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A Thesis Proposal




Submitted to English Department Faculty of Language and Arts, Universitas Negeri

Medan, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Doing Proposal Seminar



Registration Number 2183321018



TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................................i
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1
A. Background of Study.........................................................................................................1
B. The Problem of The Study.................................................................................................4
C. The Objectives of The Study.............................................................................................5
D. The Scope of The Study....................................................................................................5
E. The Significance of The Study...........................................................................................5
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................7
A. Theoretical Framework.....................................................................................................7
2...............................................................................................Teaching English Speaking
3...........................................................................Strategy, Method, Approach, Technique
4.............................................................................................................Teacher Strategies
B. Relevant Studies..............................................................................................................22
C. Conceptual Framework...................................................................................................25
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METODOLOGY..................................................................26
A. Research Design..............................................................................................................26
B. Data and Sources of the Data..........................................................................................26
2...................................................................................................................Source of Data
C. Instruments of Collecting the Data..................................................................................27
D. Techniques of Collecting the Data..................................................................................27
E. Techniques of Data Analysis...........................................................................................28
1..................................................................................................................Data Reduction
2......................................................................................................................Data Display
3..........................................................................................................Conclusion Drawing

Figure 2.1 The Figure of Conceptual Framework..............................................................25


Appendix A The overview of Observation Checklist...........................................................34

Appendix B The overview of Interview...............................................................................35
Appendix C The overview of Questioner.............................................................................36


A. Background of Study

English is one of important international language that can connect people in the

world including of education aspect. As we know, all of the school make English as

compulsory subject from elementary school to high school. Even at the level of higher

education, all students must test English courses for one or two semesters even though the

disciplines are not related to English. It means that is important of mastering a foreign

language especially English.

In learning English, there are four skills should be mastered by students

including reading, listening, writing, and speaking. There are two types that can divide the

English, reading and listening considered to receptive skills as the learners do not show their

talent in exhibiting these skills without producing anything meanwhile writing and speaking

as productive skills as the learners produce language themself. (Parupalli Sranivas Rao, 2019)

Chastain (2004) defines speaking is a productive skill since it produces ideas,

messages, and suggestions and it needs to be practiced. It means speaking is the process of

verbally exchanging information, ideas, feelings, and opinions to others. Students must listen

to the interlocutor then speak alternately because speaking is not something written but

speaking is spontaneous to show the student's idea orally. Brown (2001) stated that oral

communication competence or speaking skill is a goal of English learning.

Geoffrey Aondolumun Ayua (2017) stated that Teaching refers to all the

processes and activities designed to impart knowledge, skills, and understanding at all levels

of education. Broadly and simply put, it is causing people to learn. So, in the school, a teacher

guides the activity in the class. Speaking is one of important skill because it is needed in daily

life for communication easily. To share these ideas, the skill we must master is to speak.

Moreover, Ur (1996) confirms that speaking is the most important among other language

skills because good speakers are people who know the language well as if all other language

skills are included in speaking skills. For instance, speaking could affect the writing skill

since speaking is required to production which is regarded as the last phase of language

learning process while writing is just reflection of the comprehension that can be accepted

easier (Elvita & Indrasari, 2017).

This research took a little dialogue guess from the informal interview for preliminary data.

Based on the result of the research interviews are as follows:

R: In learning English, do the students have difficulty in

speaking? T: Yes, they feel afraid and not confidence

R: What did you prepare before teaching speaking?

T: I prepare lesson plan and strategies to increase their speaking skill.

Based on informal interview above with English teacher at SMK Negeri 3 Medan

where the study was conducted, the teacher faced the problem that must of students difficult

in discussion and conversation when the speaking class. They are afraid to answer the

question from the teacher. Most of them feel unconfident and don’t have high motivation in

speaking activity. This becomes a challenge for an English teacher to create a pleasant

classroom situation and grab the attention of students as learning progresses. Teachers can

make students more confident and able to speak fluently through given teaching strategies.

The strategies for teaching the English skill should be made appropriate for each skill in order

to attain to expected outcomes (syafriza, 2017). The students need suitable strategy in gaining

the materials from the teacher.


Strategies in speaking can assist students improve their fluency and accuracy in

speaking. Aswan et al (2010) stated that teaching strategy is a teacher’s plan in teaching and

learning process to achieve a purpose which have planed. In other word, teaching strategies

are approaches to teaching students. The teacher have to apply the strategy to balance

between the method which the teacher’s used and the way of the teacher’s used to applyed

the material. Therefore, teachers must be able to liven up the class situation and build

communication relationships with students to make the learning process better.

Each teacher may apply different strategies to improve students speaking skills.

After practicing the strategies, teacher can see how the students’ understanding in learning

language and can benefit from an understanding of what makes learners successful and

unsuccessful, and establish in the classroom a milleu for the realization of successful

strategies (Brown, 2000:131).

During teaching speaking, according to Killian (2015) teacher needed most of

teaching strategies for speaking skill. The strategies are as follows setting clear lesson goals,

showing and telling, questioning, summarizing, plenty of practice, providing students with

feedback, being flexible about how long it takes to learn, getting students working together,

teach strategies not just content, nurture meta-cognition.

According to Brown and Yule (1999) Strategies used by teachers are important to

achieve learning goals, this affects the existence of teaching and learning and students' skills

in speaking are the key to success in learning the language. Students can be said to be

successful if they are able to meet the points in speaking activities.

