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School of Civil, Environmental and Land Management Engineering Master

of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report

Professor: Francesco Calvetti

Manuel Felipe Martin Moya (ID: 943682)

February 2020
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

1. INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________ 3
2. PARATIEPLUS SOFTWARE ___________________________________________ 3
3. SOIL PROPERTIES __________________________________________________ 3
4. WALL PROPERTIES _________________________________________________ 4
5. TIEBACKS PRE-DESIGN ______________________________________________ 6
6. CALCULATION SEQUENCE ___________________________________________ 7
7. ANALYSIS RESULTS _______________________________________________ 12
8. DESIGN RESULTS _________________________________________________ 36
9. CONCLUSIONS.___________________________________________________ 52

Figure 1. Soil properties in ParatiePlus _______________________________________________ 4

Figure 2. Detailed soil properties ____________________________________________________ 4
Figure 3. Wall section 1A __________________________________________________________ 5
Figure 4. Wall Section 1B __________________________________________________________ 5
Figure 5. Wall section 2 ___________________________________________________________ 6
Figure 6. Tiebacks Pre-design _____________________________________________________ 7
Figure 7. Stage 0 - Initial Condition __________________________________________________ 7
Figure 8. Stage 1 - Excavation level -2.2 ______________________________________________ 8
Figure 9. Stage 2 – tieback 1 _______________________________________________________ 8
Figure 10. Design Assumption properties ____________________________________________ 11
Figure 11. Design Properties ______________________________________________________ 12
Figure 12. Analysis software ParatiePlu _____________________________________________ 13
Figure 13. structural elements wall section 1A ________________________________________ 36
Figure 14. structural elements wall section 1B ________________________________________ 36
Figure 15. structural elements wall section 2 _________________________________________ 37
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

1. Introduction

The scope of the present calculations is the design of a retaining wall with some stated soil characteristics
and the use of three tiebacks. The development of the design start with fixed configurations in geometry and
materials, but some of these configurations were modified to achieve the final design that accomplish all the
requirements and specifications. Moreover, the design and analysis included the coefficients and procedures
of the EUROCODE.

All the calculations related to develop these works were done with the engineer software ParatiePlus FEM,
all the present images were taken from the software in order to give better understanding of the procedure
that was done. Nevertheless, in the chapter 2 are the details about the software.

2. ParatiePlus Software
PARATIE is a non-linear finite element code for the analysis of the mechanical behavior of flexible earth
retaining structures during all the intermediate steps of an open excavation. The actual problem is reduced
to a plane problem, in which a unit wide slice of the wall is analysed, as outlined in the figure below.
Therefore, PARATIE is not suitable to model excavation geometries in which three-dimensional effects may
play an important role.

In the modelling of the soil-wall interaction, the very simple and popular Winkler approach is adopted. The
retaining wall is modelled by means of beam elements with transversal bending stiffness. According to the
Winkler model, it is assumed that the behaviour of every soil spring is totally uncoupled from the behaviour
of adjacent elements: the actual interaction among different soil regions is totally left to the retaining wall.

The real progress of an excavation process is reproduced in all the intermediate steps, by means of a STATIC
INCREMENTAL analysis. Due to the elastoplastic behaviour of the soil elements, every step in general
depends on the solution at the previous steps. Corresponding with every new step, the solution is obtained
by means of a Newton-Raphson iterative scheme.

3. Soil Properties
The soil is modeled as a design stratigraphy composed by three layers:

Soil elevation γd γsat φ
Evc Eur
(KN/m³) (KN/m³) (MPa) (MPa)
Fill 0 18 21 30 12 2 Evc 1
Silty Sand -4 18 22 30 35 2 Evc 1
Gravel -11 19 22.5 37 60 1,5 Evc 1
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

Figure 1. Soil properties in ParatiePlus

Figure 2. Detailed soil properties

4. Wall Properties
This calculation was done with three different options of materials and geometry of the retaining wall. The
goal is to check which one could be the best option. Following are the different configurations of the walls.


wall section 1a (micro piles, steel only)

outer diameter (m) 0,139
thickness (mm) 8
spacing (m) 0,5
material S355 steel
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

Figure 3. Wall section 1A


wall section 1b (micro piles, steel + concrete)

outer diameter (m) 0,2
thickness (mm) 8
spacing (m) 0,5
material C20/25 Concrete
Concrete effectiveness
(%) 75

Figure 4. Wall Section 1B

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation


Section 2 (concrete diaphragm)

