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Food preservation involves the action taken to maintain foods with the

desired properties or nature for as long as possible. The process is now moving
from an art to a highly interdisciplinary science. In most countries, innovation,
sustainability, and safety have become the main foci of modern industry and
economy. Food safety is now the first priority of the food production and
preservation industry, incorporating innovation and sustainability. The industry
can compromise with some quantities such as color to some extent, but not
with safety.
It is cited in the book entitled Introductory Chapter: From Waste to New
Resources by Anca C. Fărcaş, food preservation for minimizing food
waste for the proper management of food waste and its valorisation through the
recovery of the bioactive compounds, we also need to consider the role of food
preservation to reduce food waste. Following harvest, slaughter, or
manufacture, all foods start to lose quality. The rate at which food quality is
lost is dependent on food type, composition, the way it was processed, packed
and storage conditions. On the other hand, the loss of quality and safety
attributes of the foods may occur at any stage in the food chain generating food
waste: raw material storage; product formulation; processing; packaging;
storage in the factory; distribution to depots and storage; distribution to retail
outlets; display in stores; sale to the consumer and further storage; preparation
for consumption. Nonetheless, by applying conventional, highly advanced or
hurdle preservation techniques one can impede the chemical or microbiological
deteriorations, thus preventing outbreaks of foodborne illness and at the same
time limiting the food waste. Also, as the preservation of foods is often a
multicomponent issue, the “hurdle” concept was introduced, highlighting the
complex interaction between the factors that are significant for food safety and
According to the book of Food Preservation Second edition by M.
Shafiur Rahman that the main reasons for food preservation are to overcome
inappropriate planning in agriculture, produce value-added products, and
provide variation in diet. The agricultural industry produces raw food materials
in different sectors. Inadequate management or improper planning in
agricultural production can be overcome by avoiding inappropriate areas,
times, and amounts of raw food materials as well as by increasing storage life
using simple methods of preservation. But what food preservation really is. The
preservation and processing of food is not as simple or straightforward as it
was in the past. A number of new preservation techniques are being developed
to satisfy current demands of economic preservation and consumer satisfaction
in nutritional and sensory aspects, convenience, and safety, absence of
chemical preservatives, price, and environmental safety. Understanding the
effects of each preservation method on food has therefore become critical in all
aspects. There are methods that can be used in food preservation and
techniques can be categorized as (1) slowing down or inhibiting chemical
deterioration and microbial growth, (2) directly inactivating bacteria, yeasts,
molds, or enzymes, and (3) avoiding recontamination before and after
It is written from the book of Food preservation by Angela William
Duea, that before refrigerators and freezers were invented, people had few
methods of storing foods past the harvesting or butchering season. The oldest
form of preserving food is salting and smoking meats and fish and drying fruits
and vegetables. These were the only methods that early humans had to store
foods for later consumption, unless they lived in a frozen land where caches of
food could be stored under ice. And today, most people can run out to the
grocery store to pick up food but some still enjoy the practice of preserving
their own foods. Many people are more careful about the additives and quality
of the food they eat or prefer to select organic foods. Storing food is a great
option to increase the amount of available food for less money. Preserving your
own food is economical. Preserved foods are often more healthful than weeks -
old “fresh” produce at the market. Even though our society is busier than ever,
people still find the time and effort of preserving food to be worth it. 
In the published article 51 (2017), Food and Security that food
preservation involves different food processing steps to maintain food quality
at a desired level so that maximum benefits and nutrition values can be
achieved. Food preservation methods include growing, harvesting, processing,
packaging, and distribution of foods. The key objectives of food preservation
are to overcome inappropriate planning in agriculture, to produce value-added
products, and to provide variation in diet. Food spoilage could be caused by a
wide range of chemical and biochemical reactions. To impede chemical and
microbial deterioration of foods, conventional and primitive techniques of
preserving foods like drying, chilling, freezing, and pasteurization have been
fostered. In recent years, the techniques to combat these spoilages are
becoming sophisticated and have gradually altered to a highly interdisciplinary
science. Highly advanced technologies like irradiation, high-pressure
technology, and hurdle technology are used to preserve food items.
It is written in the article of Food Preservation, Put Up, Holed In, and
Salted   Down by Terrell Finley the different types of method in different types
of foods. The type of food, of course, helped determine the best preservation
method. Corn and pork were the most common staple foods, since farms could
produce them in large quantities. Food preservation has come a long way. The
old tried-and-proven methods were simple and used very few additives or
artificial preservatives, compared with some of the methods that replaced them.
People seem to be returning to more natural techniques, since we have learned
that some additives can be harmful. “Faster” is not always “better.” Just ask an
old-timer about the taste difference between “home canned” and “store-
bought”! No doubt the “home” method will win out every time.
 It is written in the article of Mendonca, Aubrey F. Department of Food
Science and Human Nutrition, food preservation methods involve the use of
heat, refrigeration, freezing, concentration, dehydration, radiation, pH control,
chemical preservatives, and packaging applied to produce various degrees of
preservation in accordance with the differing use patterns and shelf-life needs
of unique products methods differ widely and are optimized for specific
products because thousands of food products, differing in their physical,
chemical, and biological properties, can undergo deterioration from such
diverse causes as microorganisms, natural food enzymes, insects and rodents,
industrial contaminants, heat, cold, light, oxygen, moisture, and dryness. The
planned storage time can also dictate which methods are most appropriate.
Apart from application of a single food preservation method, a combination of
methods may be used to improve the safety and storage stability of foods. This
concept is currently referred to as hurdle technology; it is also known as food
preservation by combined methods, combination preservation, or combination
It is also written in the article of Best Food Preservation Methods for
This Season that written by Kevin Espiritu that while harvesting fresh food
from your garden might not be in the cards for the next few months, there’s no
reason you can’t still eat fresh food from the garden. The secret? Food
preservation. Food preservation techniques have been around just about as long
as we humans have, and they’re still some of the best ways to make sure that
you have food long after your gardening season is over. However, not all food
preservation methods are the same. Some are easier than others, some are safer
than others, and some plants can only be preserved in certain ways. No matter
which method you choose, properly sanitizing and following all safety
precautions is a must, as improperly preserved food can cause serious health
It is also cited in the article of A General Introduction. To Food
Preservation Methods written by Muhammad Hassan Food preservation is a
process of handling and treating food to slowdown or stops food spoilage and
extent the shelf life of food without effecting its nutritional value”. It ensures
that the edibility, nutritive value and quality of the food remains
intact. The preservation process involves preventing the bacterial growth, fungi
and also some other microorganisms as well as stops lipid oxidation to decrease
However, in the Journal of Food and Nutritional Disorders, it is stated
that food preservation includes preventing the growth of bacteria, fungi or other
micro-organisms as well as retarding the oxidation of fats that cause rancidity
thus promoting longer shelf life and reduced hazard from eating the food. Food
preservation is to stop or slow down the spoilage of food, loss of quality and
edibility of food for longer time. It involves preventing the growth of bacteria,
fungi and microorganisms from. It includes drying, refrigeration, freezing,
vacuum packing etc.
In the journal of Elena Hadjimbei, Department of Agriculture,
Biotechnology and Food Science of Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus,
Food Processing & Technology Action and its applications in food
preservation, are applied in food technology aim generally to reduce or prevent
the growth of microorganisms in food. Pathogenic and spoilage bacteria, yeasts
and molds can be destroyed or inactivated by the application of different
preservation methods thermal or non-thermal Thermal methods involve the
heat treatment of foods applying different time/temperature combinations for
different foods depending also on the targeted organisms. Some
microorganisms are more heat resistant than others therefore require higher
heat treatments to be inactivated. Non-thermal preservation techniques that can
be applied include High Pressure Processing.

