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1. Do you consider yourself to be spiritual, religious, or none of both?


Spirituality is believing and understanding the truth within you. The inner beauty of oneself,
acquiring the right attitude and character. Living this kind of life enables a person to have inner peace.
With that, you can also share the positivity to the people around you. How you deal with people around
you. The epitome of general truth and justice. On the other hand, different religious sector and other
denomination proclaims their own principles and understanding of life. The imposing of one’s belief and
perception about how a person must live their lives. I personally believe that there is supernatural being
who created the world and the one who knows the seasons of human life. I consider myself as spiritual
and religious at the same time. I believe that what was stated in the bible is the explanation of the
beginning of life and the end of human life. Despite the fact that it was written years ago, and people
think that is obsolete yet as you observe the bible was used as a reference to the moral laws. And it also
contains and gives explanation about human life. The way to righteousness and the real meaning of love
and compassion.

2. How do you deal with your emotions during this pandemic?

The rapid increase of Covid 19 cases brought fear and trouble to all, it affects literally all aspects of
human life. The feeling of getting anxious of tomorrow since the whole scenario was somehow
unbelievable to happen. Not even one foresees this kind of situation. With that, the fear of death;
witnessing your loved ones suffering and dying arises and bothers the minds of every individual. These
never-ending problems and possible scenarios keep running on my mind. At some point, this whole
situation opened my understanding and realization that everything is temporary, not even our lives will
last. Dedicating your time building and preparing yourself for the future will possibly be wiped away any
time since nothing beats natural disaster or calamity. There is nothing wrong with planning your future
and working on with it but what I am trying to convey is that, on the process of building your future
make sure that you have given extra care for your loved ones and yourself. We cannot predict what will
happen nor when will we leave this world. Nevertheless, focus on the present so that whatever happens
in your life you will never regret a thing in your future.

3. What were your honest view about the topic sexual self?

Sexual self tackles mainly about the sexual being of an individual. The puberty, the reason and
explanation of the changes in our body, feeling s and reaction. Knowing and understanding sexual
self avoids misconception and the wrong way of interpretation of the reaction of your body and how
human feels towards one another. Sex is the identity based on the genitals at birth. While gender
identity refers as to how an individual wants to be identified as, their preferred pronoun. In this
manner, you can be open to any change of preference without getting confused nor judge the
shifting of an individual. The concept of sexual self enlightens gender identification and avoid any
confusion as to why an individual feel that way. On the other hand, everyone should know that
there is a phase in human body wherein you are labeled as sexually mature. When a person is doing
sexual activity knowing that the body is not sexually prepared or mature enough to engaged in
sexual activity then it will surely affect the health of that individual causing the person to experience
various illness. The changes of our body, feelings, and reaction have its purpose and explanation as
well. Truth and knowledge must be known to everyone, thus understanding the concept of sexual
self is important especially to the teenagers who undergo such shifting or transition. Not knowing
such information or being ignorant will cause harm to every individual and most especially the

4. Do you find it awkward to talk about sexual topics with other people? Why or why not? Explain.

People usually disregard the topic since they thought that is somehow sensitive, and others feel
disgusted about it. Rather than avoiding the topic people should be educated about it. When an
individual undergo puberty there are a lot of changes in the human body, causing an individual to
feel and react that way. In this phase the curiosity of an individual arises and without proper
knowledge and guidance about the changes, then negative effect will occur. Such situation that only
brought damage not only to the body but the person’s total moral as well. Also, we all knew how the
percentage of teenage pregnancy and even sex related illness arises such as STD, HIV, AIDS, and
other diseases. The lack of knowledge and information about sexuality made a lot of people do
sexual activities despite the fact their body is not suited and not mature enough to undergo sexual
intercourse. And having different partners without using preventive ways to not acquire any sex
related illness. Not knowing your partner can be a way for the virus to transmit and cause harm to
your body. Every adverse action comes great consequences. Hence, the change of mindset
pertaining to sexual self and its truth is way to address and lessen such problems in the society.

5. Divide the Filipino traits discussed. Which ones do you think are positive, and which ones are
negative? Why? Explain.

The positive traits that Filipinos acquire: Familism or Close Family Relations, the love and
acceptance that you receive from your family is unconditional. We all make mistakes but what binds
a family is the love that they build knowing that they are each other’s strength. With regards to
Bayanihan System (Spirit of Kinship and Camaraderie) you can see that there is unity, the character
and availability to help other people and extending your help to those in need of your help.
Religiosity, it by knowing and understanding what is right, everyone stands on their beliefs and
principles and people should know that respecting each other’s beliefs reflects good principle in life.
Utang na Loob, pertains to repaying the goodness of others to you. It by showing that your grateful
to the help that they offer. Extending help or having compassion to those in need is what Filipinos
acquire, when you have enough of yours then it would be great to also share to others as well.
Euphemism, you can still correct a person by simply explaining to the person in a nice way that he or
she will be educated and without being offensive and disrespectful. Regionalism, you know what
kind of situation and struggles your fellow undergoes and you can also know that and witnessed
theor hardwork. With that giving priority is never bad to begin with. Damayan System, it is by
showing sympathy to the family of the bereaved. Giving financial support to the family especially if
you know that they are also in need. Fun-Loving, Flexibility (Madaling Makibagay)

1. Filipino-Time-Negative

3. Colonial Complex– negtative

4. Tsamba Lang Attitude – negative

8.Crab Mentality – negative

9. Kapalaran Values – negative

11. Ningas-Cogon –Negative

15. Jackpot Mentality – negative

16. Pakikisama – negative

17. Maňana Habit – negative

20. Lack of Sportsmanship – negative

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