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Rules Light Pirate RPG

By Bill De Franza

© BD Games 2013

Yarr! Was Designed Using The Dagger Trademark License, and inspired by
countless other Role Playing Games.

Dagger RPG is copyright 2013, by Brave Halfling Publishing. The Dagger

trademark is used under the Dagger Trademark License.

Dagger: Supplemental Rules for Classic Role-playing with Children, written

by Jimm Johnson with John Adams.

Created under the Open Game License
Avast ye! YARR! be yer chance t’ introduce yer kiddies t’ role-
playin’ games and t’ give ye experienced players a rules light game
fer pick-up games o’ piratey good fun. These rules be not all-
encompassin’, an’ assume that t’ Referee already be knowin’
classic or O GL fantasy role-playin’. T’ Referee, bein’ a hearty lad
or beauty, will rule on any aspect o’ play not covered herein. Ye
aught t’ feel free t’ use yer own rulin’s, or rules from other
Arrrr.P.G’s. This be expected and encouraged, me hearties!

T’ implied settin’ be based on t’ current-day (wildly inaccurate

awesome) romantic view o’ t’ age o’ piracy, peppered wit’ a good
many legendary an’ fantasy bits. YARR! be all ‘bout havin’ fun,
not sittin’ thru a landlubber’s hist’ry lesson wishin’ ye could take
a caulk.
Smartly now, grab yer character sheet ‘n’ huddle round wit’ yer
maties, ready to roll t’ bones. Come aboard, me hearties, an’ gird
ye’self fer adventure an’ riches a’plenty as a pirate o’ t’ high seas!

YARR! is designed as an easy to learn game for beginners and
children or as a fun rules-light pickup game for veteran players.
YARR! assumes the Referee is familiar with common RPGs and
will be able to make rulings for any situation not covered in this
booklet. You are encouraged to do so, in fact. If a rule or situation
isn’t covered in this booklet, the Referee should make it up and
move on, keeping the action flowing. They could also use rules
from another Role Playing Game and move on, keeping the action
flowing. That said, you shouldn’t have any trouble picking up
YARR! and playing right away.

Get some friends together and start playing! All you need is one or
more six-sided dice, one or more 20-sided dice, and a crew of
treasure-huntin’ pirates by yer side. YARR!

To Anonymous for the character sheets, cover, feedback, and tons
and tons of help. To Jordan Hinze for proofreading and feedback.
To John Adams for Brave Halfling Publishing.
Part I. Character Creation 1
Class descriptions 1
 Table 1: Pirate Deformity 3
Captain Feats 5
Atlantean Spells 7
II Game Play & Combat
Part II. 11
Saving Throws 11
 Table 2: To-Hit Progression 11
Hazards: Falling/Poison/Curses 12
Healing 13
Sneak Attack & Repel the Unholy 13
 Table 3: Character Advancement 14
 Table 4: Melee Weapons 15
 Table 5: Ranged Weapons 16
Part III. Pirate Treasure and Money 18
 Table 6: Coinage 19
 Tables 7 & 8: Gold Conversions 19
Part IV. Pirate Ship Combat 20
Ships & Ship Attributes 20
Boats & Guns 21
O ptional Ship Combat Rules 23
Ship Combat Summary 24
Part V. Bestiary 25
Gigantic Sea Monsters 31
Special NPCs 33
Black Magic / Evil Voodoo Spells 35
Invisible O pponents 37
Part VI. Pirate Talk 38
Part VII. Extraordinary Booty 41
Part VIII. Advanced Options : Skills 45
Skill List 45
Skill Checks & Bonus Abilities 46
Part IX. Character Sheets 47
These elite warriors are the best fighters to sail the seas. Their
skill at arms makes these fearsome opponents the hardest
characters to defeat. They are the ship’s first line of attack, both
in melee combat and during ship to ship battles. Marines are also
the crew’s best defense.
Special Ability: In combat, marines make 2 attacks every round.
Starting Equipment: “Leather neck” protective collar, leather
vest, cutlass, musket.
Armor Class: 17 Starting Hit Points: 12

