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10 – Gentleness

Name: ______________________________ Date: ___/___/___ Score: __________

Grade & Section:________________ Teacher: _____________ P.S.: ___________

General Instructions: Do as indicated in each section of the test. Read carefully and thoroughly.

A. For numbers 1-8, read the questions carefully and write the letter of your answer.

1. Which type of claim states time, date, and place of a certain statement?

a. Claim of Fact
b. Claim of Value
c. Claim of Policy
d. None of the choices.

2. Which type of claim defines good and bad to certain individual?

a. Claim of Fact
b. Claim of Value
c. Claim of Policy
d. None of the choices.

3. Which type of claim seeks to provide solution to a problem?

a. Claim of Fact
b. Claim of Value
c. Claim of Policy
d. None of the choices.

For numbers 4-8, read the passages and identify the type of claims it suggest. Choose one
letter that corresponds to your answer.

4. Global warming is a human-caused phenomenon. Women are as effective as men in combat.

The 1950s were a time of racial and gender harmony in the United States.

a. Claim of Fact
b. Claim of Value
c. Claim of Policy
d. The claim is not specified in the essay.

5. Euthanasia is an affront to God. The dancing that occurs in high schools leads to immoral
behavior. Democracies are the only legitimate form of government.

a. Claim of Fact
b. Claim of Value
c. Claim of Policy
d. The claim is not specified in the essay.

6. Caroline Bird argues that many students go to college simply because it is the "thing to do." For
those students, Bird claims, college is not a good idea.

a. Claim of Fact
b. Claim of Value
c. Claim of Policy
d. The claim is not specified in the essay.

7. (An excerpt from When Society Becomes an Addict) Psychotherapist Anne argues that our
society has become an "Addictive System" that has many characteristics in common with
alcoholism and other addictions. Advertising becomes addictive, causing us to behave
dishonestly; the social pressure to be "nice" can become addictive, causing us to lie to ourselves.
Anne argues that the solution for our social addictions begins when we face the reality of our

a. Claim of Fact
b. Claim of Value
c. Claim of Policy
d. The claim is not specified in the essay.

8. Research indicates that all college students, including juniors and seniors, undergo
stress. This is the result of high academic expectations.
a. Claim of Fact
b. Claim of Value
c. Claim of Policy
d. The claim is not specified in the essay.

B. Technical and Operational Definition. Read the questions carefully and write the letter of
your answer.

9. Why are technical definitions useful in writing?

a. To attract more readers.
b. To improve readers’ comprehension.
c. To improve the overall appearance of the essay.
d. To make the document more formal.

10. Which is the best definition of a parenthetical definition?

a. Synonym or short phrase of a word
b. More extensive; able to quickly explain a term
c. A term being defined
d. More formal word

11. What punctuation mark is used to state a parenthetical definition?

a. Comma
b. Period
c. Open-close quotation
d. Open-close parenthesis
12. What is the term defined in the statement, “A trot is the horse came around the corner, it broke
into a jog.”?
a. Trot
b. Jog
c. Horse
d. Horseback

13. What is the parenthetical definition in the statement, “The viscosity (thickness) of the syrup made
it difficult to pour.”?
a. Viscosity
b. Syrup
c. Thickness
d. Pour

14. What is the parenthetical definition in the statement, “Once he dropped his dikes (wire cutters) he
had no way to complete the job.”? 
a. Dikes
b. Job
c. Wire cutters
d. A cutting tool

15. Where do you usually find parenthetical definition?

a. At the beginning of the sentence
b. At the end of the sentence
c. After the word being defined 
d. Before the word being defined

16. Which of the sentences has the correct punctuation of a parenthetical definition?
a. Rock music or rock-n-roll (began) in America.
b. Rock music or rock-n-roll “began” in America.
c. Rock music or “rock-n-roll” began in America.
d. Rock music (rock-n-roll) began in America.

17. What is the most important criterion of an argumentative speech?

a. It must be persuasive
b. It must be long.
c. It must unique.
d. It must be appealing.

18. What is an important factor to consider when you write an argumentative

a. Appeal
b. Clarity
c. Brevity
d. Credibility

19. Being an editor of a news magazine, they have invited you to write an
argumentative essay about society and culture to make the world understand
how these two factors allow conflicts to be resolved.
Which of the following best expresses the main idea of your argumentative
a. Society has influenced people’s perspective in dealing with
b. Conflicts are societal and cultural.
c. Society and culture are important factors in solving conflicts.
d. Conflicts are better solved when society and culture are considered.

20. The writer of the best argumentative essay will be given an opportunity to deliver
his or her speech in Ted Talks.
Which of the following should you do if given the chance to deliver your
argumentative speech in Ted Talks?
a. Deliver the only important parts with conviction.
b. Memorize the whole argumentative essay and deliver with
c. Creatively deliver the argumentative essay to catch attention.
d. Present video materials instead of you talking.

21. How will you catch the attention of your listeners?

a. Make your voice loud.
b. Use appropriate stance and behavior.
c. Use many gestures.
d. Vary your volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture,
and speech rate.

22. Which of the following can help make your speech very persuasive?
a. You speak with confidence.
b. You speak with conviction.
c. You speak calmly.
d. You speak enthusiastically.

For nos. 23-30, read each scenario and identify if it has something to do with Ethos,
Pathos, or Logos. Choose your answer carefully.

23. "As a doctor, I am qualified to tell you that this course of treatment will likely generate the
best results. 
a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos
d. None of the above

24. If we don’t move soon, we’re all going to die! Can’t you see how dangerous it would be to
a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos
d. None of the above
25. "The data is perfectly clear: this investment has consistently turned a profit year-over-year,
even in spite of market declines in other areas."
a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos
d. None of the above

26. "I’m not just invested in this community – I love every building, every business, every hard-
working member of this town."
a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos
d. None of the above

27. "The veterinarian says that an Australian shepherd will be the perfect match for our active
a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos
d. None of the above

28. "There’s no price that can be placed on peace of mind. Our advanced security systems will
protect the well-being of your family so that you can sleep soundly at night."
a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos
d. None of the above

29. "It’s a matter of common sense that people deserve to be treated equally. The
Constitution calls it ‘self-evident.’ Why, then, should I have been denied a seat because
of my disability?"
a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos
d. None of the above

30. "If his years as a Marine taught him anything, it’s that caution is the best policy in this
sort of situation."
a. Ethos
b. Pathos
c. Logos
d. None of the above


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