Characteristic of successful speaking activity was the first, learners talk a lot. It

means students can talk a lot about their ideas without fear. Second, participation is even, it

means students can respond with their interlocutor so that students not only listen but also

give their opinions. Third, Motivation is high, it means students provide motivation to

themselves that they are able to give their opinions or ideas with confidence. Usually, this

happens because students are interested in the topic being discussed so they want to

contribute to the learning process. The fourth, Language is of an acceptable level. It means

students can speak English with sentences that are easy for the interlocutor to understand

(Penny Ur, 1996 : 120).

In this research, teachers have an important role in providing strategies in

teaching speaking in order to get the best results. In the process of learning English the

teacher becomes the main source to provide effective strategies for students. A teacher has an

important role to play in improving a student's speaking skills. It is possible with teachers to

provide appropriate strategies, students get the best results.

Looking from the success of students speaking is, the teacher has an important

role to provide the best teaching strategy. Thus, this research is important to be conducted. It

is because, the main source for providing strategies to students is a teacher. It means that, the

teacher has the responsibility to provide the best teaching strategy and make the students can

speak English. Based on the above descriptive, it is necessary to observe the teachers’

strategies in teaching English. Therefore, researchers are interested in conducting a study

entitled Teachers’ Strategies in Speaking for Ten Grade Students at SMK Negeri 3 Medan.

B. The Problem of The Study

Regarding to the background of the study, the problem statements are formulated into :

1. What are the teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking for ten grade students at SMK

Negeri 3 Medan?

2. How are the teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking for ten grade as SMK Negeri 3


C. The Objectives of The Study

Based on the statement of the problem, the researcher has the objectives of this

research which are described as follows :

1. To find out the Strategies used by English teachers’ in teaching speaking for ten grade

students at SMK Negeri 3 Medan.

2. To describe the English teachers’ applies the strategies’ in teaching speaking for ten grade

students at SMK Negeri 3 Medan.

D. The Scope of The Study

In teaching and learning process, there are some strategies applied by teacher to

make English learning process effectively conducted. This study is limited on the

investigation of the teacher strategy from Killian (2015) for improve student speaking skill at

SMK Negeri 3 Medan grade X.

E. The Significance of The Study

This study focuses on the description of English teachers stretgies’ in teaching

speaking for ten grade at SMK Negeri 3 Medan and the significance of the research can be

theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically, the result of the study can be used input in understanding the teachers’

strategy in teaching speaking.

2. Practically, the research is expect to be a reference for another researcher that want to,


a. Teachers, The result of the study is may help teacher to improve their teaching strategies

on speaking and implementing the various strategies in teaching speaking for ten grade at

SMK Negeri 3 Medan.


b. Student, the result of the study is expect to make students excited and motivate to improve

their speaking skill in the next future learning process at SMK Negeri 3 Medan.

c. Readers, the result is expected to make readers interested in observing the teachers’

strategies in teaching speaking from other points of view.



A. Theoretical Framework

This part that contains the explanations about the term and theories that used in

this study which goal to meet the same understanding with the reader. In conducting a

research, theories are needed to explain several concept that apply in the research concerned.

The terms has to be made clearly to avoid confusion and different perspective to the readers.

These theoretical framework present below.

1. Speaking

Speaking is the most important skill in English language teaching, it is impossible

to shave true mastery of a language without actually speaking. (Michaelle Maxom, 2019). In

the spoken style of English skills, speaking is a useful ability. Speaking as interactive and

requires the ability to cooperate in the management of speaking turns, according to

Thornbury (2005). It means speaking is a skill that needs to be developed and practiced to

pronouncing words.

Speaking is daily routinity to communicate with other people. When we engage

in talks, our purpose may be to learn more about something or to share an opinion in order to

convince someone or clarify information. In some situations, we use speaking or resolving

interactions, according to Jack C. Richard and Willy A. Renandya, (2002:201). The one of

fundamental of communication is speaking. (Richard and Willy A. Renandya (2002). As

stated by thornburry (2005:1) that speaking is a part of daily life that we take it for granted.

Based on definition above, it can summarize that speaking is the capability of

using language and a skill to express opinion, information, feeling to other people in part of



life. As indicated by Brown and Yule (1983) there are three function of speaking:

(1) speaking as interaction, (2) Speaking as transaction, (3) speaking as performance.

a. Speaking as interaction

Speaking as interaction refers to a conversational interaction in life. when people

meet the communication carried out is exchanging greetings, engaging in small talk and

being able to tell new experiences. This can establish a comfort zone with other people.

b. Speaking as transaction

Speaking as transaction refers to focus on meaning or on talking their way

understanding. Richards (2008:26) distinguishes there are two different types of speaking as

transaction. First type involves situations where the participants focus primarily on what is

said, like asking someone for direction. Second type is transaction that focus on obtaining

goods, like ordering food in a restaurant.

c. Speaking as performance

Speaking as performance refers to public talk, like classroom presentation zand

speeches. Based on the theories, it can be concluded that speaking has three function: (1)

speaking as interaction that is more on social interaction, (2) speaking as transaction refers to

people message to be understood by others, (3) speaking as performance that is emphasized

in public or formal situation.

