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2/20/2020 How does it go?

- Klunkerchen



How does it go? SEARCH ...

 October 26, 2015  Monika - the woman with the money 

General , money pattern 2 CATEGORIES

Last weekend I was on the choose category

50th birthday of a friend
and former work colleague.
I haven't seen many other NOW:
guests in 8 to 20 years.
That was great, but kind of
weird. After all, I quit 8
years ago at a well-known
  
company and am now
doing freelance
Money tips for
consultations and I am also active as a yoga teacher. What all of my
(prospective) self-
colleagues didn't know: I work three days a week at the most, live
mainly from my rental and capital income and if I feel like it, I do
projects and usually do some yoga classes in the evenings. If I only Pension without roulette
had to live from my work, I would have to answer the question “How
How much money do
are you doing?” Very cautiously, at least from a nancial perspective.
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But since this is not the case,
The rich bride
The reactions then showed what pictures I switched on in the other
How much can a wedding
person's head. It was suspected that I work with many large
companies and have many orders, as well as an incredible number of 1/4
2/20/2020 How does it go? - Klunkerchen

yoga classes. So I'm busy. I said little about it, but at some point I felt Real estate investments
wrong. in small

Money means security

After many conversations and a wonderful dinner, my husband and I
took a short walk through the park. He didn't know anyone at the Achieve nancial goals
party and since he no longer works and doesn't want to reveal this,
Financial freedom in high
he always says that he does PC support. This reassures everyone and
is always a good topic of conversation. On our walk alone we
exchanged information about the parties and the contact. We both My mind depends on
felt wrong! work

Our society is so xated on gainful employment that it feels almost

indecent to say at a party: You know, I am now a millionaire and live
on my capital income. I do not know whether I can postulate THE BOOKS BY GISELA
universally, one does not admit it , or whether this is an individual
topic of my husband and me and then it says: We do not admit it.

But what I do know is that the answer to the question that it is going
well is that pictures are immediately associated with a lot of work and
a lot of income from this work. It happens so automatically that there
is no space in small talk to go further and convey that I think I am
successful because I have achieved my goal. My goal to work
independently when I feel like it and to have a lot of free time. It's
going really well. Without much work and with little income from this
work. That evening I was unable to convey my image of success to

Certainly also because most of them are still in their jobs that they
were in when we met. Around 50 there is not so much change in the
job, everyone is happy to have his job. And spent a lot of time that
Also available as an e-book from
evening explaining what makes the job good, or at least bearable.
Amazon and as an audiobook
Employees who then emphasize that they could never go into
from Audible.
business for themselves. They all run in their hamster wheel,
sometimes with more and sometimes with less enthusiasm. Now go
here and say I only go in the bike when I feel like it. And otherwise I NO MORE FEAR OF
have hammered enough that it will last until the end of my life? It
would be honest. This would probably also result in one or two
exciting conversations. Nevertheless, I anticipate major irritations, I
don’t want to deal with at a party. My guess is that I would encounter
resistance, maybe I would be put on show-o and surely I would have
to deal with envy.

Somehow none of the feelings you want to arouse at a party. So I felt

a bit out of place and cheerfully announced that things were going
well for me. Which wasn't even a lie. 2/4
2/20/2020 How does it go? - Klunkerchen

Role model for Thoughts about the
parents? Or rather vision board


OCTOBER 28, 2015 AT 11:20 PM

Wie heißt es so schön: Wir leben in einer Leistungsgesellschaft, vom

Tellerwäscher zum Millionär. Das Volk will von einem Lebenslauf
begeistert werden, dass sich jemand von ganz unten (wie man selbst) Available everywhere in
nach ganz oben gearbeitet hat. Sieht man mittlerweile an den ganzen bookstores!
Castingshows. An eurer Stelle hätte ich auch ein wenig geschwindelt.
Ich ho e, dass nicht jeder neidisch reagiert hätte. Ein paar hätten sich MONIKA TELLS HER LIFE
sicherlich dafür interessiert, wie ihr eure nanzielle Unabhängigkeit STORY:
erreicht habt. Aber der ein oder andere, der mit seinen Finanzen auf
Kriegsfuß steht, hätte (ohne es böse meinen zu wollen) vielleicht erst
mal zurückhaltend reagiert. Geld zu haben ist kein Verbrechen, aber
man nimmt sich ein wenig gemeinsamen Gesprächssto ; über die
schlimme/tolle Arbeit kann man sich immer austauschen, man
scha t Verbundenheit; während passive Einnahmen für viele ein
rotes Tuch sind.


dagoberta1235 
NOVEMBER 5, 2015 AT 10:46

Dear ex-student, that was

exactly what I felt. It is a familiar subject to complain about work in
such a conversation. If I don't do that and instead express that I like
to work, it is considered funny, but it's still okay somehow. But admit
that at 47 you only work sometimes because the money is enough. I
don't think many people can handle that very well.
However, there are exceptions. The other day I unpacked the truth
from a good friend and actually showed him my Dagoberta Excel
wealth table (otherwise only my husband knows). Interestingly, after I
was so open, my counterpart came out with a table and details about
his nances. I got to see a table that he hadn't even shown to his 3/4
2/20/2020 How does it go? - Klunkerchen

wife. We had a very open and exciting conversation that evening.

Maybe sometimes you just have to dare. But probably already in the
right setting. Regards Monika


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