Initial thickness (cm) 25
material C20/25 Concrete

Figure 5. Wall section 2

5. Tiebacks Pre-design
Before start to design the retaining, wall is important gather all the information like the prestress to apply to
tiebacks. In order to calculate the prestress a dedicated model is created and using the fixed support tool it’s
possible to calculate the value of the prestress necessary. In the following table are all the reactions needed
by each kind of wall.

wall section 1a
tiebacks KN/m
-1,75 147
-5 265
-8 480
wall section 1b
tiebacks KN/m
-1,75 157,5
-5 290
-8 505
wall section 2
tiebacks KN/m
-1,75 168
-5 315
-8 605
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

The calculus of the reactions through the fixed support tool is showed.

Figure 6. Tiebacks Pre-design

6. Calculation sequence
In order to make all the calculations in the software ParatiePlus was necessary divide the calculation process
in eight stages to check in each step of the construction process the deformations and possible failures. In
the three kind of walls were developed the same amount of stages with the corresponding tieback reactions
and wall geometry. Following you will find the stages used in the software ParatiePlus.


In this stage were set all the geometry of the wall and the level of the water table.

Figure 7. Stage 0 - Initial Condition

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation


In this phase was modelling the excavation to the level -2.2.

Figure 8. Stage 1 - Excavation level -2.2


In this phase was modelling the installation of the first tieback.

Figure 9. Stage 2 – tieback 1

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation


In this phase was modelling the excavation to the level -5.5.

In this phase was modelling the installation of the second tieback.
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation


In this stage was modelling the excavation to the level -8.5.

In this stage was modelling the installation of the third tieback.
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation


In this stage was modelling the las excavation until the final level.

After modelling all the stages is necessary set in the software the guidelines that should follow on the
calculations. This guidelines in this case are the EUROCODE guidelines, that’s why should be selected and
imported all the coefficients to evaluate all the different approaches.

Figure 10. Design Assumption properties

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

Figure 11. Design Properties

7. Analysis results
Is important remind that in this opportunity there are specific conditions to achieve in different approaches,
moreover, is necessary clarify that for all approaches the modelling converge and the equilibrium is reached
in each stage. Following are the specific conditions:

• In NOMINAL design approach the maximum displacement < 2 cm

• In DA1-C1, A1+M1+R1: TSF Moment, TSF Shear <1
• In DA1-C2, A2+M2+R1: TSF Moment, TSF Shear<1
• In DA2, A1+M1+R2, Tiebacks Resistance and capacity design

In order to reach all these specific conditions was required modified the section of the wall and properties of
the Tieback. In the following tables are all the change required to achieve the conditions.
Original sections modified section
wall section 1a (micro piles, steel only) wall section 1a (micro piles, steel only)
outer diameter (m) 0,139 outer diameter (m) 0,25
thickness (mm) 8 thickness (mm) 30
spacing (m) 0,5 spacing (m) 0,4
material S355 steel material S355 steel
wall section 1b (micro piles, steel + concrete) wall section 1b (micro piles, steel +concrete)
outer diameter (m) 0,2 outer diameter (m) 0,25
thickness (mm) 8 thickness (mm) 20
spacing (m) 0,5 spacing (m) 0,5
material C20/25 Concrete material C20/25 Concrete
Concrete effectiveness
(%) 75 Concrete effectiveness (%) 75
Section 2 (concrete diaphragm) Section 2 (concrete diaphragm)
Initial thickness (cm) 25 Initial thickness (cm) 0,4
material C20/25 Concrete material C20/25 Concrete
POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

