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PSRXXX10.1177/1088868319882596Personality and Social Psychology ReviewParkinson

Original Manuscript

Personality and Social Psychology Review

Intragroup Emotion Convergence:

© 2019 by the Society for Personality
and Social Psychology, Inc.
Beyond Contagion and Social Appraisal Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/1088868319882596

Brian Parkinson1

Mimicry-based emotion contagion and social appraisal currently provide the most popular explanations for interpersonal
emotional convergence. However, neither process fully accounts for intragroup effects involving dynamic calibration of
people’s orientations during communal activities. When group members are engaged in shared tasks, they simultaneously
attend to the same unfolding events and arrive at mutually entrained movement patterns that facilitate emotional
coordination. Entrainment may be further cultivated by interaction rituals involving rhythmic music that sets the pace for
collective singing, dancing, or marching. These rituals also provide an emotionally meaningful focus for group activities and
sometimes specifically encourage the experience of intense embodied states. Intragroup emotion convergence thus depends
on interlocking processes of reciprocated and context-attuned orientational calibration and group-based social appraisal.

emotion contagion, social appraisal, group-based appraisal, relation alignment, shared identity, collective efficacy, collective
emotions, emotion convergence

When emotions are experienced and expressed in social con- normative implications of group membership come into play.
texts, they often induce similar emotions in other people. For Furthermore, group-based social appraisal is supplemented
example, when a person interacts with someone who is and supported by a more dynamic and embodied process of
happy, excited, or anxious, it can make them feel happy, orientational calibration that can lead to distinctively collec-
excited, or anxious too (e.g., Hatfield, Cacioppo, & Rapson, tive effects. Group members adjust to each other’s evolving
1994). When more than two people interact, the social conse- stances to temporally structured group events and their emer-
quences of their emotions can spread more widely into social gent collective emotion is further sustained by the shared
networks and groups (e.g., Van der Löwe & Parkinson, sense of involvement in meaningful social action.
2014), potentially leading to escalating effects. Being sur- The article is organized as follows. In the first section, I
rounded by other people sharing a common emotional out- consider three processes that potentially underlie emotional
look may in turn strengthen each group member’s sense of convergence at the interpersonal level, including not only
solidarity and shared social identity, ultimately leading to mimicry-based contagion and social appraisal, but also a dis-
genuinely collective emotions (e.g., Von Scheve & Ismer, tinctive form of dynamic and reciprocal relation alignment
2013). Thus, crowds of football supporters, or people taking involving orientation calibration, which allows emotional
part in political demonstrations sometimes seem to think, influence to begin before any categorical emotional state has
feel, and act as one (e.g., Drury, Cocking, Beale, Hanson, & consolidated. In the second section, I evaluate evidence for
Rapley, 2005; Neville & Reicher, 2011). the operation of mimicry-based contagion, social appraisal,
Psychologists usually explain interpersonal emotional and orientational calibration in intragroup contexts. I argue
convergence by reference to two alternative processes (e.g., that there is little empirical support for the operation of mim-
Parkinson, 2011). One involves automatic mimicry-based icry-based contagion but that group-based social appraisal
contagion (e.g., Hatfield et al., 1994) and the other involves and orientation calibration both contribute to documented
appraising what is happening in the light of someone else’s examples of intragroup emotion convergence, either singly or
emotional orientation (social appraisal, Manstead & Fischer, in combination. In the third section, I consider how collective
2001). This article evaluates how well these explanations
account for convergent emotions in groups of more than two 1
University of Oxford, UK
people. For example, does the emergence of collective emo-
Corresponding Author:
tion depend simply on a concatenation of interpersonal Brian Parkinson, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of
effects or are genuinely group-level processes implicated? I Oxford, New Radcliffe House, Oxford OX2 6GG, UK
argue that social appraisal operates differently when the Email:
2 Personality and Social Psychology Review 00(0)

Figure 1.  Primitive emotional contagion according to Hatfield and colleagues’ (1994) model.

practices such as interaction rituals facilitate the operation of who is anxious may induce convergent anxiety without any
group-based social appraisal and orientation calibration, and consideration of what they might be anxious about (e.g.,
suggest ways in which these processes might interact in mutu- Parkinson & Simons, 2012). Because the word “contagion”
ally reinforcing ways. I conclude that group emotions often ordinarily implies catching something inherently infectious as
arise from the sense of shared identity and collective efficacy a result of simple proximity, the process is usually thought to
that emerges when interacting individuals are commonly ori- operate automatically and without any need for conscious
ented to temporally structured activities in a shared space. thought (e.g., Le Bon, 1895).
An influential model of this kind of automatic conver-
gence was first developed in the early 20th century by Lipps
Explaining Interpersonal Emotion (1907), whose central interest was “einfühlung” (usually
Convergence translated as “empathy”). Lipps focused on the question of
This section distinguishes three processes that potentially how humans come to perceive the movements of other peo-
explain why people’s emotions might converge with each other ple’s bodies and faces as expressions of underlying emo-
over time. Mimicry-based emotion contagion involves a form tions, thus facilitating a sense of psychological rather than
of automatic interpersonal transfer of the experiential quality of merely physical contact. What makes us feel that there is
emotion regardless of its object orientation. Social appraisal something deeper and more meaningful behind the superfi-
implies that a person takes account of someone else’s emo- cial muscular twitches that we see on someone else’s face?
tional orientation when appraising an object, person, or event. According to Lipps, the answer is that we engage in a form
Orientational calibration proposes that two or more people’s of projective identification, recreating the other person’s
directed attentional activity and bodily movements become experience internally and then attaching it to our perception
aligned in a process of reciprocal adjustment. I argue that the of their bodily movements. In other words, how we see the
evidence for mimicry-based contagion is limited, that social other person is colored by our own private simulation of
appraisal can explain some but not all cases of interpersonal what they are feeling. Such an empathic process can only
convergence, and that orientational calibration represents an work if we first conjure up a matching experience in our-
under explored supplementary mechanism that can explain selves. According to Lipps, achieving this involves automati-
cases of mutual coordination that do not depend on explicit cally moving our own bodies in similar ways to the other
communication of categorical information about emotion. person and registering how that makes us feel. Empathy
therefore depends on a prior process of contagion.
Hatfield, Cacioppo, and Rapson’s (1994) primitive emo-
Emotion Contagion tional contagion (PEC) model provides a more precise speci-
Contagion has been a popular notion for more than a century fication of this prior process. According to PEC, individuals
(e.g., Le Bon, 1895), but as yet there is little consensus about its automatically mimic each other’s facial and bodily move-
definition. Some researchers use the concept in a purely ments (e.g., Meltzoff & Moore, 1977) and the interoceptive
descriptive sense as a name for the phenomenon of emotional feedback from their mimicked responses in turn generates
convergence, regardless of why it might happen (e.g., matching emotions according to the principles of James’s
Elfenbein, 2014; Wróbel & Imbir, 2019). Others treat conta- (1884) peripheral theory. The PEC process thus breaks down
gion as a more specific process that potentially explains that into two stages, the first involving Person B’s mimicry of
phenomenon. For example, van Kleef (2009) argues that emo- Person A’s expressions and the second involving Person B
tional contagion provides a non-inferential route to emotional picking up A’s emotion from the afferent signals provided by
influence, and Parkinson (2011) proposes that contagion their own imitative movements (see Figure 1). Thus, the sen-
implies emotional convergence that operates independent of sations produced by smiling in response to someone else’s
the emotion’s object-directedness. Thus, contact with someone smile are thought to produce a happy experience.
Parkinson 3

