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Department of the Interior and Local Government

Bureau of Local Government Supervision

Interim Secretariat of the Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)


List of Performance Parameters and Criteria

Indicator 2019 RA 11292 IRR of RA

SGLG 11292
Area 1: Financial Administration or Financial Sustainability
1 Unqualified or qualified COA opinion √ √ √
2 Compliance with Full Disclosure Policy and e-SRE posting √ √ √
3 Local revenue growth √ √
4 Functional local development council: (a) composition; (b) meeting; (c) all plans- PDPFP/CDP, LDIP and AIP; √
and (d) satisfactory participation of CSOs
5 Utilization of 20% component of IRA (Development Fund) √ √
6 Utilization of Performance challenge fund, if applicable √
7 Utilization of Assistance to Municipalities fund, if applicable √
8 Approved budget √
9 Posting in under LGU Integrated Financial Tools (LIFT) System √

Area 2: Disaster Preparedness

10 Gawad KALASAG LDRRMC National Awardee/ Hall of Famer* √ √ √
*not included *not included
11 Established structures and manpower complement: (a) Convened LDRRMC; (b) Plantilla LDRRMO head; (c) √ √ √
Plantilla LDRRMO staff complement
12 Plans available: (a) PDPFP or CLUP; (b) LDRRM Plan and Budget; (c) LLCAP; (d) Contingency Plan; (e) √ √ √
13 Utilization of 70% component of LDRRMF √
14 Early warning system √ √ √
15 Evacuation management: (a) evacuation center facilities; (b) registration; (c) prepositioned goods and √ √ √

resources; (d) info guides of barangays*

[*Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “working early warning and evacuation alert system…xxx.., and standard operating
procedures in the event of disaster or calamity”]
16 Standard operating procedures √ √ √
17 Equipped trained SAR/ ER teams √ √ √
[Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “working early warning and evacuation alert system…xxx.., and standard operating
procedures in the event of disaster or calamity”]
18 Operations center √ √ √
[Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “working early warning and evacuation alert system…xxx.., and standard operating
procedures in the event of disaster or calamity”]
19 ICS training √

20 SOP for pre-emptive and forced evacuation √ √ √

SGLG List of Performance Parameters Page 1 of 4

Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Local Government Supervision
Interim Secretariat of the Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)

Indicator 2019 RA 11292 IRR of RA

SGLG 11292
[Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “working early warning and evacuation alert system…xxx.., and standard operating
procedures in the event of disaster or calamity”]
Area 3: Social Protection and Sensitivity Program
21 Seal of Child-friendly Local Governance Award √
22 GAD mechanism √
23 VAWC mechanism [Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under providing access to justice, particularly in cases of violence √ √ √
against women and children]
24 Local code for children √
25 PWD accessibility facility in LG buildings √ √ √
26 Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) √
27 Accredited LGU residential care facility √ √ √
28 Registered LSWDO √
29 IP mandatory representative √ √ √
30 Absence of illegal dwelling units/structures, OR LGU efforts for resettlement of informal settlers √
31 Access of PWDs, senior citizens and pregnant women in frontline services* √ √
*in social
32 NGO representation in LDC and other special bodies *listed under FA √ √

Area 4: Health Compliance and Responsiveness

33 Philhealth accreditation of hospitals and health centers for MCP, PCB and TB-DOTS √
34 Access to nutritious, safe and affordable food √ √
35 Conduct of physical activities in communities and school √ √
36 Regulation of tobacco sale and use, harmful alcohol consumption and use of illicit drugs √ √
37 Access to safe water and sanitation *implementation √ √
monitoring of
program (under
38 Implementing immunization programs √ √
[Rephrased in IRR to: Implementing programs for immunization, prevention and control of communicable diseases, and health
emergency management]
39 Access to primary health care e.g., prevention programs for hypertension, diabetes and cancer √ √
[Rephrased in IRR to: Ensuring access to essential health commodities and primary health care including prevention programs for
hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and other non-communicable diseases, and programs that promote mental health]
40 Establishing local surveillance and epidemiology systems √ √