Of the study by Susanna, M (2017)Home food preparation is

complex, with heterogeneous practices, experiences and perceptions both
between individuals and within the same individual over time, according to
shifting priorities and circumstances. Generalisability of these findings may be
limited by the regional participant sample; however the results support and
build upon previous research. Focussing interventions on life transition points
at which priorities and circumstances change, with careful targeting to
stimulate personal motivation and social norms, may prove effective in
encouraging home food preparation.
of the study Burton, L (2018) To extend the longevity of food used at
home or in your food business, you can use refrigeration, freezing, canning,
sugaring, salting, and even vacuum packing. Plus, food experts are constantly
researching new preservation methods to expand our options. Centuries of trial
and error have taught us the safest methods of food preservation, which you
must prioritise if you want to retain the quality and hygiene of stored food.
Desrosier, N. Wilfred and Singh, . R. Paul (2018, September 28). Food
preservation. Encyclopedia Britannica.
According to study of Desrosier, N. Wilfred and Singh, . R. Paul (2018) The
most common methods used either to kill or to reduce the growth of microorganisms
are the application of heat, the removal of water, the lowering of temperature during
storage, the reduction of pH, the control of oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations,
and the removal of the nutrients needed for growth.

Posted in Articles By Entre Pinoys On July 6, et al. “Basic Rules of Hygiene,

Sanitation and Safety in Food Processing.” Entrepinoys Atbp. Business Ideas
Philippines, 6 July 2015,

According to the Entre, P et. Al (2015) that stated on the article of “Basic
Rules of Hygiene, Sanitation and Safety in Food Processing.”. A high standard of
hygiene is a prerequisite for safe food production, and the foundation on which
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) and other safety management
systems depend. A three-word definition of Food Sanitation is protection from
contamination. With this in mind, all functions and operations must be included in a
sanitation program. All food products must be protected from contamination from
receiving (and before) through distribution. Sanitation is a dynamic and ongoing
function and cannot be sporadic or something that can be turned on once a day, once a
week, etc. Therefore, another definition could be: “sanitation is a way of life”.
Regardless of type of processing or food handling operation, the number one
consideration in food sanitation is people. It is people who set the rules, follow the
rules, and also break the rules of sanitation. A sanitation program is as good as the
attitude, willingness, and efforts of people. That is why the most important aspect of a
sanitation program is ongoing personnel training. It is essential that the full meaning
of sanitation and its wide economic scope be accepted by everyone concerned in the
food system-including management. Personnel training should include appropriate
sanitation principles and food handling practices, manufacturing controls, and
personal hygiene practices.

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