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HUMAN BEHAVIOR- refers to the physical actions of a person that can be seen or heard such as smiling
or whistling. With his thoughts, feelings, emotions, and sentiments.

ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR- psychology and economy status

• Defined as the study of human behavior in organization, of the interaction between individuals
and the organization and of the organization itself.


1. To explain behavior

2. To predict behavior; and

3. To control behavior

1. people- is the act/ subject in the organization.

2. structure – defines the formal relationship of people in the organization

3. technology – refers to the combination of resources, knowledge and techniques

4. environment – refers to institutions or forces outside the organization that affect the organization’s

✓ Internal Environment- The inside of the company’s structure. It describes the way activities and
relationships are carried out inside the business, normally within co-workers.

Example: boss, workplace, organization's culture, product development, mission and strategy.

✓ External Environment- this environment comprises of the factors that are outside the
organization and which can have an impact on the operations, performance, decisions and
profitability of the organization.

Example: accessibility, Economic, Legal, Competitive, Technological, Social and Global environment.
1. development of people skills;

2. personal growth;

3. enhancement of organizational and individual effectiveness; and

4. sharpening and refinement of common sense


There are two types of skills that a person will need to succeed in his chosen career:

1. the skill in doing his work; and (Technical Skills)

2. the skill in relating with people (Social Skills)


• Conflict resolution-
• Active Listener- pay close attention to the opinions
• Empathy- skills to understand the feelings of another person
• Relationship Management- skill to maintain healthy relationships and build key connections
• Respect- act of initiate communication and respond.


Personal growth makes a person highly competitive in the workplace. The chance to achieve personal
growth is enhanced by

knowledge of OB


It is a major attribute of successful organizations, as well as individuals. When the right decisions are
made, effectiveness follows.


People differ in the degree of common sense they possess. Improvements in this type of ability,
however, can still be made and great benefits can be derived if this is done.
The Origin of OB can be traced to the following:
1. The human relations approach

a. the scientific management approach (Frederick W. Taylor)

b. the human relations approach (Elton Mayo and others)

2. the personality theories

a. Freud’s model

b. the behaviorist approach (Watson and Skinner)

c. the humanist (Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls and Abraham Maslow)

FREDERICK W. TAYLOR – was well-known disciple of the scientific management movement. Taylor used
scientific analysis and experiment to increase worker output.

4 important principles of scientific management.

1. science, not rule of thumb

2. harmony, not discord

3. cooperation, not individualism

4. development of each and every person to his/her greatest efficiency and prosperity

ELTON MAYO and his team- conducted the Hawthorne studies in 1920 to determine what effect hours
of work, periods of rests and lighting might have on worker fatigue and productivity.

SIGMUND FREUD – he brought the idea that people are motivated by far more than conscious logical
reasoning. He believed that irrational motives make up the hidden subconscious mind, which
determines the major part of people’s behavior.

Structure of human mind:

- ID,

- EGO, and;

B.F SKINNER- He extended Watson’s theory with his own theory of behavior modification. Skinner
concluded that when people receive a positive stimulus like money or praise for what they have done,
they will tend to repeat their behavior. When they are ignored and receive no response to the action,
they will not be inclined to repeat it.

CARL ROGERS – Focused on the person as an individual instead of adhering to a rigid methodology. He
believes that people should acquire their own values and attitudes rather than be committed to a fixed
set of prescribed goals.

FRITZ PERLS’- contribution is the Gestalt psychology wherein the person is seen as being plagued by
numerous splits, or conflicting desires and needs, which dissipate energy and interfere with that
person’s ability to achieve his potential

ABRAHAM MASLOW – forwarded his model which espouses the idea of developing the personality
toward the ultimate achievement of human potential.


Ethics – refers to set of moral choices a person makes based on what he or she ought to do

Organizational Ethics – these are moral principles that define right or wrong behavior in organizations

Ethical Behavior – refers to behavior that is accepted as morally “good” and “right” as opposed to “bad”
and “wrong”.

1. Conflict of interest – exist when a person is in the position of having to decide whether to advance the
interests of the organization or to operate in his or her own personal interests.

2. Fairness and Honesty – people in organizations are expected to be fair and honest. They should not
knowingly harm customers, clients, and competitors through deception, coercion, or misrepresentation.

3. Communication – people can become victims of organization that provide false and misleading
information about their products and services.

4. relationships within the organization- employees ethical.



• analyzation of differences of every person


• refer to the variation on how people respond to the same situation based on personal
characteristics. The idea is that each person is different from all others and that these
differences are usually substantial rather than meaningless.


A. People differ in productivity (refers to the rate of output per work)

• Productivity in their product units.
• Age
• Experiences in industry
• Education

2. People differ in quality of work (people vary in their propensity for achieving high-quality
• They initiate to do work in their task
• you have your own standards in doing your task.

