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D ecision aid for CA A s to assess alleviation requests

W ill the
I s the r isk be
aviation accept able
§2.3 and §5.3.1 § 5.3.3 and Table 4-1 §5.3.4 and §5.4.9 safet y r isk §5.3.10 w ith §5.3.8, §5.3.9, §5.3.11 §5.3.13 §5.4.3 and §5.4.6
accept able? additional §5.3.10
lim it ation?
Identify U nderstand the need for Assess main Assess impact Define additional N otify ICAO and
appropriate the alleviation and Document,
aviation safety risks Y es
of existing/ Yes risk mitigation and A lleviation States/Service monitor and
experts to review identify/collect/analyze and existing multiple limitations of the granted
Providers of
available data and w ith r isk review
alleviation mitigations alleviations alleviation assessm ent alleviation
information docum ented
for Operational Context Alleviationslikely to Applicability Alleviation Relevant Standard
Problem Statement be unacceptable to Minimum pre-requesities Summary CCRD Entry Required
aleviation Alleviation Summary other States No Alleviationslikely tobe
or CAA §4.3 and §5.3.5 §2.5 and §5.2.5 unacceptable toother States
considering Consider status
alleviations and volume of Coordinate with
expected traffic other entities
for alleviation managing
period non-aviation risks
Y es

§5.3 and 5.3.8 §5.3.12

Assess the
need for No
A lleviation
additional risk not
I s the
Possible mitigations aviation Alleviationslikely tobe
safet y r isk unacceptable toother States
accept able?

T ips for using the flow char t D oc 10144 - Contents Table Q RGs - Contents Table L egend
T his flowchart has been developed to help CAAs; - Alleviation Title
- Ch2: Cooperation, collaboration and communication - PublicationDate
- apply a safety-risk management approach in reviewing - Ch3: Challenges faced at different pandemic stages - Relevant Standard(s)
alleviations, and - Ch4: Identification, collection and analysis of relevant and available data - CCR D entry required
- considerthe latest ICAO guidance to facilitate - Ch5: Application of safety management principles
decision-making on issuance of alleviations - Step 1: PLAN - Problem Statement Process Decision
- 1.1: Assessing the priorities within the aviation sector - Applicability Start Gate
1. It is highly recommended you read ICAO Doc - 1.2: Planning for the restart of operations - Pre-requisites
10144 and the ICAO Q uick Reference Guide - Step 2: DO - Alleviation summary
(Q RG) first before using the flowchart as specific - 2.1: Determining the specific aviation safety risks for the State - O perational context
parts of the guidance are referenced. - 2.2: Taking action to manage and mitigate unacceptable safety risks - Possible M itigations
- 2.3: Identifying human factors and human performance related risks - Alleviations likely to be unacceptable Task Process End
2. Each step has targeted references which point to - 2.4: Developing an approach for evaluating exemptions, including the
specific guidance within Doc10144 (blue note) and need for any appropriate risk mitigations For fur ther infor m ation, please visit
the Q RG (green note). - Step 3: CH ECK AN D ACT https://w w y/COV I D - 19OPS/Pages/Q RGs.aspx#O ver view I CA O D oc 10144
- 3.1: Identifying potential indicators for monitoring the COVID-19
3. A table of contents for Doc 10144 and the Q RGs situation
including respective links to the websites has - 3.2: M onitoring exemptions and the effectiveness of safety risk
provided to help facilitate the navigation. mitigations in place
- 3.3: M onitoring of occurrences and trends
- 3.4: Reassessing priorities and, if required, modifying the strategy, I CAO Q uick
identifying potential unintended consequences Reference Guides
- 3.5: Adapting oversight and surveillance activities
- 3.6: Reporting systems and documenting lessons learned. (Q RGs)
For fur ther infor m ation, please visit w w i- COV I D 19SR M

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