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What is GOOD?

Reflect and answer the following questions:

1. What is the value of life? 

Life itself has no value. We must decide whether our tenure or duration on this planet
should be a privilege and joy or misery and despair. It is our choice because it is our life and we
can make life bright or dark. People will value you based on their financial status, their level of
information, their belief in you, their motive behind entertaining you, their ambition, and their
risk-taking ability. But do not fear for you will certainly find someone who will discern your
genuine value. We should respect ourselves because we are unique besides no one can replace

2. If you are a member of this fraternity, what will you do?

I will quit this fraternity right away and make a report about the violent treatment in the
fraternity so that they will accept the consequences of their actions. In the first place, why
would I enter or join this kind of organization that will cost harm to me? If joining this group
benefits me suchlike having a connection with any member in the fraternity with these
connections can become increasingly valuable for landing interviews, listing references, or
getting letters of recommendation, is it worth it? But in the end, in a usual scenario, that you
will get hurt and die eventually. Is it worth trying to harm yourself just for benefits that you can
get in the fraternity? No, is it not worth it at all. We can still find another solution to help
ourselves climb higher without getting hurt.

3. Based from the given story, what is the concept of morality that this fraternity

The group or his so-called fraternity brothers of theirs who had been with him that night
banished, avoiding, and refusing to cooperate with legal authorities and unluckily led to the
death of their members, they advocate and violated social and individual morality.

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