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REVIEWER IN Teacher leadership plays a big role in improving students’ performance in mathematics

Chapter IV as these teachers manifested continuous engagement, show commitment, openness to

THE TEACHER AS A LEADER OF EDUCATIONAL REFORMS new knowledge and different views and a strong focus on growth. The two mentioned
The recent reforms in the Philippines educational system bring to light the importance of the examples are just among a myriad of studies that reveal the importance of teacher
role of teachers in ensuring that initiatives to improve the teaching-learning process are leadership in improving the performance of students. This can be attributed to the fact
implemented efficiently and effectively. The teachers play a vital role in ensuring the success that teachers know their students well. As such, they are in a better position to address
if the implementation of the educational reforms in the country for the following reasons. the needs and concerns of these students.
• Teachers are in close coordination with the students. They regularly interact with students
and in the performance of their functions as teachers; they know first-hand how to Teacher Leadership and Teacher Retention
reforms impact their students
• Since teachers are the ones who implement the reforms in the classroom, they are aware
of how these new initiatives directly influence or affect the way they teach. When teachers are truly satisfied with the work that they do, they stay. However, a
study reveals that teachers leave because of various reasons. This may be brought about
• Teachers are also in direct communication with various stakeholders.
by low pay, personal circumstances, stress, working conditions and Isolation (Borman
and Dowling, 2008).
Leadership Teacher’s and School Improvement
 Too often, when schools encounter problems or issues, they rely on an expert
without any knowledge about the culture of the school or its people to address these Unlike other profession, teachers particularly novice teacher feel so isolated because
issues. As such, most of the recommendations are not always followed because they are left on their own most of the time.
most lack a basic understanding of the real causes of the issues or concern.
 Teacher leaders are in the best position to address these issues because they are If seclusion has been identified as one of the reason why teachers leave, motivation has
aware of the reasons why said issues or concerns happened in the first place and been identified as one of the teachers stay. Teacher’s motivation emanates from
how it happened. Having directly experience the and this sense of familiarity with establishment of professional ties and relationship with other teachers, recognition of
the school community allow teacher leaders to address specific needs and issues professional contribution evaluation of teachers and programs for teacher development
affecting the school ( Nappi, 2014) and leadership. (WARREN, 2018)

Teacher Leadership and Students Achievement Thus, teacher leadership contribute a lot in making teachers stay. Teacher leaders do
not only provide either teachers with assistance, they also play an important role in
influencing the work environment to change in order to make it deal for collaboration
Teachers who are given the opportunity to make decisions in the classroom are found to
and growth.
have a lasting effects on improving the performance of their students.(proven by
Richard Ingersoll)
In the said study, they found out that when teachers were given more leverage to put
teaching and learning at the center of their instructional decision, have students who Teachers play a powerful in effecting reforms in the classrooms. As such, the
scored to percentile higher in Math and English/language arts on state tests compared leadership roles of teachers should be studied in the light of what is needed by
with others schools who rank low on teacher leadership(will, 2017). schools and students, and how educational initiatives will be implemented, sustained
and managed.
The Kenyan Government has been working hard to improve mathematics mastery as
a means to boost national development. However, despite this Initiative, the Teacher Leadership has been defined in various ways.
performance of the students in mathematics in secondary schools remains low
Researchers in Kenya have given priority to classroom practices rather than developing TEACHER LEADERSHIP INVOLVES ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS
teacher leadership. The Kenyan Government has been working.
Teachers who are assigned as an administrator usually assume leadership and
A study was conducted to find out how mathematics teacher assumed leadership roles management functions.
in the classroom and how their daily practice affect mastery in mathematics among

