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9. Soil

Grade: VII Subject: Science (Chemistry)

Topic: Soil Date: 27.1.2022

Q5. What are the properties of soil?

Ans. Properties of soil:

• Soil contains air.

• Soil contains moisture.
• Soil allows water to percolate.
• Soil absorbs water.

Q6. What do you mean by percolation of water?

Ans. The rate of percolation of water differs from soil to soil. When water is poured over soil some water
gets absorbed by the soil and the rest passes down through it. This process of passing down of water into the
soil is called percolation of water.

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Q7. What is soil erosion? List the agents of soil erosion.

Ans. The carrying away of the top fertile layer of soil by agents like wind and water is called soil erosion.
The factors responsible for soil erosion are as follows:

Deforestation: Cutting of trees in large numbers is main cause of soil erosion.

Floods: Flood water washes away the top soil and thus causes soil erosion.
Forest fires: It burns the plant cover and expose the soil to agents like wind and water which causes soil
Overgrazing: Grazing of animals on the same piece of land year after year is also a reason of soil erosion.

Q8. Explain how soil can be prevented from being eroded?

Ans. Afforestation: The best way to reduce or prevent the soil erosion is the planting of trees in large
numbers .The roots of trees hold the soil together.

Construction of dams to control floods.

Terrace farming: It is an effective way to minimise soil erosion in hilly areas. It is done by making steps on
hill slopes. This reduces speed of flowing water down the hill. By building bunds and embankments soil
erosion can be reduced.


Properties of soil: 1.


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