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A-Complete the table with the correct forms of the verbs:


Be Come
Dance Go
Do Drink
Watch Eat
Play Enjoy
Study See
Phone Have
Visit Write
Try Read
Travel Find

B- Answer the following questions as suggested:

1- Did she play football yesterday? No, _________________________.
2- Did they go to the cinema last weekend? Yes, ___________________.
3- Did John’s father buy him a new bike? Yes, _____________________.
4- Did his parents eat in that restaurant? No, _____________________.
5- Did you enjoy your weekend? _________________________________.

C- Complete the sentences with the verbs in the PAST SIMPLE:

1- AFFIRMATIVE: Jane __________________ (play) tennis yesterday morning.
NEGATIVE: Jane ________________ (not play) golf yesterday morning.
INTERROGATIVE: ________ Jane __________ (play) football yesterday morning?

2- AFFIRMATIVE: They __________________ (watch) a film in the evening.

NEGATIVE: They ________________ (not watch) a film in the afternoon.
INTERROGATIVE: ________ they ___________ (watch) a film yesterday evening?

3- AFFIRMATIVE: We _________________ (listen to) music last weekend.

NEGATIVE: We _______________ (not listen) hip hop music last weekend.
INTERROGATIVE: _____ we ___________ (listen to) rock music last weekend?

4- AFFIRMATIVE: He _________________ (go) to a museum a week ago.

NEGATIVE: He _______________ (not go) to the cinema a week ago.
INTERROGATIVE: _____ he ___________ (go) to a rock concert a week ago?

5- My friends / do / their /project work / a week ago.

AFFIRMATIVE: _______________________________________________.
NEGATIVE: _______________________________________________.
INTERROGATIVE: _______________________________________________.

Note: You can also do the exercises on your WORKBOOK- page 29, 30, 31 and 32.

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