Leadership and Management are two distinct concepts but should be assumed by The study was able to prove that through collaboration, the high school
teacher’s leaders. According to Tony Bush (2007), leaders inspire change while teachers were able to do more than merely training the pre-service teachers, they also
managers work on making sure that school operations continue to function efficiently developed themselves as teachers. (Eargle, 2013)
and effectively.
The history of teacher leadership suggests that teachers then did not have leadership Leadership INCLUDE SHARING OFBEST PRACTICES
roles. Teachers will only be given leadership roles if they assume position (Sanocki, Teacher leaders are those who are well experienced, respected, creative, innovative,
2013).As such, teacher leadership was equated with an official function or knowledgeable, strong propensity for learning, passionate, and committed, to
designation. developing students. Most important of all, they share their knowledge, expertise and
experience to improve students’ learning (Lumpkin, Claxton and Wilson, 2014)
School nowadays are confronted with a lot of issues. These issues may revolve
content, pedagogy, beliefs or values. Pressure coming from external sources such as In essence, teachers are regarded as leaders if they share their knowledge, expertise
legislation, government policies and other stakeholders become an integral and skills with the other teachers in the hope of contributing to the professional
consideration that teacher leaders should address. development of others.

Administrators who are both leaders and managers will find means and Three Ways Of Best Practices In Which Teachers Share What They Do
ways to face the challenges of these external demands without losing sight of what is
relevant to the school’s vision and mission and most important of all, the students. FIRST WAY – BY SHARING CONCRETE MATERIALS OR
Teacher Leadership does not always refer to formal administrative roles.
Teachers according to Danielson (2006) become leaders because of certain qualities These include physical and online resources such as materials, equipment, or websites
or actions that they do. In a study that attempted to look into the definition of teacher (Rosson, Dunlap and Isenhour, 2005).
leadership, Cosenza (2015) found several ways how teachers view leadership.
Aside from sharing physical artefacts, teachers can use technology by going online to
share what they do best. Teacher leaders make sure that other teachers will learn from
Based on the study, definitions attributed to teacher leadership, aside from
their expertise when sharing their best practice online. (Spencer, 2017
assuming formal roles, includes collaboration, sharing of best practices, Taking
action, and role modelling.
SECOND WAY- by sharing classroom activities which lesson plans, grading and
TEACHER LEADERSHIP INVOLVES COLLABORATION strategies in developing lessons (Carroll,, 2005)
Teachers who has a vast wealth of experience can share their successes and failures
Teacher leaders collaborate with others. Gone are the days when the sole in implementing lessons.
responsibility of making decisions relies on administrators or school heads. Teacher
leaders are beginning to see the important role that they play not only inside the Teachers who also share best practices allow other teachers to observe them while
classroom but also in terms of how to make improvements in the school for the teaching. This is a good way of showing other teachers how to implement a lesson in the
benefit of the students and various stakeholders. best possible way.

