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Aging Theories


1. Would you classify telomere-based aging as stochastic or non-stochastic?

Stochastic and nonstochastic are considered as the biological theories that are applied in

studying the concept of aging in older adults. Telomere-based aging is categorised as non-

stochastic. This is because it occurs steadily while its shortening happens in every cell

division as an effect of the DNA polymerase inadequacy to duplicate the chromosomal DNA

ends. It’s associated with the continuous weakening of the cell proliferative probable.

However, telomere based aging does not clarify the stochastic traits of the cellular aging

(Shammas 2011).

2. What theory would you classify this under considering those listed in the chapter?

Telomere-based aging can be categorised under the programmed aging concept. Programmed

concept opposes the notion that living creatures have a naturally occurring and time bound

lifespan. This is associated with that aging and the constricted lifespan offer a particular

evolutionary obstinacy. In telomere based aging and the programmed theory, specific

chromosomal DNA can be influenced to affect the aging process, specifically on some aging

cells (Shammas 2011).

3. How would you, if you were a gerontological researcher, manipulate the

telomeres through telomerase to assist persons to live longer?

Subsequent division of cells affects the longevity of telomere. With continued dicing and

joining, the lengths of telomeres shorten tremendously, until they turn inactive. This explains

the aging process of a person. However, telomere based aged can be applied to extend the

lifespan of an individual.

The initial step for assisting in extending an individual’s lifespan involves changing of his/her

lifestyle. Individuals with a stress free lifestyle have shown he tendency to have a longer

telomere, as the cells division process is prolonged. Additionally, continued exercising of the
body and mind through physical exercises and medication will help in fighting the aging

process. These processes are crucial as they positively affect the cell activity and division,

ensuring that the cells remain active. Meditation and exercising helps in eliminating instances

of stress development and sufficient circulation of essential nutrients and elimination of waste

from the body cells (Shammas 2011).


Shammas M. A. (2011). Telomeres, lifestyle, cancer, and aging. Current opinion in clinical

nutrition and metabolic care, 14(1), 28–34.

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