There are some type of language speaking skill. According to Brown (2001),

language teaching is devoted to instruction in mastering English conversation. There are main

categories of the type monologue and dialogue.

a. Monologue

Monologue is the speaker don’t need partner in speaking turn, such as in speeches

and the listener have to process the information without the interruption and the speech will

go on whether or not the listeners comprehends what the speaker means.


Monologue can be divided into two types, namely planned monologue and

unplanned monologue. Planned monologue is the person who speaks use monologue has

prepared a note to help him or her speak fluently. Meanwhile, unplanned monologue is the

person who speak do not use any note. All words spoken emerge from the speaker’s mind

naturally and spontancously.

b. Dialogue

Nunan (2001) said that dialogues is the speaking that involves two or more

speakers. The interruption may happen in the speech when the interlocutor does not

comprehend what the speaker says.

Dialogue involves two or more speaker. The function of dialogue can be divided

in two types, which is interpersonal and transactional. Interpersonal is carried out for the

purpose of conveying specific information. For example, the conversation which is done in a

pair work.

According to Brown (2004:271) in transactional describe six categories of

speaking type. Those six categories, namely imitative, intensive, responsive, Transactional,

Interpersonal, and extensive. Each of them is explained in the following parts.

a. Imitative

This category to practice an intonation on some particular elements of language

form. The important thing here on pronunciation. Usually, the teacher uses drilling because

student will get opportunity to listen and orally repeat some words.

b. Intensive

This part is the students must performance to practicing grammatical aspect of

language. Students doing the task in pairs or group work. Take for the example, student

reading dialogue with partner in front of the class.


c. Responsive

Responsive performance includes interaction but the somewhat limited level of

very short conversation, standard greeting and small talk. this is a kind of short the teacher or

student initiated giving instruction or directions.

d. Transactional

In transactional is carried out of the purpose of exchanging specific information.

Like, the student make a conversation in pair work.

e. Interpersonal

The purpose of this type is maintaining social relationships than for the

transmission of information and fact. The forms of interpersonal speaking performance are

interview, role play, and discussion.

f. Extensive

Student at intermediate to advanced levels are called on to give extended

monologues in the form of oral repost summaries of perhaps short speech.

It is beneficial to understand about the purposes of speaking for themselves.

According to lynch and Anderson and I.S.P Nation Express (2009) there are eight purposes

of studying speaking:

a. To achieve and extend the learner’s linguistic competence.

b. To increase their confidence in using spoken English.

c. To develop their ability to analyze and evaluate spoken performance .

d. To sharpen their strategy competence in face-to-face interaction e. To convey their

message to someone else.

e. The learners can use communication strategies, dictionaries or previous input to make up

for gaps in their productive knowledge.

f. There are plenty of opportunities to produce.


g. The learners talk about things that are largely familiar to them.

Hughe (2003) states that there are five component of speaking, namely :

pronouncation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension.

a. Pronunciation

Pronunciation is when the student can produce clearer language in speaking. It

means that the student do communicate effectively with good pronunciation and intonation

even though they have limited grammar and vocabulary. In other word, pronunciation is the

way for the students to produce the utterance word clearly when they are speaking (Kline,

2001:69). According to Gilbert (2008:1) Learning and practicing the specifically English way

of making a speaker’s thoughts easy to follow.

Moreover, pronunciation includes all aspects of speech which make for an easily

intelligible flow of speech, including segmental articulation, rhythm, intonation, phrasing,

and more peripherally even gesture, body language and eye contact (Fraser, 2001:6)

b. Grammar

Grammar is needed for the student to arrange correct sentence in conversation

both in written and oral forms. Grammar is defined as a systematic way of accounting for and

predicting an ideal speaker’s knowledge of the language. So, by a set of rules or principles

that can be used to generate all at well grammatical in the language (Purpura, 2004:6). As

indicated by Greenbaum and Nelson (2002:1) grammar refers to the set of rules that allows us

to combine words in our language into larger units.

According to Harmer (2001:12) the grammar of a language is the description of

the ways in which words can change their forms and can be combined into sentences in that

language. From the explanation above, it can be concluded the function of grammar is to

arrange the correct meaning of sentences based on the context, so it is to avoid

misunderstanding in each communicator.


In addition, Nelson (2001:1) states that grammar is the study of how words

combine to form sentences. It can say that, grammar is a rule that is needed for the students to

combine correct sentences in conversation both in written and oral forms. Grammar refers to

the fundamental principles and structure of the language, including clear, correct sentence

construction and the proper forms of word. ( Batko, 2004:24)

c. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is an extensive and we will unable to use the structure and function

for comprehensible communicative to successful second language. The success in

communicative is the power of words. Vocabulary means the appropriate diction or the most

important thing in a language especially in speaking, many vocabulary will be help students

to express the ideas will be easier, feelings and thoughts both in oral or written form.

According to Turk (2003:87) in spoken language, the vocabulary tends to be familiar

everyday. It means that, the vocabulary used must be familiar in conversation in order to

understand the spoken discourse. When the students make a communication, they have to the

meaning, how they are spelt and the pronounced a word. For a teacher, they have to make the

explanation of the meaning of word as well as the spelling and pronunciation. In other word,

the fact that words come in at least two form namely oral and written.