Through constant communication and collaboration, mentor-teachers were THIRD WAY – by showing other teacher works of students or products that the
given an opportunity not only teach method courses in the college but were also able students have developed (Carroll, 2005)
to learn from college professors about new techniques and strategies in the classroom. By showing evidences, other teachers will be able to know that certain strategies work
Through collaboration, the high school teachers were exposed to new strategies being and that these can be replicated.
discussed in class and use these in order that pre-service teachers will be able to see Teacher Leadership Involves Taking Action
how these are applied in the classroom. Teacher Leaders recognize the fact that their own professional development
depends on themselves.
These teachers do not rely on others for their own development but actively seeks
ways to grow professionally. These teachers see the value of dong further studies
and attending continuing professional development programs to further hone Leading The School
skills an grow in knowledge. Serving as a mentor in a good way to model good leadership
Teacher Leaders recognize the fact that their own professional development skills.Teachers who have worked in a school setting for a long
depends on themselves. time should mentor young teachers not only about how to plan a
Teachers who take initiative in improving themselves are seen as leaders lesson or the curriculum standards but also about the policies,
because they find ways in improving themselves to grow professionally. These guidelines and other expectations.
teachers do not rely on others for their own development but actively seeks ways to
grow professionally. These teachers see the value of doing further studies and Coaching Using Data/Mentoring
attending continuing professional development programs to further hone skills and Teacher leaders use data before making any educational decisions. They are fully
grow in knowledge aware that all decisions made in the classroom should have a sound educational
Teacher Leadership Includes Role-Modelling
Teachers who are seen as leader’s exhibit exemplary actions are regarded as means to A good role model would lead the discussions on the available data, providing
guide students and teachers. opportunities for others to analyze the data and using these as a means of improving
the teacher-learning process.
TEACHERS can become role-models in the following areas: Sharing of resources
and instructional expertise with others, Specializing in curriculum, Supporting the Instigating Change
classroom, Facilitating learning, Leading the school, Coaching using data, Mentoring, Effective teachers are always thinking of ways to improve the teaching-learning process. As a
Instigating change and learning. (Harrison and Killon, 2007) catalyst of change, these teachers are never satisfied practices and are constantly seeking ways
to challenge the system so that improvements will come about.
Sharing Of Resources And Instructional Expertise With Others
Learning / Learners
This can be exemplified when seasoned teachers share their references,
instructional materials and online resources with other teachers. The act of sharing
enables teacher leaders to help new teachers adjust to their new responsibilities Teacher Leaders are life-long learners. They never cease to learn. They pursue further studies,
with ease. attend classes, join workshop, and gives priority to continuing professional development.
Teachers who are life-long learners inspire others to learn as much as they can to become
Specializing In Curriculum effective teachers.
Teacher leaders know the curriculum and make sure that they share
his/her knowledge with others. The concept of the teacher leadership can be best understood within the context of the
culture. In the Philippines, although formal roles play a significant part in the
Teacher Leaders model this knowledge by ensuring that other teachers know and use definition of teacher leadership, attributes of teacher leaders surfaced in the study of
the curriculum standards in planning the lessons, aligning strategies and using Oracion in 2014
appropriate assessments in class.
According to the study, there are 7 attributes associated with teacher leadership.
These teachers are self-motivated, possess positive outlook, service oriented,
Supporting The Classroom responsible and dedicated, have high expectations, humble, and trustworthy. It is
Teacher leaders welcome other teachers to do classroom observations, team teaches certain noteworthy to state that in the Phils, personal attributes are essential in defining
lessons and providing suggestions or how lessons can be improved further. Teacher leadership.
Facilitating Learning
Teachers can also facilitate the development of other teachers by Teacher leaders are those who can work on their own without being told. They have
sharing their expertise. Teachers learn best when they listen to the motivation to do other responsibilities for the common good.
each other.
This makes professional learning more meaningful and at the same time more • These teachers are also optimistic of growth and change.
beneficial to the students.
• They have a positive outlook that inspires others to do same.

• They know the value of work. • Along the directions of the school provide teachers with a shared mission.

• They know their responsibilities and would pursue to finish the task at hand. • They are able to guide others in understanding the directions of school to work
along with other with a common vision.
• They have high expectations and would not settle for mediocre work.
• Teacher leaders do not only articulate the directions of the school, they also make
• They are humble and could get along with easily with the rest and they are sure that their colleagues understand the reasons behind the vision and how this is
Dependable. concretized

• People trust them because they can deliver • When directions are clear, teachers can work hand in hand to make sure that
students will benefit much from learning.
The aforementioned characteristics of teacher leaders are definitions attributed to
teachers who have shown propensity to lead others. These characteristics enable the Developing People
teacher leaders to contribute in effecting reforms to the betterment of the school and
the students. • Reforms entail not only the teacher's willingness to conform or motivation to work
toward the achievement of the goals of the school.
Teacher Leadership and Educational Reforms
• It also entails capacity buildings.
Champions of Learning
• Teacher leaders see the need to develop colleagues as a way of fulfilling goals of
• To improve educational systems, schools Sought ways to influence the curricula or the school.
• They make that they have the capacity to work toward the vision of the school and
• These reforms are meant to improve the way student learn and the success of these
reforms depends so much on the teachers. Provide avenues for others to do the same.

Teachers play a big role in ensuring that all reforms or innovations which usually • They continuously work hard to develop themselves and others in order to make
emanate from external sources be aligned with existing practices. Sure that students will learn much in the process.

• Teachers leaders are more knowledgeable to know whether or not reforms would
work because they are immersed in the classrooms and know certain considerations
such as class size, nature of the students, resources available and capacity of teachers Redesigning the Redesigning the Organization
in implementing reforms.
• Since teachers understand the context of the organization, they are in the best
According to Leith wood, Louis, Anderson & Wahistrom (2010), there are three positions to determine the structures that would best benefit the students.
leadership practices which teacher leaders do in order to promote student learning.
• Teacher leaders are keen in determining which structures would work best in
• These are setting directions, developing people and redesigning the organization. promoting a culture of collaborations among teachers.