How good is the evidence for the PEC model? Many of the amusement (Wagenmakers et al., 2016). Another limitation
supportive studies show that other processes such as social is that most studies have compared conditions in which par-
appraisal do not fully explain emotional convergence but ticipants are made to produce expressions of contrasting
offer no positive evidence for the operation of the postulated valences (e.g., negative vs. positive expressions, Laird,
mimicry-feedback process (e.g., Parkinson & Simons, 2009; 1974), meaning that the findings may only reflect the relative
Totterdell, 2000). The few experiments that have directly levels of pleasure produced by the manipulations and not the
assessed underlying mechanisms have typically yielded nega- specific nature of any associated emotion (e.g., Winton,
tive results. For example, mimicry does not seem to mediate 1986). Explanations in terms of effortfulness or comfort of
effects of interpersonally perceived emotional expressions on holding the face or body in a certain position therefore
experienced emotion (e.g., Blairy, Herrera, & Hess, 1999; remain viable. Studies that compare the effects of producing
Gump & Kulik, 1997; Hess & Blairy, 2001). expressions associated with different negative emotions
Neither mimicry nor feedback seems to yield strong or (e.g., “sad” vs. “fearful” faces, Tourangeau & Ellsworth,
reliable enough effects to generate the kinds and levels of 1979) often find nonsignificant differences in participants’
contagion that are postulated by proponents of PEC theory in self-reports and physiological responses.
any case (Parkinson, 2011). There is some evidence for spon- Even if facial feedback produced stronger and more con-
taneous mimicry in both infants (e.g., Meltzoff & Moore, sistent effects, could it provide the kind of interoceptive sig-
1977, but see Oostenbroek et al., 2016) and adults (e.g., nal that might be sufficient to generate a specific emotional
Chartrand & Bargh, 1999), but its frequency is too low to experience? It remains unclear what aspects of perceived
support a consistent contagion process. In Chartrand and bodily response would be capable of directly inducing plea-
Bargh’s (1999) Experiment 1, for example, participants sure or displeasure or the motivational impulses usually
rubbed their faces on average 2.2 times more often over a associated with qualitatively distinct emotions (Reisenzein
10-min period (i.e., 0.22 times per minute) when exposed to & Stephan, 2014). Indeed, many theorists deny that emo-
confederate who continuously modeled face-rubbing than tional experience can be reduced to the detection of emotion-
when exposed to a confederate who continuously modeled matching internal symptoms in the first place (e.g., Frijda,
foot-shaking. 1986). Feeling one’s body react in a way that corresponds to
When emotionally significant movements are modeled, a particular emotion may well tell you that you are experi-
mimicry seems to depend on prior apprehension of their encing that emotion, but that self-perception alone does not
meaning rather than arising as a direct reaction to their physi- seem sufficient to generate the emotion itself.
cal qualities (Hess & Fischer, 2013). For example, Facial and postural movements probably could not pro-
Halberstadt, Winkielmann, Niedenthal, and Dalle (2009) vide sufficiently diagnostic information about specific emo-
showed participants a series of morphed faces that mixed tions anyway. Durán, Reisenzein, and Fernández-Dols’s
together smiling and scowling configurations in equal pro- (2017) meta-analysis of laboratory and field studies sug-
portions, thereby producing an emotionally ambiguous gested that the facial configurations predicted by Ekman’s
expression. During Phase 1 of the study, these blended (1972) neurocultural theory are produced in only around a
expressions were associated with either the word “happy” or quarter of sampled emotional situations. This level of asso-
the word “angry.” In Phase 2, the same facial stimuli were ciation makes it unlikely that self-perception of facial signals
presented in the absence of any disambiguating emotion (or even the neural motor codes that activate them, for exam-
word. Measurement of participants’ facial muscle activity ple, Neumann & Strack, 2000) can provide any clear indica-
revealed that there was significantly greater tension in the tion of what emotion a person might be experiencing.
brow-lowering muscle (corrugator) while viewing faces that None of this means that interoceptive cues play no role in
had been previously associated with the “angry” label. Thus, perceptions and self-perceptions of emotion. One possibility
participants produced a key component of an “angry” expres- is that registering dynamic changes in the face and body’s
sion when presented with a stimulus face that they perceived combined orientation to what is happening provides a more
as angry, but not when they perceived it as happy. Findings diagnostic specification of the person’s specific emotional
such as this strongly suggest that emotional mimicry depends stance (cf. Aviezer, Trope, & Todorov, 2012). More gener-
on a prior implicit interpretation process rather than direct ally, interoception may combine with exteroception to gener-
matching of movements, thus rendering any subsequent sim- ate emotionally meaningful but context-dependent
ulation of the associated emotional state (e.g., Lipps, 1907) representations (e.g., Barrett, 2017). In either case, PEC
redundant. could not work purely on the basis of internally registering
Reported effects of facial and postural interoceptive feed- what the face and body are doing.
back on emotional experience are at best weak too (Coles, A final issue is that PEC cannot easily account for the
Larsen, & Lench, 2019). For example, meta-analysis of 17 selective operation of emotion convergence in certain kinds
independent replications of Strack, Martin, and Stepper’s of social situations but not in others. For example, a number
(1988) influential study yielded a mean between-conditions of studies suggest that people are more likely to mimic the
difference of 0.03 on a 10-point rating scale representing expressions of friends and ingroup members than strangers
4 Personality and Social Psychology Review 00(0)

and outgroup members (e.g., Bourgeois & Hess, 2008, see interaction between people and no prior intention to clarify
Wróbel & Imbir, 2019, for a review). One possible explana- the emotional meaning of what is happening. For example,
tion for this selectivity is that emotions spread when people Repacholi and Meltzoff (2007) showed that toddlers who
are already inclined to align with each other’s emotional ori- observed a stranger express anger rather than neutrality when
entations because of their affiliative motives or shared social the experimenter played with a novel object subsequently
identity (e.g., Hess & Fischer, 2013). In other words, it is not touched that object for relatively briefer durations. This
the perceptual characteristics of emotion expressions that effect of “emotional eavesdropping” also qualifies as social
underlies convergence but their meaning in the specific appraisal because the child’s appraisal of the object depended
social context in which people interact. This context-depen- (at least partly) on their perception of another person’s appar-
dence of emotional convergence is better explained by ent emotional orientation to it.
accounts based on social appraisal to which we now turn. There are at least two possible reasons for taking other
people’s emotional responses into account when apprais-
ing objects. The first is that they provide information about
Social Appraisal
practical aspects of what is happening that might be
The PEC model contends that convergent emotions are unavailable from other sources (e.g., Bruder, Fischer, &
caused by interoceptive signals according to the principles of Manstead, 2014). For example, toddlers in Sorce et al.
peripheral feedback theory (e.g., James, 1884; Laird & (1985) study wanted to know whether the visual cliff rep-
Bresler, 1992). By contrast, social-appraisal accounts (e.g., resented a barrier to attaining their goal and deferred to
Manstead & Fischer, 2001) adopt appraisal theory’s general their mother’s apparent appraisal of it as dangerous or safe.
assumption that emotions depend on evaluation and interpre- Second, other people’s emotion may indicate the socially
tation of something occurring outside the body (e.g., Lazarus, appropriate or normative way of responding to an object.
1991). From this perspective, events in the mental, physical, For example, toddlers in Repacholi and Meltzoff’s (2007)
or social world need to be appraised as personally significant study may have concluded that touching a toy that pro-
before they can produce an emotional response. duced an angry response from a stranger would make them
How might someone else’s emotion affect appraisal pro- susceptible to disapproval from other people. Similarly,
cesses? According to Campos and Stenberg (1981), individu- Manstead and Fischer (2001) suggest that a person may be
als appraise other people’s responses to objects and events in less amused by a politically incorrect joke when someone
addition to directly appraising those objects and events else seems offended by it. In many cases, social appraisal
themselves. Social appraisal, then, involves arriving at an takes into account both practical and normative consider-
appraisal of what is happening partly on the basis of other ations simultaneously. For example, toddlers may refrain
people’s responses to it. Sorce, Emde, Campos, and Klinnert’s from crossing a visual cliff because their mother’s appar-
(1985) study of social referencing illustrates the operation of ent fear not only suggests that it may be dangerous but also
such a process. Each toddler taking part was separated from implies that she does not want them to move further for-
an attractive toy by a vertical precipice covered by thick ward. As we shall see later in the article, normative consid-
glass (visual cliff). The floor in front of them became visibly erations may play a more prominent role in intragroup
lower but was actually safe to cross. The precipice was not contexts when appraising objects in the light of other
deep enough to scare the toddler off, but also not shallow ingroup members’ emotional orientations.
enough to be ignored. From the other side, the toddler’s PEC implies that emotion convergence depends simply
mother either smiled back or showed a fear face. All toddlers on access to another person’s expressions regardless of
crossed the cliff toward their mother when she smiled, but where those expressions might be directed or what they
very few ventured out across the glass when confronted by might be about (Parkinson, 2011). By contrast, the social-
their mother’s fear expression. Thus, the mother’s apparent appraisal account of emotional convergence applies specifi-
emotion changed the toddler’s orientation to the visual cliff, cally to contexts where two (or more) individuals orient to
making them either more or less willing to crawl onto it. the same person, object, or event in the shared environment.
When she expressed fear, the toddler decided at some level Indeed, evidence from social referencing studies show that
that moving onto the glass was too dangerous to risk. Because adult emotions affect the toddler’s behavior toward the par-
the mother apparently appraised the cliff as threatening the ticular object at which those emotions are directed and not
toddler started to see it as more threatening too. More gener- other objects (e.g., Feinman & Lewis, 1983; Hornik,
ally, other people’s emotions can indicate how to appraise Risenhoover, & Gunnar, 1987), making object-independent
objects or events, thus indirectly leading our emotions to contagion an unlikely explanation.
converge with theirs. Which dimensions of appraisal does social appraisal
Social-appraisal processes need not involve the kind of affect? According to Lazarus (1991, see also Smith &
explicit information-seeking and emotional communication Lazarus, 1993), primary appraisals of the direct personal
that characterize social referencing (e.g., Clément & Dukes, significance of events (their capacity to impede or facili-
2017). They can also operate when there is no direct tate our goals and concerns) may be distinguished from
Parkinson 5

Table 1.  Examples of Appraisal Attributions Based on Perceived Object-Directed Emotions.