Oral vocabulary is the set of word for know the meaning when we speak

meanwhile written vocabulary consist of those word which the meaning is known when we

write or read silently. As the student learn to read, written vocabulary comes to play an

increasingly larger role in literacy than does the oral vocabulary ( Hiebert and Kamil,

2005:3). Moreover, vocabulary us a set of lexemes including a single words, compound

words and idioms (Richard and Schmidt, 2002:580).


d. Fluency

Fluency aims is to help students speak fluently and with ease. It is as ability to

speak communicatively, fluently and accurately. Usually, fluency to express oral language

freely without interruption. As stated by Pollard (2008:16) the teacher does not correct

immediately whereas the idea being that too much correction interferes with the flow of


e. Comprehension

According to Cohen (2005:51) comprehension refers to the fact that participants

fully understand the nature of the research project, even when procedures are complicated

and entail risks. Comprehension is an ability to process stretches of discourse to formulate

representations of the meaning of sentences. Therefor, in speaking the comprehension refers

to the speakers understanding about what they are saying to the listener in order to avoid

misunderstanding information. It means the function is for to make the listener easily catch

the information from the speaker.

2. Teaching English Speaking

According to Harmer (2004:49) English as foreign language is generally taken to

apply the students who are studying general English at the school and institution in their own

country as transitory visitor in a target language country. It means that students learn English

to practice it every time in their activity in the school or home.

Talk about English as a foreign language, students must have the knowledge of

English which can be used in their communication. Today, to continuing study or getting a

job we need English skill to compete this global era. As Brown (1994:7) teaching is showing

help the student to learn how to do something, giving instructions in the study of something,

providing with language, and causing to understanding. It can say that, teacher should be

creative to manage the classroom with use interesting strategies. In teaching English

especially speaking teacher should prepare the concept as well as possible and demanded to

create fun learning.

Teaching speaking is one of the important things in the teaching and learning

process. According to Hughes (2003) the objectives of teaching speaking is the development

of the ability to interact successfully in that language and that involves comprehension as

well as production. The goal of teaching speaking is improve students communicative skills

because students should express themselves and learn how to follow the social and cultural

rules in each communicative circumstance.

Beside that, Brown (271-272) states in teaching oral communication teacher need

to show the details of how to covey and negotiate the ever elusive meaning of language. The

most important thing for the teaching speaking is to develop oral fluency that is the ability to

express oneself intelligibly, reasonably, accurately and without andue hesitation ( Ur,

2000:56). Beside that explanation, teaching speaking is the way for students to express their

emotions, communicative needs, interaction with other persons in any situation. In teaching

speaking skill it is necessary to have clear understanding involved in speech and also

encourage the potential of the learners to develop their speaking skill naturally. Overall,

teaching speaking skill emphasizes on the active and creative.

Brown (1994:268-270) considers seven principles for teaching speaking; focus on

both fluency and accuracy, provide intrinsically motivating techniques, provide appropriate

feedback and correction, capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening, give

students opportunities to initiate oral communication, encourage the development of speaking

strategies, and encourage the use of authentic language.

According to Nunan (2003) the means of teaching speaking is to teach students

to: (1) produce the English speech sounds and sound pattern, (2) use word and sentence

stress, intonation patterns and the rhythm of the second language, (3) select appropriate

words and sentences according to the proper social setting, audience, situation and subject

matter, (4) organize their thought in a meaningful and logical sequence, (5) use language as a

means of expressing value and logical sequence, (6) use language as a means of expressing

values and judgments, (7) use the language quickly and confidently with few unnatural

pauses, which is called as fluency.

In teaching speaking teacher need to know the roles. According to Bryne (1997:2)

there are three specific roles at different stages, namely:

a. Presentation stage

In this stage the teacher will introduce something new to learn. In this case, the

teacher as informants.

b. Practice stage

In this stage teacher as conductor to allow the students work under their direction.

c. Production stage

In this stage teacher give the student chance work on their own.

Based on the explanation above it can be conclude that teacher have three

different role in teaching and learning process. They are presentation stage, practice stage and

also production stage. In presentation stage, teacher will give the knowledge about the

material. In practice stage, teacher will control and give the direction in their work. In

production stage, teacher give the students assignment to do by their self.

3. Strategy, Method, Approach, Technique

As Hardy, Langlay and Rose said that before strategy is a plan for achieving

goals. It can say that teaching strategy consists of methods and techniques (procedures) that

will ensure that students will actually achieve their goals. Strategy is broader than teaching

methods and techniques.

According to Jamaludin and Abdullah Aly (1999:144) the method is a path that

must be followed to achieve a goal. Method are also distinguished by technique. The method

is procedural, while the technique is implementative. The implementation of what actually

happens that the teacher does to achieve the goal in teaching and learning process.

Meanwhile, the approach is the strategy used by student to support the

effectiveness and efficiency of certain the material in the learning (Ramayulis, 2005:127). It

can said that a set of operational steps that are engineered in such a way to solve problem. As

a result, the approach may be regarded as a philosophical understanding of the subject matter

that must be taught, which gives to teaching method and it is implementation describes in the

form of learning presentation techniques.

Furthermore, technique is a method of strategy used by teachers to achieve

maximum results during teaching in certain parts of the lesson ( Sudjana, 2005:13). Use

method on student depends on the condition provide different technique. Ramayulis (2005:6)

explain that the application of the problem solving method in a class where the number of

student is small requires a separate technique, in contrast to the application of the problem-

solving method with a large number of student.