Setting the Directions • Through building a culture of collaborations, teachers and administrators will be
able to work well in order to designs the curriculum In a way that student will
• Directions give teachers a sense of purpose maximize students' Learning and adopt an appropriate Pedagogical approach that will
make Learning meaningful.
Teacher Leaders As Agent Of Innovation Challenges of teacher Leaders

• Today's, world demands that students acquire knowledge and skills that are relevant 1. Teacher who have been in the field for four to ten years are at the point
to the present times. in their careers when they have already gained enough experience and
expertise which could be used to help other teacher.
• Schools are pushing innovations reforms in the classroom. 2. Teachers are ready to embark on leadership role is because it is a way for
them to reach out to other teachers. As teachers, it cannot be discounted
that most of the work done remains between the teacher and the students
• All teachers have the best interest of their students in mind (Rasberry and Mahajan, 2008).
3. These teacher who are ready to move on to leadership roles see these as an
• Teacher leaders know that for innovative practices to be accepted, it has to be opportunity to grow. There are teachers who are also in need of doing other
practiced first before it has to be shared with other teachers. things in order to grow professionally ( Johnson and Donaldson, 2007).

• There exists a notion that engaging in workshops or other forms of professional Johnson and Donaldson (2007), teachers are confronted with issues that revolve
around the norms of school culture. Among issues identified are autonomy,
Development programs in already sufficient in making teachers accept the egalitarianism, and deference to seniority.
innovations being introduced.
Egalitarianism has been identified as a challenge to teacher leaders. The added
• For innovations to be practiced, teacher leaders take the initiative to learn more responsibility requires teacher leaders to be in constant communication with school
about them, practice these in the classrooms and then share practical experience with administrators and this presents an issue to most teachers.
1. One the educational system is so entrenched on the “principal-oriented”
• It is through sharing of these practical experiences that teachers are provided with nature of leadership. This means that for most schools in the Philippines,
avenues to see the benefits of using these innovations in their classrooms. the concept of leadership is still attributed to formal roles.
2. Two, there is a lack of leadership training existing in the country which
prevents teachers from assuming leadership roles.
• When teachers share their practices, they need all the support they can get from 3. Three, teacher classification hinders teachers from becoming leaders.
colleagues, administrations and students. ( Butkevika and Zobena, 2017). Classifications would revolve around teaching positions which is based on
qualifications rather than functions. (Alegado, 2018).
• In inculcating innovations, teacher leaders first and foremost show an openness to
learn,willingness to take risks and eagerness to try out the new reforms being Challenges that prevent teachers from assuming leadership roles.
introduced in the classrooms.
• Teachers are afraid that if they assume a leadership role, their relationship with
• Butkevika and Zobena in 2017 has proven that teacher leaders demonstrate the colleagues will be affected.
propensity to learn something new and the readiness to implement it in the classroom.
They are willing to experience the benefits of trying out the new approach or
methodology being introduced and at the same time share these experiences with • Most teachers do not want to be labelled as “pro-admin” or a favourite of the
others. principal

• Butkevika and Zobena (2017) further suggests that teacher leaders also provide • Circumstances in life prevent many from assuming leadership roles. Those who are
other teachers a safe space to experiment and try innovative approaches. They do not married would prioritize their family over work.
only provide professional guidance but also emotional support. Teachers need not be
afraid to fail so that they will not be discouraged to innovate. Thus, it is important the • Some teachers on the other hand would attribute the lack of time for not accepting
teachers need each other’s support to allow innovation to take place. leadership roles.

Those who assumed informal leadership roles attend to a lot of responsibilities and new teacher leader to make decisions based on what they deem is appropriate for
this would means staying at school for a longer period of time. This does not their students.
encourage other teachers from assuming similar roles for fear that they too would not
have enough time to do their other responsibilities at home (Oracion, 2015) 3. Teachers have more opportunities to network with other teachers making a
possible to bench mark and share practices (Shwartz, 2016).
Technological advancements and more opportunities given to teachers allow for
There are several factors that pave way for teachers to become leaders: more collaboration. By providing teachers platforms to discuss their experiences
and share best practices.
1. The teacher’s background and previous experience on leadership.
The new developments require new types of leaders to emerge in education. Berry
2. The competence of the principal. concludes that in order to promote teacher leaders, the following must be present

