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Grammar card 

Tiempo verbal 
Para qué lo usamos 
Present Perfect is used for: 
● Lifetime experiences: I have visited the Colorado Canyon/ She has been to the Eiffel Tower 
● Actions that happened in the past but have consequences in the present: ​I can’t enter the house! I​  
have lost my keys.​ ​/ I’m not going to the party...​I have broken my leg 

Cómo hacer frases afirmativas 

Subject + have/has + Verb participle + C 
I have listened to the radio a lot this month. 
He has bought a car this week and now he is poor. 
She has been to Toronto. 

Cómo hacer frases negativas 

Subject + have not / has not + Verb participle + C 
She hasn’t studied yet 
He has not brought the map...we are lost. 
I haven’t washed my car this week, it’s so dirty. 
Cómo hacer frases interrogativas y respuestas breves 
(Wh-) h
​ ave/has + Subject + Verb Participle + C? 
Has she broken her leg? Yes, she has/ No, she hasn’t 
Where has he worked? He has worked in Nike, Zara and Frigo. 
Have you arrived yet? Yes, I have/No, I haven’t. 
Cosas a tener en cuenta 
● Always ask before using Present Perfect: Is it recent or does it has consequences in the present? If 
the answer is YES, use present Perfect (otherwise you will use Past Simple, we will see it soon). 
● For consistency in the sentences 
○ I have 
○ You have 
○ he/she/it has 
○ We/you/ they have 
● Common time expressions for present perfect: 
○ recently: I​ have recently written a book (entre have/has y verbo) 
○ yet (todavía, negativas e interrogativas): I​ haven’t studied yet / Have you studied yet 
○ for (por un periodo de):​ I haven’t been home for three days / I have studied for weeks! 
○ since (desde): ​I haven’t been home since Monday / This company has produced shoes since 
○ already (ya, indica finalización de tarea):​ I have already finished the homework. 
○ just (ya, indica que hace poco): I​ have just arrived home. 
● Deciding have/has is easy, but you have to study the participles… 
○ Some participles are easy (regular verbs): Play - played - p ​ layed 
○ Some are complicated (irregular verbs): write - wrote - w ​ ritten  
○ You could start with​ this simple irregular verb list 

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