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Grammar card 

Tiempo verbal 
Para qué lo usamos 
Present Simple Other verbs is used for: 
● Habits: I​ study every day / She gets up at 8.00 every Monday 
● Permanent situations: : I​ have a brother /They have blue eyes/ We live in Dublin / She works as a 
● True facts: ​Ferrari costs a lot of money. 
● Likes and dislikes: ​Sara likes sushi / I don’t like pizza / We love pineapples. 

Cómo hacer frases afirmativas 

Subject + Verb(s) + C 
I study every morning 
He drives the car every weekend. 
Eulàlia likes hamburgers. 

Cómo hacer frases negativas 

Subject + don’t/doesn’t + Verb infinitive + C 
We don’t live in Barcelona. 
It doesn’t open. 
They hate Mondays 
He doesn’t go to school at the weekend. 
Cómo hacer frases interrogativas y respuestas breves 
(Wh-) d
​ o/does + Subject + Verb infinitive + C ? 
Where does she live? She lives in London 
What does he like? He likes football. 
Do you hate tomatoes? Yes, I do / No, I don’t 
Does Laura read every afternoon? Yes, she does/ No, she doesn’t 

Cosas a tener en cuenta 
● Infinitive means ‘el verbo sin tocar, en su forma pura’: play (not plays), jump (not jumps) 
● Subject and don’t/doesn’t must be consistent: 
○ I don’t 
○ You don’t 
○ He/she/it doesn’t 
○ We/you/they don’t 
○ Does he/she/it? 
○ Do we/you/they? 
● Most verbs will add a -s when you use ‘He/She/It’ or equivalent.  
○ I dance hip hop but ​she dances t​ ango. 
○ We write poems but M ​ arcos writes​ novels. 
○ The elephants walk slowly but this ​leopard walks​ very fast. 
● Some verbs are special.  
○ He has a brother (not ​he haves​) 
○ He does homework (not h ​ e dos) 
● I am read every morning​ is incorrect. Sentences are written in TO BE or other verbs, but not 
○ I am a good reader.
○ I read every morning.
● The most used ‘like and dislike’ verbs are ‘like’ (gustar), ‘love’ (encantar), ‘hate’ (odiar) 
● Time expressions help understand you are making a ‘habits’ sentence. 
○ Every day, every morning, every weekend, every month 
○ Monthly, weekly, yearly, quarterly, daily 
○ on Mondays, on Tuesdays, on Wednesdays, on Thursdays, on Fridays, on Saturdays, on 
○ once a week, twice a week, three times a week, four times a week… 
○ Frequency adverbs: ​I always get up at 8.00. I never get up at 10. Sometimes, I get up at 9. 
(always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never) 

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