Perceived object-directed emotion Attributed appraisal

Interpersonal effects on primary appraisals Emotional orientation to object Motivational relevance
  Pleasure about object Motivational congruence
  Displeasure about object Motivational incongruence
Interpersonal effects on secondary appraisals Hope, confidence about task High coping potential
  Fear, anxiety about outcomes Uncertain coping potential
  Anger, contempt, gratitude Other-accountability
  Guilt, shame, embarrassment, pride Self-accountability
  Sadness, depression Low future expectancy

Figure 2.  Hareli and Hess’s (2010) reverse engineering model of the social appraisal process.
Source. Adapted from Parkinson, 2011, with permission from Blackwell/Wiley.

secondary appraisals of the capacity to cope practically when working out how to make sense of what is happening.
and emotionally with what is happening. Primary apprais- For example, Hareli and Hess (2010) argue that people’s
als determine the resulting emotion’s intensity and valence, knowledge of the appraisals that lead to specific emotions
whereas secondary appraisals determine its specific qual- allows them to work out how another person must have
ity (e.g., as anger rather than fear). Other people’s emo- interpreted and evaluated what happened to produce the
tions may affect both forms of appraisal (see Table 1). In emotion they are evidently experiencing. For example, see-
particular, the mere fact that someone else is orienting ing that someone else is angry may lead you to conclude
emotionally to something may signal that it is potentially that they blame someone else for what is happening to
motivationally relevant for us too (e.g., Shteynberg, 2010), them. Thus, you work backward from an observed emotion
increasing our general tendency to react to it emotionally to infer what specific appraisal must have caused it. This
(e.g., Shteynberg et al., 2014). Furthermore, the perceived “reverse engineering” (or “backtracking,” Elfenbein, 2007)
level of their pleasure indicates the extent to which they process may result in perceivers changing their own
find it motivationally congruent, which may suggest that it appraisal of the emotional object or its normative implica-
is also motivationally congruent for us if the other person tions and consequently experiencing convergent emotions
is a friend or ally (or motivationally incongruent for us if (see Figure 2).
they are an enemy or competitor, for example, De Melo, There is good evidence that cognitively demanding inferen-
Carnevale, Read, & Gratch, 2014). Finally, their expres- tial processes mediate some reported interpersonal effects of
sion of a specific pleasant or unpleasant emotion may tell emotion. For example, Van Kleef, van den Berg, and Heerdink,
us how they appraise their coping potential and what con- (2015) showed that participants’ evaluations of a proposal to
clusions they draw about their own and other people’s introduce a new Olympic sport converged with the perceived
accountability, leading us to make similar or contrasting emotional expression of an apparent expert only in a low cog-
judgments ourselves. nitive load condition. Furthermore, Hareli and Hess (2010)
How exactly does the process of social appraisal oper- demonstrated that perceived appraisals mediated the effects of
ate? One influential account contends that explicit infer- a stimulus person’s emotions on participants’ personality judg-
ences about the implications of a perceived emotion are ments. However, social appraisal may also operate at a less
involved. In other words, people draw on the appraisal- explicit level. For example, Mumenthaler and Sander (2015)
related information provided by someone else’s emotion showed that participants judged a target face as more fearful
6 Personality and Social Psychology Review 00(0)

Figure 3.  Simplified representation of the orientational calibration process.

Note. Shading indicates temporal structure of bodily movements with increasing interpersonal synchronization over time. Real-time effects of specific
directional movements and ongoing effects on the practical situation are omitted for reasons of clarity.

when a subliminally presented peripheral face showed an angry come into play, not all of which necessarily qualify as social
expression with gaze directed at the target but not when the appraisal (Parkinson, 2019).
peripheral face’s gaze was directed away from the target. In
other words, participants apparently registered the implications
Orientational Calibration
of person-directed anger at some level without even being
aware that they had seen an angry face (see also Bayliss, Social appraisal involves arriving at a personal appraisal
Frischen, Fenske, & Tipper, 2007). after factoring in information about another person’s orien-
Outside the laboratory, it is relatively rare to receive a tation to what is happening. In this section, I propose that
one-shot unidirectional communication indicating that people’s orientations may also become more calibrated as a
someone is angry or fearful about something. Studies that consequence of lower level processes that do not involve
have assessed emotion convergence in more interactive registering information about someone else’s specific
contexts often find interpersonal effects that are not medi- object-directed emotion. Instead, separate aspects of Person
ated either by inferences about the other person’s appraisals A’s emotional orientation may bring separate effects on
(e.g., Parkinson, Phiri, & Simons, 2012) or by explicit self- Person B’s orientation. For example, another person’s shift-
reported appraisals (e.g., Bruder, Dosmukhambetova, Nerb, ing gaze may orient us toward a previously undetected stim-
& Manstead, 2012). For example, Parkinson and Simons ulus (e.g., Driver et al., 1999) or the force of someone else’s
(2009) used diary methods to investigate the interpersonal push may induce our direct muscular resistance. Furthermore,
transfer of anxiety about everyday decisions. Participants there is evidence that people automatically synchronize the
reported greater anxiety about decisions when a close other rhythm and tempo of their movements with those of other
also reported being anxious, but this interpersonal effect people (interpersonal entrainment, for example, Bernieri,
was not fully mediated by self-reported risk appraisals and Reznick, & Rosenthal, 1988; McGrath & Kelly, 1986).
remained significant even after controlling for participants’ When interpersonal processes such as this operate recipro-
explicit perceptions of the other person’s anxiety. In other cally, each interactant may be gradually nudged into a more
words, decision-focused anxiety apparently had convergent structured emotional position without ever picking up the
interpersonal effects even when participants were not appraisal-related implications of what the other person is
explicitly aware that anxiety was being expressed by the feeling or doing. Thus, convergent emotional orientations
other person. One possible conclusion is that interpersonal may consolidate from reciprocal adjustments rather than
responses to other people’s emotions depend on explicit from private appraisals about the emotional meaning of
inferences to a lesser extent in contexts where there is someone else’s stance toward an object. This dynamic and
ongoing interaction between people. When there is direct socially distributed process of orientational calibration is
contact with someone else who is also orienting to the same depicted in Figure 3.
emotionally relevant event, non-inferential processes may
Parkinson 7

Table 2.  Examples of Orientational Calibration Effects.

Person A’s object-directed emotion Effect on person B Dynamic reciprocal effects

Emotional orientation to object Cued gaze Calibrated gaze
Positive orientation to object Approach stance Shared approach movements
Negative orientation to object Avoidance stance Shared avoidance movements
High-energy orientation to object Increased action intensity Shared intensity of movements
Calm orientation to object Reduced action intensity Shared reduction in intensity of movements
Change in orientation Adjustment Mutual adjustment