Original configuration wall section 1A wall section 1B wall section 2

Tieback #1 Tieback #1 Tieback #1 Tieback #1
free length(m) 8 free length(m) 8 free length(m) 8 free length(m) 8
bond length(m) 7,5 bond length(m) 12,5 bond length(m) 7,5 bond length(m) 12
angle 25 angle 25 angle 25 angle 25
horiz spacing(m) 3,5 horiz spacing(m) 3,5 horiz spacing(m) 3,5 horiz spacing(m) 3,5
preloading (KN) preloading (KN) 147 preloading (KN) 157,5 preloading (KN) 168
%Lfix 50 %Lfix 50 %Lfix 50 %Lfix 50
drilling diameter(m) 0,2 drilling diameter(m) 0,33 drilling diameter(m) 0,5 drilling diameter(m) 0,35
Tieback #2 Tieback #2 Tieback #2 Tieback #2
free length(m) 7,2 free length(m) 5,2 free length(m) 7,2 free length(m) 7,2
bond length(m) 7,5 bond length(m) 16 bond length(m) 11 bond length(m) 14
angle 25 angle 25 angle 25 angle 25
horiz spacing(m) 2,5 horiz spacing(m) 2,5 horiz spacing(m) 2,5 horiz spacing(m) 2,5
preloading (KN) 265 preloading (KN) 175 preloading (KN) 290 preloading (KN) 315
%Lfix 50 %Lfix 50 %Lfix 50 %Lfix 50
drilling diameter(m) 0,2 drilling diameter(m) 0,35 drilling diameter(m) 0,5 drilling diameter(m) 0,35
Tieback #3 Tieback #3 Tieback #3 Tieback #3
free length(m) 5,8 free length(m) 5,8 free length(m) 5,8 free length(m) 5,8
bond length(m) 7,5 bond length(m) 15 bond length(m) 11 bond length(m) 14
angle 31 angle 31 angle 31 angle 31
horiz spacing(m) 2,5 horiz spacing(m) 2,5 horiz spacing(m) 2,5 horiz spacing(m) 2,5
preloading (KN) preloading (KN) 480 preloading (KN) 505 preloading (KN) 515
%Lfix 50 %Lfix 50 %Lfix 50 %Lfix 50
drilling diameter(m) 0,2 drilling diameter(m) 0,35 drilling diameter(m) 0,5 drilling diameter(m) 0,4

In the following sequence of figures will be showed the displacements, moments, and share stresses in each
stage for each kind of wall, nevertheless all the stage reach equilibrium and the software show the next table
of results.

Figure 12. Analysis software ParatiePlu

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Displacement stage 0

WALL SECTION 1B-Displacement stage 0

WALL SECTION 2-Displacement stage 0

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Displacement stage 1

WALL SECTION 1B-Displacement stage 1

WALL SECTION 2-Displacement stage 1

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Displacement stage 2

WALL SECTION 1B-Displacement stage 2

WALL SECTION 2-Displacement stage 2

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Displacement stage 3

WALL SECTION 1B-Displacement stage 3

WALL SECTION 2-Displacement stage 3

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Displacement stage 4

WALL SECTION 1B-Displacement stage 4

WALL SECTION 2-Displacement stage 4

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Displacement stage 5

WALL SECTION 1B-Displacement stage 5

WALL SECTION 2-Displacement stage 5

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Displacement stage 6

WALL SECTION 1B-Displacement stage 6

WALL SECTION 2-Displacement stage 6

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Displacement stage 7

WALL SECTION 1B-Displacement stage 7

WALL SECTION 2-Displacement stage 7

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Moments stage 1

WALL SECTION 1B--Moments stage 1

WALL SECTION 2--Moments stage 1

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Moments stage 2

WALL SECTION 1B--Moments stage 2

WALL SECTION 2--Moments stage 2

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Moments stage 3

WALL SECTION 1B--Moments stage 3

WALL SECTION 2--Moments stage 3

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Moments stage 4

WALL SECTION 1B--Moments stage 4

WALL SECTION 2--Moments stage 4

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Moments stage 5

WALL SECTION 1B--Moments stage 5

WALL SECTION 2--Moments stage 5

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Moments stage 6

WALL SECTION 1B--Moments stage 6

WALL SECTION 2--Moments stage 6

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-Moments stage 7

WALL SECTION 1B--Moments stage 7

WALL SECTION 2--Moments stage 7

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-shear forces stage 1

WALL SECTION 1B—shear forces stage 1

WALL SECTION 2—shear forces stage 1

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-shear forces stage 2

WALL SECTION 1B—shear forces stage 2

WALL SECTION 2—shear forces stage 2

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-shear forces stage 3

WALL SECTION 1B—shear forces stage 3

WALL SECTION 2—shear forces stage 3

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-shear forces stage 4

WALL SECTION 1B—shear forces stage 4

WALL SECTION 2—shear forces stage 4

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-shear forces stage 5

WALL SECTION 1B—shear forces stage 5

WALL SECTION 2—shear forces stage 5

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-shear forces stage 6

WALL SECTION 1B—shear forces stage 6

WALL SECTION 2—shear forces stage 6

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-shear forces stage 7

WALL SECTION 1B—shear forces stage 7

WALL SECTION 2—shear forces stage 7

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

8. Design Results
After the analysis of stability and check the convergence of the model and his displacements. it’s necessary
review the other specific conditions like the TSF moments and TSF shear with the design approach 1(DA1-C1,
A1+M1+R1). The values of the TSF moments and shear should be less than 1, because this guarantee the fact
that the reactions are bigger than the actions. Moreover, the review of the structural elements like the
tieback in this case was done with the design approach 2 (DA2, A1+M1+R2). Following are the tables of the
reviews of structural elements and the graphs of the TSF moments and TSF shear by stage.