Area 5: Programs for Sustainable Education

41 Fund utilization or completion of Local School Board Plan √
[In the law and IRR:Positive results produced by Local School Board Policies and Programs, such as items (i) to (v)]
42 (i) Increased participation rate of students √ √

SGLG List of Performance Parameters Page 2 of 4

Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Local Government Supervision
Interim Secretariat of the Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)

Indicator 2019 RA 11292 IRR of RA

SGLG 11292
43 (ii) Decreased number of dropouts and out-of-school youth √ √
44 (iii) Increase in cohort survival rate √ √
45 (iv) Increase in achievement scores (national tests/ assessment tools) √ √
46 (v) Child development centers √ √
47 Support to special education and alternative learning system and parent effectiveness service program √ √

Area 6: Business-friendliness and Competitiveness

48 PCCI’s Most Business-Friendly LGUs Award Finalist √ √ √
49 Ranked among the Top 50 Cities and Top 50 Municipalities in the Competitiveness Index √ √ √
50 Established LEIP Officer √ √ √
51 Updated citizens charter √ √ √
52 Simplified business processing and licensing system √ √ √
[In IRR: streamlined process in doing business]
53 Computerized tracking system of economic data √ √ √
[In IRR: updated local economic development (LED) data]
54 Updated local investment and incentives code √ √ √
55 Utilization rate of Conditional Matching Grant to Provinces (CMGP) for Road and Bridges √

Area 7: Safety, Peace and Order

57 Passed the POC Performance Audit √
58 Convened POC √ √ √
59 Accomplishment of Peace and Order, and Public Safety Plan (POPSPLAN) √ √ √
60 Convened ADAC √ √ √
61 Logistical support to local PNP office √ √ √
62 Barangay peacekeeping action teams organized and trained √ √ √
[Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “Establishing community-oriented policing mechanism”]
63 Drug-free city/municipality or increase in drug-cleared barangays √
64 Designated firecracker zones √

Area 8: Environmental Management

65 Convened local solid waste management board √ √ √
[Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “Compliance with minimum standards of RA 9003, Ecological Solid Waste Management
66 No operating open and/or controlled dumpsite √
[Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “Compliance with minimum standards of RA 9003, Ecological Solid Waste Management
67 Approved 10-year solid waste management plan √
68 Materials recovery facility √ √ √
[Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “Compliance with minimum standards of RA 9003, Ecological Solid Waste Management
69 Access to sanitary landfill or alternative technology √ √ √

SGLG List of Performance Parameters Page 3 of 4

Department of the Interior and Local Government
Bureau of Local Government Supervision
Interim Secretariat of the Council of Good Local Governance (CGLG)

Indicator 2019 RA 11292 IRR of RA

SGLG 11292
[Not explicitly stated In the law and IRR, but may fall under “Compliance with minimum standards of RA 9003, Ecological Solid Waste Management
70 Advancing local policy and programs of action on Environmental Impact Assessment √ √
71 Promoting social awareness and social responsibility programs √ √
72 Managing and maintaining ecological balance √ √
73 Compliance with minimum standards of RA 9003, Ecological Solid Waste Management Act *applicable √ √
74 Policies, programs, systems, structures and/or local legislation supporting and promoting environmental √ √
protection in all levels of human transaction
Area 9: Tourism, Heritage Development, Culture and Arts
75 Permanent local tourism officer √ √ √
76 Tourist information and assistance center or desks √ √ √
77 Tracking system of tourism data (at the minimum: tourist arrivals and tourism enterprises) √
78 Council for the promotion of culture and the arts √ √ √
79 Implementing budget appropriated for the conservation and preservation of cultural property √ √ √
80 Cultural property inventory √ √ √
81 Published narrative of history and culture √

Area 10: Youth Development

82 Adopting local youth development program √ √
83 Local youth development council √ √
84 Youth development office and officer √ √
85 Instituting policies, programs and systems supporting and promoting role of youth in local governance √ √


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