Most studies of social appraisal present participants with involve approach movements whereas emotional orienta-
facial expressions or verbal statements that are specifically tions tend to involve avoidance or withdrawal. In each case,
intended to convey emotional meanings corresponding to another person’s attention and behavior to what is happening
familiar emotion categories. In early social referencing in the shared environment may adjust so that they align with
experiments, for example, mothers were explicitly trained to the corresponding orientations.
display either a prototypical fear face or a happy smile (e.g., Dynamic movements and patterns of eye gaze that are
Sorce et al., 1985). Similarly, investigations of social attuned in real time to unfolding situations are potentially
appraisal in adults have typically presented participants capable of inducing more articulated interpersonal effects.
either with standardized facial stimuli representing basic Their cumulative pushes and pulls ultimately impose a
emotions (e.g., Van Kleef et al., 2015) or with explicit verbal dynamic pattern on the other person’s responses. For exam-
statements about a target’s emotional experience (e.g., Hareli ple, object-directed movements with smooth or jerky tem-
& Hess, 2010). Thus, the research implicitly presupposes poral profiles may entrain correspondingly relaxed or
that the starting point of any emotional influence process is agitated orientations from others (McGrath & Kelly, 1986).
the direct communication of a categorical emotional mean- When two people are jointly performing collaborative
ing (e.g., as conveyed by a face or verbal statement convey- tasks, the temporal structure of those tasks may help them
ing fear, anger, or sadness). Participants then pick up on this align to each other too. For example, dancing together may
meaning and use it as a basis for inference. In other words, facilitate the consolidation of common rhythms of attention
the methodology of these studies specifically encourages and movement (e.g., Reddish, Fischer, & Bulbulia, 2013,
participants to engage in reverse engineering. and see below).
When emotion-related stimuli are presented less explic- The orientational calibration effects shown in Table 2
itly, interpersonal effects are more likely to depend on lower suggest that different aspects of a person’s embodied ori-
level cuing processes. For example, Lee, Susskind, and entation to an object or event in the shared environment
Anderson (2013) showed that participants were better able may separately influence different aspects of another per-
to detect gaze direction from schematic pictures of eyes son’s orientation. However, it is important to note that the
taken from a canonical “fear” expression than from pictures physical and temporal characteristics of these orientations
of “neutral” or “disgusted” eyes. The main reason is that cannot specify the nature of any emotional quality in isola-
“fearful” eyes widen, making the sclera more visible. tion. It is the relation between a person’s movements and
Inversion of these eye stimuli reduced participants’ percep- what is happening around them that gives these move-
tions of their fearfulness but did not interfere with detection ments their emotional character. For example, patterns of
of gaze direction. In other words, gaze could be tracked anxious withdrawal will differ depending on whether the
more accurately from widened eyes, independent of their environment affords hiding from another person instead of
perceived emotional meaning. Widened eyes also improved running away. Unlike PEC, then, the orientational calibra-
discrimination of peripheral stimuli appearing in places tion explanation of interpersonal convergence does not
where their gaze was directed. assume that interoceptive signals are diagnostic of distinc-
Table 2 sets out how orientational calibration may result tive emotional experiences. Indeed, being emotionally ori-
in effects that parallel social appraisal’s consequences for ented to events need not involve any internal registration
different appraisal dimensions. For example, Lee and col- of emotional quality in any case (e.g., Frijda, 2005; Lambie
leagues’ findings suggest that the widened eyes directed at a & Marcel, 2002).
particular object may cue responses that are analogous to
implicit appraisals of motivational relevance. People direct
Section Conclusion
their attention to things that other people seem to be orient-
ing to (e.g., Driver et al., 1999), and this may lead to emo- In this section, I have distinguished three kinds of processes
tional responses further downstream. Furthermore, emotional potentially underlying interpersonal emotion convergence.
orientations to motivationally congruent objects tend to To summarize, emotion contagion involves automatic
8 Personality and Social Psychology Review 00(0)

Table 3.  Alternative Explanations of Interpersonal Emotion Convergence.

Active ingredient of influencing emotion Dependence on interpersonal contact Automaticity

Emotion contagion Quality of emotional experience (excluding Contact required Implicit
Social appraisal Information about object-directed emotion Contact may be remote or indirect Implicit or explicit
Orientational calibration Event-attuned dynamic orientation Direct and continuous contact required Implicit

Figure 4.  An integrated orientational calibration and social-appraisal process.

Note. Person B’s developing emotional orientation may also provide information about emotion and appraisal to Person A as a reciprocal process.

transmission of emotional quality from person to person appraisal. As emotional orientations consolidate, individuals
independent of any object-directedness of the source’s may also start to register the implications of each other’s
affective state, social appraisal involves appraising what is stance for their own appraisal thus producing more explicit
happening partly on the basis of information about some- emotionally convergent effects (see Figure 4). In addition, it
one else’s perceived emotional orientation to it, and orien- is possible that developing emotional orientations have par-
tational calibration involves mutual adjustment of changing allel effects on both interpersonal adjustments and inferential
attentional focus and dynamic embodied stances in relation processes. Thus, a person may simultaneously respond to the
to unfolding events (see Table 3 for a schematic representa- sensory force of an angry shove or shout and to its blame-
tion of these differences). directing meaning. In these cases, orientational calibration
Although orientational calibration and social appraisal are can underwrite and reinforce the pragmatic impact of an
conceptually distinct, Table 3 makes it clear that the pro- emotional communication that also carries semantic implica-
cesses share a common dependence on the object-directed- tions. One of the reasons that expressed anger serves as a
ness of emotions. They both serve the more general function threat is that it is backed up by an evident readiness to push
of relation alignment (Parkinson, 2008), by facilitating the against the obstruction on which it is focused.
interpersonal coordination of emotional orientations to what Despite the frequent mutual interdependence between
is happening. This raises the possibility that social appraisal social appraisal and orientational calibration, the latter pro-
and orientational calibration may work together as well as cess often takes precedence during early stages of emotion
separately. For example, objects that are cued by someone convergence before any articulated emotional meaning con-
else’s gaze might provoke a more explicit process of social solidates. In some cases, an entire interpersonal emotional
referencing that further clarifies their implications for episode may even unfold without either party registering the
Parkinson 9

relational meaning of their own or the other party’s emo- self-reported and video-coded affective state improved
tions, making the operation of inferential forms of social most in conditions where the confederate presented pleas-
appraisal unlikely. ant affect (regardless of the manipulated level of energy).
In the next section, I review research that potentially sup- In other words, the valence of participants’ emotional
ports the operation of emotion contagion, social appraisal, and reactions tended to converge with the confederate’s
orientational calibration in intragroup rather than dyadic con- expressed affect over the course of the discussion.
texts. I will argue that neither mimicry-based emotion conta- Participants’ task performance was also superior in this
gion nor inferential social appraisal is capable of accounting pleasure condition.
for the full range of documented cases of intragroup emotional PEC is clearly one potential explanation for these find-
convergence. However, combining social-appraisal and orien- ings. However, it is also possible that participants simply
tational calibration processes permits a more comprehensive used the confederate’s affective style as a guide to how
understanding. they should act in this relatively unfamiliar social situa-
tion. In other words, the first speaker may have estab-
lished an affective norm for group members (Barsade &
Explaining Intragroup Emotion
Gibson, 1998) much as leaders set the emotional tone for
Convergence subordinates to follow (e.g., Sy, Côté, & Saavedra, 2005;
At one level, a group is simply a collection of more than two Van Kleef, Homan, Beersma, & van Knippenberg, 2010).
individuals. However, group processes depend not only on Thus, participants may have appraised the requirements of
the increased possibilities for interpersonal influence arising the task in ways that factored in the confederate’s appar-
from greater numbers of interacting individuals but also on ent emotional orientation. Alternatively, exposure to a
the capacity to develop distinctive social identities, shared smiling and apparently happy confederate may simply
practices, and collective norms. Group members orient to have contributed to the pleasantness of the situation for
objects and events that have shared significance and that participants.
respond to their combined team-work. These factors also Several other studies have also shown that the affective
transform the operation of processes that contribute to emo- states of people working in groups are often interlinked (e.g.,
tional convergence between group members. In this section, Bartel & Saavedra, 2000; George, 1990; Totterdell, Kellett,
I review research addressing the consolidation of group- Teuchmann, & Briner, 1998). For example, Totterdell (2000)
based emotions and consider the extent to which explana- found that members of a British professional cricket team
tions of interpersonal emotion convergence can be extended tended to share similar levels of happiness at different stages
to accommodate them. of a 4-day match. At each time point, the aggregated affec-
tive state of the team predicted individual players’ affect,
which in turn influenced performance in the game. Players
Intragroup Contagion who reported higher levels of susceptibility to emotion con-
Intragroup contagion involves object-independent automatic tagion (Hatfield et al., 1994) were affected relatively more
convergence of group members’ emotions. Since the time of by other players’ affective states, consistent with the PEC
Le Bon (1895), theorists have resorted to this concept to account. Furthermore, affective similarity between players
explain the supposedly irrational behavior of large collections on each team could not be fully explained either by com-
of copresent individuals such as crowds ending up in states of monly experienced hassles or levels of performance during
mass panic (see Von Scheve & Ismer, 2013 for a review; and the match, suggesting that contact with other team members
Reicher, 1987, for a critique of the irrationalist account). rather than parallel appraisal processes led to the reported
However, most studies that investigate intragroup contagion emotional influence.
focus on smaller numbers of interacting individuals. Although Totterdell’s study provides a compelling exam-
Barsade (2002) presented evidence consistent with the ple of emotional convergence when team members work
operation of multi-person PEC in an organizational con- together over extended periods, realistic settings such as this
text. Participants in her study played the role of managers do not permit experimental or statistical control of all poten-
who each made their case for awarding a bonus to a spe- tially influential variables. This means that the findings can-
cific nominated employee during a simulated team meet- not rule out the impact of other unmeasured aspects of team
ing. The first person to take their turn in the discussion functioning such as team coordination, collective flow (e.g.,
was a male drama student (serving as the experimenter’s Csíkszentmihályi, 1990; Páez, Rimé, Basabe, Wlodarczyk,
confederate) who adopted one of four emotional styles & Zumeta, 2015 and see below), or emergent emotion norms
involving pleasant or unpleasant affect combined with (e.g., Delvaux, Vanbeselaere, & Mesquita, 2015 and see
either high or low energy. For example, in high-energy below) on convergent affect or improved performance.
conditions, the confederate made frequent eye contact, Given the lack of evidence for processes supposedly under-
spoke with a strong voice and sat straight in his chair, and lying PEC documented above, there remain serious ques-
in pleasure conditions, he smiled frequently. Participants’ tions about whether intragroup convergence can really
10 Personality and Social Psychology Review 00(0)

