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1. Definition
The Japanese tea ceremony is a Japanese tradition steeped in history.
It is a ceremonial way of preparing and drinking green tea typically in
a traditional tearoom with tatami floor
2. Purpose
Beyond just serving and receiving tea, one of the main purposes of the
tea ceremony is for the guests to enjoy the hospitality of the host in an
atmosphere distinct from the fast pace of everyday life
3. Procedure
A full, formal tea ceremony is a multi-hour event that starts with a
kaiseki course meal, is followed by a bowl of thick tea and ends with a
bowl of thin tea.
a. Dresscode
- Avoid gaudy fashion that distracts from the tea experience. Wear
modest clothes
- Remove jewelry that may damage the tea equipment and avoid
strong perfumes.
b. Garden
- The garden is deliberately kept tranquil and simple to encourage a
calm spirit.
- Flowers with gaudy colors or deep scents are avoided as they are a
- Stones of varying shapes and sizes make up the path that leads to the
- A stone lantern is placed close to a stone basin near the entrance
where visitors wash their hands before entering the tearoom.
c. Tearoom
- The entrance for guests is sometimes kept low so that entering guests
have to bend over, symbolizing humility
- Guests ideally sit in a seiza position on the tatami floor. Guests
ideally sit in a seiza position on the tatami floor.
d. Preparing
- The host typically prepares the tea in front of the guests
- The main equipment includes the tea whisk (chasen), tea container
for the powdered green tea (natsume), tea scoop (chashaku), tea bowl,
sweets container or plate, and the kettle and brazie
e. Enjoying
- A Japanese sweet is served before tea and is supposed to be eaten
before the tea is drunk.
- The tea bowl is placed onto the tatami mat in front of you, with its
front facing you. Pick it up with your right hand and place it on your
left palm. With your right hand, turn it clockwise by around 90
degrees so that its front is not facing you anymore. Drink the tea in a
few sips and place it back onto the tatami. Bow and express gratitude
after receiving and finishing your tea.

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