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Nice T.



My name is Nice T. Bation and I was born on August 2, 2002 in Mati

City Davao Oriental. My parents were Rodrigo Bation and Jennifer Bation, they both work
on a same restaurant my father is a chief cook and my mom is a service crew. I also have two
brothers and two sisters. I attended Special Education School when I was in kindergarten and
elementary days. I joined some clubs like “school police” wherein I started to appreciate and
learn the importance of volunteerism. In my junior to senior high school I studied in a public
place, on my high school journey I continue to engaged myself in some organizations/ school
clubs in relation with public service like being a part of Philippine Red Cross Davao Oriental
chapter up until now that I am a college student. I love to engage myself in public service it’s
because of my passion to serve and to be a volunteer as always. And I grow in a family where
my parents taught us to help, to be kind especially to those people who is in need, they taught
us to be responsible to all actions we take and also to be devoted to our heavenly father. But I
didn’t join some sports club because I’m not sporty. I finished my high school days in a
public school and I graduated as one of with honors of our batch. When it comes to my
physical appearance I can describe myself as a girl who is chubby since when I was a kid, got
a 5’2 height, have a dimple and also have a well-shaped eye brows, got small eyes and a
blonde hair.

There are things I like and I do not like. I like to have fun with my
closest and trusted friends; I love to read books watch k dramas and idolize many Korean
artist and groups, I am a fan of music from local to international artist, and I love to compose
wherein I can express my feelings through writing. I am friendly, a happy go lucky person,
and sometimes funny. The things that I do not like are drawings or something related to art
because even I tried but I still I do not know how to do it. However, I appreciate art works
because it is a masterpiece from the great artist. while when it comes to my personality I’m a
type of person who is strong outside but soft inside, I’m sociable, moody sometimes and also
a fighter I always fight for my rights and also for the other rights.
Throughout our journey in life, we can say that our life is not perfect, we encountered many
problems but we should aspect the fact that facing problems is natural to us. Maybe it can
make us weak and think negative but there is a light will show up for us to fight our battles in
life. Challenges that will test how strong we are especially in facing and solving problems.
Hardships may come but soon it will replace by victory that we all deserve after fighting our
own battles in life. I have encountered many lows/ cast downs in life, from personal, school
and family problems. but my personal and school problems really affects me most
emotionally physically and mentally. Even they see me as a strong woman but I cannot hide
the pain that I feel inside. First is my personal problem that really affects my physical and
mental aspect, since I was a kid I was really a big girl, I am overweight elementary to senior
high school grad 11 to be exact, I received bullying and discrimination, body shaming by my
schoolmates, one of my teacher, even my friends. Hearing disappointments makes me feel
ashamed of myself. I can say this instances that happen in my life affects me most I feel
ashamed, I don’t have confidence even going to school because I am afraid and I can’t take it
anymore, I’m tired hearing their judgements to me words can kill us. Second is my School
problems; pressure, expectation and disappointments. When I was in elementary I used to
have a low grades because I know I didn’t excel even in extracurricular. Up until in my high
school days specifically in grade 7 I almost failed that school year. But when I go to higher
grades I didn’t really expect that I can excel in academic aspect but not really, like not before
that I’m afraid of oral recitation but in my higher level in high school I got competitive
maybe because I discover something new in myself. In my grade 11 days to be exact, I
experience severe depression that even me I do not know and understand myself anymore.
Depression is not a joke I feel numb but there’s something inside me that drowning me, I
want to be alone, I didn’t at anything and my parents is really worried about me but they
decided to let me feel relief and alone because that is what I want on that time. Pressure,
expectations and disappointments is the reason why I am being like that. Pressure in a sense
that many people expect me to be like that but when I cannot make it they will be
disappointed and insult me not parents who says that but other people who always watch me
and give their standards and expectations. On that time, I decided to end my life holding a
rope, many tablets on my hands because on my mind I want to die to end this chaos and
sadness that I feel. However, thanks to God by guiding me and give me hope and strength to
overcome my downfall days in my life.
I think my highest moment in my life is to overcome all the challenges that
God had given me. Knowing that it is hard to overcome it and our enemy on that time is our
own self but I survive and I am happy that I made the guide and presence of our
heavenly father that he really listens on my problems he really listens and give me the joy
that was gone in my lowest part. Continue praising God and we all achieve all the joy and
ease our worries every time. In addition, when I started to love myself I appreciate and love
my body figure, make some changes that also improve me and make me grow as matured
person right now. All the happy moments that I have experienced is my highest victory that I
achieved day by day.

Problems will always present in our lives even though it affects us but
also these problems are giving us life lessons to make us strong and our self will be
progressive. Life is beautiful it is a masterpiece. Those who accept and succeed in taking up
those challenges are those who knows the essence of life, and live life its true sense. We
should enjoy our life but also prepare our self to bear the pinches of pain.

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