The differences between strategies, method, approach and technique is that the

method is used to realized predetermined. The application of a single teaching and learning

strategy makes it possible to apply several teaching methods. Based on that explanation it can

be concluded a method is a plan for presenting the language material to learned. In order for

an approach is instructional system that must be designed considering the objective of

teaching and learning process. A technique is more specific, concreate stratagem or trick

designed to accomplish an immediate approach. Then, a strategy is a plan of action resulting

intended to accomplish a specific goals (Alessandro De Turin:2014).

4. Teacher Strategies

According to Hardy, Langlay and Rose (2005) Strategy is perceived as a plan or

a set pf explicit intention preceding and controlling action and activities. Strategy is a

method that has the meaning of a n outline of direction to act in an effort to achieve

preterminal goals (Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, 2010). For this reason, strategy is the way of

achieve goal.

Hamruni (2009) states that strategy is defined as a plan, method, or series of

activities designed to achieve certain educational goals. This means in teaching a material, a

teacher must have provisions and it is a strategy for the teacher. So that, a teacher can

achieve a goals.

According to Syaiful Bahri Djamarah (2010) strategy used as a theoretical basis is

a basic in teaching and learning speaking, as follow:

a. Identify and establish specification and qualification for the expected changes personality

and behaviour the students.

b. Choosing a learning approach system based on the outlook of life of the community.

c. Establishing norms and minimum limits can be used as guidelines by the teacher in

evaluating learning outcomes will then be used as feedback to perfect the instructional

system as a shole.

Speaking skill in English is a priority for foreign language learners. Hamalik

(2009) states “teaching and learning strategy is whole of procedures that require by both the

teacher and students in education activity to achieve a certain goal. Eggen and Kauchak

(2012:5) define strategies as approaches to instruction that apply in a variety of content areas

and are used to meet arrange of objectives.


According to Brown (2007:132) strategies quite broadly as procedures that

facilitate a learning task Strategies are most often conscious and goal driven. Another

statement from another research about strategy is Diaz and Rico (2004) state that strategy is a

conscious plan for achieving learning. In the teaching and learning process of speaking,

teacher need strategies to make the learning process work well and make student speak well

and correctly.

This research used Killian (2015) that is explained how to improve student’s

speaking skill needed most teaching strategies in class. Those teaching strategies to fulfil the

student needs during learning speaking skill. These strategies, as follow:

a. Setting Clear Lesson Goals

In teaching and learning process it is important for the teacher to clearly

understand. If teacher cannot quickly and easily state what he wants the students to know

and be able to do at the end of a given lesson, the goal of the lesson will be unclear. Clear

lesson goals help the teacher and student to focus every other aspect of lesson on what

matters most.

In this strategy, the teacher told the goals of the lesson in the beginning of the

teaching learning process. Before starting the lesson teacher told the student to learn more

before explain the material in the classroom.

b. Showing & Telling

Teacher should normally start lessons with show and tell. Put simply, telling

involves sharing information or knowledge with the students while showing involves

modeling how to do something. When teacher has cleared about what he wants students to

know and be able to do by the end of the lesson, a teacher needs to tell them what they need

to know and show how to do the tasks.


In this strategy students will bring something from home and then explain to the

classmate about the object. Student tell important information. Then, the teacher ask the

student to describe and give some related question. After that, the students come forward to

present the object that has been brought and analysed (Shepley, 2010)

c. Questioning to Check for Understanding

According to Nurhadi (2002:45) questioning is the main strategy of contextual

learning, because knowledge start from questioning. Research suggests that teachers typically

spend a large amount of teaching time asking questions. However, few teachers use questions

to check for understanding within a lesson. A teacher should always check for understanding

before moving onto the next part of their lesson.

The teacher started by Introducing the topic of the material at the meeting. After

that teacher ask the student by using the topic. and then the teacher checked the students’

understanding by let other students to ask question to the presenters and also help the students

who could not ask with the correct sentences (Ina Daril Hanna and Arisandi Setiyawan, 2018)

d. Summarizing

Teacher can help the students to summarize what they have learned and to

understand the interrelationships between the aspects of what teachers have taught them.

Discussing a graphical summary is a fantastic way to finish off teacher’s show and tell.

Teacher can then refer to it one more time at the end of the lesson.

The teacher gave enough spaces for students to practice their speaking by using

presentation. She gave a chance to students to practice their speaking ability and

pronunciation. The teacher helped students in correcting the mistakes, for example when the

student could not read the word correctly, the teacher help student to read correctly or

sometime the teacher asked other students to help him.


e. Plenty of Practice
As said by Killian, practice makes perfect. Practice helps students to retain the

knowledge and skills that they have learned while also allowing another opportunity to check

for understanding. If teacher wants to harness the potent power of practice, he must ensure

that students are practicing the right things. Finally, research shows that students do better

when their teacher has them practice the same things over a spaced-out period of time.

In this strategy teacher make a group and gave paces for students to practice their

speaking by using presentation. The teacher gave a chance to students to practice their

speaking ability and pronunciation. The teacher helped students in correcting the mistakes,

for example when the student could not read the word correctly, the teacher help student to

read correctly or sometime the teacher asked other students to help them.

f. Providing Students with Feedback

Good feedback practice can not only provide useful information to the student

improving their learning (Mamoon AL Bashir, 2016). Put simply, giving feedback involves

letting the students know how they have performed on a particular task along with ways that

they can improve. Unlike praise, which focuses on the student rather than the task, feedback

provides students with a tangible understanding of what they did well, of where they are at,

and of how they can improve.