Rascals are sneaky scoundrel pirates, usually fighting dirty, and
hard to find when sneaking around. They are scrappy but fight
poorly overall. They make up for this with their other skills, and
trusty ones can be valuable members of the crew.
Special Abilities: O n a roll of 1-3 on d6, a Rascal can hide and
move silently. When spying on people or monsters, they can hear
through doors or wooden walls on 1-3 on d6. They can pick
pockets or pick locks on a roll of 1-2 on d6.
Starting Equipment: Vest with hidden pockets, short sword or
hand pistol, 1d3 daggers, small sack (to fill with treasure all
Armor Class: 13 Starting Hit Points: 6

The Sailor is the most common pirate, forming the bulk of any
crew. They are second only to Marines in combat ability and crave
the freedom, adventure, and potential riches of a life at sea. They
often seek the chance for a better life that they would have no
hope to achieve in a more conventional life ashore.
Special Abilities: Sailors can climb, run and leap through the
‘rat lines’, the rigging of any ship with ease. They require no dice
roll to do so safely unless under duress, such as during combat
or harsh weather. When searching, the greedy sailor will find any
secret door or hidden treasure nearby (i.e. less than 20' away) on
a roll of 1-4 on d6.
Starting Equipment: club, cutlass or gaff (roll 1d3), cup o’ grog,
sack (to fill with treasure).
Armor Class: 16 Starting Hit Points: 9

Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE

Cap’ns can use one level 1 feat per day at first level, and add one
level 2 feat at second level, one level 3 feat at third level, etc.
Atlanteans can use two level 1 spells per day at first level, and
add two level 2 spells at second level, two level 3 spells at third
level, etc.

All Feats and Spells fit into one of the following five Ranges, listed
as “R” below: Self (can only affect the Cap’n or Atlantean); Touch
(self or anyone you can reach and touch); Close, which is
anywhere up to 60’ (20); M edium, up to 120’ (40); and Far up to
240’ (80) . The Duration of the effects is listed as “D”.

Level 1
Deadeye Shot R Close at character levels 1 – 3, Med at levels 4 –
5, D instant: The Cap’n takes careful aim with any pistol and
strikes unerringly any target in range. Regardless of the pistol
used, the range is dictated by this feat, not the weapon.
Regardless of the pistol used, the damage is as follows: at
character levels 1 & 2, 2d6+ 2; at levels 3 & 4, 2d6+ 4; at level 5,
Slippery T arget R Self, D two rounds per level: Add 1+Level to
AC. Cap’n can continue to act normally except they cannot use
other feats during the duration of Slippery Target. They can stop
Slippery Target early if they choose to.

Level 2
Find T reasure or T reasure Map R Self, D 20 minutes: Cap’n can
find buried treasures, hidden maps or secret doors, even traps, at
a distance up to 20 feet. The cap’n succeeds on 1-4 on d6.
Pyro R Close, D Referee’s Discretion: By use of this skill, the
cap’n can manipulate fires in one of several ways. They may light
a small flame such as a candle or lantern wick; snuff out a small
fire or make it emit thick smoke or scorching sparks; cause it to
burn brighter or hotter; or stoke it to grow and spread. At
referee’s discretion, the Cap’n may need materials to manipulate
the fires, such as rum, gun powder, wet leaves, some sort of
poker, etc. The Referee may require the cap’n to throw things into

Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE

The character must have their talisman to cast spells.
Level 1
Charm Person R Med, D 5 hours + 3 hours per caster level: The
target believes the caster is their best friend and will do what they
ask, within reason. If the caster asked the Charmed character to
do something dangerous or out of character, the target is allowed
another saving throw to break the spell.
Light/Darkness R Med, D 2 hours: Light causes an object or spot
to shine as brightly as a torch, illuminating a 15 foot radius.
Darkness creates a 15 foot area of total darkness centered on an
object or spot. This magical darkness cannot be illuminated by
normal light sources. A Light spell will negate a Darkness spell,
and visa versa.
Sleep R Far, D Referee’s discretion: This spell puts enemies into
an enchanted slumber (no saving throw permitted). It can affect a
number of creatures based on their Hit Dice: Less than 1 to 1 HD
affects 2d6+3; 1+ to 2 HD affects 2d6; 3+ to 4+1 affects 1d6.
Creatures with 5 or more HD are immune.

