in the direction of
the stream. As they got passed the clearing, they discovered a spectacular
waterfall was feeding additional water to the sparkling stream. Sarah's eyes
widened as she gasped in amazement, "It's magnificent!" she said in a
breathless tone.

"Yes, it is," Nancy said as she eyed Sarah from top to bottom.

"You're crazy, honey. But, thanks. You're sweet," replied Sarah.

There was no need for Sarah to thank Nancy. Just the site of her was driving her
mad with desire. And the thought of getting her inside the stream and covered in
water was more than she could take.

"Why don't we check out that waterfall a bit closer?" suggested Nancy. "We can

walk over these boulders and actually get underneath the waterfall."

"What a great idea!" shouted Sarah anxiously. "Let's go!"

The two women began maneuvering gracefully over the boulders. It was no
problem for either one of them to make it across. Their athletic bodies combined
with their high levels of stamina made it a simple task.

Once across and behind the waterfall, Nancy suddenly grabbed Sarah from
behind and whirled her around. In one fluid movement, she had her turned facing
her and was kissing her once more. She slipped her hand in under her shorts
and panties from behind and started squeezing her bottom. Nancy felt herself
moisten with excitement as Sarah gave into her advances.

Suddenly, Sarah pulled away. "Nancy, we can't do this here," she stammered.
"This is a public park, people are coming and going through her all the time. We
might be seen. I mean, we could get in trouble, you know?"

"Who cares about other people," Nancy said breathlessly. "All I want is you. If
they could have a hot piece of ass like you, they'd want it, too. I want you Sarah,
and I have to have you now. I want to touch you and have you touch me. I want
to pleasure you and taste your sweet juices," she grabbed Sarah's hand gently
and placed it on her own crotch. "Feel that. Can you feel how wet and hot I am
for you, girl? See what you do to me?"

Nancy guided Sarah's hand up and down on her own pussy and began moaning
in delight.

"That's right. That's what I want. C'mon, Sarah, let me have you." With that, she
began rubbing Sarah in return and leaned in close. "I can tell that you want it just
as much as I do," she said as she began kissing her.

With that, Sarah could no longer resist. She began feverishly pulling off Nancy's
jean shorts while Nancy pulled off hers to discover a beautifully trimmed mound.
After the shorts had been removed, both women pulled off their own shirts to
reveal their perky and sumptuous breasts. Sarah played with Nancy's nipple
rings, which caused waves of pleasure to rush throughout Nancy's body.

Suddenly, Nancy lifted Sarah and placed her on top of a boulder beneath the
waterfall. The cool water fell over Sarah's body, trickling down her perfectly flat
stomach and running in beads down her breasts and dripping from her nipples.
Sarah's entire body glistened from the water and shined in the sun.

Nancy knelt down in front of Sarah and Sarah immediately wrapped her long
slender legs around Nancy's neck. Nancy began licking Sarah's clit in a circular
motion and gently pulling on her clit ring with her lips. She knew how much this

drove Sarah crazy. The, she licked the area between Sarah's hole and clit, first
just teasing her with the tip of her tongue, then licking it full on with the entire
surface. Alternating between the love button and the valley, Nancy could feel
Sarah's entire body begin to shake.

"Finger me, Nancy. Oh, God, please. Please give it to me. I can't take it any
longer." Sarah shouted, suddenly oblivious to concerns of passersby.

Nancy let the tension build up a little more before sticking two fingers inside
Sarah's wet tunnel.

"Ooo. You are so wet for me baby," she said, and then went back to licking and
finger-banging Sarah. It only took a few pumps with her fingers before Nancy
could feel Sarah's pussy begin to throb and her juices start to gush forward. She
gobbled up every bit before she climbed up on the boulder on which Nancy was

"OK, baby, it's my turn now." Sarah lay down on the boulder, bringing her face
back out the other side of the waterfall. Nancy knelt over her with the waterfall
splashing on her back. Sarah gently pulled her pussy lips apart and began
tonguing her hole as she stuck a finger up her ass hole. She knew how much it
drove Nancy crazy to have her tongue inside her while she played with her ass.
Within moments, Nancy was creaming all over her face and screaming with

After riding out her orgasm, Nancy stood up and let the waterfall over her body.
Sarah joined her in the natural shower as both women cleaned each other's
bodies and touched and fondled each other's breasts a little more before getting

"Now that's what I call getting closer to nature," said Sarah as they began
crossing back across the stream.

Thank you for reading our eBook!

We have a complete line of same-sex relationship advice and same-sex interest

ebooks at our website, including:

• Man to Man: The Ultimate Guide to Gay Sex

• How to Have a Successful Same-Sex Relationship
• Everything You Need to Know About the Gay Dating Scene
• Everything You Need to Know About the Gay Lesbian Scene
• Same-Sex Astrological Compatibility Reports
• The Big Book of Gay and Lesbian Poetry
• The Giant eBook of Gay and Lesbian Erotica
• The Ultimate Guide to Gay & Lesbian Weddings

• Female To Female: The Ultimate Guide To Lesbian Sex

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The Borderland Blues Network
All Rights Reserved.


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