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Vocabulary Words Chart

Word Inference (what you think the words means) Translation (Spanish)
1. hesitate Dudar o pensarlo dos veces titubear, dudar
2. willful voluntario caprichoso
3. guilt culpable culpa
4. bowed Reverencia inclinarse
5. likewise Lo mismo igualmente
6. fangs Dientes filosos o caninos colmillo
7. mourn Llorar a un muerto estar de luto
8. gasped Respiro de asombro anodadado
9. railing barandal baranda
10. crouched bajado agachado
11. trial Una prueba juicio
12. distress preocupado angustía
13. maidens mujeres doncella
14. slaughter matar matanza
15. denied negar denegar
16. arena Coliseo o estadio coliseo
17. justice justicia justicia
18. throne trono trono
19. pleased Satisfecho o complacido satisfecho
20. suitable Apropiado apropiado, adecuado

B. Vocabulary in Context
Sentence Vocabulary Word
1. He bowed his head to the crowd. 1. bowed
2. She pictured him facing the fangs of the tiger. 2. fangs
3. The funeral bells would ring and everyone would mourn his death. 3. mourn
4. Farmers protested the slaughter of pigs during the swine flue epidemic. 4. slaughter
5. He did not hesitate to take action. 5. hesitate
6. Puerto Rico’s system of justice is weak. 6. justice
7. He was so handsome that many people gasped when they saw him. 7. gasped
8. The young girl’s mom was distress because she hadn’t called home. 8. Distress
9. She was one of the loveliest maidens of the festival. 9. maidens
10. Prince William is second in line the English throne. 10. throne
11. Her arm rested on the railing in front of her. 11. railing
12. She was pleased with how the party turned out 12. pleased
13. “Have a good day, my friend,” she said. “Likewise,” he replied. 13. Likewise
14. The arena was so crowded that we did not find any seats available. 14. arena
15. Having been spoiled as a child, he became a very willful man. 15. willful
16. She felt so much guilt after having lied to her parents. 16. guilt
17. He was just not suitable for the job. 17. Suitable
18. While walking, I had to crouched in order not to get hit by the tree. 18. crouched
19. The Snowden’s trial will take many years to be carried out. 19. trial
20. He was denied the entrance to the White House. 20. denied

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