Level 2
Speak w ith Fish & Animals R Close, D 1 hour: The caster can
speak with animals and sea creatures within range. There is a
chance the animals will assist the caster, and they will not attack
the caster or their party (unless abused or provoked).
T angle Barrier R Close, D 8 hours: Tangling, grasping kelp, sea
weed, dune grass, or sticky webs (depending on where the spell is
cast) fill an area up to 10 x 10 x 20 feet. It is extremely difficult to
get through the Barrier – it takes 10 minutes if a torch or sword is
used, and creatures larger than a horse can break through in 20
minutes. Humans take 30 to 40 minutes at the referee’s

Level 3
Control Winds R Med, D 2 rounds / level: The caster conjures up
a wind to propel the ship they are riding. In ship to ship combat,
add +2 SP to the caster’s ship. At 5th level, the caster may choose
to hamper an opposing ship within range 18, giving them a -2 SP
penalty. O n land, this spell creates a gust of wind 20 feet wide
and 80 feet long. Creatures in the area of effect must succeed a
saving throw or they are blown 10 x (1d6+caster’s level) feet
backwards and suffer 3d6 hit points damage.
Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE
Scorching Bolt R Far, D instant: This 60 foot long bolt of steam
and boiling water causes 1d6 damage per caster level to everyone
within its area of effect, with a saving throw halving damage. This
spell may be cast underwater or on land.

The sea and the pirate’s life are
full of danger, superstition and
creepy supernatural things best
left alone. All too often, a
character may suffer a Curse
(see Inflict Curse page 36).

Special Actions
When any player character
catches a person or humanoid
creature unawares and
successfully sneaks up behind
them, the player can make a
Sneak Attack.

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Blunderbuss damage varies by Range:
 up to 10 feet = 3d6 damage
 from 11 to 20 feet = 2d6 damage
 from 21 to 25 feet = 1d6 damage

Table 6: Coinage
1 Doubloon = 2 Escudo = 4 Pieces of Eight = 32 Reales
1 Escudo = 2 Pieces of Eight = 16 Reales
1 Piece of Eight = 8 Reales. .
½ Piece of Eight = 4 Reales
¼ Piece of Eight = 2 Reales .
Doubloons are gold coins, Escudo are heavy silver coins, Pieces of
Ei ght are thinner silver coins, and Reales are copper coins.
To use equipment lists from other RPGs, convert values using one
of the tables below, assuming 100 cp = 10 sp = 1 gp.


Similar to the characters, ships have several attributes to define
their characteristics. Ships have a Ship Armor Class (sAC) which
is only used for ship to ship combat. Characters can hack away at
a ship if they like, and since ships are nearly impossible to miss,
there is no need for an attack roll. However, ships are too large for
hand held weapons to damage during a combat (referee discretion
applies: an hour with an axe or ten minutes with an auger are
different than sticking a knife in the ship’s hull).

Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE

Ship’s Attributes
Ship Armor Class (sAC): like the AC for characters, the higher
the number, the harder it is to strike the ship and inflict harm.
Hull Points (HP): are similar the a characters Hit Points (hp), and
represent the structural integrity of a ship, and how much
damage it can withstand before sinking. Note that a character’s
Hit Points are abbreviated “hp” (lower case) and a ship’s Hull
Points are “HP” (upper case).
Sail Points (SP): (or Speed) represent the condition of a ships
sails and rigging, and equates to the ship’s speed.
Guns: the number of cannons a ship has (details below).
Boat Spaces: the number of spaces for smaller boats a ship may
carry. “Ships” are larger vessels that can carry smaller “boats.”
Boats are too small to carry other vessels.
Crew : Typical crew for the ship. Two numbers are listed, the first
is the “Skeleton crew” needed as a bare minimum to keep the
ship operating; the second one is a typical crew, which includes
sailors, fighters, marines, a cook or two, and usually a doctor. All
are in addition to the commanders; Cap’n, first mate, bosun, etc.