operate without some calibration of group members’ orienta- members’ emotional orientations into account when assess-
tions toward whatever is going on around them. ing the relevance of events for a shared social identity. The
idea is that knowing how your group appraises what is hap-
pening provides guidance about how you should appraise
Intragroup Social Appraisal
things too. In other words, the effect does not only depend on
Group-based appraisal. Appraisal theories argue that emo- private detection of group-relevance but also draws on infor-
tions depend on perceiving the relevance of objects or events mation about other ingroup members’ emotions. Ingroup
to personal concerns (e.g., Lazarus, 1991). Unless what is members need not be physically present to provide this infor-
happening makes a difference to what we want for ourselves, mation. For example, studies of indirect intergroup contact
there is nothing to get emotional about. However, we clearly show that simply being told that a representative of the
have a personal stake in other people’s lives as well as our ingroup has outgroup friends can increase participants’ posi-
own, so emotions need not always depend on direct tive attitudes toward the outgroup (e.g., Wright, Aron,
self-relevance. McLaughlin-Volpe, & Ropp, 1997).
Members of our ingroup often matter to us most. We care Most cases of group-based social appraisal involve less
about whether the sports team or political party we support remote contact with one or more ingroup members. For
prospers or suffers, and our emotions respond accordingly. example, group-relevant appraisals of outgroup members
Perhaps the most influential account of how group affiliation may also be registered by observing a representative of the
impacts on group members’ behavior and experience is based ingroup during an interpersonal interaction. In studies of this
on social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) and its kind of vicarious intergroup contact, participants may be
descendant self-categorization theory (Turner, Hogg, Oakes, able to pick up more differentiated information about the
Reicher, & Wetherell, 1987). According to both theories, ingroup’s orientation to the object of emotion (Van der
associating the self with a group aligns the person’s own pri- Schalk, Kuppens, Bruder, & Manstead, 2015). For example,
orities with those of other group members and motivates that Mazziotta, Mummendey, and Wright (2011) found that
person to promote relevant group concerns. When we cate- German students who watched videos of another German
gorize ourselves in terms of an ingroup social identity, this student having a friendly conversation with a Chinese stu-
tends to make us see things from the group’s perspective too. dent subsequently felt warmer toward Chinese people (see
E. R. Smith (1993) developed an appraisal-based account also Ioannou, Al-Ramiah, & Hewstone, 2017). A control
of group emotions by extending these general principles. He condition in which participants observed the Chinese student
argued that objects and events may accrue significance behaving in similar ways without intergroup contact failed to
because of their relevance to a currently salient social iden- produce a comparable effect, effectively ruling out any
tity and not just an individual’s personal identity. In other explanation in terms of increased knowledge of the outgroup.
words, people appraise things as congruent or incongruent Instead, the effect was mediated both by participants’
with the goals and motivations of the groups with which they increased feelings of self-efficacy about intergroup interac-
identify, and this leads to group-based emotional responses tion and by reduced perceptions of intergroup uncertainty.
(E. R. Smith, Seger, & Mackie, 2007). Consistent with this Mazziotta and colleagues concluded that observing another
account, several studies have shown that group members group member successfully dealing with a potentially diffi-
respond emotionally to events that affect other members of cult social situation showed participants that they might be
their group, even when those events do not affect them per- able to do the same thing themselves. Such an explanation is
sonally in any direct way (e.g., Kuppens, Yzerbyt, Dandache, clearly compatible with social-appraisal theory: the observed
Fischer, & van der Schalk, 2013; Yzerbyt, Dumont, ingroup member’s lack of anxiety and apparent confidence
Wigboldus, & Gordijn, 2003 and see Parkinson, Fischer, & may have led participants to appraise their own coping
Manstead, 2005, for a review). potential more positively (see Table 1, above) and conse-
Group-based appraisal explains how members arrive at quentially changed their emotional response to anticipated
convergent emotional orientations when they all separately intergroup contact. Just as a toddler finds out that a visual
identify with the same group. However, the emotional effect cliff is safe by observing their caregiver’s happy demeanor
depends on each individual’s personal identification and (Sorce et al., 1985), participants in Mazziotta and colleagues’
appraisal processes rather than any influence of other group study apparently inferred that Chinese people presented less
members’ emotions. How identity concerns might affect of an interactional challenge after watching someone from
intragroup responses to expressed emotions is better their ingroup having a relaxed conversation with a member
explained by social-appraisal processes operating between of that outgroup.
group members, as discussed next. More generally, effects of indirect intergroup contact sug-
gest that information about an ingroup member’s emotions
Group-based social appraisal.  Group-based appraisal involves can affect appraisals of objects and events. Indeed, the fact
assessing the relevance of events for a salient social identity. that another person shares your social identity usually makes
Group-based social appraisal involves taking other ingroup it more likely that your appraisals will become aligned with
Parkinson 11

theirs. This kind of convergent effect may be even stronger Delvaux and colleagues (2015) assessed the effects of
after observing an ingroup member with relatively high sta- group interaction on participants’ emotions across a more
tus or power within the group (e.g., Delvaux et al., 2015; Sy extended time scale, allowing a more direct assessment of
et al., 2005), or multiple ingroup members who all show the unfolding process of convergence. Their study focused
similar emotional orientations. on student work teams preparing an assessed assignment
over the course of a University semester. Participants com-
Appraisal norms. As noted above, other people’s emotions pleted on-line questionnaires on four separate occasions
can provide information both about the nature and practical marked by key points in the progress of their joint projects.
significance of the appraised object and about the social Measures included self-reports of anger and gratitude toward
appropriateness of adopting a particular orientation to that other group members and ratings of perceived norms for
object. In group-based social appraisal, the normative impli- expressing each of these emotions while working with other
cations of other ingroup members’ emotions are particularly group members.
important because people are motivated to be part of their Team members’ levels of anger and gratitude converged
ingroup and to gain the approval of other ingroup members. to produce greater intragroup emotional similarity as the
In other words, the emotions of ingroup members exert a project reached completion. Furthermore, the anger and grat-
form of “referent informational influence” (Turner, 1991). itude experienced by the group as a whole at each time point
They show us how the group is inclined to appraise events predicted group members’ individual levels of each of these
and we align with this ingroup appraisal because group emotions at the subsequent time point (even after controlling
membership is a valued part of our identity. for the previous individual-level score), suggesting that par-
Referent informational influence is best illustrated by ticipants were influenced by their earlier sense of how the
studies of group polarization, in which attitudes and opinions group generally felt about what was happening.
become more extreme following discussion with like-minded There was also more direct evidence that emotion norms
people (e.g., Moscovici & Zavalloni, 1969). Other ingroup contributed to their reported effects. Beliefs that anger and
members’ expressed views provide evidence about the gratitude were desirable and appropriate predicted reported
group’s consensual position on an issue (e.g., Mackie & levels of these emotions at the following time point, suggest-
Cooper, 1984). Because members want their group to hold a ing that participants were motivated to bring their appraisals
position that is positively distinctive from rival groups into line with perceived norms. These norms were predicted
(Brewer, 1991), the position they align with may be one that in turn by the emotions reported by group members at the
is more extreme than the apparent consensus (Turner, previous time point, suggesting that participants learnt which
Wetherell, & Hogg, 1989). Because other group members appraisals were appropriate by observing other group mem-
are also aligning to a positively distinctive position, the bers’ emotions.
extremity of the collective view may further increase. At least part of the influence of emotion norms on intra-
The well-documented polarizing effects of group interac- group emotions may depend on explicit emotion-regulation
tion on attitudes seem to be paralleled by convergent effects processes (Porat, Halperin, Mannheim, & Tamir, 2015).
on appraisals of group-relevant issues and associated emo- Group members may actively attempt to change their emo-
tions. For example, Kuppens et al. (2013) presented Belgian tions so that they better match what the group finds appro-
participants with a concocted news article reporting that the priate. In the case of group-based emotions, a possible
sister of the late Belgian singer–songwriter Jacques Brel had upregulation strategy is to work up our level of identification
decided to bequeath his belongings to a museum located in with the group so that group-relevant objects and events are
France rather than Belgium. Participants who collectively more motivationally relevant for us (Goldenberg, Halperin,
discussed this issue subsequently reported higher levels of van Zomeren, & Gross, 2016). For example, we may actively
indignation than those who discussed differences between attempt to focus on what we value about our ingroup or think
traditional and contemporary French chanson. Furthermore, about how much we like its members. This in turn can
between-condition differences in indignation depended on enhance our group-based appraisal of the motivational rele-
the opinions that participants reported expressing during the vance of events that relate to group concerns, thus providing
discussion, thus suggesting that appraisal-related factors an alternative to the more direct reappraisal strategies that
mediated the intragroup effects. Participants who made neg- are common in dyadic or individual settings (e.g., Gross &
ative comments referring to national concerns tended to John, 2003). However, if we already identify strongly with
report greater indignation. In a related study by Yzerbyt, our group, alignment with its norms is likely to occur as a
Kuppens, and Mathieu (2016), self-reported fairness result of a more spontaneous social-appraisal process.
appraisals mediated the emotional effects of discussion. In
other words, other ingroup members’ expressed emotions
Intragroup Orientational Calibration
apparently provided information about the normative
appraisal of a group-relevant issue, to which participants The group-based social appraisal effects discussed in the pre-
were motivated to conform. vious section depend on other group members’ emotions
12 Personality and Social Psychology Review 00(0)

