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notebook February 17, 2022

"The Firing Squad"
by Colin Malcolm McDougall

Questions.notebook February 17, 2022

‐Major‐General Paul Vincent: has to see to the

execution of Canadian soldier

‐ Private Sydney Jones: 22, deserted, present

when fellow deserter‐gansters shot and killed
U.S. military policeman

‐ Brigadier Benny Hatfield: commander of the

base, gives ultimatum to Adam

‐ Captain John Adam: "deserted" and has yet

to be dealt with...must carry out execution of

‐Padre Dixon: symbolic of Adam's moral


Questions.notebook February 17, 2022

#1, 2, 3, and 5 are done solo.  You may work with a 
partner for #4
1. How is the line: "he was ‐ an executioner" ﴾p.80﴿ ironic? ﴾1﴿

2. The execution is to be moved to Rome. Discuss how this is an example

of pride.﴾1﴿

3. The narrator states: "he knew now he would be able to go back there
anytime." ﴾p.84﴿ How is this significant? ﴾1﴿

*5. Personal Write‐up: approximately 1/2 ‐1 page, double‐spaced

If you were Captain Adam, what would you do? Explain your reasoning.

*Taken from Tigers in the Snow

Questions.notebook February 17, 2022

*4. The themes of power, personal

redemption, finality, and irony are
all found in this story.

In chart format, provide and

discuss 2 specific examples for
each of these. You may use either
a direct or indirect quote, include
the page number, and be sure to
mention who is involved. ﴾8﴿

Questions.notebook February 17, 2022

Examples with 
Themes explanations Who
1. Power
2. Power
1. Personal Redemption
2. Personal Redemption
1. Finality
2. Finality
1. Irony
2. Irony

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