Optional Ship to Ship Combat Rules

 When a ship’s hull is hit and the damage roll is a 6, that ship
loses 1d3 crew from flying shrapnel.
 +2 to hit if firing on the “broadside” of a ship (its long
axis/perpendicular to the direction it’s sailing).
 At 5 or fewer HP, ships are -1 SP to reflect the heavy damage
and taking on water.

Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE

All Hit Dice are d6. Generally, a Monster or other adversary’s To-
Hit is equal to their Hit Dice (ignore pluses). If the Hit Dice is less
than 1, the To-Hit is 0. Monsters add their Hit Dice to saving
throw rolls (ignore pluses) and succeed on a roll of 16 or higher
(instead of 15, like PCs). Following is a suggested monster list,
but any number of monsters can be “imported” from any O GL

Albatross: HD 1+2, AC 14, Atk peck 1d3, Move 24 (8) fly, Special:
In lean times, pirates may capture sea birds as food. However,
pirates usually will not harm an albatross. Many believe each
albatross is the soul of a lost sailor, so to kill one will bring on
bad luck. O ne albatross can feed 2 pirates for 1 day.

Ape, Tropical: HD 4+1, AC 14, Atk slam or club 1d6+1, Move 12

(4) walking or swinging through trees/ratlines, Special: sandy and
brownish colored fur allows Tropical Apes to hide in a wilderness
setting 1-4 on d6. XP 400.

Crab, Giant: HD 3, AC 16, Atk 2 claws, 1d6/ 1d6, Move 15 (5)

walk or swim, Special: can live on land up to 2 days. XP 300.

Flying Piranha Sw arm: HD Special, AC 15, Atk Special, Move 24

(8) fly or swim, Special: each 10 foot cubic swarm of flying
piranhas will withstand 3 hp of damage before disbursing or
returning to the seas for easier prey. Unless an area attack such
as Shell Burst or a blunderbuss is used, the entire school will not
be wiped out, but it will disburse. Anyone caught in a flying
school of flying piranhas suffers 1d3 hp of damage per round
from multiple bites as the fish leap out of the sea, fly across a
ship’s deck, and devour the crew on deck. The fish can be driven
off by fire, gun fire, smoke or magic at the Referee’s discretion, or
can be appeased by dumping meat into the water. If a sailor falls
into the water, the piranhas cannot be disbursed except by
Atlantean magic, and the piranhas will devour a character’s body
to the skeleton in 1d6 rounds. Even if not driven off, the swarm
will move on after 1d6 rounds. XP 350.

Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE

Gill People: HD 4, AC 15, Atk by weapon or bite 1d3, Move 12 (4)
on land or swimming, Special: Unlike mermaids who appear
human from the waist up, these humanoid monsters are a
hideous blend of human and fish. They have huge, toothy fish
heads with bulbous eyes, scaly skin, webbed feet and hands, and
fins. They can hide and move silently on a 1-3 on d6. They are
mortal enemies of Atlanteans. Some believe the Fish People
worship the Kraken as a god-thing. XP 400.

Human, Navy Off icer: HD 3, AC 13, Atk weapon, Move 12 (4),

Special: +1 to hit and saves when their ship is in danger. XP 350.

Man-Rat, common: HD 1, AC 13, Atk weapon or bite 1d3, Move

9 (3), Special: Sneak and Hide as Rascal, 1-3 on d6. Man-rats are
nasty 3 foot tall humanoid ratmen. XP 100.

Penguin-man: HD 2+1, AC 14, Atk short cutlass 1d6, Move 6 (2)

walk or 12 (4) swim, Special: Sneak and Hide 1-4 on d6. Penguin
men are short humanoid penguins who love treasure. They can
serve as crewmembers or adversaries, or even PC Rascals, with
the same swimming abilities as Atlanteanss. XP 250.