WALL SECTION 1A-Check of the structural elements (Tiebacks)

Figure 13. structural elements wall section 1A

WALL SECTION 1B— Check of the structural elements (Tiebacks)

Figure 14. structural elements wall section 1B

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 2— Check of the structural elements (Tiebacks)

Figure 15. structural elements wall section 2

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A-TSF Moments stage 1

WALL SECTION 1B-- TSF Moments stage 1

WALL SECTION 2-- TSF Moments stage 1

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF Moments stage 2

WALL SECTION 1B-- TSF Moments stage 2

WALL SECTION 2-- TSF Moments stage 2

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF Moments stage 3

WALL SECTION 1B-- TSF Moments stage 3

WALL SECTION 2-- TSF Moments stage 3

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF Moments stage 4

WALL SECTION 1B-- TSF Moments stage 4

WALL SECTION 2-- TSF Moments stage 4

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF Moments stage 5

WALL SECTION 1B-- TSF Moments stage 5

WALL SECTION 2-- TSF Moments stage 5

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF Moments stage 6

WALL SECTION 1B-- TSF Moments stage 6

WALL SECTION 2-- TSF Moments stage 6

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF Moments stage 7

WALL SECTION 1B-- TSF Moments stage 7

WALL SECTION 2-- TSF Moments stage 7

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF shear stage 1

WALL SECTION 1B— TSF shear stage 1

WALL SECTION 2— TSF shear stage 1

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF shear stage 2

WALL SECTION 1B— TSF shear stage 2

WALL SECTION 2— TSF shear stage 2

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF shear stage 3

WALL SECTION 1B— TSF shear stage 3

WALL SECTION 2— TSF shear stage 3

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF shear stage 4

WALL SECTION 1B— TSF shear stage 4

WALL SECTION 2— TSF shear stage 4

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF shear stage 5

WALL SECTION 1B— TSF shear stage 5

WALL SECTION 2— TSF shear stage 5

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF shear stage 6

WALL SECTION 1B— TSF shear stage 6

WALL SECTION 2— TSF shear stage 6

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

WALL SECTION 1A- TSF shear stage 7

WALL SECTION 1B— TSF shear stage 7

WALL SECTION 2— TSF shear stage 7

POLITECNICO DI MILANO Soil Structure Interaction – Final Report
Master of Science in Civil Engineering for Risk Mitigation

9. Conclusions.
As a final goal of the present calculations is essential to choose the section that is more appropriate for the
task. As could be seen in the figures the performance of the moments, shear and displacement is similar at
the end when equilibrium is reached in all design approaches, but the real difference could be seen in the
necessary changes to the configurations of the wall and the tiebacks to reach acceptable values. This changes
to the configurations can be seen in the chapter 7 Analysis results

In the wall section 1A should be done representative changes to the configuration of the Tieback to achieve
the acceptable threshold, moreover, the configuration of the wall geometry should be changed too. By the
other hand in the wall section 1B should be done changes to the configuration of the tieback, but these
changes were less than those in the section 1A. Nevertheless, the wall section 1B required less work to
achieve acceptable values. This show that the concrete integrates in the cross section contribute to decrease
deformations and make easy get a good performance of the Tiebacks

The section 2 as in the other sections there are changes that must be done to reach the threshold in values
of displacements, TSF moment and specially TSF shear. This section required just 0.15 meters more in width
to achieve acceptable displacements, but it was required use special shear reinforcement in the section to
reach acceptable values in the TSF shear. Nevertheless, this section required few works to check all the
specific conditions and in all the stages show less displacements than in the other sections.

In conclusion without knowing data of budget or similar information the recommendation will be use the
wall section 2, because its construction process it easier and have less deformations during the construction.
Moreover, the final tieback section is uniform in length and drilling diameter which could carry out less costs.
Nevertheless, this does not mean section 1B should be dismissing, because it shows acceptable values on
deformations and moments values but requires tiebacks with a drill diameter bigger and a wall section that
could require more efforts in his construction.

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