providing identity-relevant information about objects and groups, the rhythm was synchronized across participants
events. However, the emotional orientations of other group thus producing simultaneous movements. For other groups,
members can also help to direct attention and movements each participant moved to a different beat. Participants in the
more directly. Members’ relations with group-relevant events synchronous condition perceived their group as more unified
may reciprocally align with one another as a result of adjust- and shared more money with other members in a subsequent
ing to the changing pushes and pulls of unfolding group cooperation task. These effects were stronger still when par-
behavior. For example, processes of interpersonal entrain- ticipants were explicitly instructed to get into sync with each
ment (e.g., McGrath & Kelly, 1986, and see above) may other. In other words, deliberately trying to act together
spread beyond dyads to get the wider group into sync. Local induces unity more powerfully than simply finding out that
adjustments of the pace and temporal patterning of practical your actions are coordinated with those of other people.
and communicative activities may become more widely dis- Reddish and colleagues concluded that part of the solidarity-
tributed as near neighbors mutually influence one another in inducing effect of moving together depends on a sense of
succession, potentially creating emotional resonance shared intentionality (e.g., Tomasello & Carpenter, 2007).
(Durkheim, 1912). The dynamic structure of a group’s emo- When people’s movements become coordinated, the group
tional actions may therefore consolidate from lower level becomes an entity that actively affords participation thus
orientational calibration processes. adding a sense of flow to collective action (Csíkszentmihályi,
When group members mutually entrain their orientations 1990; Páez et al., 2015). Mutually registered shared inten-
during the execution of a shared task their emotions are also tionality may also be a precondition for the shared sense of
likely to converge. For instance, each member of a tug-of- efficacy that arises when the group works together on a prac-
war team needs to coordinate their allocation of physical tical task (see below).
energy with those of the others who are pulling on the same Can reciprocal temporal coordination explain intragroup
rope. The reciprocated micro-adjustments of their growing emotion convergence too? The evidence presented above sug-
exertions come together in a joint effort that culminates in a gests that people moving together in time tend to like each
release of tension when a backward or forward fall brings other more and sense the group’s shared engagement in an
direct embodied effects on shared experience. activity (Rennung & Göritz, 2016). Moving together in syn-
Orientational calibration is often facilitated by structured chrony increases the feeling that the group is a coherent entity
activities that impose a rhythm and tempo on group mem- heading in a particular trajectory. These processes can cer-
bers’ activities (zeitgebers). Repeated patterns of movement tainly set the stage for intragroup emotion convergence when
provide a common focus and make it easier for people to join members commonly orient to emotionally relevant objects or
in with whatever others are doing. A clear and simple exam- engage in collectively meaningful activities, but are not always
ple is provided by the “muscular bonding” achieved by mili- sufficient to produce genuinely emotional effects on their own.
tary personnel marching in time and in a common direction In the next section, I suggest that orientational calibration
(McNeill, 1995, p. 2). Other communal activities with more often combines with social appraisal and identity-related pro-
complicated dynamic characteristics also encourage tempo- cesses to yield deeper effects on collective emotion.
ral coordination of physical activity (e.g., Henriques, 2010),
thus reinforcing the sense of being and working together (the
Section Conclusion
“corporeal experience of solidarity,” Collins, 2004, p. 48).
Co-actors who are in sync may register the fact that the tem- In this section, I have argued that evidence consistent with
poral structure of other group members’ actions matches the the operation of intragroup emotion contagion can be
internal proprioceptive signals from their own movements explained instead by reference to either social appraisal or
thereby producing a socially extended sense of self (e.g., orientational calibration. Group-based social appraisal dif-
Hove & Risen, 2009; Paladino, Mazzurega, Pavani, & fers from dyadic social appraisal because of the greater pres-
Schubert, 2010; E. Smith, 2008). In other words, they have sures to conformity and ingroup distinctiveness exerted by
an embodied sense that what they are doing personally is multiple ingroup members, and because group members can
directly interlocked with what the whole group is doing. The regulate their emotions in response to these pressures by
resulting loss of boundaries between self and others may in working on their self-categorization and social identification
turn facilitate intragroup transfer of emotion (Smith, 2008). in addition to directly regulating their appraisals. However,
A number of studies have shown that getting people to do not all aspects or cases of intragroup emotion convergence
things in synchrony with one another increases cooperation, depend on social appraisal. Group members may also arrive
solidarity, and mutual liking (e.g., Anshel & Kipper, 1988; at mutually entrained patterns of matching emotional activity
Wiltermuth & Heath, 2009 see Rennung & Göritz, 2016, for and shared states of event-focused attention as a result of ori-
a meta-analytic review). For example, Reddish et al. (2013) entational calibration. The embodied sense of acting together
asked small groups of participants to perform repeated can also produce a corporeal sense of solidarity and blur the
actions, such as moving their legs and arms up and down in boundaries between group members thus making it easier for
time to a metronome beat played over headphones. For some other kinds of emotion to spread too.
Parkinson 13