The teacher make a group four student and tell the students to do presentation.

And then the teacher gave feedback after the presentation. It was about language used, power

point, and how to present. She gave comments and told the presenters’ lacks, and also asked

them to revise it.

g. Being Flexible about How Long it Takes to Learn

The idea that given enough time, every student can learn is not as revolutionary

as it sounds. It is also the central premise behind mastery learning, a technique that has the

same effect on student results as socio-economic status and other aspects of home life.

In this strategy teacher gave time to the presenters to practice their speaking and

time to learn about what they discuss about.

h. Getting Students Working Together (in productive ways)

Group work is not new and teachers can see it in every classroom. However,

productive group work is rare. When working in groups, students tend to rely on the person

who seems most willing and able to the task at hand. To increase the productivity of the

groups, teachers need to be selective about the tasks they assign to students and the individual

role that each group member plays.

i. Teach Strategies Not just Content

Teachers can increase how well students do in any subject by explicitly teaching

them how to use relevant strategies. When teaching children to read, teacher needs to teach

them how to attack unknown words, as well as strategies that will deepen their


When teaching and find the problem you need to teach them problem-solving

strategies. And just as with content, you need to tell students about these strategies, to show

how to use them and to give them guided practice before asking them to use them


j. Nurture Meta-Cognition

Many teachers believe they are encouraging students to use meta-cognition when

they are just asking students to use strategies – strategies such as making connections when

reading or self-verbalizing when solving problems. Encouraging students to adopt strategies

is important, but it is not meta-cognition.

Meta-cognition involves thinking about options, choices and results and it has an

even larger effect on student results than teaching strategies. When using meta-cognition the

students may think about what strategies they could use before choosing one, and they may

think about how effective their choice was before continuing with or changing their chosen


From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the strategies are very

important in teaching and learning process. The right strategy can help the students in

achieving the goals in speaking. Teachers must be able to apply the right strategies to help

students in achieving the target language.

B. Relevant Studies

Relevant studies are to evaluate the previous journals and thesis that deal

especially with teachers’ strategy in teaching English speaking include the strengths and


The first journal that written by Devi Widyaningsih, Hasti Robiasih (2018). The

tittle of the journal is “Teacher Strategies In Teaching Speaking Skill for Eleventh Grade

Students At SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta”. The objective of the research are to describe the

strategies used by the English Teacher of the eleventh grade students of SMA BOPKRI 2

Yogyarakarta in teaching speaking and to find out how the English teacher applies the

strategies in teaching speaking. The research is descriptive qualitative. The results indicate

that not all of the strategies in teaching speaking were applied by the English teacher. In XI

IPA 1 and XI IPA 2, the teacher applied six strategies, while in XI Bahasa, the teacher only

applied four strategies in teaching speaking. The teacher applied the strategies to help

students become active during the learning process. The strategies could help the students

become more active in the teaching and learning process, because the implementation of

those strategies was sufficiently executed.

The second journal that written by Nisya Anizar, Batrik Nuyen Saragih and Tria

Wahyuni Feronika Sinaga (2019). The tittle of the research is “Teachers’ Strategies in

Teaching Speaking at SMP Negeri 18 Medan”. The aims of the research to find out what the

strategies the teacher uses in teaching students speaking skill. The background of this writing

is because speaking is one of the skills contained in English that is considered difficult

compared to other skills such as reading, listening and writing. Many people find it difficult

to learn speaking because of several things. To find out the reasons why students find it

difficult to learn speaking and what strategies teachers use in developing speaking skills,

researchers conduct research using observation and interview methods. From the research, it

found that the strategies used in learning speaking were roleplay, drill, listen and repeat.

The third is “teacher’s Strategies In Teaching Speaking To Students At

Secondary Level” by Agung Ginanjar (2013). The aims for that journal is potraying teacher’s

strategies in teaching speaking to students at secondary level and recognizing students’

response towards the strategies by involving an English teacher and class of 22 sudents. That

journal use observation and interview for collecting the data. The result from the journal is

the teacher use role-play, cooperative activities, creative tasks and drilling as the strategies in


Based on thesis is conducted by Ulfania Dwi Handayani (2019) under the tittle

“English Teachers’ Strategy In Teaching Speaking” by using descriptive qualitative research

at students of SMPN 1 Balong. That research observed some strategies used by Englih

Teacher in teaching speaking. The purpose of that research is to find out various strategy to

improve students’ speaking abilities. The research use observation, interview and

documentation was technique of data collection. The result of the research is the main of

strategies most often by English teacher in SMP N 1 Balong to improve students speaking

skills are role play, drilling, outdoor activity and direct strategy. Between one teacher and

another teacher has different application in using various strategies because each teacher

teaches different class, different in class level, students’ ability, and class condition.

In other hand, the second thesis is conducted by Ersa Nor Arodjiah (2020) under

the tittle “The Strategies Used By English Teachers In Teaching Speaking ( A Descriptive

Study at SMP Negeri 23 Surakarta in Academic Year 2020/2021). This research analyse the

strategies used by English teachers in teaching speaking at SMP Negeri 23 Surakarta. The

design of the research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research were

collected by questionnaire and supported with interview. The result of this research showed

that English teachers implement various plans, methods, approaches or a series of activities

designed to achieve educational or teaching goals.