Shark, Reef : HD 4, AC 13, Atk bite 1d6+1, Move 21 (7)

swimming, medium, 3 to 5 feet long. SP 400.

Wee Meanies: HD 1, AC 13, Atk weapon, Move 9 (3), Special:

Small, greenish, ugly humanoid monsters …

Wereshark: HD 3, AC 14, Atk by weapon or bite 1d6 in shark

form, Move 12 (4) walk or 18 (6) swim, Special: only harmed by
silver, Damascus steel or magical weapons, or by spells,
blunderbuss or cannon. Are usually human in shape, but can
assume shark form at will. During full moon, fly into a feeding
frenzy, transforming into a half human/ half shark form that can
stalk both the land and sea in search of prey. XP 400.

Zombie, Drow ned Ones:

Zombie, Voodoo:

Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE

T’ first step be t’ salt yer speech a’plenty with arrr an’ yarr. Next,
use me instead o’ I. Use me fer my, an’ meself fer myself. Use ye
or ya fer you, and use yer fer your or you’r e. Use t’ fer the, use an’
fer and, an’ be instead of am, is, or are (but not Arrr). Lastly, be
sure ta use plenty o’ t’ lingo listed below, so t’ sea dogs don’t mark
ye a landlubber.

Example: Avast, swabber! T’ lad’s an’ me

be needin’ more grog, an’ why not lookie
yonder wench, eh? Do ye care fer a pint t’
wet yer pipe? O r be ye a scurvy
scrumpet? Yar har har!”

 Ahoy! – "Hello!"
 Arrr! – Not to be confused with
"arrrrgh!" an exclamation of distress.
"Arrr!" can mean almost anything the
speaker needs it to. Synonyms include
Yarr and Harr.
 Avast! – derived from "hold fast". Stop
and give attention, listen up! O r used
to express surprise.
 Aye! – "Yes!"
 Aye aye! – Used to acknowledge orders
from a higher ranking pirate or officer.
"I understand and I’ll do it smartly.”
 Booty – Treasure, food, medicine,
weapons, textiles, rope, sails, or
anything of value pirates can plunder.
 Hardtack – Hard crackers made from
flour and water. Hardtack keeps for
years if dry, but at sea it would usually
get wet and grow mold or attract worms. When the hardtack
started to go bad, sailors would eat it in the dark to avoid
seeing anything amiss. Also called: ship's biscuit, tooth
dullers, and worm castles.
 Have the Davies: To “have the Davies” is to be frightened.

Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE

Thar be a host o’ things no man can ‘splain wit’ booksmarts, and
some no man should ever see. At sail, ye may see serpents longer
t’n a whale, mermaids what turn invis’ble, a cutlass what cuts a
musket in ‘alf, and some wicked things what can only be called
black magic. But thar be white magic too. Me leg still bein’ meat
an’ not a peg o’ pine be witness to that. Arrr. Lend an ear ‘n’ learn
a few t’ings ye should be knowin’. Keep a weathered eye open!
These things be like a Lassie-Lucy: some be good, an’ some be
bad… an’ most be both.

Chicken Bones: Magic Users of any stripe can toss these

bewitched chicken bones into a magic circle and try to divine the

Compass o’ Ill Gotten Gains: Just like the Compass of Booty

Findin’, this enchanted compass points towards treasures instead
of North. However, the owner of this evil compass must feed it
fresh blood every day or it will lead them to ruin either by natural
hazard or an armada of enemies.

Crucifix o’ Solid Gold: Not only a valuable piece o’ booty, but

used to Repel the Unholy, a solid golden crucifix grants a +2 to a
character’s saving throw roll.

Lime in the Coconut: Drink it up, you heal 1d6 hit points….

Mojo: A mojo is a small magical pouch tied shut with thin braids
of human hair. Most offer protection, or other benevolent magic….

