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Activity 2&3 - Making Flat Correction and Processing (With Master Bias)

Danao, Marc Edzel G.

Miraña, Marion Allyonka A.

Sacyaten, Trixie G.
We chose “NSVS56550671” for this activity.
We sorted the files based on their bands (I, V, & R) and their correction (Flat & Bias).
Let’s start with I Band. Here are the fits files of the unclean NSVS56550671 (I Band).
We prepared a master bias file (master_bias.fits) for the IVR images. We did not document the process
on how to make master bias since it is not on the scope of our activity (look on Activity 1).
We opened IRAF.
We went to ccdred (ecl> noao> imred> ccdred).
We also opened ds9.
We pressed “ls” first to determine the files and then we listed the I flat images into “Flat_I.list”.
We checked the content of “Flat_I.list” using “cat Flat_I.list”.
We combined the I flat images using “epar flatcombine”. Here are the flatcombine parameters. (ccdtype
to none “press Shift + Enter”, process and subsets to “no”) And we pressed “:g” to process.
Here is our master flats (master_flat_i.fits) in our directory.
Here is the master flat file (master_flat_i.fits) displayed using ds9 (I Band).
We opened one unlean image of NSVS56550671 using ds9.
We listed the I images into “NSVSI.list”. We checked the content using “cat NSVSI.list”.
Here is the “NSVS.list” in our directory.
To clean the images we are going to use “ccdproc” task. So to change its parameters, we are going to
type “epar ccdproc”.
Here are the parameters. (images = @NSVSI.list, output = r_@NSVSI.list, ccdtype = to none “Shift +
Enter”, fixpix, overscan, and trim to “no”, we typed “yes” to zerocor and flatcar since it is the correction
that we will be using)
We typed “Bias.fits” to zero since it is our master bias correction and “FlatI.fits” to flat since it is our
master flat correction (I Band). We put [1] in the bias file to determine its extension.
Here is the output file. It has “r_” in the beginning.
Here is one of the unclean NSVS6550 images (I Band).
Here is one of the cleaned NSVS6550 images (I Band).
We repeated the same process with V & R
Here is one of the unclean NSVS6550 images (V Band).
Here is one of the cleaned NSVS6550 images (V Band).
Here is one of the unclean NSVS6550 images (R Band).
Here is one of the cleaned NSVS6550 images (R Band).

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