C. Conceptual Framework

Teacher Strategies in Teaching Speaking

Observation Documentation

Figure 2.1 The figure of Conceptual Framework



A. Research Design

Research design means a concept of the research that was created by the

researcher (Suharsimi, 2002). This research tended use descriptive qualitative, it is a research

that has purpose to analyze the real phenomenon, attitude, social activity, perception and

people’s thought individually or in a group (Nana Sayaodih, 2007).

Based on explanation above descriptive qualitative was a research described a

natural phenomenon. In this case the phenomenon is the activities of teaching and learning

English. This research also does not need to give the treatment to the object of the research.

Then, the researcher observes and describes the phenomena as in the fact as clear as possible

without manipulation. It will be conducted to analyze the teachers’ strategies in teaching


B. Data and Sources of the Data

1. Data
The data of the research is teachers’ strategies applied by English teacher in SMK

Negeri 3 Medan

2. Source of Data

The source in qualitative descriptive are word, actions, the rest in the form of

additional such as document ( Moloeng, Lexy J, 2009). Therefore, data source of this study


1. This research use transcripts video recording of teacher and student during teaching and

learning process in the classroom.


2. This research make a interview and documentation to two teachers in grade ten in SMK

Negeri 3 Medan.

C. Instruments of Collecting the Data

1. Observation Checklist

This research use observation checklist as instrument. In the observation phase,

the researcher will observe the teachers’ strategies in teaching speaking in the learning

process. These observation checklist used to be a guide for the researcher to know what are

the strategies that the teachers teach in class.

2. Video Recorder

This research will record the activity in the class during teaching and learning


3. Voice Record

This research will record all information from teachers in grade ten in SMK Negeri

3 Medan by doing interview.

D. Techniques of Collecting the Data

This research collects the data by using questionnaire, interview, and


1. Observation

Observation is one of data collection technique that has specific characteristic when

compared to other technique ( Sugiyono, 2013). Observation will be carried out in teaching and

learning process. This data will see the activities of the teaching process carried out by the

teacher in the classroom starting from the beginning of teaching. So from that, this research

know how teachers apply teaching strategies in each material in learning to speak.

2. Interview

Interviews are utilized as a data collection technique when researchers want to

perform a preliminary study to identify problems that need to be studied, as well as when they

want to learn more from respondents who are more in-depth but have a small number of

respondents. Interviews can be conducted in an structured or unstructured manner, and they can

be conducted in person or over the phone (Sugiyono, 2013:137). This research will interview

two English teacher in SMK Negeri 3 Medan. The teachers will be given questions in the form

of teaching strategies. Each teacher's answer will be associated with its application in the

classroom. This research use a voice record during the interview process.

3. Questionnaire

Questionnaire is some written question used to get the information from

respondent about their personality or anything that she/he knows (Arikunto, 1996:128). This

research use questionnaire to the students gain the data about their response towards the

strategies of teaching speaking that employed by the teacher. It support the data and to

analyze students answer in the depth analyzing in speaking.

4. Documentation

Documentation is a way to obtain data and information in the form of document,

archives and picture form of information that can support the research (Sugiyono, 2015:329).

After interviewing the teachers, the researcher will collect the data by taking some

documentation such as pictures or video to know the grade of the teachers’ strategies in

teaching speaking.

E. Techniques of Data Analysis

According to Miles and Huberman (1994:10) analysis consist of three activities

such as data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing.


1. Data Reduction

According to Miles and Huberman (1994:10) data reduction is the process of

selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting and transforming the data that appear in field

note or transcription. So in this step, this research will summarizing, simplifying, and

explaining the important things about the findings. It is only the data findings relate to this

research problem are reduced in data collection.

2. Data Display

Data display is a process of an organized, compressed assembly of information

that permits conclusion drawing and action (Miles and Huberman, 1994:11). So in this step,

the display of data consist of identification and classification categories in the classroom

when the teacher and student during a learning process.

3. Conclusion Drawing

To draw a conclusion it must see the data. The conclusions do not only occur of

the data collection process but need to be verified so that they are accountable.

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A. Observation Checklist Teacher

This is an overview of the observation checklist that will be carried out in this

Teacher :
Observer :
Class :
Skill :
Topic :
Date observation :

No. Activities Yes No

1. The teacher come to the class.

2. The teacher check the students’ attenden list.
3. The teacher review last topic.
4. The teacher gives an explanation the material until finish.
5. The teacher makes a group of students speaking activity
6. The teacher use English in teaching speaking
The teacher explain the next material

8. The teacher always uses English in teaching speaking.

9. The teacher give a question to checking student for understand.
10. The teachers’ endorse the students to be active in asking and
answering question.
11. The teacher asked the students to speaking with their friends after the
teacher asked them about material.