Collective Practices national anthem was played on the public address (PA) sys-
tem. Slater and colleagues argued that the team’s expressed
Intragroup orientational calibration cannot operate in a social passion in these contexts reflects their solidarity and com-
vacuum. Even if individuals somehow came together ran- mitment to shared aims associated with their country’s fate in
domly, their behaviors would encourage certain interper- the tournament. It also communicates this common sense of
sonal responses and constrain others leading to an emergent purpose to other team members, the fans in the stadium, and
social structure. Collective practices would consolidate over the opposing team who may be intimidated by any apparent
time even if they were not in place already. In this section, I show of strength. Thus, more passionate singing should be
consider how group rituals, shared meanings and unified associated with better outcomes in the match that follows.
social identities facilitate convergent effects of group-based In the study, independent coders of the broadcast TV foot-
social appraisal and intragroup orientational calibration. age rated the extent of each team’s passion based on vocal
volume, facial expressions indicating focus, and physical
closeness between players while the anthem was playing.
Interaction Rituals Higher passion scores were associated with conceding fewer
Groups that endure over sufficiently extended periods of time goals in the subsequent game, and with winning games dur-
often develop their own emotional climates (e.g., De Rivera, ing the knockout phase of the tournament. These findings are
2014), which partly depend on conventionalized practices consistent with the proposal that team members get in tune
that serve to coordinate the emotional orientations of their with each other’s emotional commitment and sense of deter-
members (e.g., by providing a common focus of attention and mination during collective singing rituals. The level of pas-
by orchestrating synchronized patterns of movement, sion they can create by standing and vocalizing together
Knottnerus, 2014). Collins (2014) argues that these “interac- helps to align their emotional orientations and convey their
tion rituals” often specifically serve the function of helping unity to those watching and listening.
people to share emotions (see also Durkheim, 1912). Because Slater and colleagues (2018) were unable to col-
Songs and dances provide instructive illustrations of lect data from players prior to their collective singing, the
interaction rituals because the rhythmic muscular move- apparent effects of shared passion may in fact have depended
ments involved also carry collective symbolic significance. on preexisting differences in teams’ solidarity or collective
Thus, the solidarity-inducing effects of entrained activity are efficacy. However, Páez and colleagues (2015) used a longi-
reinforced by a shared focus on emotionally meaningful tudinal design to demonstrate that marching and singing dur-
objects. For example, Heider and Warner (2010) investigated ing the Tamborrada (communal drum march) in the Spanish
devotional four-part harmony singing following the “Sacred city of San Sebastian led to an increased sense of being at
Harp” tradition in the southern United States, which they one with the group (identity fusion, Swann, Jetten, Gómez,
argue produces a new sense of community for otherwise dis- Whitehouse, & Bastian, 2012, and see below). In a subse-
parate individuals. Singing sessions create a collective expe- quent study reported in the same article, these authors also
rience by virtue of mutual embodied intragroup influence, provided experimental evidence suggesting that participa-
carried by members’ joint attention to the sounds they are tion in a staged interaction ritual produced higher levels of
producing and the sacred symbolic text those sounds ani- empowerment (as indexed by self-report items from a mea-
mate. Trebles, altos, tenors, and basses face each other on sure of collective self-esteem, Luhtanen & Crocker, 1992).
separate crowded benches arranged in a “hollow square,” Interaction rituals such as group singing may be explicitly
their voices reverberating in time with the rhythm. Heider orchestrated by individuals or subgroups to induce convergent
and Warner report that participants experience intense emo- emotions in a more inclusive collective, thus providing an
tions during their singing sessions, often turning to face their example of intragroup emotion regulation (see Goldenberg
neighbors while delivering particularly relished lyrical et al., 2016; Mackie & Smith, 2018). For example, Granström
phrases. Performances usually conclude with hugging and a (2011) analyzed fans’ chants during Swedish ice hockey
sense of mutual good will, suggesting that this interaction matches. Some of these chants explicitly induced solidarity
ritual yields convergent emotional orientations both to fel- between supporters by emphasizing common identity or the
low group members and the songs they sing together. team’s positive qualities. The team was described as “the best”
Coordinated singing of emotionally meaningful verses is or its name was repeated, often preceded by “Come on!”
capable of channeling common identification with a country Designated cheerleaders often initiated this kind of chant at
or its representatives in addition to creating communal reli- specific times when there were aggressive or hostile murmur-
gious fervor. Slater, Haslam, and Steffens (2018) assessed ings in other pockets of the crowd, or when fans were becom-
effects of the collective expression of “passion” during pre- ing disheartened after a setback in the game. Their apparent
match ceremonies in the 2016 Union of European Football purpose was to shift the emotional register of the group.
Associations (UEFA) Euros soccer tournament. Before each Certain group members can thus take on the specific responsi-
game, players in each team stood in a row, often with arms bility of setting the tone for convergent collective emotions
around each other’s shoulders, and sang along while their and their regulatory efforts exploit the solidarity-inducing
14 Personality and Social Psychology Review 00(0)

effects of synchronous activity (e.g., Wiltermuth, 2012), as from watching football matches together. In related research,
well as communicating normative information. Novelli, Drury, Reicher, and Stott (2013) found that shared
The effects of interaction rituals on intragroup emotion group identification increased tolerance for overcrowding at
convergence seem to depend on orientation calibration com- a well-attended music festival and thereby enhanced emo-
bined with group-based social appraisal. Participants register tional well-being. Getting close to people who accept you
their entrained common orientation toward collectively and whose outlook matches your own during interaction ritu-
meaningful symbols and practices and calibrate their move- als can clearly be a pleasant experience. This positive sense
ments and appraisals accordingly. Mutual appreciation of the of sharing identity may partly depend on emergent emotional
emotional significance of their shared activities may further convergence. Hearing the roar of the crowd as a member of
enhance sensitivity to each other’s movements thus increas- your team closes in on goal makes the common purpose
ing behavioral synchronization and leading to escalation of manifest to all the fans who are watching and increases the
downstream emotional consequences. prospect of sharing emotions too. In other words, the effects
of other group-members’ convergent emotions on shared
Shared Identity identity may further reinforce emotional convergence.

Other people’s emotions provide information not only about

how the ingroup appraises identity-relevant events, but also Registering Collective Efficacy
about their common alignment to the same identity concerns.
Shared identity can bring additional effects when group
For example, we may become more confident about someone
members are working together on a practical task rather than
else’s political allegiance when we see their emotional reac-
simply spectating. Groups whose members are commonly
tion to public pronouncements by spokespeople from rival
oriented to the same goal and effectively coordinate their
parties. Along these lines, Livingstone, Shepherd, Spears, and
actions are usually capable of achieving more than any indi-
Manstead (2016) manipulated information about the emo-
vidual operating in isolation (see Stroebe & Diehl, 1994, for
tions expressed by other students in response to a supposed
possible exceptions in brainstorming contexts). Registering
proposal to toughen the marking of university exams and
the unfolding effects of collective effort can consequently
assignments that was ostensibly intended to combat grade
produce more powerful emotional outcomes. Indeed, the
inflation. Angrier participants were more likely to see them-
larger the group, the greater its potential for achieving wide-
selves as sharing a common social identity with other partici-
ranging and impactful results with knock-on consequences
pants who appeared to be similarly angry about this proposal. for the intensity of emotional engagement. For example,
They were also more inclined to select participants with simi- 6,000 U.K.-based anti-traffic protestors overcame police
lar levels of anger as work-mates for a subsequent task. These resistance in 1996 to occupy part of an elevated section of the
effects of “emotional fit” (Livingstone, Spears, Manstead,
M41 motorway, where they held a party and drilled holes in
Bruder, & Shepherd, 2011) were not simply a result of simi-
the asphalt to plant trees. One participant described the cel-
larity in attitudes because other participants who were pre-
ebration in the following terms:
sented as equally disapproving but not angry were nominated
relatively less often. Thus, observed emotions can provide If you’re left completely free to do whatever you want, it doesn’t
social information that helps people to define group boundar- feel as wa-hey! exciting as, as the whole crowd pulling together
ies (Oakes, 1987), and to recognize that other people share the against some opposition and then achieving what it wants, cos
same social identity. This in turn may facilitate further cali- you all feel like this sense of unity, and purpose. (Drury et al.,
bration of emotional orientations in a positive feedback loop. 2005, p. 316)
A convergent emotional orientation indicates common iden-
tity, and that common identity leads group members to align Although this collective excitement partly depended on the
with each other’s emotional orientation. successful outcomes of the group’s action, Drury and col-
Like most social-appraisal researchers, Livingstone and leagues specifically emphasized the role of the positive sense
colleagues presented explicit information about other peo- of empowerment that can arise when large groups engage in
ple’s emotions to participants, thus encouraging an inferen- shared activities. Registering the task-oriented mastery-
tial process whereby participants drew conclusions about related emotions (including excitement and hope) of multi-
social identity. When people occupy a shared space and are ple ingroup members was probably one of the factors
mutually engaged with the same temporally articulated contributing to this extended feeling of mutual strength. In
events, the perception of their emotional orientations con- other words, a sense of collective efficacy may emerge from
verging dynamically with our own may produce deeper and reciprocated emotional expressions that indicate high levels
more involving states of mutual alignment (Páez et al., 2015). of coping potential (see Table 1), as well as from the more
For example, Neville and Reicher (2011) interviewed sup- practical outcomes that the group achieves.
porters of Dundee United soccer club, who reported that they Consistent with such an account, Hopkins and colleagues
derived a sense of belonging, acceptance, and validation (2016) investigated the experiences of religious pilgrims
Parkinson 15

