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A : 25% B : 0% C : 50% D : 25%


原因是什么?首先,选项中有 3 个答案,25%,0%,50%,我们逐一分析。

如果你选择 25%,即你选择:这道题你做对的概率是 25%。但是,选项中有两个 25%,所以可以

推断出,你真正答对这道题的概率是 50%。

如果你选择 0%,即你选择:你做对这道题的概率是 0%。但是,选项中有一个 0%,所以可以推断
出你实际做对这道题的概率是 25%。

如果你选择 50%,即你选择:这道题你做对的概率是 50%。然而,选项中只有一个 50%,所以可
以推断出你实际答对这道题的概率是 25%。

1- 如果你做对这道题的概率是 25%,可以推断出你做对这道题的概率是 50%。

2- 如果你答对这道题的概率是 0%,可以推断出你答对这道题的概率是 25%。

3- 如果你答对这道题的概率是 50%,可以推断出你答对这道题的概率是 25%。

如果你把【A 是正确的】作为一个前提,你可以推断出,【A 是不正确的】。

逻辑悖论 "的解释:。

巴伯悖论 "的解释:。

Puzzle: If you choose the answer at random, what is the probability that you will get this question right?
A : 25% B: 0% C: 50% D : 25%

Answer: Any one of the options is wrong.

Reason: First of all, there are 3 answers in the options; 25%, 0%, 50%, and we analyze them one by one.

If you choose 25%, i.e., you choose: the probability that you get this question right is 25%. However,
there are two 25% in the options, so it can be deduced that the probability of you actually getting this
question right is 50%.


If you choose 0%, i.e. you choose: the probability that you get this question right is 0%. However, there
is one 0% in the options, so it can be inferred that the probability that you actually got this question
right is 25%.


If you choose 50%, i.e. you choose: the probability that you get this question right is 50%. However,
there is one 50% in the options, so it can be deduced that the probability of you actually getting this
question right is 25%.

In short

1- If the probability that you got this question right is 25%, it can be deduced that the probability that
you got this question right is 50%.

2- if the probability that you got this question right is 0%, it can be deduced that the probability that you
got this question right is 25%.

3- if the probability that you got this question right is 50%, it can be deduced that the probability that
you got this question right is 25%.

In other words,

If you take [ A is correct ] as a premise, you can infer that, [ A is incorrect ].

This is a 【logical paradox】. One of the most famous logical paradoxes is【Barber paradox】.

Explanation on 【logical paradox】:

Explanation on 【Barber paradox】:

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