The teacher use strategies of speaking are :
a. Clear Lesson Goals
b. Questioning to Check for Understanding
c. Plenty of Practice


B. Interview
This is an overview of the interview that will be carried out in this research.

Teacher I :
Class :
Date/Time :

Teacher II :
Class :
Date/Time :

Researcher :

Question Answers
R : According to the mom/ sir if there is difficulty T1 :
teaching in ten grade?
T2 :

R : Do you think that it is important to have teaching T1 :

strategies in teaching speaking?
T2 :

R : What the strategies do you employ when you T1 :

teaching speaking ?
T2 :

R : how do the students respond your strategies when T1 :

you apply it?
T2 :

R : how the conclusion that you get when you appling T1 :

those stretgies?
T2 :

The result of the interview :


C. Questionnaires

Teachers’ Questioner (Pertanyaan untuk guru)

This questionnaire is designed for an investigation into teachers’ strategies in

teaching speaking at SMK Negeri 3 Medan. Your assistance in completing the following

questions is greatly appreciated. Please put a tick () in the box beside the option(s) you choose.

Statement Yes No

As a teacher i make a time for preparation

(Sebagai seorang guru saya menyiapkan waktu persiapan)

I use a strategies to teach speaking

(Saya menggunakan strategi dalam mengajarkan berbicara)

I give every assignment entry in English Lesson

(Saya memberi setiap tugas dalam bahasa Inggris)

I explain the material that are easy to understand

(Saya bahasa Inggris menjelaskan materi yang mudah dipahami)

I invite student to speak in front of class

(Saya mengajak siswa untuk berbicara di depan kelas)

I help students in speaking English

(Saya membantu siswa untuk berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris)

I give students the opportunity to ask if they don’t understand

(Saya memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bertanya jika mereka

tidak mengerti)

Before starting the lesson, I told the student to learn before explain the

material to makesure lesson clear

(Sebelum memulai pelajaran, saya menyuruh siswa untuk belajar terlebih

dahulu sebelum menjelaskan materi untuk memperjelas pelajaran)

I ask the student to describe and give some related question based on the


(Saya meminta siswa untuk menjelaskan dan memberikan beberapa

pertanyaan terkait berdasarkan materi)

I always checked the students understanding by let other student to ask


(Saya selalu mengecek pemahaman siswa dengan membiarkan siswa lain


I give a chance to student to practice speaking by using presentation

(Saya memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berlatih berbicara

dengan menggunakan presentasi)

I gave a chance to practice their pronunciation and correcting the mistakes.

(Saya memberi kesempatan untuk melatih pengucapan mereka dan

mengoreksi kesalahan)

I gave a feedback after the student presentation

(Saya memberikan umpan balik setelah presentasi siswa)

I gave a time to the students to practice speaking

(Saya memberikan waktu kepada presenter untuk berlatih berbicara)

I make a group work in the class

(Saya membuat kerja kelompok di kelas)

I tell the student to find the problem and teach problem-solving to make

them indenpendently.

(Saya memberitahu siswa untuk menemukan masalah dan mengajarkan

pemecahan masalah untuk membuat mereka mandiri.)


Student Questioner (Pertanyaan untuk siswa)

This questionnaire is designed for an investigation into teachers’ strategies in

teaching speaking at SMK Negeri 3 Medan. Your assistance in completing the following

questions is greatly appreciated. Please put a tick () in the box beside the option(s) you choose.

Statement YES NO

English teacher deliver material using English

(Guru Bahasa inggris menyampaikan materi menggunakan Bahasa inggris)

Teachers gives English material interesting

(Guru memberikan materi yang menarik)

Teacher give every assignment in English Lesson

(Guru memberikan tugas dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris)

English teacher explain the material that are easy to understand

(Guru Bahasa Inggris menjelaskan materi yang mudah untuk di pahami)

English teachers invite student to speak in front of class

(Guru Bahasa Inggris menyuruh siswa untuk berbicara di depan kelas)

English teacher help students in speaking English

(Guru Bahasa Inggris membantu siswa untuk berbicara Bahasa Inggris)

Teacher use strategies to help student in learning English

(Guru menggunakan strategi untuk membantu siswa dalam belajar Bahasa


Teacher give students the opportunity to ask if they don’t understand

(Guru memberikan siswa kesempatan untuk bertanya apabila mereka belum


Before starting the lesson, teacher told the student to learn before explain the

material to makesure lesson clear

(Sebelum pembelajaran dimulai, guru menyuruh siswa untuk belajar terlebih


dahulu sebelum menjelaskan materi pembelajaran)

Teacher ask the student to describe and give some related question based on

the material

(Guru meminta siswa untuk menjelaskan dan memberikan beberapa

pertanyaan terkait dengan meteri)

Teacher always checked the students understanding by let other student to

ask question

(Guru selalu mengecek pemahaman siswa dengan memberikan pertanyaan)

Teacher give a chance to student to practice speaking by using presentation

(Guru memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk latihan berbicara

menggunakan presentasi)

Teacher gave a chance to practice their pronunciation and correcting the


(Guru memberikan kesempatan untuk melatih pengucapan dan menoreksi


Teacher gave a feedback after the student presentation

(Guru memberikan masukan setelah siswa presentasi)

Teacher gave a time to the students to practice speaking

(Guru memberikan waktu kepada siswa untuk latihan berbicara)

Teacher make a group work in the class

(Guru membentuk kerja kelompok di dalam kelas)

Teacher tell the student to find the problem and teach problem-solving to

make them indenpendently.

(Guru menyuruh siswa untuk menemukan masalah dan mengajarkan

pemecahan masalah untuk membuat mereka mendiri)

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