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Published by New Medical Insights

Today, we are meeting with a doctor who specializes in the
treatment of the mind and its interactions with memories.
We asked him some questions to gain a better understanding
of how important his work is in today’s society.
By Cindy Allison

Could you introduce yourself, Is there any possibility that your

please? current work will lead to important
Of course. My name is Theo Hoo- advances in science? Personally, I am a great art lover. I
rn, I am 46 years old and I have a I believe so. For years we have often visit museums and galleries,
master’s degree in behavioral neu- observed electrical activities in the I have a particular interest in Van
rology and psychology, with a spe- neural circuit, mostly in response Gogh’s work: Bedroom in Arles. I
cialization in memory restoration. I to a basic stimulus. These findings also love the great outdoors and
began working at The White Door are now rudimentary, nothing new. I have an outstanding knowledge
when I was quite young. I started What I am working on now, how- of flora and fauna. I often take my
as an assistant but hours of study ever, is much more important and American Staffordshire Terrier out
and self-improvement have brought advanced than that. I am talking for long strolls through the park.
me to where I am now. about the transmission of graphi-
cal responses linked to the visual Such a versatile man.
Could you tell our readers a bit cortex from a past stimulus. We Yes, if your readers are interested
more about The White Door? have done some outstanding work in my personal life, they could also
The facility is a private center in already, but there is still a lot of visit my website where I share my
which patients are treated for men- additional research to be done. personal observations and photog-
tal illnesses that particularly impact raphy. 
the mind and neurological behav- I am sure you have a wonderful I always try to keep track of the
ior. The facility was founded a long career ahead of you. Who are your newest developments in technol-
time ago. Some people say that it is sources of inspiration? ogy and I’m quite intrigued by the
a place to reflect on your past life Firstly, I should mention my super- internet and all the possibilities
and heal your mind. visor at The White Door, he has this new medium has to offer. At
been such an inspiration over the The White Door we have always
Could you tell us about your activi- years. While he is already at a cer- been frontrunners in this area. Did
ties at the facility? tain age, he is still the brightest of you know we had a rudimentary
With the support of the nurses and us all. He motivated me to always in-house email system back in the
psychiatrists, I work with people of fully focus on the patients’ individ- seventies?
all ages. I use assessment-oriented ual needs. So interesting.
clinical psychology to determine a
profile and the best plan of action Also, the rest of my team has been One last question, Dr. Hoorn,
to work with the client’s illness- a great inspiration. We work closely are you single?
es rather than against it. A lot of together and everyone at the Hahaha. Apologies to your female
my time has been spent pushing facility has their own strengths. I readers but I have been married to
forward neuroimaging methods and couldn’t have achieved what I have my lovely wife for a long time. We
brain mapping techniques with both without them. have a little girl now, her name is
healthy and unhealthy patients. Plus, Kirsten.
there is a lot of observation and Any inspirations on a more
research involved in my daily tasks. personal level? Thank you, Dr. Hoorn.


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