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TEMA 53: La novela, el cuento y la poesía en Estados Unidos: H. Melville, E.A.

Poe y W. Whitman.

TOPIC 53: The novel, the short story and poetry in the United States: H. Melville,
E.A. Poe y W. Whitman.


1. Introduction

1. Educational Context

2. Historical Context

3. Literary Context

4. H. Melville

4.1 Biography

4.2 Works

5. E.A. Poe

5.1 Biography

5.2 Works

6. W. Whitman

7. Conclusion

8. Bibliographical references

8.1 Legal references

8.2 Web resources

8.3 Books

1. Introduction

1. Educational Context

Nowadays, there are many different literary resources that can be used in order to teach
grammar, cultural context of a period, phonology or just simply to work on listening. This can be
done by means of guided readers, short stories of a literary piece or by the actual work itself.

Nonetheless, it should be both that as LOE 2/2006 says, and which is amended by 8/2013, key
competences must be inserted or used in our educational system. That is why, by means of
using literature in our classes, we can guide our students towards cultural learning as well as to
the development of key competences (especially number 7).

Therefore, it must be compulsory or it should be compulsory to use some literary masterpieces

throughout our classes in order to open the eyes of our students to cultural and to what is
happening around them.

2. Historical Context

The period set for this topic is the second part of the 19 th century in the United States. This
period characterizes itself by what is known as the Jacksonian Democracy. It was a time where
democracy was starting to settle itself inside the country. Before the Civil War (1861-1865),
there were many fights going on in the country. Many women were fighting to obtain their rights,
others were fighting against slavery, and suffrage was a big issue that concerned many at the

Also, the population of the country was rising ferociously, and thus, all these fights and issues
became a problem as a whole for the country. It is in 1861 that the civil war broke out due to all
these issues. Finally, the North won over the south, and slavery was abolished and women
finally started to get the rights they had been looking for so long.

Being immersed in a war was not an easy topic for the United States, since they had to use all
the industrial production and economy for this, thus, leaving the country in a shortage of
everything. Nonetheless, once the war ended, the country managed to stabilize itself and to
have economic growth and development once again.

3. Historical Context

Before the 1850´s, the literary works produced in the United Stated were not considered to be
as fruitful or useful by many. It was not until writers such as Poe, Melville, Whitman, Emerson,
Hawthorne, started to change the style and conception of this literature.

This era was also known as the ear of American Literature and Romantic Individualism,
because the writers searched for different topics to present. But also a new movement
promoted by New England intellectuals aroused. It was Transcendentation which came from
Romanticism. This movement looked for inspiration, individualism and it provided a fight against
the Enlightenment (another movement at the time) and against Science, which was not seen
with good eyes at the time.

Finally, it is important to mention that thanks to these writers, many of the literature that we
know nowadays is the way it is. Thanks to their ideals, structures and views on certain topics.

4. Herman Melville (1819-1891)

4.1 Biography

Born in New York, son of an importer, he was quite an unrecognized writer at the time. At first
he worked at a bank, then moved on to teaching, but it would not be until 1827 when he found
his true passion. It was at the age of 18 that he became a ship boy, and embarked himself on a
ship that took him to Liverpool. It is during this time that he learned many adventures and stories
that he would later use in his works. Before this, though, as it is mentioned in, he moved to Albany, New York, at the age of 11, just a year before his
father died.

After the trip to Liverpool, he came back home for a short period, but he would go again on
another journey shortly after. Once he had returned home from this short voyage, he decided to
make a living out of writing as he thought that his stories would be of interest for everyone.
Soon, once he had written The Confidence Man (1857), Israel Potter (1855) he realized that this
would not be the case.

4.2 Works

Basically, the idea of the sea is present in most of Melville´s work as he had spent a big part of
his life on board of ships. He started by writing Omoo (1847) and Taipi (1846)
( These two sequels talk about civilized people coming into a uncivilized
group of people and trying to teach them morals and ideals of the time. In the end of the main
characters had to escape from the tribe as they did not manage to convince the people. In these
two works, Melville satirizes missionaries of the time, because this is what most of them did, by
trying to impose their own ideas on tribesmen. The third work he wrote was Mardi (1858)
( In this book, we find the book as a metaphor of the idea of trying to make a living
(which is Melville´s main them). The book is considered by many to be the predecessor of
Melville´s big and most rewarded work Moby Dick (1861).

Nonetheless, between writing Mardi and Moby Dick, Melville also wrote other works which did
not have to do much with the sea. The White Jacket (1850) and Redburn (1849). Taking a look
at Moby Dick, there are many important themes to bear in mind such as man versus fate (as all
people in the story die) o good versus evil (who is goo the whale? Or captain Ahab?) Basically,
the story deals with three will: predestination, sin and death. Causes that lead many to an early

The seventh book that Melville wrote was Pierre (1852). In this book, Melville once again tries to
get away from the sea, and look into the conscious of people. He is the narrator of the story and
the basic themes are suicide and incest. This work is not found in The Norton Anthology of
English as it is the case of Moby Dick.

Finally, in 1891 Melville died and was not considered to be an important writer of the time. But
before he died he wrote Billy Budd (1924), but it would not be published until 1924. It was then,
100 years after his birth that he started to get recognition from the literary industry.

5. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

5.1 Biography

E.A. Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1809. At the early age of 2 became an orphan
and was taken by a wealthy family. Nonetheless, Poe was never adopted by the family, as he
became the word of them. Later onwards he was sent to university only to withdraw from it one
year later. He was called to do military service and afterwards spend some time at West Point
(the military Academy of the United States which is located in Virginia).

Once he withdrew from the military forces, he was hired by a local newspaper, where he
became a critic of literary pieces. Nonetheless, this job would not last him long as his temper,
poverty and character were not suitable for the position. It was then he decided to become a
writer. Before, while he was still a member of his adoptive family (he broke away from them after
withdrawing from University) he wrote several short stories which obtained some prices, but
they were not the highlight of his career.

Overall, criticized by many in the United States, it is the French that acknowledge his work, and
those who follow French tradition as it is the case of T.S. Elliot.

5.2 Works

As it was stated earlier, he wrote some short stories while he was a member of his adoptive
family, but it was at the age of 20 where his literary traits could be seen with Al-Aaraaf (1829)
and a sonnet to Science (1829). In the first work, Poe deals with the imperfections of the world
and in the second one he criticizes the science of the time ( These were the first
poems that he produced, but poetry, which was a refuge for Poe, would not be the type of
writing he would use for this masterpiece The Raven (1845).

In the Raven the reader can see a dark atmosphere which is created by the death of a woman.
This book makes clear reference to the death of his writer Virginia Clemm, who died from
Tuberculosis. It is this tragic event which sets many of his works.

Poe wrote short stories just about anything. It must be taken into account that he was also
obsessed with psychological matters, as it can be seen in works such as The Black cat or the
Cask of Amontillado. Also, he deals with the topic of Love in Ligeia, murder in the fall of the
house of Usher and some detective stories as it is the case of the Purloined letter.

He was able to write just about anything, but his temper is what many detested from him, and
that is why he was considered to be dark, insane, and psychotic by many.

Although, as it can be seen, his popularity was not paramount, we should give Poe a lot of credit
for his poetry, creation of current detective analysis and for his psychological examination of
characters. It is in these works that he wrote that many literary works look at today.

6. Walt Whitman (1809-1893)

Born in New York, he was the son of a carpenter. He attended all his life to public schools and
afterwards became a nurse in Washington D.C. during the Civil War (Kaplan, J). Once the war
was over, he went back home and started working as a journalist while at the same time he
would help his father to build houses.

It is 1855, where he decided to publish his first set of poems under the title Leaves of Grass. In
the collection of literary works, the reader can find Song to Myself at the beginning. This poem is
considered by many to have been Whitman´s best work as it is not a biographical poem, but a
poem that deals with the self as being a hero.

From many of his works it can be gathered that Whitman was more positive than Poe and
Melville. He would talk about the positive aspects of the earth, the sky, about goodness, and
badness. All this was done by means of his change of his style as far as poetry was concerned.
He did not follow regular patterns in his verses and he would write long stanzas which shocked
readers of the time. Apart from being more positive than other writers, he talked about ideals of
the time and ot facts as others did. This made him gain lots of attention from many, who started
to follow him because of this as well.

His collection, Leaves of Grass, had nine more editions, the last one being in 1922. It is this
version´s Song to Myself that are found in the Norton Anthology. It is in this version that we find,
a coda to Whitman´s life, of how he lived and what he did. It is because of his work in the field of
poetry, that Whitman´s importance is still relevant nowadays.

7. Conclusion

At it can be seen, by reading literary works or masterpieces, however you want to call it, we get
to our students and to how them the importance that reading has in our everyday life.

In the case of the authors previously mentioned, their importance in literary as we know it today
is paramount. They opened the eyes of many and established guidelines for XXth Century
Writing. Nowadays, their works are still cherished by many, and to those whose eyes are still
shut, as it is the case of children, alternative methods have been proposed in order to show
them the importance they had on out literature. For instance, there are guided readers or
cartoons (such as the Simpsons) who promote the importance of these works. Thus, they
should not be forgotten.

On the other hand, as far as education is concerned, apart from the Law and orders mentioned
previously, we should also take into consideration the Order 8 th June 2012, which fosters the
creation of Learning Communities and Instructions 23 rd January 2015, which ensure that we
promote the use of key competence among our students.

Therefore, reading is an important vehicle to ensure that our students are competential in all
aspects, and books should not be forgotten in our classrooms, as they are quite enriching and

8. Bibliographical References

8.1 Legal References

 Organic Law of Education 2/2006

 Royal Decree 126/2014- Art 2.2 about competences
 Organic Law LOMCE 8/2013
 Order 8th June 2012 (Creation of Learning Communities)
 Instructions 23rd January 2015 (ensuring key competences)

8.2 Web resources


8.3 Books

 Abrams et Al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Norton & Company, Inc. New
York, 1986
 Miller P, the era of Poe and Melville, Harcourt Brace, New York, 1956
 Kaplan J, Walt Whitman; A life, Simon & Schuster. New York, 1980
 Cunliffe, F: The literature of the United States. Penguin. New York, 1986


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