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What is polygon?

Polygon is a closed 2-dimensional shape made up of straight

lines. In other words, polygon also can be meant that a geometric body that
existing of number of points which called vertices and an equal number of
path segments. For instances, some shapes such as quadrilaterals, triangles,
pentagons, hexagon and decagon, these are simple examples of polygons. The
name of polygon showed that the number of sides of the shape clearly. For
example, a decagon has ten sides so any shape that can be drawn by joining ten
straight lines is named a decagon. In any case, polygon never have any gaps,
opening and curve in its own fixed shape.

In a mathematical investigation, a conjecture is a vital step in solving

problems, it always used by some mathematicians to conclude that the
concept in mathematics is correct or not according to the evidences and
proof. Why conjecture need to be done? This is because certain problems’
solutions are very hard to be determined obviously. So, figuring out the
problem format, investigating circumstances, establishing a conjecture based
on the solution and then proving the conjecture by some reasons and
conformations are the procedures of problem solving.

A square lattice point is the crossing of two or more grid lines in a usually
spaced pattern of points in 2-dimensional. In a Cartesian coordinate system,
square lattice consider that both of the  - and  -coordinates are integers.
Point lattices can be formed with various of shapes of unit cells such as
square, rectangle, heptagon and so on.

The lattice points on the boundary of the polygon which including vertices
are boundary points(B) and the lattice in the polygon’s internal zone
are interior points(I).

Georg Alexander Pick was born on 10 August 1859 in a Jewish family in

Vienna, Austria. Georg Pick was an Austrian born mathematician with his
well-known formula for finding the area of a polygon in a square lattice points.
Pick had studied at the University of Vienna. Then, he accepted his PhD to
assign a partner to Ernst Mach at the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague.
He became a lecturer in 1881 but he dropped his job and worked with Felix
Klein at University of Leipzig. In 1927, he retired from his career and backed
to Vienna. He went back to Prague after the Anschluss and the Nazis was
exiled to Terezin in 1942. Pick was appointed to Theresienstadt concentration
camp on 13 July 1942. Georg Alexander Pick died there shortly on 26 July
1942 in now Czech Republic.

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