attending an annual month-long Hindu festival (the Magh self-other boundaries induced by simultaneous sensory expe-
Mela) in Allahabad, India. Some of the most devoted attend- rience (e.g., Paladino et al., 2010) requires further investiga-
ees (known as kalpwasis) stayed for the entire period keeping tion, but it seems clear that the collective emotional
to a rigorous spice-free vegetarian diet and engaging in regular consequences of mutually entrained participation in shared
rituals and prayers. Adherence to these restrictive devotional activities can intensify when those activities are arousing or
practices was facilitated by close contact with other kalpwasis otherwise out of the ordinary.
who prevented distraction and set appropriate examples for
each other. Perhaps surprisingly, kalpwasis described their
Section Conclusion
experience of the Mela as one of sublime bliss (ananda),
explicitly rating themselves as more happy and fulfilled than Collective emotions often depend initially on dynamic
they had ever felt before. Based on regression analyses, the mutual entrainment of movements and behaviors shaped by
investigators concluded that increases in feelings of being sup- group practices with temporal, practical, or symbolic struc-
ported by other group members and collective empowerment ture. People register their common membership of a group
both contributed to the shared state of ecstasy. by performing temporally articulated activities together
(Smith, 2008). Emotional orientations to these activities cali-
brate thus increasing the sense of group unity and purpose,
Intense Embodied Experiences which in turn facilitates further emotional calibration (e.g.,
Another possible reason why kalpwasis experienced conver- Páez et al., 2015). Working together on practical tasks
gent ecstasy in Hopkins and colleagues’ (2016) study relates increases the capacity to achieve change and group members
(somewhat paradoxically) to the extent of their self-imposed apprehend their collective efficacy with additional emotional
deprivations. Swann et al. (2012) argue that intense physical consequences (e.g., Drury et al., 2005). When group activi-
states of extreme arousal, excitement or suffering intensify the ties also produce intense embodied effects, this too can esca-
sense of unified agency and animated solidarity induced by late emotional responsivity (e.g., Konvalinka et al., 2011).
collective practices. For example, some initiation rites involve To the extent that group members arrive at matching pat-
psychoactive drugs, serious danger, or physical damage to the terns of expression and action as a consequence of these pro-
body (Whitehouse, 1996). Konvalinka and colleagues (2011) cesses, they have no need to rely on mimicry-based
investigated a fire-walking ritual taking place at summer sol- interoceptive feedback to register their emotional engage-
stice in a small Spanish village. During this interaction ritual, ment with unfolding events. Instead, their common orienta-
participants first dance around the dying flames as loud music tion is evident in the mutually attuned object-directed stances
plays and the crowd cheers them on. A trumpet then signals of the people around them with whom they directly share
each person’s turn to walk barefoot across glowing embers agency. Registration of the group’s synchronized object-
that can reach a surface temperature of 677 °C. directed evaluative activities provides a sense of collectively
For Konvalinka and colleagues’ study, both fire-walkers shared emotion. Other ingroup members’ emotional
and spectators wore compression belts that monitored their responses may also activate group-based social-appraisal
pulse throughout the ritual. Spectators’ heart rates were rela- processes by providing information not only about the emo-
tively slower but showed similar dynamic patterns of change tional significance of what the group is doing (e.g., Slater
to those of the fire-walkers themselves, consistent with a et al., 2018), but also about shared allegiance to a common
process of affective synchronization or dynamic entrainment cause (e.g., Livingstone et al., 2011). In collective copresent
(see also Xygalatas, Konvalinka, Bulbulia, & Roepstorff, settings, both kinds of social appraisal usually run in parallel
2011). Evidence from a related study also suggested that with orientational calibration with each process reinforcing
increases in physiological arousal experienced during a simi- the emotionally convergent effects of the other.
lar ritual were accompanied by high levels of self-reported
happiness when the fire-walking finished (R. Fischer et al.,
2014). Apparently, then, fire-walkers can serve as conduits
General Conclusion
for a form of collective emotional heat. In this article, I have distinguished three processes that
According to Swann et al. (2012), participation in this potentially account for emotion convergence in interpersonal
kind of intensive collective practice not only produces stron- and intragroup settings. I argued that forms of emotion con-
ger cognitive identification with the group but also leads to a tagion based on mimicry have little empirical or theoretical
more visceral fusion of identity where personal agency is support, but that both social appraisal and orientational cali-
experienced as expressing the collective will of the group. If bration provide viable explanations of the transfer of object-
so, identity fusion may also transform the experience of directed emotion from one person to others. These two
group-based emotions so that individual selves channel the relation alignment processes often work together and bolster
affect and energy of the group members around them. Exactly each other’s social effects.
how the identity fusion construct relates to shared identity Does intragroup emotion convergence arise in the same
and collective empowerment and differs from the blurring of ways as interpersonal emotion convergence? Increasing
16 Personality and Social Psychology Review 00(0)

numbers of reciprocally interacting individuals certainly implicit and inferential group-based social appraisal, and
bring the potential for stronger effects, but is the quality as intragroup orientational calibration all seem to contribute to
well as quantity of social influence different? This article has the reported effects. Each of these processes involves align-
proposed that the nature and extent of both social-appraisal ment of group members’ orientations to the collectively
and orientational calibration processes are transformed in meaningful events to which the group is exposed or in which
intragroup contexts for a number of reasons. it participates more directly. However, their responsiveness to
First, people attend to the orientations of ingroup mem- different factors allows researchers to determine their relative
bers relatively more because they not only provide more contribution to collective emotions. For example, the opera-
trustworthy information about practical aspects of what is tion of group-based social appraisal depends on emotion attri-
happening but also indicate the group’s normative stance. bution, self-categorization, and social identification, but
Second, group members’ desire to belong to a positively dis- orientational calibration need not involve any explicit regis-
tinctive group (e.g., Brewer, 1991) often encourages them to tration of group—related or emotion-relevant information.
align with a position that is more extreme than the perceived Orientational calibration is specifically distinguishable by its
group norm (e.g., Turner et al., 1989), potentially producing close dependence on temporal coordination of movements
escalating effects on appraisals and emotions when multiple and attunement to social signals. Finally, regulatory processes
group members register and respond to one another’s appar- are activated by identification of a regulatory concern and ter-
ent orientations. Third, group norms may lead members to minated by the removal of that concern and are therefore
regulate their emotions so that they better match those identifiable on the basis of their persistence when thwarted
favored by other group members. In group rather than dyadic (e.g., Maitner, Mackie, & Smith, 2006). Future research
contexts, an additional strategy for achieving this regulatory should attend to these potential mediators and moderators of
goal involves working up your level of ingroup identification intragroup convergence effects to clarify which combinations
to produce an indirect reappraisal effect (Goldenberg et al., of processes are operating in different contexts.
2016). For example, actively reminding yourself about a This article has focused mainly on intragroup processes
group’s personal significance to you can boost the motiva- and said relatively less about how convergent intragroup ori-
tional relevance of events relating to group concerns and entations to emotional events are affected by intergroup rela-
consequently produce stronger group-related emotions. At a tions (see Mackie & Smith, 2018). It is important to
less strategic level, increased attention to other ingroup acknowledge that group members who align with a shared
members’ orientations also makes people more susceptible identity are often also aligning themselves in opposition to
to the effects of gaze-cuing and behavioral entrainment, the identity of a competing or antagonistic outgroup (Iyer &
which both contribute to intragroup orientational calibration. Leach, 2008). A fuller understanding of intragroup emotion
Because these processes operate reciprocally between mul- convergence awaits further consideration of how these inter-
tiple group members, the potential for emotional resonance group dynamics might impact on the relation-aligning pro-
correspondingly increases. cesses distinguished above.
Another difference between intragroup and dyadic con- A final issue that requires further research attention is the
texts is that groups are often engaged in consequential activi- role of physical copresence in intragroup emotion conver-
ties that have a shared emotional meaning for their members. gence processes (e.g., Parkinson & Lea, 2011). Shteynberg
Those activities attain a coordinated temporal structure as a and colleagues’ (2014) showed that the mere perception that
result of reciprocal entrainment, which is further sustained other ingroup members are attending remotely to emotional
by the zeitgebers provided by the temporally articulated objects can intensify affective responses (arguably because it
unfolding situation to which group members are commonly activates social appraisals of motivational relevance) raising
orienting. More strategic emotion-regulatory processes may the possibility that mass communication may escalate emo-
contribute to these entrainment processes too. For example, tional convergence (Shteynberg, 2015). However, the analy-
people who are instructed to get into sync with each other’s ses of dynamic entrainment, shared identity, and collective
temporally structured movements (e.g., Reddish et al., 2013) efficacy presented above apply best to situations where
need to provide overt cues that can help those other group group members are able to interact freely with one another
members people pick up the rhythm. It seems likely that they and work together in a shared space. Does this mean that
also make an effort to display their dynamic emotional orien- emotion convergence in online communities (e.g., Skowron
tations to those around them for similar reasons. More gener- & Rank, 2014) depends on a more restricted range of pro-
ally, group members are often motivated to bring other cesses based exclusively on inference-based social appraisal
members’ emotions into line with those of the group as well and strategic regulation? Does the addition of supplementary
as to align their own emotions with perceived group norms channels of information correspondingly increase the possi-
(e.g., Delvaux et al., 2015; Porat et al., 2015). bilities for reciprocal emotional influence, with virtual real-
Evidently, no single explanatory mechanism applies to all ity ultimately providing a perfect simulation of genuine
possible aspects of intragroup emotion convergence. social and environmental contact? And do new media gener-
Processes of strategic group-directed emotion regulation, ate as yet undiscovered possibilities for coordinating
Parkinson 17

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