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Guru Academy & Labs,

Ch.11 Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter, Theory Test, Max marks 30

2 marks:
1) Define One Electron Volt. (1 eV)
2) Define Field emission.
3) What is threshold frequency of a metal?
4) What are Photo electrons and Photo electric effect?
5) What are Photons? Give at least 3 properties of Photons.
6) List out some experiments for each case where the wave nature and particle nature of
light is predominant.
7) Is there any time delay in the photo emission of electrons? How does the Quantum
model explains it?
8) Derive de Broglie’s wavelength of matter waves.
9) Give the de Broglie’s wavelength of electron. Explain why electrons can be used in
microscope instead of light.

3 marks:
10) Explain Davisson and Germer’s experimental setup on Electron scattering to prove
the wave nature of electron. Discuss the final results briefly.
11) Give Einstein’s Photo Electric equation and hence derive two different expressions
for KEmax and Stopping potential. Hence show that how Einstein predicted the 𝑉𝑜 vs. 𝜈
graph characteristics.
12) Explain with graphs the effect of intensity, potential difference, frequency on
photocurrent and discuss how wave theory failed to explain the observations.
13) For the above explain how Einstein’s quantum model explained the observations

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