Parrot W hat T alks Better ‘n Ye: These talkin’ Parrots are fluent
in 1d3+1 languages and if treated well, can be reliable
translators. They can use the Pidgin part of the Cap’n Feat

White Handled Knif e / Athame: A white magic practitioner often

consecrates a small knife for their magical rituals….

Damascus Steel: The finest steel available, though the art of

making it be lost. Damascus steel has a distinctive….

Yarr! First Printing © 2013 BD Games SAMPLE

Yarr! W as Designed Using The Dagger Trademark License.
ART by Bill De Franza page s: Cove r, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18, 38.
Art on page s 1, 12, 14, 24, 29, 33 from Ope Se arch for colle ction
“Pirate s”
Treasure Map Deadhand font 1.00 © Ge mFonts / Phoe nis Phonts; Freeware lice nse allows
commercial use .
UglyQua font created by Manfred Klein 2001-2008.
Manfred’s fonts are fr ee for private, ch ar ity an d co mmercial u se – he requ ests one
make a donation to a charity such as Doctor s Without Border s. I am donating 5¢
pe r unit to the Alzhe ime r’s Association www
Dagger was created under the Open Game License to allow you
to create your own adventures, supplements and rule sets (for
free or for a fee). To do this, please read and understand both the
Trademark License and O GL License below.


The Dagger Trade mark Lice nse is a royalty-fre e non-e xclusive agree me nt be twe e n
Brave Halfling Publis hing and third-party publishe rs. This lice nse grants
publis he rs the limite d use of the Dagge r trademark. Brave Halfling Publishing
re se rve s the right to re tract permission to use this lice nse from spe cific publishe rs
and individuals. Permission may be re tracte d for a spe cific product or for all
products from a publishe r (This would only be done to e xce ssive bad taste in
subje ct matte r). In such a case, Brave Halfling Publishing may require the
publis he r to ce ase the sale of any product produce d unde r any ve rsion of this
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he re , unle ss othe rwise note d, to be gin producing material if the Terms of this
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indicate compatibility and/or for use with the Dagger RPG. Publishe rs must
adhe re to the following two te rms to gain the above rights:

The title page and or copyright page of your product must contain the following
te xt: “Dagger rpg is copyright 2013, by Brave Halfling Publishing. The Dagger
trade mark is use d under the Dagger Trade mark Lice nse .”
You may not use “Dagge r” as part of the title of your product.
Your product must not contain any mate rial inappropriate for gaming with young
childre n.


Designation of Product I dentity: The following ite ms are here by de signate d as
Product Ide ntity in accordance with Se ction 1(e ) of the Ope n Game Lice nse ,
ve rsion 1.0: “Dagge r: Supple me ntal Rule s for Classic Role -playing with Kids” is
Product Ide ntity of Brave Halfling Publis hing.
“YARR! Rule s Light Pirate RPG” is Product Ide ntity of BD Game s © 2013. Unle ss
e xpre ssly de signate d as Ope n Conte nt, all conte nt he re in is Product Ide ntity of BD
Game s.

Designation of Open Content: Subje ct to the Product Ide ntity de signation above ,
all te xt in this docume nt is Ope n Game Conte nt. If any te xt is so use d, it should
be ar the COPYRIGHT NOTICE: “YARR! Rule s Light Pirate RPG” is Product Ide ntity
of BD Game s © 2013. Ope n game conte nt may only be use d under and in the
te rms of the Ope n Game Lice nse .
Ope n Game Lice nse v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Rule s Docume nt Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
Jonathan Twe e t, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, base d on original material by E.
Gary Gygax and Dave Arne son.
De lving De e per RPG is copyright 2012 by Cameron Dubeers and Simon J. Bull.
Labyrinth Lord TM Copyright 2007-2009, Danie l Proctor. Author Danie l Proctor.
Swords & Wizardry White Box Rule s by Marv Bre ig, copyright 2008-2011 Matthew
J. Finch.
Dagge r: Supple me ntal Rule s for Classic Role -playing with Kids is copyright © 2013
Brave Halfling Publis hing.
YARR! Rule s Light Pirate RPG is copyright © 2013, Bill De Franza / BD Game s.

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