3. People differ in empowerment (means giving someone the power to do something)

• Differ in to take responsibility
• Authority or power

4. People differ in any style of leadership (a given leadership style does not work with all people)
• Leadership styles in every leader.
• Democratic, authoritarian, and etc.
• Commitment to the organization

5. People differ in need for contact with other people

6. People differ in commitment to organization
• Attachment, committed in work

7. People differ in level of self-esteem

- Workers vary in their level of self-esteem that in turn influences their productivity and capacity
to take on additional responsibility

A. Demographics
• Gender (men and women job performances, psychological studies)
• Age (older workers, differ in experience and skills, turnover, absenteeism, productivity, and
• Culture (social culture, organizational culture, racial and ethnic groups)

B. Aptitude And Ability

- APTITUDE- person’s capability of learning something.
- ABILITY- is a person’s existing capacity to perform the various mental or physical tasks needed
for a given job.
1. Intellectual ability- intelligence, mental activities
2. Physical Ability- physical body, capacity of to do the tasks demanding stamina, strength, and
similar characteristics

• Personal characteristics
• Mental characteristics


A. Physical Ability

1. Dynamic Strength- Ability to exert muscular force continuously over time.

Example: The strength of a rickshaw puller is a nice example of dynamic strength. They use muscular
force repeatedly and continuously for pulling the rickshaw.

2. Trunk Strength- Ability to exert muscular using trunk muscles.

Example: Trunk strength is used for lifting heavy load (i.e., a sack of 1000 kg rice).

3. Static Strength- Ability to exert force against external objects.

Example: Static strength is to exert force on an object that we cannot move, the muscles stay the same
length and it is useful for things like arm wrestling.

4. Explosive Strength- Ability to expand a maximum of energy in one or a series of explosive acts.

Example: People may use his explosive strength while breaking any door of a house, if required.

5. Extent Flexibility- Ability to move the trunk and back muscles as far as possible.

Example: People use extent flexibility while lifting any object from ground to a higher place, which is
above of his head.

6. Dynamic Flexibility- Ability to make rapid, repeated flexing movements.

Example: People use dynamic flexibility while cycling.

7. Body co-ordination- Ability to coordinate the simultaneous actions of different parts of the

Example: Swimming is a good example of Body Coordination.

8. Balance- Ability to maintain equilibrium despite forces pulling off balance.

Example: We can also see balancing ability while cycling.

9. Stamina- Ability to continue maximum effort requiring prolonged efforts over time.

Example: For a long duration and hardworking game (i.e., football, marathon, long distance swimming,
etc.) stamina is absolutely necessary.

B. Intellectual or Mental Ability

– this is also referred to as intelligence. It is the capacity to do mental activities such as thinking,
reasoning, and problem solving.


Number Aptitude- It is an ability to do speedy and accurate arithmetic.

Comprehension- It is the ability to understand what is read and heard and the relationship of words to
each other.

Perceptual Speed- It is a dying ability to identify visual similarities and differences quickly and accurately.

Inductive Reasoning- It is the ability to identify a logical sequence in a problem and then solve the

Deductive Reasoning- It is the ability to see the logic and assesses the implication of the art argument.

Special Visualization- It is the ability to imagine how an object would look like its position in space was

Memory- It is the ability to retain and recall past experiences.

Personality- refers to the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others. The
ways are the patterns of behavior that ate consistent and enduring.

Determinants of Personality:

1. Biological Factors- heredity, brain, physical features

2. Cultural Factors-
3. Family Factors-
4. Social Factors-
5. Situational Factors-
Emotional Intelligence (According to Daniel Goleman)

1. Self-awareness (Strengths and weaknesses)

• You know how you feel, emotions and your actions can affect the people around you.
• Keep a Journal- helps you improve your self-awareness
• Slow down- managing your emotions at work.

2. Self- regulation (personal accountability)

• Know your values- code of ethics
• Hold yourself Accountable- make a commitment to admit your mistakes and to face
consequences, whatever they are.
• Practice being calm- you are aware of how you act

3. Motivation (From Latin words "movere" means "to move")

• Re-examine why you’re doing your job- remember why you wanted this job.
• Know where you stand- as a leader know your position. How to motivated you are to lead.
• Be hopeful and find something good- be optimistic

4. Empathy (ability to put themselves in some else’s situation)

• Put yourselves on someone else position- support your own point of view
• Pay attention on body language- learn to read body language can be a real asset in a leadership
role, because you’ll be better able to determine how someone truly feels.
• Respond to feelings- so respond by addressing his feelings.

5. Social Skills (they do well in the social skills element of emotional intelligence are great
• Learn conflict resolution- must know how to resolve conflicts between their team members,
customers, or vendors.
• Improve your communication skills- how well do you communicate
• Learn how to praise others- as a leader, you can inspire the loyalty of your team simply by giving
praise, when its earned.


1. Sense of Sight
2. Sense of hearing
3. Sense of taste
4. Sense of smell
5. Sense of touch

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