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English Evaluation No 1. 2nd Year 20 pts.

Name: Karlen Rodriguez.
Section: B
No of List: 28
Date: 07/11
Part I. - Verb To Be. Complete, Use Am – Is – or Are. (5 pts)

I am intelligent.
02) You are young.
03) They are teachers.
04) We are dancers.
05) He is drinking wine.
06) It is cold.
07) We are singing.
08) She is young.
09) We are students.
10) He is my best friend.

Part II. - Put the sentences in correct order. (5 pts) (ordenar)

1. - brothers – are – in- not - My – office – the - now
My brothers are not in the office now

2. - very – Ruben – of - family – is – good – my – friend – a

Ruben is a very good friend of my family

3.- ? - you – the – Are – park – in – now

Are you in the park now?

4. - classroom – is – in – teacher – the – students - Susan – with – the – all – and- the -
Susan is in the classroom whit the teacher and the all the students’ now

5.- Charles – in – and – are – Julia – the - library

Charles and Julia are in the library
Part III.- Correct the mistake. (3 pts.) (Corregir el error)
Copiar nuevamente la oración corrigiendo el error que está en negrita
1. - Are Susan ? in class
Are Susan in class?

2. - Luis and Pedro am in the park

Luis and Pedro are in the park

3. - I are not in the museum

I am not in the museum

4. - ¿ Am the lion in the zoo

Are the lion in the zoo?

5. - The boys is in the English class now.

The boy are in the English class now

6. - He are my best friend

He is my best friend

Part IV. Underline: Subject + Verb + Negative + Predicate (3 pts)

(Subrayar 1 línea el sujeto, 2 líneas Verbo, 3 líneas Negación, 4 líneas el predicado o

1.- She is not from Germany. 

2.- Is he 39 years old? 

3.- I am in the classroom.

4.- Are they friends?

5.- The boys are in the classroom now

6.- The students are not in the gym now

Part V.- Translate into Spanish and Select the correct answer in English ( 4
Soy John y soy dentista. Reviso tus dientes y encías. Algunos pacientes vienen
a mi consultorio con muy fuertes dolores de muelas. Trato bien a todos mis
pacientes y les digo que sonrían siempre. En mi tiempo libre me encanta

1. John is a…:
a) Doctor
b) Teacher
c) Dentist ✔
2. John check our teeht and...:
a) Hair
b) Tongue
c) Gums ✔
3. How does John treat his parents…:
a) Properly
b) Badly
c) Happily ✔
4. What does John love to do in his free time...:
a) Dance
b) Sing✔
c) Sleep

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