3. The practice of distributed leadership. 1. An idea and plan for teacher leadership – there should be a clear direction of the
tasks to be done and should involve the teachers in the formulation of the goals.
4. Collaboration and consultation also paved way for teachers to assume leadership
roles. 2. A helpful administration – administration should be able to empower teachers by
providing them with opportunities to make decisions and at the same time establish
leadership programs that will further hone the leadership skills of teachers.
5. The fact that principals defined their role as an influencer paved way for others to
follow the examples of their leaders.
3. There should be appropriate resources –there should be available support given to
the Development of teachers in order for them to grow professionally.
6. The principals are good motivators.
4. Works structure should allow authentic collaboration – a more innovative approach
7. Most of the principals were focused on instruction. to embedding professional development is necessary for teachers to able to engage in
more authentic collaboration.
New Developments in Education
5. Supportive social norms and working relationships – respecting differences is
1. New forms of assessments are becoming more accepted and used by important because it signifies an acknowledgement of varying expertise
6. There should be indistinct lines that delineate teaching and leading – empowering
• Performance – based assessments are being used more than teachers does not mean there will be a shift of roles between the administrators and
standardized based assessments. The shift from a traditional paper and the teachers, however, it would require that both need to work together in order to
pencil form of assessment leads to a new form of evaluating students. lead.

7. The whole school system must be willing to take risks and should pursue an
inquiry approach in assessing the teaching – learning process – schools and teachers
2. Organizational structures are becoming leaner and flatter making it possible should be willing to take risks, to try to innovate and learn from the process. Schools
for teachers to collaborate closely as they are provided more autonomy and freedom should assess how they promote the development of teachers and see how these will
in decision making. ultimately impact on student learning (Berry, 2016)

• Teachers can now work closely together and can share practices that work with the The Various Ways for Schools To Develop Leaders (Killion, Harrison, Colton,
students. The fact that they are no longer bound by restrictive policies will enable Bryan, Delahan and Cooke in 2016)

the group consisting of heads, teachers, staff, students and other stakeholders In the fifth stage, teacher leader continues to perform her role in improving the
needs to come together and define the concept of teacher leadership alongside the community by collaborating and working with various stakeholders to improve the
roles and responsibilities associated with it. curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment and serving as a link between administration
and teachers (Sanocki, 2013, p. 137)
A healthy work environment would require a culture of acceptance and supportive
structures. Culture in the workplace would refer to the beliefs, practices, norms and In the sixth stage, teacher leaders continue to perform their function as they seek
values of the people (Killion, 2016) ways on how to implement positive and essential reforms within the school. These
teachers continue to pursue reforms that will greatly impact the teaching-learning
The study of Alegado in 2018 revealed that the Philippines still equate leadership process.(Sanocki, 2013, p. 138)
with the roles of the principals.

Oracion (2015) stated in her study that trust and relationships are important. Trust
will exist if teachers continue to be clear with their goals, consistent and sincere with
their intentions.

It is vital to cultivate appropriate dispositions for teacher leadership (Killion et, al.,
2016, p. 12).

It is also important to assess the impact of the teacher leadership program (Killion et.
al, 2016, p. 12.

One way to determine if the program is working is by evaluating the impact of

student leadership on the following areas: examining the teacher leadership
program which includes the supports provided available avenues for leadership,
schemes and structures, usefulness and impact of the program on various

The first stage of the teacher’s journey toward transitioning into leadership roles is
that they all start as classroom teachers (Sanocki, 2013, p. 136) Teachers enter the
profession with a mission to teach students.

The teacher continues to reflect about her journey,taking into consideration what
worked and what needs to be improved. Through reflection, the teacher begins to
assess her/his own values and beliefs on leadership(Sanocki, 2013, p. 137)

This is brought about by constantly reflecting on one own practices. (Sanocki, 2013,
p. 137)

In the fourth stage, teacher leaders gain confidence in doing their roles as they work
with others while giving utmost respect to the more experienced and senior teachers
and recognizing that they need to operate within the confines of the hierarchical
leader-ship structure. (Sanocki, 2013, p. 137)

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